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College preparation programs are ubiquitous among secondary schools, ranging from bridge programs and summer camps to STEM competitions. High school students have many options in preparing for the academic pressures of higher education. However, an area often neglected in college preparation programs is the teaching of interpersonal customs and norms of university life. High school students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, may enter college with little to no understanding of the social and organizational expectations of being a college student. This study tests a college preparation approach that utilizes college-themed media as a way to educate students on college life that is unintimidating and enjoyable. Six high school students were presented with various forms of fictional college story plotlines, including a movie, two television shows, and a novel. Through observational data and semi-structured interviews, findings showed that the students identified some valuable personal lessons about what it means to be a college student after consuming the media. The findings suggest that incorporating college media into college preparation programs in high school may provide a more holistic college preparation experience by demystifying college stereotypes and relieving some of the pressures that high school students face about what is waiting for them in college.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对兰州地区在校大学生的消费状况进行了调查,从不同学生的家庭社会经济地位、来源、性别等角度对他们的消费状况做了多重比较,并对调查对象的消费炫耀度进行了分析。研究结果表明,大学生的消费大部分为合理消费,其消费水平与家庭社会经济背景有一定的相关,来自农村家庭的学生的消费明显低于来自城市家庭的学生的消费,大学生的主要消费是饮食方面的消费,大部分学生存在着炫耀性消费。  相似文献   

对大学生"负翁"现象的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于“享乐主义”等不良社会文化的影响、大学生消费心理的不成熟性以及家庭和学校对大学生消费缺乏教育和监管,导致越来越多的大学生负债消费,成为校园“负翁”。如果任其发展,校园“负翁”会给整个校园和社会带来危害。学校应采取各种措施,有针对性地对大学生进行“合理理财”和“适度消费”的教育,以培养适应时代需要的人才。  相似文献   

Science achievement and attitudes were assessed for a series of students in Grades 3–12 representing the four major ethnic groups in Hawai'i (USA). It was found that more differences were accounted for by ethnicity and even grade than by gender; in addition, there was little interaction between ethnicity and gender. With respect to ethnicity, Caucasian and Japanese-American students outscored Hawaiians and Filipino Americans at all grade levels. Caucasians also expressed the most positive attitudes toward science and Japanese expressed the most positive perceptions of scientists; Hawaiians generally expressed the least positive perceptions. Younger students generally expressed more positive attitudes toward science but less positive perceptions of scientists compared to older students. Caucasians expressed the most positive perceptions of their own science ability and achievement. With respect to gender, there were no consistent differences in science achievement and very few in science attitudes and perceptions. The major differences were that males reported more experiences with physical science activities and also expressed a more male-stereotyped view of science than females, with some variation by ethnicity and grade. There were differences in enrollment in advanced science and mathematics classes in that females were more likely than males to enroll in many, but for both genders the major reason was college admission: Japanese students were most likely and Hawaiians least likely to indicate science interest as a reason. Findings are discussed within the context of cultural ecology and feminist social theory. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、深度访谈法和数据分析法,通过对部分大学生消费观的分析,发现被调查大学生的消费结构比较合理,各项消费分布较均匀,他们有一定的财商,时消费有较为明确的认识.在满足基本生存需求的基础上,注重自身的发展,同时也会通过享乐消费来减压,注重劳逸结合,但并非如外界想象的那样注重吃喝玩乐.此外,由于大部分学生以在食堂用餐为主,食堂服务质童应得到进一步提升和改善.从城乡的消费结构来看,农村学生的消费较城市学生消费要少,应该引起学校、政府的重视,如给品学兼优者或家庭困难者提供奖励、补助等.  相似文献   

A considerable body of research indicates that social support plays an integral role in determining students' successful adjustment to college. Unlike previous research that has evaluated face-to-face support interventions that occur during students' first semester at college, the current study reports on a student-centered social media site designed to enhance students' perceptions of social support prior to their arrival on campus. Results indicated that site usage increased students' perceptions that they would have a diverse social support network during their first semester at college, even when controlling for other potent predictors. The importance of social support perceptions for college adjustment is detailed and the ramifications of the social media intervention are discussed.  相似文献   


The current study seeks to analyze university students’ perceptions of online peer assessment (PA) with regard to its effectiveness as a learning tool and as a contributing factor to motivation and interaction. Participants also responded to questions about self-perceived writing strength, attitudes toward peer review, and experiences with peer review. The survey was administered via link online for students who report having completed peer review in online courses. Results from participants revealed that students generally believe peer review to be effective, helpful to learning, increasing communication skills, and as contributing to a stronger written end product. Students also agreed that peer review increases interaction, participation, and a sense of community. Attitudes toward peer review indicate that female students are more intimidated by giving peer reviews than their male classmates, but they felt less intimidated online as compared to face-to-face. More experienced students and students farther along in their college careers are less likely to give peer reviews that are affected by the ones they receive. The results indicate that peer review is an important teaching and learning tool that merits more research with particular attention to gender and other demographic data.  相似文献   

以网络为主的新兴媒体已经成为“90后”大学生生活的一部分,而第二媒介时代“双向的、去中心化的交流”特征,为我们当前的高校辅导员工作提出了新的时代要求.如何借助互联网,因势利导,做好当前高校辅导员工作,是思想政治教育工作者面临的一大挑战  相似文献   

当前我国大学生媒介素养调查研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
媒介素养是当代信息社会每个人必须具备的素养。采用调查法,对我国大学生的媒介素养现状进行了问卷调查。从1023份有效问卷中发现,大学生接触的媒介类别呈现多样化趋势,网络已经成为最受他们欢迎的媒介,他们的媒介活动也日益多元化,但从整体上看,大学生存在对媒介道德规范的认识较为模糊、媒介能力整体水平不高等问题。开展媒介素养教育、制定媒介素养教育政策、开设媒介素养教育课程是提高我国当代大学生素养必不可少的措施。  相似文献   

大学生媒介素养教育存在的问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息时代,人的全面发展离不开媒介素质的提高,作为受教育程度较高的大学生群体,更应具有较高的媒介素养。文章对大学生媒介素养教育中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了强化大学生媒介素养教育的可行措施。  相似文献   

大众传媒作为大学生完成政治社会化的途径之一,既对大学生政治社会化起着积极作用,又具有消极影响。因而,我们要充分发挥大众传媒的积极影响,促进大学生政治社会化的良性发展,加快其社会化的进程。  相似文献   

在传媒多样化的时代,大学生越来越多地受到来自传统媒体和现代媒体的各种影响。本文从传媒多样化对大学生社会化所造成的影响入手,分析了当前大学生发展的主要内容以及传媒作为媒介在大学生发展过程中所应担当的责任,并就如何针对传媒对大学生造成的负面影响开展媒体思想政治教育提出了相应策略。  相似文献   

Caring relationships are a core component in effective classrooms, and safe learning environments. As such, it is important for pre-service teachers to reflect on their own perceptions and experience regarding care and care within the classroom if they are to build upon that knowledge and grow as caring educators. In addition, teacher educators can learn more about the developing theories of care that exist within college classrooms, and utilize this knowledge in working with pre-service teachers to understand the power of care and relationships between students and teachers. The purpose of this article is to examine pre-service teacher perceptions of “care” and caring relationships within the classroom. How do pre-service teachers define “care”, and how do their experiences align with their personal beliefs? More importantly, how do these perspectives shape their teacher identity?  相似文献   

大众传媒对大学生政治社会化的影响要远远超过学校和家庭,只有充分发挥传媒的优势,加强网络管理,促进大学生政治社会化的良性发展,才能加快其政治社会化进程。  相似文献   

对于网络新媒体,大学生有着出色的接受能力;然而,大学生所表现出来的媒介素养却处于一种自发自觉的状态.尽管网络新媒体已经成为大学生使用的主流媒体,但是大学生对它的认知却浅显和不够深入理性,也缺乏相关的媒介知识和媒介技能,对媒介信息的互动参与也不够.此外,在网络的拟态世界中,大学生与外界的沟通能力减弱,大学生的媒体道德规范也将受到挑战.因此,推行大学生媒介素养教育,加强大学生媒介素养培养,是当前大学生教育的迫切需求.  相似文献   

网络和新媒体对当代大学生思想政治教育带来机遇和挑战,以郧阳师范高等专科学校学生使用网络的新媒体的情况为样本开展调查,结果显网络和新媒体已成为青年大学生日常生活的重要内容,新媒体使大学生的学习与交流趋于开放和互动、冲刷着大学生的价值取向,使德育主体和教育效果下降.基于此,大学生思想教育要更新观念、利用各种新媒体畅通教育渠道、打造品牌微博和QQ空间、建设新媒体的优势平台,积极培养青年“意见领袖”、提升学生信息分辨能力与媒介素养.  相似文献   

贫困大学生是大学生中的特殊群体,如何使他们顺利完成学业、成人成才,已经成为家长、学校和社会共同关心的问题。通过对高职院校贫困生日常消费基本情况的调查,发现相当一部分贫困生的消费状况仍存在一定问题。贫困生的消费问题应引起高职院校的高度重视,引导他们树立更加成熟的消费观念。  相似文献   

How do university students perceive the key relationship between their university education and the labour market? This article describes the perceptions that 827 Egyptian and Omani seniors—both males and females, studying commerce, education, and engineering—hold about that relationship. For these students, a major motivation for attending university is their perception that it will help them get better and more secure employment. They are also confident it will help them enter appropriate careers. However, they are less satisfied with the way in which university curricula prepare them effectively for appropriate careers. In addition, an analysis by nationality, gender, and field of study revealed statistically significant differences among the participants. The Omani students are more confident about their education than the Egyptians—who call for more reform of their curricula to fit labour market requirements. Women are more motivated than men to enter a career after university. The field of study had only a small impact on students’ perceptions of this key relationship.  相似文献   

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