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Carbon-based nanomaterials such as graphene and nanodiamonds have demonstrated impressive physical and chemical properties, such as remarkable strength, corrosion resistance, and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, and stability. Because of these unique characteristics, carbon nanomaterials are explored in a wide range of fields, including the diagnosis and treatment of viruses. As there are emerging concerns about the control of virus including Middle East respiratory syndrome virus (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), this review highlights the recent development of carbon based-nanomaterials for the management of viral infections.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒与人类禽流感   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
禽流感病毒属甲型流感病毒,主要引起禽类流感。1997年首次证明禽 流感病毒(A/Ho ng Kong/156/97)H5N1亚型可感染人,其后在我国内地、香港及荷兰等地又至少发生了5起禽 流感病毒的人间感染。目前,禽流感病毒正在我国及亚洲部分地区肆虐,已造成很大的经济 损失和社会影响,禽流感已成为严重危害人类健康的新发传染病。本文拟就禽流感病毒的基 因特征、致病性及特异检测等方面的进展做一综述。  相似文献   

Currently, world is facing a global outbreak causing a pandemic threat known as COVID-19. This infectious disease is triggered by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Gut microbiota harbours multi species community with a strong impact on host immune homeostasis. However, our knowledge about this gut microbiota and its symbiotic relationship with immune activation in association with SARS-CoV-2 is limited. Unbalanced bacterial flora with too many opportunistic infections can shift immune system towards a cascade of inflammatory responses leading to multi organ damage. This review will highlight immune-regulation via various mechanisms in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Diet has an unbelievable influence on gut microbiome that allows a new state of homeostasis to be reached through timing, frequency and duration of intake. This review article focuses on gut, lung microbiota and immunomodulation with specific attention on immune activation by gut microbiota.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖,极端天气频发,入侵型、新发和重发昆虫传作物病毒病害已经成为限制我国农作物优质高产的主要因素。因缺乏抗病抗虫的种质资源、育种周期长,虫传病害防治难度极大,目前我国农业处于几乎完全依赖化学防控媒介昆虫的被动应付局面,生态与环境成本极大。以往研究虫传病毒病害往往注重病毒和植物寄主两个方面,这些研究为理解作物病毒病害的暴发机制提供了基础知识,但尚未能深入到病害防控的关键节点——媒介昆虫介导的病毒侵染循环这一根本性问题上,导致目前在病毒病害防治实践上缺乏有效抓手。近年来,随着分子生物学和组学研究的飞速发展,以及微观生物学技术和理念对宏观生物学的快速渗透与交叉,病毒—昆虫—植物三者互作机制研究取得了诸多重要进展,在寻找病毒病害流行暴发的宏观生态学现象背后的分子生物学与生物化学机制上取得了长足进步,不但为复杂生态系统多元互作分子机制提供了参考模型,也为通过人工干扰和操纵生物间互作关键节点,从而促进虫传病毒病害的持久防控提供了科学依据和新的有效抓手,变被动应付为主动调控病害灾变过程。文章简要回顾了近年来病毒—昆虫—植物三者互作领域的主要研究进展和发展趋势,并抛砖引玉提出了对未来发展的建议和思考。建议国家组织研究力量,大力加强:(1)大田生产条件下病毒病害发生的多元生物体系互作机制及科学防控科技支撑能力建设;(2)前沿基础和新方法新策略探索及应用平台建设;(3)虫媒病害绿色防控的微生物组学颠覆性技术等方向的探索与突破,力求在虫传作物病毒病害绿色生态防控方面为农业供给侧改革提供强有力的科技创新和支撑能力。  相似文献   

在过去的20年里新的病毒不断产生以前得到控制的病毒死灰复燃新生和再生的病毒病已成为新世纪世界所面临的重要的公共卫生问题。本文简要介绍了国际上相关领域的研究状况和发展趋势,扼要介绍了我国的情况,对如何加强我国新生病毒的研究提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Viral satellites are small nucleic acids that can replicate only in conjunction with the nucleic acids of certain viruses in certain hosts. In spite of the absence of any known nucleotide sequence relationships between a viral satellite, its helper virus, and its host, the trilateral interaction that ensues is usually extremely specific. This specificity is often expressed as a highly characteristic modulation of the disease symptom(s) normally associated with a viral presence in a particular host. This opens up very interesting possibilities for the control of viral plant diseases.  相似文献   

Techniques used to prepare clinical samples have been perfected for use in diagnostic testing in a variety of clinical situations, e.g., to extract, concentrate, and purify respiratory virus particles. These techniques offer a high level of purity and concentration of target samples but require significant equipment and highly trained personnel to conduct, which is difficult to achieve in resource-limited environments where rapid testing and diagnostics are crucial for proper handling of respiratory viruses. Microfluidics has popularly been utilized toward rapid virus detection in resource-limited environments, where most devices focused on detection rather than sample preparation. Initial microfluidic prototypes have been hindered by their reliance on several off-chip preprocessing steps and external laboratory equipment. Recently, sample preparation methods have also been incorporated into microfluidics to conduct the virus detection in an all-in-one, automated manner. Extraction, concentration, and purification of viruses have been demonstrated in smaller volumes of samples and reagents, with no need for specialized training or complex machinery. Recent devices show the ability to function independently and efficiently to provide rapid, automated sample preparation as well as the detection of viral samples with high efficiency. In this review, methods of microfluidic sample preparation for the isolation and purification of viral samples are discussed, limitations of current systems are summarized, and potential advances are identified.  相似文献   

新发和烈性传染病的防控与生物安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近几十年来,SARS冠状病毒、埃博拉病毒、高致病性禽流感H7N9等新发和烈性传染病接连出现,严重影响人类健康。新发和烈性传染病病原由于没有有效的疫苗和药物,具有传染性强、传播速度快、传播范围广等特点,现代生物学技术的发展使得这些病原有可能作为生物武器,威胁我国生物安全。文章分析国内外新发和烈性传染病流行现状,阐述新发和烈性传染病与生物安全的关系以及可能带来的生物恐怖威胁,探讨新发和烈性传染病防控研究的前沿技术,提出了我国新发和烈性传染病防控中存在的问题,同时针对武汉国家生物安全实验室的落成对新发和烈性传染病的防控和生物安全的防护进行了展望。  相似文献   

In December 2019, Wuhan city in the Hubei province of China reported for the first time a cluster of patients infected with a novel coronavirus, since then there has been an outburst of this disease across the globe affecting millions of human inhabitants. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type-2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a member of beta coronavirus family which upon exposure caused a highly infectious disease called novel coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19, a probably bat originated disease was declared by World Health Organization (WHO) as a global pandemic in March 2020. Since then, despite rigorous global containment and quarantine efforts, the disease has affected nearly 56,261,952 laboratory confirmed human population and caused deaths of over 1,349,506 lives worldwide. Virus passes in majority through respiratory droplets and then enters lung epithelial cells by binding to angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and there it undergoes replication and targeting host cells causing severe pathogenesis. Majority of human population exposed to SARS-CoV-2 having fully functional immune system undergo asymptomatic infection while 5–10% are symptomatic and only 1–2% are critically affected and requires ventilation support. Older people or people with co-morbidities are severely affected by COVID-19. These categories of patients also display cytokine storm due to dysfunctional immune response which brutally destroys the affected organs and may lead to death in some. Real time PCR is still considered as standard method of diagnosis along with other serology, radiological and biochemical investigations. Till date, no specific validated medication is available for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Thus, this review provides detailed knowledge about the different landscapes of disease incidence, etiopathogenesis, involvement of various organs, diagnostic criteria’s and treatment guidelines followed for management of COVID-19 infection since its inception. In conclusion, extensive research to recognize novel pathways and their cross talk to combat this virus in precarious settings is our future positive hope.  相似文献   

Viral infections remain a major threat to public health. The speed with which viruses are evolving drug-resistant mutations necessitates the further development of antiviral therapies with a large emphasis on drug discovery. To facilitate these efforts, there is a need for robust, high-throughput assays that allow the screening of large libraries of compounds, while enabling access to detailed kinetic data on their antiviral activity. We report here the development of a droplet-based microfluidic platform to probe viral fusion, an early critical step in infection by membrane-enveloped viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis C, and influenza. Using influenza A, we demonstrate the measurement of the kinetics of fusion of virions with target liposomes with sub-second temporal resolution. In analogy with acidification of the endosome that triggers fusion in a cellular context, we acidify the content of aqueous droplets containing virions and liposomes in situ by introducing acid from the dispersed phase and visualize the kinetics of fusion by using fluorescent probes.  相似文献   

Advanced cell culture systems creating a controlled and predictable microenvironment together with computational modeling may be useful tools to optimize the efficiency of cell infections. In this paper, we will present a phenomenological study of a virus-host infection system, and the development of a multilayered microfluidic platform used to accurately tune the virus delivery from a diffusive-limited regime to a convective-dominated regime. Mathematical models predicted the convective-diffusive regimes developed within the system itself and determined the dominating mass transport phenomena. Adenoviral vectors carrying the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgene were used at different multiplicities of infection (MOI) to infect multiple cell types, both in standard static and in perfused conditions. Our results validate the mathematical models and demonstrate how the infection processes through perfusion via microfluidic platform led to an enhancement of adenoviral infection efficiency even at low MOIs. This was particularly evident at the longer time points, since the establishment of steady-state condition guaranteed a constant viral concentration close to cells, thus strengthening the efficiency of infection. Finally, we introduced the concept of effective MOI, a more appropriate variable for microfluidic infections that considers the number of adenoviruses in solution per cell at a certain time.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiological agent of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), is a highly contagious pathogenic coronavirus to emerge and spread in human populations. Although substantial exertions have been laid to avert spread of COVID-19 by therapeutic and preventive countermeasures, but emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants as a result of mutations make the infection more ominous. New viral confers a higher nasopharyngeal viral load, increased viral transmissibility, higher infectiousness, immune escape, increased resistance to monoclonal/polyclonal antibodies from convalescence sera/vaccine, and an enhanced virulence. Thus, it is pertinent to monitor evolving mutations and genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 as it is decisive for understanding the viral variants. In this review we provide an overview of colloquial nomenclature and the genetic characteristics of different SARS-CoV-2 variants in the context of mutational changes of the circulating strains, transmissibility potential, virulence and infectivity.  相似文献   

Viral infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) has a high propensity in becoming chronic and it is the major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide. This review was basically established to illustrate the putative role of the P53 gene Arg72Pro polymorphism on various cancer models and viral infections, focusing on HCV and HCC incidences. Authors studied the 72 G/C single base substitution of P53 gene at codon 72 using various polymorphic techniques. Intriguingly, authors investigated that the P53 codon 72 plays a crucial role as risk factor in several cancer models. Others found that there is no association between codon 72 genotypes and HCV disease severity or liver cancer. Moreover, the lack of a significant relationship between this polymorphism and risk of HCC shows that it does not predispose towards hepatocarcinogenesis and the frequent loss of the proline allele in HCV-associated carcinogenesis of the liver plays some critical role in hepatocarcinogenesis. Amazingly, there is a significant correlation between male homozygotes for P53 72Pro with HCV type 1b infection. However, there was no significant difference between the P53 polymorphism and HCV genotypes 2a and 2b. It was concluded that the P53 gene polymorphism at codon 72 has been investigated as potential risk factor in several cancer models and HCV infections.  相似文献   

脑重大疾病的机理和诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
脑疾病是我国乃至全球人口健康领域正面临的重大挑战。尽快部署脑疾病研究的中长期战略具有重大意义,将显著提升我国在该领域的国际竞争力,促进相关学科的发展以及新技术和新治疗途径的开发,实现脑疾病的精准医疗。脑疾病的研究正在从分子细胞机理、介观网络机制、生物标记物与分子分型、影像诊断和治疗策略研发等多个层面推进,其中介观网络研究是当前脑科学研究的新焦点,将填补分子细胞机理和宏观疾病症状之间的鸿沟。基于脑疾病的复杂性,非人灵长类动物可能是研究人类脑疾病的最优模型,我国在该领域具有明显优势;而脑疾病的早期诊断和早期干预是脑疾病治疗的关键,我国有丰富的临床资源库,亟需建立国际规范化、全国统一化的采样、处理、分析标准和共享的规则。此外,单细胞和单分子技术是微观研究的新趋势,也是精准医疗的关键技术,在解析复杂脑疾病机理方面具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

Lymphatic filariasis caused mainly by infection fromWuchereria bancrofti andBrugia malayi remains as the major cause of clinical morbidity in tropical and subtropical countries. Development of vaccine against filarial infection can act as additional measure to the existing therapeutic and vector control methods in the control of this disease. The main hurdles in the development of anti-filarial vaccine are the strict primate specificity ofWuchereria bancrofti, the paucity of parasite material, the diversity of clinical manifestations and their associated complex immune responses, lack of clear understanding on host-parasite interactions and the mechanisms involved in protective immunity. However in the past few years, the information generated in immuno-epidemiological studies, correlated with observations in experimental animals suggests that a filarial vaccine is feasible. Initially live irradiated infective larvae have been successfully used to induce high level of protective immunity in several animal models. Applying diverse strategies, variety of purified or recombinant filarial antigens have been explored for their ability to induce protection in different host-parasite systems. Some of these targeted filarial antigens induced high level of resistance in experimental animals against challenge infections. More focussed studies on thorough characterization of parasitological and immunological changes associated with resistance induced by such candidate protective antigens and on delivery mechanisms and safety aspects will be crucial in their selection for possible use in humans.  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术的不断发展,计算机病毒也在不断的快速发展,以网络传播的病毒利用网络全球互联的优势和计算机系统及网络系统安全性上的漏洞,正成为计算机系统的最大威胁。结合计算机病毒的特点,介绍了计算机病毒的特点、结构、原理、分类以及几种计算机病毒的防范措施和清除方法。  相似文献   

河北省人力资源与经济发展关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对河北人力资源状况进行SWOT分析,并建构回归模型,验证了河北省人力资源与经济发展之间的关系。实证结论表明人力资源的数量、质量、结构、流动对河北经济的具体影响。并基于此提出一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

BackgroundLytic bacteriophages are bacterial viruses that upon infection kill their host cells and therefore have re-emerged as biological control agents of bacterial pathogens, particularly in the field of food related infections. Here, we investigated the stability in different food matrices of five phage isolates capable of controlling the foodborne pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE).ResultsWe found that two phages, originally isolated from food sources, were up to 5 logs more stable than three phages isolated from sewage, in ten food matrices (fresh and processed) at both 4°C and 18°C.ConclusionLytic phages isolated from contaminated food sources seem to be a better choice when structuring phage cocktails to be used in the control of SE in food management protocols.  相似文献   

在医学应用领域,合成生物学以人工设计的基因线路改造人体自身细胞,或改造细菌、病毒等人工生命体,再使其间接作用于人体。这些经人工设计的生命体能够感知疾病特异信号或人工信号、特异性靶向异常细胞和病灶区域、表达报告分子或释放治疗药物,从而实现对人体生理状态的监测,以及对肿瘤、代谢疾病、耐药菌感染等典型疾病的诊断与治疗。文章将综述了合成生物学的医学应用领域近期的一些研究进展。  相似文献   

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