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在教育教学过程中,学生喜欢教师,就喜欢教师所教的学科.也就更愿意接受教师的指导,这是一条具有普遍性的教育现象。教师只有懂得如何去与学生沟通,懂得如何去满足学生的需要,并引导学生怎样去配合与协作,师生之间才会建立互相信任、互相尊重、互相理解、彼此接纳的关系,才会奏响教与学最完美和谐的乐章,因而成功教育的关键在于师生之间有效的沟通。  相似文献   

袁益芳 《考试周刊》2014,(51):187-187
良好的师幼关系是教育的关键。教师要懂得与孩子沟通,知道如何满足幼儿的要求。师幼间相互信任﹑理解,则任何教育活动都可以使幼儿产生兴趣。  相似文献   

苏水梅 《考试周刊》2015,(16):163-164
教师只有懂得如何与学生进行沟通,满足学生的心理需要,才能与学生建立起互相尊重信任、彼此理解接纳的师生关系,文章认为教师只有掌握良好的师生沟通技巧,才能发挥教师主导、学生主体的教学效能,达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

一位懂得亲师沟通重要性的老师,应该积极主动地与家长交流信息,以便建立良好的亲师关系,得到家长的配合,搞好班级管理,这是一种很好的教育工作思路。文章就如何建立亲师联系展开论述。  相似文献   

良好的师生关系是教育产生效能的关键.教师只要懂得如何去与孩子沟通,懂得去满足孩子的需要,并引导孩子懂得如何参与教学的流程,师生之间建立相互信任、尊重、彼此接纳、理解的关系,任何教育活动都可以使孩子产生兴趣,并在亲切的学习氛围中学到知识,得到锻炼,得到快乐.孩子是通过与教师的人际关系的感受,来决定是否喜欢教师所教的内容,是否愿意遵守教师提出的要求,是否喜欢学习和参与教师提供的各种各样活动.  相似文献   

从现在开始,我们的口号是:“做个大方乖宝宝,不做小气葛朗台!” 3岁宝宝越来越社会化,懂得和人交流,和外界沟通。收获了友谊,习惯了团队合作游戏的宝宝,是时候学习如何对他人无私、做个慷慨大方的乖宝宝了,轮流和小朋友玩同一个玩具,懂得把好吃的东西和大家一起分享!  相似文献   

小雨的悲剧,源于老师对秘密的泄露,因为老师不懂她的心。作为老师,很多时候,我们和学生就像知心朋友一样无话不谈。能静静地聆听,就是对朋友的一种莫大的支持和安慰。爱,对于教师来说是永恒的主题,智慧的老师不仅是一个爱学生的老师,更是一个懂得该怎样和心灵沟通、懂得如何去爱的老师。  相似文献   

现代的学校科学管理讲究集体的智慧。如果不进行沟通,那么势必造成各个部门各自为政的局面。好比几个人拉车,如果他们各自拉向不同的方向,那么他们即使使出九牛二虎之力,也无法使车前进一步。作为一个合格的学校管理者,要懂得如何去进行沟通。  相似文献   

王彦 《教师》2019,(1):21-22
爱,是教育的基石。但爱并不会直接告诉我们如何去对待和教育学生。爱,会促使我们去寻找读懂和教育学生的知识和方法。有爱的教师应自觉地意识到自己对学生的影响,并应懂得儿童、懂得学生,顺应儿童天性,会解读学生的交流密码,掌握与学生有效沟通的方法,从而让师生之间的爱能形成回路,流动起来。  相似文献   

家长与老师是一种双向沟通,沟通得好能拉近彼此的距离,对解决问题起到很好的促进作用。但在现实生活中,不少家长由于不懂得沟通技巧,结果造成了一些误会。那么常用的沟通技巧有哪些呢?  相似文献   

Communication skills are one of the most important competencies for 21st century global citizens. Our guiding presupposition was that socioscientific issues (SSIs) could be used as an effective pedagogical tool for promoting students’ communication skills by increasing peer interactions, stimulating students’ reasoning, and in constructing shared social knowledge. We implemented a SSI program on gene modification (GM) technology to 132 9th graders in South Korea and investigated to what extent this SSI instruction contributed to enhancing students’ communication skills. Data sources included pre- and post-scores on the Communication Skills Questionnaire (CSQ), semi-structured interviews with the students and instructor, and classroom observations. The results demonstrated that SSI instruction could bring about a moderately large impact on students’ ability to understand the key ideas of others and to value others’ perspectives, as well as a marginal positive effect on developing active assertions. However, SSI instruction appeared to have a lesser impact on students’ ability to develop shared understanding. Overall, this research indicates the potential that even a limited SSI classroom could have in terms of promoting students’ communication skills in the context of their regular science class.  相似文献   

针对移动通信技术的飞速发展以及实验教学的相对滞后,探索一种将理论与实践相融合的教学体系。在有效利用现有实验资源的基础上,提出了搭建移动通信实验三平台的基本实验体系的构想,即原理级验证实验平台、仿真级创新实验平台、工程级设计实验平台,内容涵盖了理论验证、关键技术仿真、通信工程系统实训。通过完善理论与实验教学体系,逐步强化学生的通信工程意识及工程技能。  相似文献   

Communication skills are basic to effective management. However, communication training programs must not only show evidence that the skills have been learned, but also demonstrate that this learning can be converted into effective on the job behavior. A communication skills program, Face to Face, based on the microtraining model, is described. This model has substantial empirical evidence of successful skill acquisition. A novel approach to skill transfer and retention, the relapse prevention model is proposed as a methodology for maintaining communication skills in the work setting.  相似文献   

采访和写作是写好人物通讯的关键所在。采访是写好人物通讯的基础,写作方法和写作技巧则直接关系到整篇文章的质量。本文分别对人物通讯的采访和写作技巧进行了分析和探讨,并提出了具体可行的实施策略。  相似文献   

良好的沟通能力是大学生立足于社会的必备条件,直接影响其生活和工作态度,成为他们就业和职业发展的重要因素。沟通能力是可以通过后天环境因素改变和提升的。高校课堂独特的沟通形式、内容、规律和方法,有利于大学生沟通能力的培养,对于提高大学生的沟通能力具有其他平台不可替代的优势。将培养学生的沟通能力与课堂教学有机融合起来,在传授专业知识的同时,注重挖掘和发展学生的沟通潜能,全方位提高学生的综合素质,可以使学生在激烈的社会竞争中具备较强的生存能力,满足个人、国家和社会的共同需求。  相似文献   

This study examined college graduates’ evaluations of their employability skills associated with graduate participation in various extra-curricular activities including being a core member of: (a) student government (such as student councils), (b) service (such as scouts clubs), (c) sports, (d) music and (e) arts clubs. The final sample comprised 28,768 business school graduates who hoped to enter the workforce immediately upon graduating in the 2008 school year. Results from propensity score matching analyses demonstrated that students who had been core members of extra-curricular activities were more likely to positively evaluate their communication, leadership, creativity and self-promotion skills. Furthermore, results suggested that different types of extra-curricular activities could unequally influence the employability of graduating college students. Leadership skills benefited most from involvement in sports clubs, while creativity skills benefited most from involvement in music clubs. Communication and self-promotion skills benefited moderately from all extra-curricular activities. Unlike other employability skills, the time management skills of students hardly benefited from extra-curricular activities.  相似文献   

通信电子线路分析与设计选取典型无线电通信产品为载体,以项目为导向、任务为驱动设计教学环节.课程实施创造职业情境,贯彻“一体两翼”教学模式,以“三段式”教学方法为主线,再恰当运用多种教学方法,采取过程性考核与水平性考核相结合的方式全面评价学生的学业水平.工学结合的成功实施,有力地促进了学生知识技能的提高以及职业素养的提升,实现了该课程对专业对应岗位和学习领域课程的支撑与服务作用.  相似文献   

护理软技能是指护理工作中促进专业知识和技术能得到更好应用的个人内在品质和人际间的交往技能、管理技能,即社会技能和个人技能。为了让护生能够尽早、尽快地适应未来的工作岗位,满足患者越来越高的服务需求,提高护生的护理软技能已经成为了护理教学的重要教学任务之一。  相似文献   

Students, particularly those in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and healthcare-related programs, should develop proficient interpersonal skills, including communication. To help students develop effective communication skills, instructors need to consider the value students give to learning these skills. The Student Attitudes Toward Communication Skills Survey (SATCSS) was developed to measure how undergraduate students value learning communication skills based on Expectancy-Value Theory across three modes of communication (verbal, written, non-verbal). The survey was given to students interested in healthcare professions and enrolled in an undergraduate anatomy and physiology (A&P) course (n = 233) at a Midwest research active university. The survey showed evidence of validity, measuring two components: (1) “Value to Profession” (attainment and utility value) and (2) “Value to Self” (intrinsic value and cost). There was a significant difference in sub-scores among the four task values such that students thought that learning communication skills was important and relevant (high attainment and utility value) but not interesting (low intrinsic value) and costly. Students with high total scores valued communication skills across all four task values. As total value scores decreased, it was first due to students finding learning communication skills to be time prohibitive and then a lack of interest in learning communication skills. Based on these results, it is recommended that instructors incorporate communication skills training into content that is already part of their A&P course to reduce time concerns. Additional recommendations include using reflective activities and humor to increase student interest.  相似文献   

Empathic communication is regarded as one of the most important abilities for social workers and health professionals in their work with clients. in this study one group of social worker students who participated in a 3 month course of intensive communication skills training was compared to a group of students following the ordinary social work course of study. The groups were compared in relation to communicated empathy as measured on the Carkhuff Scale of Empathic Communication before and after the training period. The analysis showed that students who participated in the skill training program increased their level of empathic communication significantly. The control group did not increase their level. The results are discussed and compared with the results of other published studies on the effect of communication training on the level of communicated empathy.  相似文献   

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