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通过深入分析高校职称评定的全过程,指出职称评定过程中的非正式组织,职称申报人与评审人之间的信息不对称、评审人的机会主义行为和内部人控制等是导致评审过程与结果出现不公正的主要原因,并对高校职称评定过程进行了重新设计。  相似文献   

通过分析科技项目预算评审中委托-代理关系下的信息不对称现象及其引发的逆向选择和道德风险,本文提出,通过加强监督和有关方面的培训等方面的工作,可以解决科技项目预算评审中的信息不对称问题。  相似文献   

吴彬彬  龚佳  祝静静 《科教文汇》2020,(8):11-12,30
高校职称评审工作关系到能否充分激发广大教师工作的积极性及创新性,关系到我国高等教育事业的持续、稳定、健康发展。现行的高校教师职称工作中出现了比如高校管理机制中职称评审分工不明确、评审标准异化、评审材料弄虚作假、评审过程失范等问题。在此基础上提出相应的对策,这对新时期完善高校教师职称评审工作、提高教师水平和教学质量具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

高校职称评审应该适应信息化时代的发展需求,运用网络技术和信息技术,整合拥有的信息化资源,构建网络环境下的职称评审业务流程.研究设计集个人申报与资格审核、职评材料自动生成、职评指标量化、专家在线评审、职评信息发布等功能为一体,为教职员工、职能部门管理人员和专家提供一站式职称评审服务.重点介绍业务流程重构和业务服务编排,实现评审过程信息化,增加职评工作的客观性、科学性和透明度,提高职称评审工作效率.  相似文献   

信息不对称增加了交易成本,造成了不对称双方的“逆向选择”和“道德风险”问题,大大的降低了资源配置的效率。分析了信息不对称对上市公司治理的影响,结合欧美发达国家成熟的公司治理经验.对相关问题提出了对策。  相似文献   

“放管服”将高校教师系列职称的评审权下放,由各个学校进行自主评审,有力地促进了人才的使用活力。但是由于对评审职数的限制,使得评聘分离沦为空谈,难以实现。在公办高职院校中,由于受到评审职数的限制,一方面使得具备了能力和水平的教师仍然得排队等候,同时也造成了学校在聘任环节出现了无优秀人才可聘的尴尬局面。本文深入探讨了高职院校在教师职评审过程中的职数核定、组织评审、学校聘任、待遇兑现诸环节之间存在的问题和不足,进而提出了在职称评审环节放开或放宽对职数的限制,转而在聘任环节和待遇兑现环节加强对职数的限制,能有效解决公办高职院校中职称评聘的问题,为在学校开展职称的评聘分离奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

专业技术职称网上评审的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用现有的网上信息资源,分析网上评审职称的特征,提出了评审的内容和原则,认为网上评审在人才选择和激励科技创新等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

科学研究本身似乎不涉及诚信问题 ,这是因为真正的学人、科研者皆脚踏实地的埋头于工作和研究中。然而 ,在市场经济利益的驱动下 ,即科研成果受到全社会的尊敬和享有与之匹配的相应报酬 ,对心术不正者则是莫大的诱惑。于是“成果”的拥有权和“成果”本身的“假冒伪劣”与其它商品一样出现制假者、贩假者、模仿者……。“成果”也存在一个打假和维权的问题。呼唤以“诚信”为基础的健康科研环境就成了当务之急。在高校 ,成果的有无在职称评审中却是重头戏。而计划经济时期在高校评审职称的程序和要件及操作方法在今天依然是重要手段。教学和…  相似文献   

2001年,美国经济学家乔治·阿克洛夫、迈克尔·斯彭斯和约瑟夫·斯蒂格里茨摘取了诺贝尔经济学奖桂冠。他们的贡献是对“充满不对称信息的市场”进行了卓有成效的分析。阿克洛夫由于贡献最大而分享一半奖金,斯彭斯和斯蒂格里茨分享另一半奖金。什么是“充满不对称信息的市场”?信息不对称对市场经济会  相似文献   

最近,中国科学院不再评职称一事,在国内引起广泛关注。人们就“只聘不评”的作法各抒已见,展开了热烈的讨论。尽管莫衷一是,但有一点我们是赞同的:我国的职称评审制度是非改不可了。 那么,在美国大学里,职称证明是怎样进行的呢?首先,一个专业或系,按教学需要来设置相应数量的教授岗位。教授分三个等级:助教授(可说是教授的“初级阶段”,不  相似文献   

文章以30所高职院校的职称评审标准为调查对象,分析职称评审权下放后的高职院校教师职称评审制度改革现状,并针对评审标准提出建议:坚持职业道德为先,突出职业教育特色,推进业绩考核多元化,注重评审结果与岗位聘任相衔接。  相似文献   



Continuing professional development (CPD) with corresponding crediting system is recognized as essential for the laboratory medicine specialists to provide optimal service for the patients. Article presents results of the survey evaluating current CPD crediting practice among members of European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM).

Materials and methods:

A questionnaire had been forwarded to presidents/national representatives of all EFLM members, with invitation to provide information about CPD programmes and crediting policies, as well as feedback on individual CPD categories, through scoring their relevance.


Complete or partial answers were received from 28 of 38 members. In 23 countries, CPD programmes exist and earn credits, with 19 of them offering access to non-medical scientists. CPD activities are evaluated in all participating countries, regardless to the existence of an official CPD programme. Among participating members with mandatory specialists’ licensing (22/28), CPD is a prerequisite for relicensing in 13 countries. Main categories recognized as CPD are: continuing education (24 countries), article/book (17/14 countries) authorship and distance learning (14 countries). The highest median score of relevance (20) is allocated to professional training, editor/authorship and official activities in professional organizations, with the first category showing the least variation among scores.


Majority of EFLM members have developed CPD programmes, regularly evaluated and accompanied by crediting systems. Programmes differ in accessibility for non-medical scientists and impact on relicensing eligibility. Continuing education, authorship and e-learning are mainly recognized as CPD activities, although the professional training is appreciated as the most important individual CPD category.  相似文献   

如何有效运用线上沟通工具,是高校线上教学中最常见也最棘手的问题。要解决这一问题,必须在充分了解各种线上沟通工具的产生背景和特点的基础上,结合线上教学的实际需求加以运用。即时通讯工具可以保证教学信息的上传下达;在线开放课程实现了线下精品课程的线上扩展;直播互动软件实现了线上课堂的线下同质体验;专业教学软件能够远程督导课后的有效复习及考核,但综合来看,“雨课堂”智慧辅助工具整合了其他线上沟通工具的优点,能够独立满足高校线上教学的所有要求,还能促进线上线下混合式教学的发展,是未来高校教育信息化发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

“光电信息科学与工程”位列教育部新工科六大最具前景专业的前茅。本文通过对专业教学指导规范的分析,结合个人的实践经验,从光电信息科学与工程的专业定位、学科与专业建设、专业思想教育等角度进行了探讨,提出了地方高校“光电信息”专业建设的建议及实施案例,为地方高校“光电信息”专业建设提供了参考。  相似文献   

刘海燕  刘超 《现代情报》2013,33(4):168-171
实践教学在培养信息管理与信息系统专业创新人才培养方面具有极为重要的作用。本文通过分析吉林农业大学信息管理与信息系统专业学生的就业情况,总结出目前实践教学工作中存在的问题,提出了"以就业为导向"的实践教学体系的构建和教学方法的改革。  相似文献   

徐芳  李萌  李晓轩 《科学学研究》2017,35(6):873-878
科研人员职称制度,不仅关乎科研人员的自身利益,更是关系到党和国家科技创新事业发展的关键问题。然而,伴随着经济发展和社会进步,现阶段科研人员职称制度工作逐渐凸显弊端,如职称终身制,评定科学性和规范性问题等。本研究拟在借鉴国内外职称制度实践与经验基础上,提出我国科研机构职称制度改革的建议方案,以期为政策研究者和制定者提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以"信息管理"专业为案例.系统化地分析了其赖以存在的"信息化"的基础环境的结构,进而从职业生态环境的角度,以知识结构切入专业核心能力,并举一返三地提出了职业生态环境视角下的专业核心能力的定位原则、思路及其意义.  相似文献   



Over the last few years, many private companies are advertising direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT), mostly with no or only minor clinical utility and validity of tests and without genetic counselling. International professional community does not approve provision of DTC GT and situation in some EU countries has been analysed already. The aim of our study was to analyse current situation in the field of DTC GT in Slovenia and related legal and ethical issues.

Materials and methods

Information was retrieved through internet search, performed independently by two authors, structured according to individual private company and the types of offered genetic testing.


Five private companies and three Health Insurance Companies offer DTC GT and it is provided without genetic counselling. Available tests include testing for breast cancer, tests with other health-related information (complex diseases, drug responses) and other tests (nutrigenetic, ancestry, paternity). National legislation is currently being developed and Council of Experts in Medical Genetics has issued an opinion about Genetic Testing and Commercialization of Genetic Tests in Slovenia.


Despite the fact that Slovenia has signed the Additional protocol to the convention on human rights and biomedicine, concerning genetic testing for health purposes, DTC GT in Slovenia is present and against all international recommendations. There is lack of or no medical supervision, clinical validity and utility of tests and inappropriate genetic testing of minors is available. There is urgent need for regulation of ethical, legal, and social aspects. National legislation on DTC GT is being prepared.Key words: Direct-to-consumer genetic testing, DTC, ethics in genetics, legislation  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to investigate the extent to which Instructions to authors of the Croatian open access (OA) journals are addressing ethical issues. Do biomedical journals differ from the journals from other disciplines in that respect? Our hypothesis was that biomedical journals maintain much higher publication ethics standards.

Materials and methods

This study looked at 197 Croatian OA journals Instructions to authors to address the following groups of ethical issues: general terms; guidelines and recommendations; research approval and registration; funding and conflict of interest; peer review; redundant publications, misconduct and retraction; copyright; timeliness; authorship; and data accessibility. We further compared a subset of 159 non-biomedical journals with a subset of 38 biomedical journals. Content analysis was used to discern the ethical issues representation in the instructions to authors.


The groups of biomedical and non-biomedical journals were similar in terms of originality (χ2 = 2.183, P = 0.140), peer review process (χ2 = 0.296, P = 0.586), patent/grant statement (χ2 = 2.184, P = 0.141), and timeliness of publication (χ2 = 0.369, P = 0.544). We identified significant differences among categories including ethical issues typical for the field of biomedicine, like patients (χ2 = 47.111, P < 0.001), and use of experimental animals (χ2 = 42.543, P < 0.001). Biomedical journals also rely on international editorial guidelines formulated by relevant professional organizations heavily, compared with non-biomedical journals (χ2 = 42.666, P < 0.001).


Low representation or absence of some key ethical issues in author guidelines calls for more attention to the structure and the content of Instructions to authors in Croatian OA journals.Key words: instructions to authors, publication ethics, publication standards, open access, OA, research integrity  相似文献   

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