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基于克拉克修订的教师归因反应测验及相关研究,比较了中美小学教师对不同特征学生学业失败的归因反应模式.结果表明:中美小学教师都对高能力学生或低努力学生的失败更生气,并给予更高的惩罚.但与中国教师相比,美国小学教师对高努力学生的生气程度较低,对低努力学生的惩罚较高.美国小学教师预期低能力或低努力学生未来学业失败的可能性更高,中国教师却认为当学生不努力时,学生的能力高低对于其未来的学业成绩没有影响.  相似文献   

中小学教师对学生学业失败归因的反应模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用归因反应模式测验,以333名中小学教师为被试,探讨中小学教师对不同类型学生考试失败的归因,所引发的不同生气反应、奖惩以及对学生未来失败可能性的预测。结果发现高能力、低努力、无学习困难三类学生的考试失败会引发中小学教师较强的生气反应、较低的奖励;教师认为高能力学生比低能力学生在未来考试失败的可能性更小。小学教师主要基于学生是否努力,对其考试失败进行归因反应,而中学教师主要基于学生能力高低对其考试失败进行归因反应。  相似文献   

教师对学生的态度很大程度上取决于他们的归因方式,而且对于学生的学业成败有重要影响,是影响教育公平的重要因素,国内外教育学者均对这一现象给予关注。民族地区教师除了面对一般性的归因偏差外,还可能受到学生民族属性的影响。为了解民族地区教师对学生学业失败的归因模式,研究采用归因反应测验,对144位民族地区教师进行了测试,检验了能力、努力和民族属性这三个归因因素。结果发现这三个因素在不同程度上影响了教师对学生的奖惩倾向,愤怒情绪,以及对学生未来成绩的预期。学生是否努力是影响教师对学业失败归因的主要因素,而民族属性仅在对低能力低努力的学生进行愤怒和预期反应时产生影响。研究讨论了产生这些结果的具体原因并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

一、初中生学习困难的表现 1.学习动机的水平偏低 首先,学习困难的初中生其成就动机明显低于成绩优秀的学生,学习困难的初中生往往没有高远的志向,有的连近期的学习目标也没有,得过且过.甚至有的还认为是为了家长和老师才去学习,被动地去完成老师布置的学习任务,学习缺乏自觉性、积极性和主动性。其次。对失败的归因分析不正确。学习困难学生往往将失败归因为自己能力不足,在失败之后显得沮丧、消沉,有的从此一蹶不振。再次,自我效能感较低也足这类群体的普遍表现。自我效能感是指个体在进行某一活动之前。对自己能否胜任该活动进行的判断。成绩优秀的学生由于平时学习较刻苦.掌握了较多的知识,对自己的学习能力和学习行为有较强的自信,而学习困难的学生由于以前经历了过多的挫折和失败.没有建立起足够的自信。对自己的学习能力和学习行为没有很高的期待。  相似文献   

一、教师效能感的涵义及作用 1.教师自我效能感的涵义 自我效能感(self-efficacy)是由美国心理学家班杜拉于1977年提出的一个概念,他认为人们对自己能力的判断在其自主系统中起主要作用,自我效能感就是对自己在特定情境中是否有能力操作行为的预期。教师自我效能感是指教师在教学活动中对其能有效地完成教学工作、实现教学目标,能够对学生的学习产生积极影响的主观判断。它影响着教师在教学中的主动性和积极性,影响着教师对教学工作的关注和投入程度以及在遇到困难时克服困难的坚持程度。  相似文献   

高中时期的数学学习与以往有很大的不同,高中数学更复杂,难度较高,学习的内容相较初中时期更多。高中数学的学习比以往更加困难,而且学生的数学接受能力和学习能力也不相同,如果教师还是按照以往的教学方式教学生,那么学生的数学学习效果和成绩就不会理想,怎样才能让高中生更好地学习数学?教师要改变之前陈旧的教学思想和方式,根据不同学生的数学接受能力和学习能力制定教学方案,让不同程度的学生都可以受到最好的教育,为学生提供积极向上的学习环境。通过研究高中数学教学的现状发现,实行分层递进式教学模式可以更好地改善课堂教学氛围,更大程度地调动学生学习的积极性,希望在更多的高中数学教学中得到实践。  相似文献   

自我效能感与职业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
倪海 《职业技术教育》2002,23(13):68-68
一、自我效能感的形成因素 自我效能感由美国教育家班都拉提出,指一个人对于其是否能够成功地完成某一特定任务所具有的信念。自我效能感与职业学习相联系,指一个人对于学习一定的职业行为、完成一定的职业训练的能力所持有的自信。它主要表现在效能期望和结果期望两个方面。前者即个体对于自己完成一定任务和行为的能力的认知,后者指个体对行为结果和绩效的信仰。如果学生具有较高的自我效能感,那么他们在职业学习中会更加自信和乐观,不惧怕学习中的困难,敢于面对工作中的各种挑战;而当学生自我效能感较低时,他们在学习中不可能付出更多的努力,遇到困难时也很容易放弃。……  相似文献   

马冬梅 《小学生》2013,(10):88-88
小学阶段的语文教学中培养学生的自主学习能力是非常重要的,教学过程中教师应当不断对教学模式进行革新,尽量在课堂教学中引发学生对于问题的主动探究,很多文章的理解与感受过程都需要学生自己去加强体会,教师应当给予学生更多的互动研究机会,让学生间能够有更多的空间进行思维的碰撞,这对于培养他们的自主学习能力将会有很积极的作用。一、自主学习,加深学生的感受培养学生的自主学习能力应当从小学语文的教学过程就不断展开,这个时期的孩子们可塑性极强,很多学习习惯及思维模式都还在形成中,这个阶段如果能够通过正确的引导,不断让学生具  相似文献   

随着新课改中教育理念的不断传播,教学中教师对于学生的学习参与程度以及知识的接受程度具有了更多的关注,尤其是对于教学中重点、难点的教学部分,教师通常需要采取特殊的手段进行教学引导,增强学生的学习接受程度。高中阶段英语写作教学中,合作学习能力的应用,正是在这样的大背景下产生的,能够在教学中促进学生的学习积极性以及接受程度。因此,教师需要通过教学实践的过程,研究在合作学习的模式下,学生英语写作能力的提升策略。  相似文献   

就初中生的心理和生理特点而言,他们一方面富于幻想,对于新鲜事物充满好奇,有强烈的求知欲;另一方面,他们的学习兴趣和积极性往往是短暂的、“脆弱的”,容易在困难面前渐渐削弱以至于丧失,如果得不到正确的引导,将导致教学的失败。因此,教师在初中地理教学的过程中,要采取行之有效的教学策略,启发并保持学生对于地理学习的浓厚兴趣,从而达到预期的教学目标。  相似文献   


Up to 30 per cent of gifted students display a learning disability, with 10 per cent reading at two or more years below their grade level. They are referred to as being ‐gifted learning disabled’ or as having the dual exceptionalities of giftedness and learning disabilities. For these students, their learning disability is more likely to be recognised and targeted in teaching than their gifted ability.

The present study reviews their learning characteristics and explains these in terms of an information processing model of learning. Nine characteristics are addressed: their superior general intellectual ability in at least some domains of knowledge, a global wholistic preference in thinking, a negative academic self‐concept, low resilience in learning, patterns in motivation to learn orientation, their use of metacognifion, their ability to show what they know, their uneven rates of development, their high standards and goals, and the quality of their interpersonal interactions.

The paper uses these characteristics to recommend a set of procedures for identifying these students. It examines the influence that a learning disability can have on the display of gifted knowledge and describes how dynamic assessment procedures can be used to obtain a more accurate diagnosis. It describes the two main types of general ability profiles that emerge. Procedures for assessing creativity and divergent thinking, a learning disability, aptitude in particular areas, an intrinsic motivation to learn, self‐concept, metacognition and self management of learning are discussed.

To his teachers, Adam was a conundrum. He was a very quick thinker, but not in the ways that would help him excel academically. He had excellent knowledge of a range of subjects but this didn't seem to help him achieve academic success. His answers to questions were unexpected, although, when analysed, creative. On excursions he could be relied on to see ways around obstacles that arose; his teachers valued his ‘native intelligence’ on these occasions. It was less valued in classroom contexts in which they were developing a topic with a group and Adam would interject with ideas and questions that were either ‘marginally relevant’ or ‘further down the track’. They wished he would put his energy more into improving his spelling and writing ability, that were extremely low, and bis recall of the times tables.

Ann, an eight year old, was also perplexing to her teachers. In class she was ‘off task’ and daydreamed a lot. She did not finish most tasks, frequently lost her place and made many careless errors. Her distractability meant that she was frequently disruptive. As a consequence, her level of academic achievement was low. Her teacher interpreted her inattention and impulsivity as a lack of interest in learning and her preference to avoid tasks. As well, however, her teacher noticed her comparatively high level reading ability and her advanced oral language capacity and had difficulty reconciling the two sets of observations.  相似文献   

In teaching practice,the author find that middle school students have various disability in learning English.Based on the communication with students and teachers,the author analyzes the causes of English learning disability and puts forward some suggestions to improve their English learning ability.  相似文献   

Twice-exceptional students show evidence of high academic performance or potential and also have a disability that impedes their ability to learn. Twice-exceptional students remain under-represented in gifted programs, and some researchers attribute such under-representation to the negative beliefs and low expectations about twice-exceptional students held by teachers. While researchers have begun to investigate the curricular models and instructional strategies that are effective for twice-exceptional students, little research addresses how teacher beliefs and expectations about student ability are reflected in the ways teachers implement such models and strategies for twice-exceptional students in gifted classrooms. Even less research addresses gifted students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. We used a case study of a third-grade teacher using a structured, model-based language arts curriculum to better understand how her expectations about a gifted student with an emotional disability influenced her instructional choices. Using observational and interview data, the case study approach allowed the researchers to personalize the experiences of this teacher and provided a context in which to examine the subtleties of teacher expectations when teaching a gifted student with an emotional disability. Implications for educational practice, particularly the need for comprehensive school-based support systems for students with emotional disabilities, are discussed.  相似文献   

In many educational systems, students from families with low socioeconomic status (SES) often score lower in academic achievement than their high SES peers. Even though this effect is well-documented and research on teachers’ stereotypical beliefs and attitudes is steadily increasing, the studies so far did not specifically focus on students’ SES. In the current study, we explored preservice teachers’ implicit attitudes and their stereotypical and prejudiced beliefs toward low SES students as well as their causal attributions for the low educational success of low SES students. Results showed that teachers had negative implicit attitudes toward low SES students and that they more strongly associated competences and good learning and working habits with high SES students. The correlations highlighted the role that stereotypes play in causal attributions. Participants who more strongly associated low SES with competence and good working and learning behaviors were less likely to endorse internal attributions but were more likely to emphasize external attributions. Hence, when preservice teachers see low SES students as having high ability, they also strongly view the educational system as a source of the disadvantages that low SES students experience in school.  相似文献   

采用自编《普校小学教师学习障碍认知情况调查问卷》,对251名接受过不同层次学习障碍培训的普通小学教师进行调查发现:普通小学教师对学习障碍认知的态度维度得分最高,知识维度次之,行为维度最低;普通小学语文学科教师对学习障碍认知的知识维度平均得分高于数学学科教师;普通小学不同教龄教师在学习障碍认知的行为维度得分上存在显著差异,从高到低依次为1-3年、4-6年、21年以上、11-20年;学习障碍专业培训对普通小学教师对学习障碍的态度、知识与行为均有明显影响。为此,可采取将学习障碍纳入我国教师教研或教师培训课程,为学习障碍学生创设良好的支持环境等措施,改善普通小学教师对学习障碍的认知情况。  相似文献   

借鉴学生个性化学习影响因素的已有研究成果,运用层次分析法确定环境支持、学习特征、教学支持、学习任务等4个个性化学习评价指标的权重,采用描述性统计分析和模糊综合评价法对47名初中生的个性化学习感知情况进行模糊评价。结果显示:学生对自己个性化学习的现状比较满意,认为当前的学习环境、学习特征、教学支持、学习任务基本能满足自身个性化学习的需求;女生的个性化学习感知程度差异较大,相对男生来说对自身学习的感知不够稳定。为了进一步提升学生的个性化学习效果,学校和教师有必要配备亟须的学习设备,营造良好的学习氛围,同时积极开拓更多人性化、个性化的课程组织与选择方式;教师还应加强与学生、父母间的信息沟通与交流,帮助学生正确认识自我,同时提高自身对学习任务的筛选、设计与推荐能力,促进学生高效学习。  相似文献   

By gradually placing more importance on game-based education and changing learning motivation by applying game-playing characteristics, students’ learning experiences can be enhanced and a better learning effect can be achieved. When teaching the content of Chinese poetry in Taiwanese junior high schools, most teachers only explain the meaning of Chinese poetry, while it is difficult for students to understand why poets write these poems, resulting in learning confusion. This paper implemented a digital game-based situated learning system based on Tang Dynasty poems for learning Chinese poetry to simulate the situations of hardship encountered by poets when writing poetry in animated form to help junior high school students in Taiwan to have greater understanding when learning the content of Chinese poetry. The research results show that students who used the Gourd Tang Dynasty system in game-based instruction had significantly better learning achievements than students who underwent traditional narrative instruction. Among them, students in the low learning ability group improved in their grades significantly more than students in the high learning ability group in terms of their Tang Dynasty poetry learning. Furthermore, the authors examined the predictive relationships between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioural intention related to the digital game-based situated learning system for Chinese language poetry. The factor of perceived usefulness was a key factor in the students’ positive attitudes towards the digital game-based situated learning system. There were no significant differences with respect to individual characteristics (i.e. gender, online game experience and digital learning experience). The results demonstrate that this type of system can be widely accepted by students with different learning experiences.  相似文献   

问题导学法是随着教育教学改革不断深化而出现并且得到教师广泛关注和应用的一种新兴的教学模式。在初中数学教学课堂上应用这种模式,不仅能实现教学效率的提升,还有助于学生自主学习能力的强化,实现学生的综合发展和成长。因此,教师要在课堂上强调问题的设计,通过师生有效沟通以及课堂的回顾总结,使这一模式在数学课堂上得到更好的应用,同时给初中学生的数学学习和全面发展提供更大的帮助。  相似文献   

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