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In the history of educational thoughts, there are mainly three analysis paths about the purpose of education which are "Con- structivism", "Functionalism"and"Education with no purpose". In the view of"Constructivism Education", the purpose of education is to realize person's own value. This analysis path include two branches, one believes that the purpose of education is to develop human's nature, the other claims that happiness is supreme. In the view of "Functionalism Education", the purpose of education is what the person could realize outside themselves but not the person own. For example, we could realize human socialization, political integration, economic growth or social equality through education. In the view of the "Education with no purpose", the purpose of education is to get more and better education, there is no other purpose besides education. Though there are many differences among those three analysis paths, they have a common point which is also the ulti mate target of education, it is to "educate full development person".  相似文献   

There are many factors influence the level of students' achievement in education. Studies show that one of these factors is "learning approach of a student". Research findings generally have identified two approaches of learning: deep and surface. When a student uses the deep approach, he/she has an intrinsic interest in subject matter and is interested in ideas and conclusions to understand the subject matter. When a student employs the surface approach, he/she merely memorizes knowledge to pass any exam in school. The aim of this study is to determine learning approaches of science student teachers and to examine the relationships among the variables, such as level of students' class and gender. The sample of this study consists of 108 student teachers from the Science Education Program at Department of Primary Science Education in Karadeniz Technical University. Approaches to learning of science student teachers are assessed using the Revised Two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F), a scale developed by Biggs, et al (2001) consisting of 20 items on a 5 point Likert Scale. According to findings, science student teachers generally have deep learning approaches. Moreover, learning approaches of science student teachers have not changed related to gender.  相似文献   

The purpose of learning a foreign language is for communicationin the target language, and speaking is the most direct communica tive method. In recent years, with the publication of the New Cur riculum Standard by the State Education Department, the …  相似文献   

Learning Assessment and Resource Evaluation: Two Tough Battles of Distance Education Xie Yangbin, Sang Xinmin Abstract:This is a dialogue among two scholars about current development and change of distance education in China. Although significant achievements have been made, many problems also emerged in the third generation of distance education. To solve these problems, the authors argue that building and refining a robust evaluation system is one of the priorities. Besides the evaluation of institution and its learning support service delivery, the components of this new system include various emerging models for assessment of learning and evaluation of instructor, curriculum and resources. Around this priority, Learning assessment and resource evaluation could he the first two breakthroughs in the reform of distance education, with the purpose to improve learners independent learning ability, self confidence and comprehensive quality. This is the bottleneck and key to build high quality distance education in China. Keywords:Distance Education; Reform Breakthrough; Evaluation of Learning; Evaluation of Learning Resources  相似文献   

The Disabilities Education Act was introduced in June, 1997 in the Turkish Education System. The Act states that schools have a duty to educate children with disabilities in general education classrooms. All children with disabilities should be educated with non-disabled children at their own age and have access to the general education curriculum. The philosophy of inclusive education aims at helping all children learn in regular classrooms. Children learn at their own pace and style within a nurturing learning environment because schools are important places for children to develop friendships and learn social skills. Children with and without disabilities learn together and from each other in inclusive classes. On the other hand, when children attend classes that reflect the similarities and differences of people in the real world, they learn to appreciate diversity. The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of teachers about implementation of inclusive education in elementary schools. In order to collect data for this study, a questionnaire which consisted of eight open-ended questions was developed and administered to 66 elementary school teachers. The teachers worked at primary schools and taught 1-5 grades. They were asked to write their opinions and experiences about the implementation of inclusive education in the elementary schools. Primary school teachers generally have a positive attitude about inclusive education and its philosophical and psychological foundation. However, they express that they encounter some difficulties in implementing inclusive classrooms. A crowded classroom is a main obstacle to obtain desired objectives in educational activities. The levels of students' disability are related to effectiveness of classroom management. The effectiveness of inclusive education depends on not only the teachers' quality but also the school administrators'. Some superintendents assess the effectiveness of teachers in inclusive and regular classrooms in the same way.  相似文献   

IntroductionAll over the world highereducation is facing a variety of problem s:finance,numberof students,quality of instruction,relevance of education etc.In order to deal with som e of these problems,ef-forts are on to devise alterative strategies and such strategy is Distance Education.In developed aswell as developing countries policy makers and educational planners are using Distance Education as ofone the importantstrategies for national development.Distance Education plays a m ajor ro…  相似文献   

袁刚 《海外英语》2020,(7):258-259,262
Education philosophy,which plays a major role in teacher beliefs,is crucial for teacher educators. Ever since the end of last century, there has been a trend in North America to promote, or restore active learning in college/university classrooms. This paper, based on some explorations of the social constructivism, the six assumptions in Andragogy, the ARCS model, the active learning theory and some practical activities, proposes an integrated education philosophy about adult learning. It is assumed this will be able to provide some insight and guidance for college practitioners.  相似文献   

张琼 《海外英语》2014,(17):169-171,175
Movie is a popular art which occupies an important position in people’s leisure time. Movie title,as the most direct and accessible tool for audience to know about the movie,is very significant to attract audience into the cinema. Therefore,the translation of movie title cannot be ignored. However,due to the cultural differences in Chinese and English culture,the problem of movie title translation is obvious which needs to be paid attention to the translation and people working in movie industry.Traditional translation theory puts more emphasis on the important and authoritative status of original text and author. But this notion cannot satisfy the needs of movie title translation to the largest extent. Movie is not only a cultural and linguistic product,it also is a special commercial product. The ultimate objective of movie is to allure the audience into the cinema to watch and appreciate it in addition to provide the cultural information. Reception aesthetics,as a theory of literary criticism,gives priority to readers’ role in literary understanding and interpretation. According to reception aesthetics,the horizon of expectation should be taken into consideration when the translation work begins to be done. Horizon of expectation is composed of the readers’ or audiences’ previous cultural norms,assumptions,and criteria in the source language and culture at a given time. Movie title,as a special text,is also understood and influenced by the audience’s horizon of expectation. Chinese audience,before they decide to watch a movie,are naturally harbor their horizon of expectation about the movie. They will form their judgment and assumptions about the genre,plot,story,background about the movie from the movie title. These kind of horizon of expectation will consequently influence their ultimate decision to watch the movie or not. Hence,in doing the movie title translation,the translator is supposed to keep the audience’s horizon of expectation in mind and try his utmost to achieve the fusion of expectation. In this way,the comparatively satisfactory version is likely to come into being and finally will live up to the audience’s expectations. As a result,from the perspective of reception aesthetics,the author proposes three feasible translation methods of movie title: literal translation,free translation and adaptation.  相似文献   

(1)Content of the material:This unit is the eighth unit in English(Book 1)written by Zhang Yina and published by Jiangsu Education Publishing House.The topic is talking about festivals and customs.The unit consists of the following five parts:warming up,listening,speaking,reading and grammar,the material of which live up to the two  相似文献   

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