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The topic of diversity has received considerable attention from scholars who study sport within the context of higher education in the USA. But despite this interest in the topic, an in-depth focus on how college and university athletic departments effectively manage diversity is missing from the literature. Therefore, we conducted an intrinsic case study of an American university athletic department in efforts to highlight its unique diversity culture (i.e. how it creates and sustains a culture of diversity and inclusion) and the potential impact this culture could have on its various educational stakeholders, and how they interact in this organizational or workplace setting. Findings from our qualitative case study with senior level administrators uncovered two major interrelated themes. First, this institution of higher education has a history and culture of valuing diversity, and this in turn has positively impacted the athletic department's commitment to diversity. Second, the integration of the athletic department into the broader university culture, particularly because of its organizational structure, has enabled this department to better embrace diversity and avoid some of the educational challenges many of its peers face. Research and practical implications are discussed in this study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to investigate stakeholder attitudes toward athletic department behavioral congruency with the stated core values of a major BCS1 university located in the Southwestern portion of the United States. Research has indicated that positive and negative attitudes toward intercollegiate athletics can contribute to the perceptions of congruency with the established university mission and values. Over time, however, the increase in negative attitudes attributed to athletic department behavior brings into question their congruency with the university core values. Document analysis and personal interviews (N = 13) were conducted with individuals from each of six university internal and external stakeholder groups. Findings revealed four primary themes: (a) Excellence Equals Winning, (b) For Public Relations Purposes Only, (c) Separation and Isolation of the Athletic Department, and (d) Lack of Leadership from the Top-Down. Implications and future research concerning university brand image and core value accountability are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous events have provided evidence that the cultural values and assumptions of intercollegiate athletic departments are often incongruent with those of their host institutions. This discrepancy has even been evident in Christian institutions which seek to integrate faith into the learning experience. Using the organizational culture perspective, this study sought to determine how religion influenced the culture of one intercollegiate athletics department. The study took place at a highly selective evangelical Christian college with a nationally competitive athletic department. Data were collected through interviews with 19 campus leaders, observation of cultural events and document analysis. Analysis occurred qualitatively through a process of theorizing. The results indicate that evangelical Christianity played a significant role in the athletic department's culture by constraining its membership, influencing its pedagogy and guiding department decisions. As a result, its values and assumptions were consistent with those of the overall campus culture. The reasons underlying this cultural integration offer coaches and administrators of all institutional affiliations the possibility that the organizational culture perspective can be used to create athletic programs that are more consistent with institutional values.  相似文献   

以人类学、发生学等相关理论为基础分析了宗教仪式和竞技体育起源的相互关系;进而探讨了宗教仪式对竞技体育的产生、发展中的功能性变迁。认为:宗教和体育均起源于人类的文化活动,宗教仪式对早期体育竞赛起到了主导和控制作用;体育竞赛的功能性与宗教的仪式性相互作用使现代体育竞赛中仍然保留了宗教仪式的符号特征;宗教仪式与体育竞赛仪式相互影响,其共同价值在于促进良好秩序的建立,其本质体现在对人的教育与文化规训,更体现于人类精神的寄托和人类积极进取的"神话"诉求。  相似文献   

This paper explores how eight women experience, and are incorporated into, the regulatory regimes and pedagogical practices of a corporate (sporting) university in their first semester of college. Using Foucault's conceptions of power, discipline and subjectivity, we situate women's participation on the soccer team within the context of a corporatized Division-I University. As sport has become increasingly corporatized, low-profile sports have begun to emulate high-profile sports. The corporate university and corporate sport model indicative of high-profile college programs, such as the one involved in this study, use (sporting) bodies as resources, rendering them detached and alienated from many college experiences. As evidenced in the data from this study, the pedagogies of highly structured schedules and authoritative-, peer- and self-disciplining mechanisms functioned to normalize the experiences of stress, tension, isolation, loneliness and little autonomy. Nevertheless, we also discuss a point of rupture, wherein two women, for different reasons, refused their athletic subjectivities at The University after their first semester by discontinuing their athletic participation. The contextualization of such experiences reveals the complex relations of power emerging from young adults’ immersion into an athletic system imbued with corporatist ideologies housed within a simulated aura of education and development. This paper aims not to provide definitive answers but rather, by exploring power relations, to open for discussion critical questions about college athletics and to advocate for a more humanist research agenda that considers athletic subjectivities.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等方法,找出我国举办高校高水平运动队在实践中存在的不足,为我国高校高水平运动队进一步发展提供依据。调查结果表明,认为教练员水平是高校高水平运动队发展的重要因素的占90%,反映教练员水平低的学校占60.4%,招聘高水平教练困难的学校也占60.4%。我国高校高水平运动队管理体系存在的问题有:1)定位与认识问题;2)组织结构简单,功能缺位;3)教练员水平总体偏低,教练员培养系统缺位。研究得出的结论有:1)进一步充实和完善大学生体育协会的职能;2)"以人为本"培养全面发展的高水平大学生运动员。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、逻辑分析与归纳演绎等方法对我国少数民族体育文化的起源进行研究。结果显示:我国少数民族体育文化起源丰富,宗教信仰与祭祀、神话传说、英雄崇拜、生产与生活、军事与战争、文化交融、健身娱乐、自然环境与民族习俗等是少数民族体育文化的源流。有些少数民族体育文化的起源众说纷纭,如舞炮龙、威风锣鼓、达瓦孜等起源出现多元性。  相似文献   

彭军 《湖北体育科技》2008,27(3):354-355
高校体育竞赛作为校园文化活动的重要组成部分之一,具有许多校园文化的特点和功能。高校体育竞赛的健康发展促进了校园文化各个层面的发展,同时高校体育竞赛又成为展示和传播校园文化的窗口。二者的关系是相互促进、相互影响、互为动力的。其中某一因素的良好发展必将对另一因素产生积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

运用访问调查、文献综述发,对我国高校高水平田径运动队水平发展分析进行了剖析。通过对其进行深入地调查,得出准确的数据,从而总结出高校高水平田径运动队现状情况,并对怎样有效提高高校高水平田径运动队水平提出了自己得看法和建议。  相似文献   

通过访问座谈、问卷等研究方法,提出浦东新区90年代竞技体育的发展战略与对策:成立体育处,统一领导全区体育工作;以田径为基础,足球为龙头,并抓好游泳项目;提高教练员的业务水平等。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):395-406
Scholars and policy makers have long considered sport as a vehicle for promoting young athletes’ well-being, educational experience, and citizenship skills. Athletic directors can play a significant role in this process by establishing organizational goals that can foster the development of young athletes and also by ensuring that other personnel abide by these goals. However, little is known about methods athletic directors can use to focus on such development goals in the midst of the current winning-at-all-costs culture surrounding sports. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and development goal orientation among high school athletic directors. A total of 445 athletic directors located in 48 states in the United States completed an online survey. The results indicated that emotional intelligence is positively associated with servant leadership, which in turn is positively associated with development goal orientation. The mediation analysis also revealed that servant leadership fully mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and development goal orientation among athletic directors. The findings of this research assist in understanding how sports governing bodies can educate athletic directors to initiate development-oriented reform of the winning-at-all-costs culture in sports.  相似文献   


Current debates highlight the dualistic nature of community sport, which is shaped by both emancipating logics and controlling logics. Critical scholars have warned against the current prioritization of controlling logics over emancipating ones, as this might lead to instrumental approaches in which the vulnerability of young people is managed rather than tackled. However, little research has been conducted on the way in which practitioners perceive and act upon the dominance of social control as a value within community sport. In this article, we report on the findings of a qualitative study into three community sport initiatives in Flanders, Belgium. The data indicate there are small emancipatory moments within the daily practice of community sport. Based on these results, we propose a reconfiguration of the concept of emancipation from being a solid, utopian ideal towards being a search for moments where the dominant logics of social control are momentarily disrupted.  相似文献   

以普通高校学生体育社团成员、指导老师、普通高校社团管理人员为调查对象,采用调查访问法、文献资料法分析学生体育社团的作用。结果显示高校学生体育社团对大学生终身体育的养成、大学生综合能力、高校校园文化和我国体育教育的发展都有着十分重要的意义,并针对调查中发现的问题提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

CUBA与高校校园文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对CUBA自创建以来所形成的独特文化现象的分析,认为CUBA在高校体育文化建设中有着其特殊的作用。通过对高校运动竞赛制度改革,将CUBA文化根植于高校,必将对高校体育文化产生深刻、持久的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometrics properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale and assess the measurement invariance across elite (n = 367), amateur (n = 629), and non-athletes (n = 550). In total, 1,546 participants from various sports completed the emotional intelligence scale. Several competing models were compared through exploratory structural equation modeling. The analyses were performed on the whole sample before subsequent invariance testing between athletic groups. The internal consistency of the scale was tested through Omega for the total scale and relevant subscales, which indicated largely unacceptable levels of stability. Results failed to support the purported unidimensional or four-factor models proposed in the literature. However, a six-factor model provided the best fit to the data. Nonetheless, there was no evidence for weak or strong invariance suggesting that the scale may not be appropriate for use within athletic samples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive, multilevel framework for understanding the under-representation of African Americans as head coaches of university athletic teams. I argue that factors at the macro-level (i.e., institutionalized practices, political climate, stakeholder expectations), meso-level (i.e., prejudice on the part of decision makers, discrimination, leadership prototypes, organizational culture of diversity), and micro-level (i.e., head coaching expectations and intentions, occupational turnover intentions) all impact this phenomenon. The framework's applicability for policy development and changes initiatives is also discussed.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(4):395-407
Reputation and status are important concepts for organizations because their various constituencies form perceptions, images, and interpretations that are consequential. We collected data from a sample of 54 universities that changed their NCAA classification during a thirty-year period. As often promised by university administrators, our results suggest that increasing the level of commitment by changing athletic classifications has a direct positive effect on the university’s athletic reputation, academic status, and endowment. We find a positive relationship between academic status and the university endowment, although it is not statistically significant. Athletic reputation correlates positively and significantly with university endowment, but the marginal effect of improving one spot in the Sagarin ratings corresponds to only a $300,000 increase in the endowment. Based on these results, we provide a discussion that offers implications of these findings as well as directions for future research.  相似文献   

Despite the apparent benefits of Title IX, the implementation of the law remains controversial, and there are divergent beliefs regarding its impact on collegiate sport. The purpose of this study was to examine how members of a university community, whose intercollegiate sport programs have changed, perceive and make sense of Title IX and the changes it incurred. Using a gendered lens (Birrell, 2000) and qualitative interviews with 13 individuals connected to the university community, insight was gained into their perceptions of Title IX and women's and men's athletic opportunities. The theme of opportunity gained and lost was central to how these individuals perceive Title IX and resonates with the liberal (feminist) concerns out of which Title IX was born.  相似文献   

山东省高校大学生篮球运动损伤的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和专家访谈法,对山东省部分高校大学生篮球运动损伤情况进行调查分析。结果表明:大学生篮球运动损伤主要发生在课外活动时间,损伤类型以踝关节、膝关节、指关节为主;且高年级运动损伤发生率多于低年级,体育专业学生高于其他专业,其原因除准备活动不足和心理因素外,还与场地器材因素有关。  相似文献   

后奥运时代中华武术与大众体育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着我国后奥运时代的来临,体育发展战略必然从竞技体育向大众体育转变。武术被称为"国术",其文化积淀很深、群众基础雄厚,在后奥运时代发展中华武术有很大的优势,有助于我们走出一条有中国特色的全民健身道路。文章从中华武术的特点入手,在探讨后奥运时代大众健身特点的基础上,从后奥运时代推广武术作为大众体育项目的意义、推广武术作为大众体育项目的策略两个方面分析了后奥运时代中华武术对大众体育的影响。  相似文献   

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