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From an embodied learning perspective, the active human body can alter the function of the brain and therefore, the cognitive process. In this work, children’s activity using motion-based technology is framed as an example of embodied learning. The present investigation focuses on the use of a series of Kinect-based educational games by 31 elementary students with special educational needs in mainstream schools, during a five-month intervention study. Results based on psychometric pre-post testing in conjunction with games-usage analytics, a student attitudinal scale, teachers’ reflection notes and teacher interviews, demonstrated the positive impact of the games on children’s short-term memory skills and emotional stage. Overall, the study improves our understanding of embodied learning via motion-based technology in teaching and learning with children with special educational needs.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors reflect on the results of their previous research at cooperation schools in the Netherlands, where students and teachers from nonaffiliated and Christian backgrounds come together. Dewey’s perspective on educating democratic values is combined with empirical results of this research, answering the question what Dewey’s concept contributes to the reflection on the relation between values and religious education at these schools. This article shows that this reflection and the implementation of value-based religious education offers opportunities for schools that face the challenge of practicing encounter between students from different backgrounds.  相似文献   

杨波 《天津教育》2021,(3):157-158
中小学年龄段的学生,还没有形成良好的世界观、人生观与价值观,其逻辑思维能力以及综合能力的发展也不够健全。因此,学校应有效加强对中小学教育教学策略的重视,积极更新中小学教育的管理理念,建立科学有效的教育思想,结合先进的教学手段,摒弃传统落后的教育模式,实现对中小学教育策略的创新,从而满足当今中小学生的学习需求,调动中小学生学习的积极性与热情。本文就中小学教育策略进行探讨与分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2003,13(3):255-269
This article focuses on possible interactions of students’ inter-individual differences and features of cooperative learning. In a first study the uncertainty- vs. certainty-orientation of 209 students (88 male, 121 female; age 13–14) in nine classrooms (8th grade) of two schools was assessed. Three uncertainty-oriented and three certainty-oriented students were selected in each classroom. In varying sequences they solved three tasks (subject matter: German, social studies, mathematics) first individually, than in orientation-homogeneous groups of three. While there were almost no differences in decision-making between uncertainty-oriented vs. certainty-oriented learners during individual sessions, learning in small groups instigated significant differences. These differences diminished with an increased structure/certainty of learning tasks. In a second study 138 students (52 female, 86 male) in all 12th grade classrooms of three schools learned for six weeks according to a modified ‘Jigsaw Puzzle Technique’. At one of the schools the teachers did not implement the cooperative model completely, but tried to stay ‘in control’. This had consequences for the study’s ability to observe students in situations of uncertain and certain learning tasks, but the researchers were able to include this school for testing critical variables.  相似文献   

对浙江省4所高职院校2254名学生进行调查分析,得知当前新冠肺炎疫情下高职学生学习自主性得以强化,对学校居家学习安排认可度较高,普遍认同居家学习能确保学习效率,但依然存在学生学习指导、投入和专注性弱化,学习环境和自主学习力不佳等问题,部分学生担忧网络学习效果,多数学生不期望调整周末或压缩假期。对此,教育主管部门要做好统筹规划,高校要强化教学技术支撑和学科协同,辅导员要深化网络思想政治教育,学生要细化学习目标、启发自我导向性学习、培养学习毅力与专注力。  相似文献   

对昭通农村英语教学现状的调查表明,农村英语教学注重语法知识的输入而忽视学生自主学习能力的培养。各级教育部门和学校应增加投入,加强农村英语教师师资队伍建设,改革农村英语课堂教学,注重学生学习策略的培训,帮助学生有效地进行学习。  相似文献   

梁卿 《职业技术教育》2012,33(10):81-84
20世纪90年代以来,国外学者将自主学习研究延伸到职业教育领域.国外学者的研究表明,在职业教育中开展自主学习,培养学生的自主学习能力十分必要,但受学习环境、教师和学生等因素的影响,在自主学习实践中存在着评价与自主学习的要求不一致、学生缺乏自主学习的意愿和能力、教师对学生能否进行自主学习持怀疑态度等问题.这些研究不仅特点鲜明,而且具有重要意义,但也存在一些不足,有待进一步改进.  相似文献   

Many innovations in education are not completed, even if they are well thought out in advance. One of the main causes is the organization’s lack of learning ability, combined with a shortage of teachers’ and students’ ownership with respect to the renewal of ideas and design. In communities of learners, teachers and students collaborate and learn together in order to shape innovations in their daily practice. Their ability to learn collectively is a key factor in developing a learning organization. So far, insights into how processes of collective learning can be designed effectively, and which critical factors play a role, have been based on limited empirical research. This article’s goal is to contribute to the development of these insights, using the results of a study based on 48 cases of collective learning in communities of learners in primary schools and teacher education institutes. The results suggest that although collective learning rarely takes place in most cases, many outcomes are created that affect all community members. This leads to the conclusion that some participants create outcomes, not only on behalf of themselves but also on behalf of others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a multi-level comparative approach to analyse Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) and Programme of International Student Achievement (PISA) mathematics results for a country, Russia, where the two tests provide contradictory information about students’ relative performance. Russian students do relatively well on the TIMSS mathematics test but relatively poorly on the PISA. We compare the performance of Russian students with different levels of family academic resources over the past decade on these tests compared to students with similar family resources in Russia’s neighbours and to Russian students studying in Latvian and Estonian Russian-medium schools. These comparisons and interviews with educators in Latvia and Estonia help us understand why students in Russia may perform lower on the PISA and to draw education policy lessons for improving international test performance generally and Russian students’ PISA mathematics performance specifically.  相似文献   

In recent years Icelandic schools have seen an increase in students with immigrant background. These changes require schools and teachers to respond to the educational needs these students may have. The aim of this article is to examine these changes by looking at the experience of teachers and parents of immigrant students regarding their education. As part of this qualitative research, 38 teachers were interviewed in focus groups with a view to the challenges and experiences of teaching immigrant students. Ten parents were also interviewed individually about their experiences of Icelandic schools and their children’s education. The findings revealed that teachers are unsupported in their quest for understanding and managing multicultural education and that the Icelandic school system challenges foreign parents’ understanding of school as a traditional place for learning. It is suggested that addressing the lack of collaboration and discussion between both parties on students’ needs and parents’ expectations could improve the education of immigrant students.  相似文献   

新冠疫情期间,各级各类学校不得不在线开展教育教学。这一转变带来教育便利,也突显了传统学校课堂教育主体性缺失问题。本研究以县城A中学为调查点,呈现在线教育阶段教师、学生和家长多方教育主体的系统性不适应现象。研究发现,线上教育打破了传统线下课堂教学的管控模式,教师和学生都有了更大的自主空间,但也因为传统课堂教育过于依赖“管控”而忽视了对主体性的培养,具体表现为:教师自主学习和技术运用的缺陷、“双师”模式下“经师”与“人师”角色调整的迟滞、家庭教育中学校管控模式的移用失败,以及传统教育中学生学习自主能力和习惯的缺乏。对开展线上教育所做的反思,有助于复归常态化教学后学校教育对主体性培育的关注。  相似文献   

陶行知的"教学做合一"理论,是在批判旧教育开创新教育的过程中提出的,不仅内涵丰富,而且具有批判性、创新性、实践性、主体性、灵活性等五大鲜明的理论特征,对于当今农村中小学教师培训中存在的诸如因循守旧、实践性知识偏少、学员的学和做被置于边缘等问题具有重要的指导意义。在"教学做合一"理论的指导下,农村中小学教师培训要转变培训理念,以实践创新能力的培养为目标,以学员为中心,在调研的基础上开发具有乡土味的课程内容,建立理论培训与实践训练相结合的课程体系,重视运用在实践中研究和反思的教学方法,真正实现教学做合一。  相似文献   

The professional behavior of future doctors is increasingly important in medical education. One of the first subjects in the curriculum to address this issue is gross anatomy. The Tuebingen Medical Faculty implemented a learning portfolio and a seminar on medical professionalism during the dissection course. The aims of this research project are to get an overview of how students form a professional identity in the dissection course and to compare the content of both their oral and written reflections on the course. A qualitative analysis was conducted of the oral and written reflections on the dissection laboratory experience. This study was conducted during winter term 2013/2014 with a cohort of 163 participants in the regular dissection course. Written reflection texts (from n = 96 students) and audio recordings from four oral reflection seminar discussions (with n = 11 students) were transcribed and deductively categorized with Mayring’s qualitative content analysis method. Both qualitative analyses show that students reflected on many topics relevant to professional development, including empathy, respect, altruism, compassion, teamwork, and self-regulation. Quantitative analysis reveals that students who attended the oral reflection wrote significantly more in their written reflection than students who did not. There is, however, no difference in the reflection categories. Reflection content from students corresponds with categories derived from existing competency frameworks. Both the seminar (oral reflections) and the learning portfolio (written reflections) present excellent opportunities to foster professional development during anatomy education; the key is using them in conjunction with the dissection course.  相似文献   

陈慧 《创新人才教育》2020,(1):66-68,78
在小学语文阅读教学中,引导学生查阅与课文内容相关的资料可以丰富教材的课程资源,提高学生的阅读能力和识字量,培养学生主动学习、探究新知的好习惯。对于小学高年级学生来说,教师在培养他们的资料查阅能力时可以从三方面入手:一是课前为学生指明方向,由"扶"到"放";二是课中鼓励学生发散思维,彰显个性;三是课后要丰富形式,促进学生学习的融会贯通。同时,教师要努力培养学生质疑探究的能力,鼓励学生记忆感兴趣的内容;要拓宽学生处理信息的深度与广度,为学生搭建展示信息的平台。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to contribute to the innovation of pre‐vocational education, in particular, students' orientation at possible future occupations. From our theoretical understanding, vocational orientation that makes sense to students requires them to be part of a ‘community of learners for vocational orientation’. In such a community, students are stimulated to learn deliberately while participating in vocational practices. In this article we distinguish four parameters to define a community of learners for vocational orientation. We then present the results of a collective instrumental case study into teaching‐learning processes in four classes in two pre‐vocational secondary schools. Data were collected through classroom observations, a series of interviews with teachers and students. The interviews focused on eight ‘critical incidents’ recorded during classroom observations. The results show that the parameters ‘shared learning’ and ‘meaningful learning’ are more manifest in the teaching‐learning process than ‘reflective learning’ and ‘a focus on transferable learning outcomes’. The article concludes with a discussion of the limits of working in simulated work situations in school for realizing effective pre‐vocational education.  相似文献   

While shadow education, organized learning activities outside formal school, has grown greatly around the world, the relationship between formal schooling and shadow education has not been well investigated. This study is therefore intended to empirically test whether formal education’s structure (i.e. tracking) affects students’ shadow education participation by utilizing a nationally representative dataset consisting of 10th-grade students in Japan. Results of multilevel logistic regression analyses show school socioeconomic compositional and cross-level interaction effects on shadow education participation: students in high-socioeconomic status (SES) schools are more likely to seek shadow education lessons than those in schools of lower SES; and higher SES students tend to take shadow education lessons, especially when in high-SES schools. Additionally, the study finds that the school composition effect becomes relatively weak when extra lessons are free of charge, highlighting the importance of family economic capital to obtain additional learning opportunities.  相似文献   


The massification of higher education in Australia since the early 1990s has foregrounded issues of access and participation for a range of ‘non‐traditional’ students. Such issues can unsettle academics’ normative assumptions of the learning behaviours of the traditional, ‘ideal’, university student and highlight normative beliefs and practices about teaching and learning. This can be seen most acutely in regard to the increasing numbers of students with disabilities, especially students with ‘hidden’ disabilities such as psychiatric disabilities and learning disabilities. The impacts of these disabilities go to the very core of the business of the academy: cognition, intellectual ability and academic success. Using Smith's (1999) notion of ‘cultural cartography’, this article takes a sociocultural approach to investigate and give voice to the responses of a small number of students with a ‘learning difficulty’ at a regional university about problematic aspects of their teaching and learning experiences. This demonstrated that the after‐effects of access and equity admission polices can play out in deeply personal ways for individual students when normative, behaviourist notions of ability and achievement continue to prevail within higher education environments. Although non‐traditional students are now permitted to enter the academy, this occurs at some personal cost to their feelings of belonging and self‐esteem, and can result in students taking on deficit or helpless positions within the academy.  相似文献   

本研究以西部某地方师范院校为依托,采用问卷调查法对小学教育师范生信息化教学能力开展了调查研究,结果显示:小学教育专业师范生信息化教学能力水平总体偏低;师范生年级之间的信息化教学能力差异较大;信息技术相关课程的学习经历对小教专业师范生信息化教学能力有重要影响。针对上述问题,结合抽样访谈尝试性提出了小学教育师范生信息化教学能力的优化策略,主要包括:丰富课程设置,完善培养模式;实施目标分层,满足各年级学习需要;更新观念,提高师范生对信息技术的认识;完善学校设施,创设良好的学习环境;加强教师队伍建设,培训教师信息化教学应用能力。  相似文献   

The intent of national efforts to frame science education standards is to promote students’ development of scientific practices and conceptual understanding for their future role as scientifically literate citizens (NRC 2012). A guiding principle of science education reform is that all students receive equitable opportunities to engage in rigorous science learning. Yet, implementation of science education reform depends on teachers’ instructional decisions. In urban schools serving students primarily from poor, diverse communities, teachers typically face obstacles in providing reform-based science due to limited resources and accountability pressures, as well as a culture of teacher-directed pedagogy, and deficit views of students. The purpose of this qualitative research was to study two white, fourth grade teachers from high-poverty urban schools, who were identified as transforming their science teaching and to investigate how their beliefs, knowledge bases, and resources shaped their planning for reform-based science. Using the Shavelson and Stern’s decision model for teacher planning to analyze evidence gathered from interviews, documents, planning meetings, and lesson observations, the findings indicated their planning for scientific practices was influenced by the type and extent of professional development each received, each teacher’s beliefs about their students and their background, and the mission and learning environment each teacher envisioned for the reform to serve their students. The results provided specific insights into factors that impacted their planning in high-poverty urban schools and indicated considerations for those in similar contexts to promote teachers’ planning for equitable science learning opportunities by all students.  相似文献   

高职生受挫能力培养是挫折教育的重要任务,是心理健康教育工作的重要抓手。在校高职生受挫能力现状不容乐观,在学习、生活、交往和就业中均存在受挫心理障碍。客观分析高职生受挫能力培养的若干问题,科学培养高职生受挫能力,是我国高职院校教育工作者面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

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