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十七年革命历史小说普遍洋溢着一种格调高亢、激昂的革命战斗激情。在对这些文本的仔细研读中可以发现“强势言说”、“权威话语”、“弱势诉苦”这三个话语情境对这“种红色激情”具有根本性的支撑作用,它们在文本中反复出现,营造出一次次情感高潮,推动了情节的发展。  相似文献   

“文本多元解读”成为了语文阅读教学的热点问题。随着这一理念的倡导和推行,语文阅读教学吹起了一阵清新之风。与此同时,“文本多元解读”在教学实践中往往出现一些问题,比如阅读教学的混乱现象。一开始学生觉得轻松自由了,甚至可以胡思乱想、胡言乱语了,似乎进入到了“自由王国”。而最后是学无所得.肚子空空。  相似文献   

目前,传播于世界各地的新闻,90%以上由美国和西方国家媒体垄断。多年来,西方国家主流媒体利用其舆论传播主导权,一方面,向其他国家输出西方价值观,以此动摇别国的意识形态和文化根基;另一方面,利用其掌握的强大舆论机器,在国际上丑化别国形象,为其“改造”这些国家扫清国际舆论的障碍。从东欧剧变到“颜色革命”再到“茉莉花革命”,西方传媒的煽惑作用虽不是决定性的,但影响却不可低估。重点结合西方主流媒体涉华负面报道分析,就如何在全球化、信息化条件下加强舆论领域的宣传引导工作提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

"革命"的伦理学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪是一个风起云涌的革命的世纪,革命在这段历史的各个角落都留下了身影,理解这段历史将有助于我们更好的认识当下的自己。论文在文学文本中探寻革命的踪迹,力图捕捉岀那些“史”作无法传达无法描述的细微的、隐秘的信息。  相似文献   

从“文本”走向“人本”语文教育为人的发展服务。一切语文教学与设计的根本出发点与归宿都是为了促进学生的长远发展。我们的语文教学与设计不仅着眼于“文”,更是着眼于“人”,要通过“文”这一载体而实现“人”的发展。正因为坚守“生本位”,即由学科本位,知识本位转向关注每一个学生发展为本位,所以我们语文教师的备课设计就必须由“文本”转向“人  相似文献   

通过仔细解读“人是万物的尺度”的本真含义,包括历史上几位哲学巨匠对此文本的不同理解,说明这是文本理解的历史性和视界不同的问题,同时我们解读这一文本更进一步的意义是为我们“所用”,为“实践服务”,突出当代中国哲学应正确把握人的主体性研究,在改革中重视人的主体地位,同时达到主客统一。从而指导我国的社会实践。  相似文献   

英国资产阶级革命"保守性"的几点质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于英国资产阶级革命“保守性”问题。以科学的态度对新贵族与资产阶级因同质而结盟,革命前以清教运动为特色的舆论准备,革命中摧毁封建土地所有制的土地革命以及最终确立资本主义政体之一的君主立宪制等方面作深层次的探讨,认为这些方面都适合英国国情,英国的资产阶级和新贵族很好地完成了革命的任务,保守性之说难以成立。  相似文献   

高中"新课标"带来的语文教学范式革命   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《高中语课程标准》取代《高中语教学大纲》,必将引发语教学范式的革命。这种革命体现在五个方面:语言教学:由“得形忘意”到“得形得意”;阅读教学:由“单一理解”到“多元理解”;写作教学:由“为造情”到“为情造”:学科教学:由“学科封闭”到“学科开放”;学科课程:由“单一课程”到“多元课程”。  相似文献   

新课程带来的教学变革之一就是变讲课为对话 ,《语文课程标》指出 :“阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间对话的过程。”这表明 ,对话将成为阅读教学的一种新形态 ,教学中的“对话”就是教师与学生以教材内容为“话题”或“谈资”共同去生成和创造“文本”,去构造“意义”的过程。这种对话分为两种 :学生与文本教材的对话 ,包括对文本的理解、欣赏与批判 ;教师与学生的对话 ,是师生双方敞开心灵、人格对等地进行精神交流 ,实现这种对话 ,它要求教师的 ,不仅要有个性的自我完善——需要民主的精神、平等的作风、悦纳学生的情怀 ,更要有教学策略…  相似文献   

宗璞的《红豆》产生于建国以后文艺思潮短暂解冻的“鸣放”时期,作者大胆的把笔触深入到爱情——这一文学表现的禁区,具有标志性的意义。但是由于它处于“文学为无产阶级服务”的泛政治化语境中,作者仍然陷入了把革命和恋爱对立的泥沼中不能自拔。主人公在文本中做的价值选择,从深沉意义上反映了启蒙话语与革命话语之间复杂的不可调和的对立与冲突。  相似文献   

信息时代既赋予劳动及劳动教育以新的内涵,也使高校劳动教育的作用和地位、可行性和可能性、育人价值与功能等面临挑战,其实效性有所减弱。然而,这并不意味高校劳动教育在信息时代不适用也没必要,而是信息时代高校呼唤身心融合的劳动教育,以及与之相适应的劳动教育体系,以培养德智体美劳全面发展的综合性人才。因此,信息时代高校劳动教育首先要厘清其目的,着眼于人的全面发展,在继承优良传统的基础上结合信息时代劳动教育的新特点,与时俱进,在方法与形式上不断创新,加强对人的劳动素养和劳动精神的培养,不断提高劳动教育的实效性。  相似文献   

《教学设计的理论与模型:教学理论的新范式(第2卷)》在深入分析信息时代不同于工业时代特征的基础上,提出面向信息时代的教学范式,主张以定制化的、聚焦于学习的教学取代工业时代的标准化的、聚焦于分类的教学,变被动学习为主动学习,从教师的主动、控制和责任转变为分享的主动、控制和责任;从去境脉的学习转变为真实的、意义丰富的任务,以高层级的学习目标取代低层级的学习目标。新教学设计理论从多个不同的视角构建设计模型,并彰显教学方法的情境化考量和教学设计向"用户设计者"模式的转变,为在实践上进行教学范式转变提供了一种发展方向。  相似文献   


This paper explores relationships between knowledge production and academic publication and shows that the current political economy of mainstream academic publishing has resulted from a complex interplay between large academic publishers, academics, and hacker-activists. The process of publishing is a form of ‘social production’ that takes place across the economy, politics and culture, all of which are in turn accommodating both old and new technology in our postdigital age. Technologies such as software cannot be separated from human labour, academic centres cannot be looked at in isolation from their margins, and the necessity of transdisciplinary approaches does not imply the disappearance of traditional disciplines. In the postdigital age, the concept of the margins has not disappeared, but it has become somewhat marginal in its own right. We need to develop a new language of describing what we mean by ‘marginal voices’ in the social relations between knowledge production and academic publication. Universities require new strategies for cohabitation of, and collaboration between, various socio-technological actors, and new postdigital politics and practice of knowledge production and academic publishing.  相似文献   

论生态文明时代的人格臻善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展和文明形态的更替,人格的发展经历了农耕文明时代依附型人格和工业文明时代物化的单向度人格两个阶段。当前,生态文明代表了时代的特征,文明的转型,不仅对人格的发展与完善提出了新的要求,在其转型过程当中,也使得新型人格——生态人格的塑造成为社会发展的必然。  相似文献   

全民健身计划的实施促使我国的体育教学由应试教育向素质教育转变 ,从而也对这个新时期内体育教师提出了更高的要求。体育教师不仅应具有献身精神 ,而且要有渊博的知识、全面的能力以及热爱学生等各方面的素质 ,只有这样 ,才能完成时代赋予的历史使命  相似文献   

从认识论的意义上分析了中国传统思维方式的劣根性,指出它是马克思主义在中国经历不幸命运的认识论根源。说明我党三代领导人以科学的态度,正确的思维方式对待马克思主义,对待中国的社会现实,不仅坚持和创造性地发展了马克思主义理论,开拓了马克思主义的新境界,而且成功地进行了社会主义革命,开创了社会主义建设的新道路,进入了中华民族全面复兴的新时代。  相似文献   

In this age of new media, children are exposed to media messages at an early age. What can we do when the mass media exert such a great influence on children? One proposal has been for the introduction of a new school subject: media education. Though media education has not been part of the official curriculum in Hong Kong, some schools, both primary and secondary, have tried it out. This paper argues for the desirability of introducing media education in primary schools in Hong Kong, with regard to social change, recent education reform and learning initiatives of primary pupils. It then draws on the findings of a study conducted in a local primary school to examine the views of pupils, parents, and teachers on the effects on pupils of the implementation of media education lessons and campus radio projects in this age of new media.  相似文献   

中师的终结 ,师专的消减 ,本科师范院校的困惑 ,教师教育体系正在发生质的变革。可以说 ,教师教育体系由三级向二级 ,再向一级 ,最后走向非定向型走向完全开放之日 ,将是独立建制的师范院校走向终结之时 ,这是一个一向安全系数极高的独立的师范院校的时代走向终结 ,这种终结标志着—个旧时代正在结束 ,意味着教师教育新时代的到来。但旧时代的完结和新时代的建立是一个过程 ,当新的体系还没有完全建立 ,旧的体系又不能有效约束时 ,很可能会造成教师教育一定程度的虚空状态 ,教师教育质量的滑坡是极有可能的  相似文献   

Eye movements were recorded while sixty-two 1-year-olds, 4-year-olds, and adults watched television. Of interest was the extent to which viewers looked at the same place at the same time as their peers because high similarity across viewers suggests systematic viewing driven by comprehension processes. Similarity of gaze location increased with age. This was particularly true immediately following a cut to a new scene, partly because older viewers (but not infants) tended to fixate the center of the screen following a cut. Conversely, infants appear to require several seconds to orient to a new scene. Results are interpreted in the context of developing attention skills. Findings have implications for the extent to which infants comprehend and learn from commercial video.  相似文献   

Between the 1940s and 1960s across Western Europe a spirit of reform along comprehensive lines manifested itself in secondary education, aiming at a reduction of the existing social inequality of educational chances. These reforms are said to be rooted in new policies and in new approaches in educational studies. This article explores the relationship between educational reform and educational science in a country, the Netherlands, which did not “go comprehensive”. Though, by the late 1950s, social inequality of educational chances, the waste of working-class talent, and the impossibility of a fair selection at the age of 12 had been discovered by Dutch educationists, equal chances were not mentioned as a target in the new Secondary Education Act (1963). Its focus was directed at the development of individual talent, regardless of class, and selection continued to be applied at a very early age. This policy was even approved of by the social democrats, who elsewhere acted as protagonists of comprehensive schooling. They held on to the deeply rooted idea of two different, class-bound kinds of pupils with different educational needs, the “intellectuals” and the “manuals”, a message that had been spread for a long time by educational researchers themselves.  相似文献   

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