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This paper aims to shift the debate on the Learning Society away from the normative focus which has predominated hitherto. Rather than beginning with questions about what a Learning Society ought to constitute, we seek to engage with the patterns of participation in learning through the life‐course and their determinants. Our discussion begins with an examination of the way in which the official discourse of the Learning Society is dominated by human capital theory. The critical evaluation of the latter is thus a serious undertaking. Human capital theory involves an unwarranted abstraction of economic behaviour from social relations more widely; participation in lifetime learning cannot be understood in terms of the narrow calculation of utility maximization. This critique provides the basis for the development of a more satisfactory theoretical account, in which learning behaviour is conceived as the product of individual calculation and active choice, but within parameters set by both access to learning opportunities and collective norms. These parameters, by their very nature, vary systematically over space and time: accordingly, place and history must play a central role in any adequate theorization. We conclude that this kind of theoretical approach has important implications not only for empirical research, but also for strategies aimed at creating a Learning Society.  相似文献   


In this paper we want to examine the construct of the Learning Society in its economic and social context in the UK. We will argue that the policy rhetoric which makes up the current discourse of the ‘learning’ society is both powerfully normative and unhelpfully reductionist and that it displaces and masks issues of inequality. The discourse of the Learning Society has conflated the achievement of increased levels of participation for 16‐ to 19‐year‐olds with the insertion of market mechanisms and relations and the assertion of self‐interest. This has meant that issues of exclusion, polarization and social justice have been systematically neglected. The Learning Society provides, we suggest, for a redrawing and relegitimation of patterns of exclusion. In particular, in a time of social crisis, middle‐class retrenchment (masked as familial duty) has re‐asserted itself, in part, through a specific, particular engagement with the Learning Society in order to ensure advantage and distinction. As Connell (1996: 5) puts it, this ‘is the point on which the politics of education markets mainly turns’. Thus, we believe it is critical to address the question, ‘Whose Learning Society'? We shall attempt this through a preliminary examination of data collected from a cohort of 16‐year‐olds who are in the process of transition from statutory schooling into a post‐16 education and training market (ETM), and deploy their ‘emergent narratives’ to problematize the normative simplicities of the Learning Society.  相似文献   


The Learning Council, a corporate interdivisional enterprise, employs distance learning to meet the learning needs of the organization. Specifically, distance learning is used to increase participation in the Johnson &; Johnson tuition reimbursement program, to offer learning opportunities to employees from a variety of sources, and to bring formal university courses on‐site for employees. The Learning Council is continuing to evaluate these programs as the business environment changes. This article reviews these applications of distance learning and lists considerations for other organizations interested in distance education opportunities. The use of distance learning methods facilitates the maintenance of flexibility and responsiveness in providing continuous learning for employees. The use of a combination of various distance learning methods works well, giving the company a “business edge.”  相似文献   


This paper reports a study of the views of teachers and Examination Board staff on the introduction of individual investigative work into pre‐university (Advanced level) Chemistry courses in England. The move towards investigative work at this level represented a significant change in emphasis in the nature of assessed practical work in pre‐university courses, and was initially a feature of only two courses, the Salters’ Advanced Chemistry course and the Cambridge Modular Science course. In this study, data were collected through the use of interviews with selected teachers of the two courses, and also with key staff in the relevant Examinations Boards. The findings of the study suggest that both teachers and Examination Board staff view the move towards investigative work at this level as having a number of benefits for students, though teachers reported some difficulty with their joint roles of teacher and assessor.  相似文献   


Staff with a limited-term appointment, whether part-time or full-time, are being used increasingly in teacher education today. This raises the question of how it is possible to offer a balanced preservice program when only a small proportion of the staff are permanent academics with a career commitment to formal theory development. In this paper we first describe a program that has attempted to resolve aspects of this problem by means of a cohort and faculty-team approach. We then report on a study we conducted with contract staff from this program on their experiences in the program and their perceived effectiveness in their role.  相似文献   


This article introduces the monograph on Personal Learning Environments in formal education and presents six papers addressing, both theoretically and empirically, the use of these environments as learning spaces. The six papers contribute to reflection and discussion of the challenges that the new scenario derived from the information society poses to formal education. The common thread of the work is the idea that, to address these challenges, we need new approaches and proposals. In this context, Personal Learning Environments are presented as an innovative approach that can contribute to transforming learning and teaching. All articles focus on the design, construction, appropriation and use of Personal Learning Environments, as well as on the possibilities, limitations and difficulties of implementing this type of learning environment in formal educational settings.  相似文献   


English: Lifelong Learning is an important national policy in the ROC, and a significant goal in our educational reform policy is to establish a ‘Learning Society’ based on the concept of lifelong learning. This paper is intended to provide a broad overview of the current status of developments moving us towards the Learning Society, and to elucidate a special pilot project: The Lifelong Cyberlearning System. This project is sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the ROC.  相似文献   


With increasing numbers and types of students, more flexible courses and technological innovation, there is a growing need to understand the student experience in detail, and to gain a clear, unbiased account of the effects of course design and delivery on their learning. At the same time, academic staff are increasingly under pressure to be active researchers, to teach more students and to quality‐assure their practice. Within this context there is a growing need for educational and staff development which is both effective in supporting academic staff and promoting innovative course design and yet efficient in the use of scarce resources. In this difficult context a great deal is asked of a professional academic development service. How best can such a service be offered? What should the basic service consist of?

In this paper we advocate an approach to academic development which we have called Consultancy Style Action Research (CSAR). We introduce the rationale and background to the development of CSARand briefly describe one case example. We go on to discuss the contribution of this approach to developing the developers.  相似文献   


This paper reports on a survey of secondary schools in the West Midlands, England, in 1991 and was conducted to measure the tasks required of information technology co‐ordinators and the training requirement of their schools. The main emphasis of information technology work was still on taught, examination courses and there was a perceived need for information technology awareness courses for all pupils. Many co‐ordinators had no clear perspective of the level of information technology permeation across the curriculum in their schools, and thus demonstrated an urgent need for audits of staff awareness and pupil access. Information technology co‐ordinators also saw a need for further in‐service training for many staff to enable delivery of their pupils’ information technology entitlement. Most staff training was school based and included collaborative teaching and courses run by the school staff. Little use was made of co‐operation with subject staff from other schools or outside specialists. The co‐ordinators defined their needs as being predominantly in the areas of time for co‐ordination duties, assessment of information technology across the curriculum, and training in new developments in the wider aspects of information technology.  相似文献   


Learning is not a passive activity. Recent research findings concur that students learn through participation. The more time, energy, and effort they invest in the learning process and the more intensely they engage in their own education, the greater will be their growth and achievement, their persistence in college, and the more likely they will continue their learning after college.

Recognizing the consensus of studies for improvement of undergraduate education, CCCCD has focused on active, experiential learning in both the classroom and the laboratory. The college's goal was to be unique, not in what was taught, but in how it was taught – the focus being on the how rather than merely the what, and on inquiry, critical analysis, synthesis, and the application of knowledge.

The specific structure of the experiential component purposefully remains fluid and individualized according to the needs of the subject area and creativity of the teaching faculty. “Hands on” laboratory experiences are provided in most courses. Beyond the classroom, internships and cooperative work experience programs provide additional student involvement.  相似文献   


This article explores how the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (National Learning Standards), entered the policy debate in Brazil and became the most important reform initiative of the Ministry of Education between 2015 and 2017. We argue that this accelerated policy process was contingent upon the practice of philanthropizing consent: foundations’ use of material resources, knowledge production, media power, and informal and formal networks to garner the consent of multiple social and institutional actors to support a public policy. In other words, these foundations do not impose policies on governments; rather, they ‘render technical’ high-stakes political debates on pressing issues of educational equity and then influence state officials’ consensus about which policies to adopt. We argue that this philanthropic influence is not simply a neoliberal, profit-maximizing scheme; rather, it is an attempt by foundation and corporate leaders to garner power and influence on different scales, and re-make public education in their own image. Although this educational policy game is in many ways participatory and widely accepted, foundations are only able to play this role due to their tremendous economic power, a direct product of the unequal global political economy, and the systematic defunding of the public sphere.  相似文献   


Mathematics for liberal arts courses are a staple of most mathematics departments and are often populated with students who have disengaged from mathematics. Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered pedagogical tool for re-engaging students in mathematics. In this paper, we introduce a Special Issue of PRIMUS on “Using Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics for Liberal Arts Courses.”  相似文献   


In this paper, some ideas are put forward, developed by the writer from his own experience as an engineer and teacher, which it is thought might lead to improved engineering courses giving a better scientific education and a broader cultural outlook. The aim is to reduce the tendency to materialistic thought which inevitably arises from a narrow pursuit of efficiency. It is hoped that these propositions might stimulate some thought and discussion when new courses are framed or existing syllabuses are revised.  相似文献   


Most language instructors use resources found on the Internet to supplement their courses (Adolph and LeBlanc, 1997). This article shows how a teacher can make use of templates to create their own Internet pages.  相似文献   

In most European countries, the proportion of adult students among both full-time and part-time workers has increased significantly over recent decades. Undertaking paid work is also increasingly common among traditional students. The opportunities to work while studying depend largely on the role of employers in promoting learning. However, both theoretical frameworks and empirical studies typically focus on the behaviour of firms in providing training. The support of employers for formal adult education has remained a marginal topic. The aim of this article is to analyse the contributions of employers to the acquisition of higher education from the perspective of the adult learners; we investigated how employers support their staff in higher education studies. We also tried to identify which kinds of learners have a better chance of receiving various benefits. We used two different data-sets: quantitative data from a study of adult students in higher education and qualitative data from interviews with managers of small- and medium-sized enterprises and at least one employed participant in formal adult education, collected in the framework of the international research project Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System supported by the EU Sixth Framework Programme.  相似文献   


Using the badged open course, Taking your first steps into Higher Education, this case study examines how assessment on online open courses draws on concepts of assessment used within formal and informal learning. Our experience was that assessment used within open courses, such as massive open online courses, is primarily determined by the requirements of quality assurance processes to award a digital badge or statement of participation as well as what is technologically possible. However, this disregards much recent work in universities that use assessment in support of learning. We suggest that designers of online open courses should pay greater attention to the relationship of assessment and learning to improve participant course completion.  相似文献   


The course is being developed for a small group of first-year students, interested in large-scale chemical processing, to learn some of the concepts of chemistry and promptly to apply them to realistic problems. Learning is aided by encouraging the students to take an active part wherever possible. Occasions on which students are expected to make major contributions include a weekly tutorial based on a broad problem, open-ended experiments and verbal reporting sessions; even the lectures are often turned into a form of discussion firmly led by the lecturer. By carefully analysing the technical requirements, the syllabus is being reduced and the time made available is devoted to achieving the educational objectives of the course.

It is realized that other students studying chemistry as a subsidiary subject and their teachers and tutors will disagree with a number of items in the course as outlined here, however the details were intended to illustrate the concept of different objectives, and hence courses for the non-chemists, rather than to be a definitive solution to the problem of service courses.  相似文献   


Do pedagogical training courses for university teachers have desirable effects on the participants? We set out to answer this question by following a panel of 183 university teachers from Sweden’s six largest universities, who participated in pedagogical training courses. Our study reveals that the participants’ self-reported confidence in their role as teachers increased slightly, and their self-assessed pedagogical skills increased notably after they had finished their courses. Even though the courses were rather short, we could also observe some changes in fundamental approaches to teaching in some of the subgroups of respondents, both toward more student-centeredness and, perplexingly, toward more teacher-centeredness. Additionally, most respondents (7 out of 10) found the courses useful or very useful. Course satisfaction was most notable among participants with less than three years of teaching experience. Considering the fact that we find the positive effects of pedagogical training courses to be present mainly in the group of participants with less than three years of teaching experience, we discuss whether a policy of making these courses mandatory for all university teachers implies an overestimation of their impact.  相似文献   

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