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英语是世界各国最为通行的一种语言。除了英、美用英语作为国语外,还有加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚、津巴布韦、塞打利昂、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、利比里亚等二十多个国家把英语作为国语或官方语言。还有印度,巴基斯坦、埃塞俄比亚、菲律宾、马来西亚、新加坡、坦桑尼  相似文献   

多民族国家内之民族认同与国家认同,既有紧张冲突的一面又有共生一致之处。实现从民族认同到国家认同的转向,对统一国家安全和社会稳定有着重要意义。观乎从民族认同到国家认同的相关理论与实践路径,主要有强制同化、基于文化多元理论的认同整合、由建构"国家民族"认同而至民族国家认同、由"公民身份"而实现两种认同的"统一"等。实际上,关于国家认同的建构与强化,不同国家在不同时期,应依具体社会政治和民族文化情境来展开。  相似文献   

论英语教学中的中国传统文化教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、英语全球化及英语教学的偏差 经济全球化背景和英美等英语国家不遗余力地推行语言殖民和文化扩张,使得英语成为了全球通用语。全世界把英语作为第一语言的使用者有三亿五千万人,把英语作为第二语言并经常使用的人也约有三亿五千万人,把英语作为外语且能流利使用的人约有一亿人。英语在世界上七十多个国家为官方语言或半官方语言,这些国家总人口达十四亿。2000年,全世界的英语学习者估计约有十亿人,  相似文献   

语言规划是一种作用于语言的社会活动,一般发生在国家的层次上。很多国家有多个民族、多种语言,政府选择什么语言作为官方语言,这是一个重大的社会问题,也是一个典型的语言规划的问题。本文以非洲最大的国家尼日利亚为例,分析了其现行的语言政策及语言教育,特别是尼日利亚中小学的语言教育,并总结了其语言政策在民族认同方面的得失。  相似文献   

新加坡是多民族、多语种共存的国家,英语、华语、马来语和泰米尔语为官方语言,马来语为国语,英语为行政语言。国家教育实行"双语政策——英语加上一种母语",即以英语为第一语  相似文献   

加拿大双语(多语)现象探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大是世界上唯一用立法形式明文规定英法两种语言为官方语言的“双语制”国家.这是自1969年加拿大议会通过《联邦官方语言法》以来,对反映加拿大历史与现状的加拿大文化特色的具体体现.根据《联邦官方语言法》,英语和法语同为加拿大官方语言,在加拿大议会和政府的一切机构中,两种语言的使用具有同等的地位和平等的权利及特权,加拿大政府还设立专门机构监督双语制的实施,并通过若干决议进一步明确加拿大人同时使用双语的权利.语言政策的制定还影响了加拿大的教育状况.许多学校开始同时提供英语和法语教学.怎样有效地开展双语教学以及第二语言教学的问题也受到了教育部门和教育专家的重视.作为第二语言教学的“核心”法语开始实施,“法语渗透教育项目”也取得了极大的成功.魁北克省的英语教学网是加拿大最完整的少数民族教育体系.此外,由于所有的公共场所、服务行业都必须使用英法两种语言,所有的政府工作人员都必须掌握双语,七十年代后,每年约有2000多名公共工作人员在加拿大语言中心接受法语或英语的培训.  相似文献   

目前对外汉语教学界关于语言的对比分析,大多集中在汉语和英语、日语等语言,针对汉语与印地语、乌尔都语的对比分析研究十分匮乏。其实,印地语与乌尔都语有一定的历史渊源,二者口语中有98%的词汇相同,语音基本一致,语言学家认为是一种语言的两种方言。因此,印度和巴基斯坦学生在学习汉语辅音时,重难点有一些相似之处,本文试将印地语与乌尔都语一起和汉语进行辅音的对比分析,总结出它们的共同点与不同点,从而得出印巴学生在学习汉语辅音时可能会遇到的难点。  相似文献   

阿拉伯现代文学是研究阿拉伯世界民族主义思潮的重要途径。阿拉伯作家以文学引导文化复兴,强调文学作品中使用统一的语言来唤醒阿拉伯世界普通民众的民族意识。在阿拉伯现代文学中,民族主义逐渐取代宗教因素成为主旋律,传统文化与西方文化和谐并存。旅美派和阿拉伯本土作家都把文学作为反抗殖民主义侵略的阵地。阿拉伯现代文学也反映出阿拉伯民族国家构建进程中凸显的种种问题。阿拉伯现代文学是增强民族认同与团结的重要载体和工具。  相似文献   

边疆民族地区,因其地理位置及社会环境的特殊性的影响,边疆民族地区各族人民的心理认同、文化认同、民族认同、国家认同,与内地民族相比都有较大不同。而当今全球化背景下国际上屡屡出现的国家分裂或民族独立运动,大都发生在国家的边疆民族地区,其根源与上述边疆民族的文化和心理特征具有密切关联。针对边疆民族地区存在着不同于内地的特点,在边疆民族地区开展国防教育,首先要把民族团结和国家统一教育摆在重要的位置,即加强民族认同、国家认同的教育,引导边疆各族人民冲破本民族的狭小范围、把浓厚的民族意识升华为强烈的国防意识。  相似文献   

随着全球化的进程不断加速,特别是经济全球化的快速发展,主权国家的国家认同遭遇愈益严峻的挑战,甚至引发国家认同危机,尤其是近些年各国间的领土纷争时有发生更加剧了这一危机。为了维护国家的生存与发展,后发国家不得不同时完成构建民族国家和融入全球社会这两大任务。因此,应正视全球化给国家认同带来的挑战,在民族认同与国家认同的辩证关系的基础上,在承认民族文化多样性的前提下,依据本国的国情,通过诸如完善制度,以国家统一的核心价值观引领、整合民族意识,协调发展各地域、各民族的利益等途径,来逐渐增强国家凝聚力、向心力,强化国家认同。  相似文献   

While decline and/or extinction threaten an ever-increasing number of languages, most of these are minority tongues that struggle for survival against dominant languages. The present paper reports the case of Belarusian, a national and co-official language, which the great majority of the population of Belarus considers as its mother tongue, but which has become endangered due to sustained official policies discriminating against it, and the general apathy of the population. The paper places this complex and puzzling situation in the historical context of people long accustomed to changing cultural and linguistic elites, with a succession of rulers that paid little regard to the wishes or needs of the majority of the country’s inhabitants. Recent data are presented showing the rapid decline in the teaching of Belarusian language in schools and other public domains and the use of mixed dialects as the prevailing mode of communication, shifting through a Belarusian-Russian mix (trasianka) to Russian. The effort of a small national linguistic elite to sustain the use of standard Belarusian is examined against the concept of language as a core value of culture and Fishman’s framework for reversing language shift, in order to evaluate the prospects of maintaining Belarusian as an integral part of the linguistic heritage of Europe.  相似文献   

半个多世纪以来的印尼语言政策,经历了官方语言(印尼语)的确立和普及、地方语言的共存和保护、对华语的压制与解禁及外国语的教学等历史过程。这些政策的演变无不受到国家政治、经济和民族等因素的影响,是执政者应时而动的举措。  相似文献   

The authors of the present article are engaged in a research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. In this project the language policies of Tanzania and South Africa, as well as the practices of these policies in the classroom are analyzed. The article gives some preliminary results from the project. While the language policies of Tanzania are described as confusing, contradictory, and ambiguous, the language policies of South Africa seem clearer and more progressive. In Tanzania, Kiswahili is seen as the national language, while both Kiswahili and English are official languages. The issue of language has, however, disappeared from the constitution in Tanzania. In the constitution of South Africa, 11 languages are official and seen as equal. But when it comes to practice in the classroom in both countries, the majority of the learners struggle to learn academic content because of the foreign medium that is used as the language of instruction from secondary school onwards in Tanzania and already from the fourth grade in primary school in South Africa. The research reported here shows that whatever the official policies may be the teachers in the classrooms will use whatever language they and their students feel most comfortable with. Examples are given here of the coping strategies teachers and learners use in both countries like translations, code-mixing and code-switching. At the end of the day the learners have to write their exams in English however. The language in education policy in most African countries lead many African pupils to fall even further behind. What seems to be a learning problem or a matter of bad grade, drop out and repetition is really a language problem.  相似文献   

本文指出艺术语言通过意象、隐喻、转喻三种思维形式完成对它自身的创造。并指出艺术语言赖以产生的经验机制:原型、象征等民族思维的积淀和个人独特的社会情感经验。艺术语言往往突破形式逻辑的规律而有自身特殊的规律。  相似文献   

Multicultural education respects cultural differences and affirms pluralism which students, their communities and teachers bring to the learning process. It is founded on the belief that a school curriculum which promotes the ideals of freedom, justice, equality, equity and human dignity is most likely to result in high academic achievement and quality education. In Botswana, English is the official language and medium of instruction and Setswana is the national lingua franca which is used for formal occasions in the villages and other informal settings. Any other languages spoken by unrecognised tribes are banned from use in schools or the media, including minority languages taught before independence in 1966, This paper describes the Shiyeyi Language Project, initiated by the Wayeyi tribe, which advocates for a multicultural model of education where children learn in their mother tongue and about their local culture at an early stage, then add the national language, and eventually an international language as medium of instruction. The project operates within an unfriendly political and legal context, but has achieved some results. Continued efforts, especially as supported by similar language projects, have the potential to change the situation in Botswana.  相似文献   

拥有28个成员国的欧盟有24种官方语言,涉及到的翻译任务非常艰巨,每年耗费巨大的人力、财力。本文首先分析欧盟翻译的现状及特点,其次深入阐述欧盟翻译的本质和意义,最后得出结论,即语言不仅是交际工具,而且是民族文化的载体。语言是民族身份的象征,体现出民族的感情和尊严,欧盟的翻译活动是欧盟各国文化多样性的具体体现。  相似文献   

本文通过第一手田野调查的材料,对泰国清莱和中国澜沧跨境民族拉祜族兼用本国通用语的现状进行对比研究,揭示二者的共性与差异。从比较中得到以下三点启示:1.在一个多民族国家,少数民族兼用通用语有其必要性和可能性。2.兼用语的比例存在一个合理的"度"。3.学习通用语从幼儿园阶段抓起,有利于教育的发展。  相似文献   

试论民族融合与语言融合的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要结合我国历史上出现的几次大规模的民族融合阐述了民族融合对语言融合的影响、语言融合对民族融合的反作用、语言融合的基本形式和大体过程 ,进而具体论述了民族融合对南北官话的形成与对立的影响 ,并对长期存在于语言学界的南北官话正统地位之争提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

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