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The combination of evidence can increase retrieval effectiveness. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of a decision mechanism for the selective combination of evidence for Web Information Retrieval and particularly for topic distillation. We introduce two measures of a query’s broadness and use them to select an appropriate combination of evidence for each query. The results from our experiments show that there is a statistically significant association between the output of the decision mechanism and the relative effectiveness of the different combinations of evidence. Moreover, we show that the proposed methodology can be applied in an operational setting, where relevance information is not available, by setting the decision mechanism’s thresholds automatically.  相似文献   

This paper considers a multicriteria choice model that includes multiple choices, a numerical vector criterion, and an asymmetric preference relationship of the decision maker (DM). The solution of the multicriteria choice problem is a set of selected choices. Certain “rational” axioms are assumed to be true. Provided that the DM’s preference relationship is known only partially, one cannot find a set of selected choices; nevertheless, an upper-bound estimate can be obtained from the available information. The information about a DM’s preferences is considered to be of the point-multiple type. This means that the DM is ready to take losses in some finite groups of criteria for the sake winning in some other group. The information about the DM’s preferences can be used to develop a new vector criterion and build a restriction of the Pareto set that produces a more precise estimate of the unknown set of the selected variants than the original Pareto set.  相似文献   

Those who have viewed the Times Mirror acquisition of New American Library through the lens of Victor Weybright’s memoirs have seen a picture of corporate interference in editorial decision making. By studying the correspondence and memoranda exchanged at the time, Thomas Bonn has uncovered different causes for dissatisfaction on Weybright’s part, and new insight into the managerial problems that occur when a large corporation acquires an independent publisher. Thomas L. Bonn is a librarian at the State University of New York at Cortland. HisHeavy Traffic and High Culture: The New American Library as Literary Gatekeeper was published in July by Southern Illinois University Press.  相似文献   

The principles of J.S. Mill’s induction are formulated. These principles are developed and formalized for the five J.S. Mill’s inductive methods (the method of agreement, the method of difference, the joint method of agreement and difference, the method of residues, and the method of concomitant variations). The method of agreement, the method of difference, and the joint method of agreement and difference are considered in Part I. The possible strategies of plausible reasoning that realize the interaction of Mill’s induction, analogy, and abduction are formulated. These strategies are considered to be cognitive reasoning (justification is provided).  相似文献   

After settling in to his second term, Brazil’s president Lula da Silva has pledged to improve on his country’s woefully inadequate education system. This means addressing illiteracy, which is one of Brazil’s most serious development issues. While Brazil has the potential to be one of the world’s largest economies, it is hampered by high rates of functional illiteracy. Furthermore, those that can read are non-readers. Consequently the Brazilian government has pledged to resolve illiteracy and launched a nationwide reading program in 2005 with the optimistic goal of increasing the national reading rate by 50%. The article analyzes the political risk in Brazil in light of the da Silva administration’s stated objectives. It will also assess the impact of state literacy campaigns will have on the publishing industry and the potential for investment in the country. Finally, it will discuss the importance of foreign investors in Brazil’s development goals.  相似文献   

In this short article, Henry Rosenbloom, the founder of Australian independent publisher Scribe, complains about the tactic of UK-based publishers buying ‘Commonwealth’ rights and preventing Australian publishers from acquiring separate Australian rights. ‘UK publishers are not entitled to Australia as a territory. It is our country, our market, and our industry,’ he writes. This article was originally published in The Age newspaper in early 2008, then on Rosenbloom’s blog, and it was the catalyst for a spirited debate at this year’s London Book Fair.  相似文献   

Summary Now more than ever good translations are proving to be vitally important to fulfilling Shoichi Noma’s mission of advancing good relationships between cultures. With the emergence of dozens of world-class Japanese writers, the translators of Japanese literature have acquired a new significance and a new importance. No longer are they required to simply handle the language like an exotic and precious commodity but they must prepare a writer’s work to compete with literature from around the globe and let others understand the issues at their very heart of the Japanese people. Indeed, the selection committee’s choice of Murakami’s Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is an apt example of how literature at its very best can span cultural divides to promote mutual understanding of very complicated and important world issues. Written for Japanese to help them understand the devastation of war, it is a rare and timely book that confronts Japan’s experience head on. Ironically, Noma’s idea that books are silent ambassadors, an idea born from agony and defeat, so many years later is helping the world come together towards a unified vision of peace and understanding. “Literature has been described as a means of exchange between the hearts of people. Literary translation, then, is the building of bridges so that all peoples of the world can interact in this way.” Ye Weiqu, Chinese Institute of Social Studies.  相似文献   

Conversation is key and as the communication landscape shifts rapidly, harnessing ‘e’ is pivotal in extending ‘story’ as digital evolves, catapulting publishing from analogue to digital. Harnessing ‘e’ is an exciting and effective way to add value, but for ‘e’ to be implemented successfully and seamlessly requires more than a standard ‘roll out’ of strategy. Staying Single [1] was my MA dissertation project in the form of a fictional blog that bridged a fictitious digital world with a real physical one as I supplemented Sophie’s story with souvenirs, additional digital content, UGC, and social media elements, all channelled through Sophie’s fictional storyworld. This study was an investigation into the effects that interactivity and community might bring to contemporary fiction, traditionally published in print form, by women, for women. The presentation of Staying Single as a cross-media, digital story challenged conventional boundaries for story enjoyment and involvement and attempted to vastly expand the story universe, recording how the option for interactivity impacted the story. Readers were offered choices to receive Staying Single through blog feeds, by email or downloaded podcasts, with additional options for involvement through multiple platforms—‘Pulling Power’ ‘relationship’ documentaries, SMS alerts and ‘meeting’ Sophie in Second Life. My current transmedia romantic comedy fiction, Loving NY will push these resources and opportunities further, enhancing and driving the story whilst engaging and interacting with readers. Transmedia storyworld development is extremely fast-moving and with magazines offering web-cam enabled augmented realities and iPhone apps allowing readers to GPS tag co-readers, these are extremely exciting times! To harness ‘e’ is to offer options—levels of immersion and engagement, multi-platform choices, perhaps even linear or non-linear narratives with the intention of organically reaching a wider readership far beyond the restrictions of print based novels.  相似文献   

Today it would be hard to imagine the publishing world without literary agents. But agents are relative newcomers. The first arrived on the British literary scene some time in the late 1870s; A. P. Watt is generally regarded as the first true agent. It was Watt who defined the role and function of the agent and established a standard of conduct by which his contemporaries and successors were measured. Watt’s activities had great impact on the business of publishing and on the types of literature writers produced. In fact, the agent was one of the main factors in the radical transformation of the publishing world that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century. This article looks at Watt’s legacy: it focuses on both the publishing world and the institution of the literary agency. It suggests that Watt was a dominant force in both and that, without him, literary agency might not have prospered so well or so quickly. She studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and received her D.Phil. in 1988. She is working on a book about the British literary agent.  相似文献   

George Newnes became one of the most influential popular publishers of the age of New Journalism, and was probably Britian’s first media magnate. He published a vast number and variety of journals in the period from 1881 until his death in 1910, editing some of these, but leaving an impression upon all of them. Newnes’s periodicals included Tit-Bits (1881), Strand Magazine (1891), The Million (1892), Westminster Gazette (1893), Country Life (1897), The Ladies Field (1898), Wide World Magazine (1898), The Captain (1899), and C.B. Fry’s Magazine (1904). Newnes was an innovator, and a publishing entrepreneur. This paper will focus on the entrepreneurial aspects of Newnes’s publishing ventures and the novel technological and promotional techniques pioneered by him. The analysis will focus upon such techniques as promotional schenesm advertising, production and illustration, the employment and promotion of popular authors, editors and illustrators, publicity, market segmentation, and financing. The concluding section consists of an investigation into some of the rhetoric that has been applied to Newnes’s publishing career, and the way in which, as publishing entrepreneur and media magnate, Newnes’s successes have been cast within a continuing debate over popular literature, New Journalism and the commercialization of the popular press in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Kate Jackson is currently completing a Ph.D. in History on “George Newnes, New Journalism and the Reading Publics, 1881–1910.”  相似文献   

Biographers and book historians both study life histories, and practitioners of the two disciplines have much to learn from one another. The author illustrates this point with a document from a publisher’s archive which reveals a great deal about an author’s career as well as about publishing practices, and with a bibliographical puzzle which tells much about censorship in the British publishing industry while at the same time illuminating an important feature of a writer’s career and life. He is the author of several books and is at work on a biography of William Styron.  相似文献   

Michaux’s National Memorial African Bookstore, Harlem, NY, was the epicenter of black literary life and bookselling, 1933–c.1975. Michaux migrated from Virginia to escape farm work and his brother’s evangelical church, opting instead—despite the lack of formal education—to become a trafficker in ideas, through bookselling. A self-styled Garveyite, Michaux advised Malcolm X, though he never joined the Nation of Islam or advocated revolution. The bookshop—with a huge inventory of books about black experience and spearheaded by the charismatic bookseller (known as “The Professor”)—attracted a loyal clientele, championed famous writers and artists, and hosted international leaders (especially Africans). A rallying point for political speeches, often delivered in front of the store, in its period, there was no other black bookstore in America with Michaux’s influence.  相似文献   

The article documents the editorial relationship between Peter Carey and his New York based editor for Knopf, Gary Fisketjon, who worked with Carey on his True History of the Kelly Gang. This account provides the basis for a discussion of how globalised publishing, while promising unity—a single text across all territories—has instead introduced a tension into the previously cohesive triad of author, editor, and the single authorized text. As Fisketjon’s experience lays bare, major contemporary texts that are published in multiple editions in different global centers may well proceed through competing or at least parallel editing processes with different presses, different editors, and in different publishing territories. The authorized single edition, even of major literary texts, has been replaced by competing editions. The single edit and editor have been replaced by competing “servant[s] of the writer” (to use Fisketjon’s phrase). Cohesion, while not quite giving way to disunity, gives way to multiplicity and plurality. The experience of the Kelly Gang book is cast against a longer narrative of Carey’s interactions with editors including the University of Queensland Press (UQP) from the 1970s and Faber from the 1980s.  相似文献   

Canada’s book trade is fascinating not only because it really consists of two book trades—the Anglophone and the Francophone—but also because it is a site of intense and sustained policy interventions designed to foster greater domestic control. Examining the country’s book policies, Statistics Canada data, trade association membership rosters and trade directories, this paper reveals that Canada’s contemporary book trade is characterized by three features: circa 40 years of government interventions in response to foreign dominance; the central role of foreign firms despite these interventions; and the dominance of Toronto and Montreal as domestic sites of book production.  相似文献   

The rhythm of publishers’ marketing efforts is dictated by an entirely outmoded historic model of publication of seasonal lists. Publishers should recognize that market conditions that drove this cycle are long gone and adjust to the realities of the 1990s. Properly used, many of today’s technology tools can assist publishers in building and exploiting the “communities of interest” that are the stock-in-trade of every book marketer. Mike Shatzkin is co-chairman of the VISTA Editorial Board. His Idea Logical company produces content for Sportsline USA web sites. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

The rapid growth and popularity of the microblogging service Twitter has been one of the most recent phenomena of the Internet, which opens up opportunities for businesses in general and publishers in particular to do marketing in a dialogue- and consumer-oriented way. This survey analysed UK trade publishers’ use of Twitter with the specific objective of finding out what influence a publisher’s size has on its Twitter adoption, patterns of use and the content of its Tweets. Overall, the results suggest that a publisher’s size primarily affects its general Twitter use, while being less influential regarding its patterns of use and the tweeted content.  相似文献   

Children’s literature is essentially different from textbooks used in classrooms. It was primarily developed in India after the establishment of Children’s Book Trust and National Book Trust in 1957. A truly multilingual phenomenon, Amar Chitra Katha was developed by India Book House and has sold over 80 million copies in some 30 years. The Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan programme started by the Government of India, has done exceptionally well in developing and encouraging the development of children’s literature in regional languages. English being the language of communication is understood in all parts of the country so more books have been published in this language. Reading habits of children have been developed through reading campaigns by Non Government Organisations (NGOs), Children Literary Festivals, Book Fairs, School Book Fairs and Book Clubs. International and Indian Characters have also increased the publishing of children’s books and reading habits of children.  相似文献   

Blackwell’s Approval Program Coverage and Cost Study details subject areas and list prices of monographs covered by our New Titles program for academic library collections. The Study reports on titles treated, not on copies sold—each title is counted once, whether it was purchased by one library or by hundreds. The Study presents information on numbers of titles treated and average list price, arranged by Blackwell’s subjects and then by LC class, for all publishers and then for university presses exclusively. It also includes a detailed report of all treated titles by NLM class. Additionally, the report includes a breakdown of the non-subject characteristics (e.g., language and format) of treated titles. Since most of Blackwell’s Approval libraries are not profiled to receive books for titles coded with the Non-Subject Parameters (NSPs) Popular works and Lower undergraduate texts, we exclude titles with these NSPs from the Coverage and Cost Study. This article appeared originally at http://www.blackwell.com/shelf/tools/cc.htm It is reproduced with the permission of the author.  相似文献   

Borderland, a journal of the occult, was published in London by William T. Stead from 1893 through 1897. Its goal was to be at once receptive to new ideas and scientific in their examination. Stead’s early career is reviewed, and Borderland, is described. The topics investigated included spirit communication, spirit photography, Martian, life, ghosts, dual personalities, and palmistry. Grace Eckley has found that William T. Stead is the biographical original of James Joyce’s hero inFinnegan’s Wake and has published several articles on Stead and Joyce. She promotes the William T. Stead Memorial Society and edits the journalNews Stead, which began publication in November 1992.  相似文献   

This article investigates the long-term transformations in England’s documentary storage regime wrought by the Reformation. Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries famously resulted in the dispersal and destruction of many medieval texts and records, but he and his successors sponsored efforts to retrieve lost materials, which they then used in the formation of ecclesiastical policy. Elizabethan counselors expanded the scope of this project, applying their expertise in gathering records to secular issues and assiduously preserving their own documents. During James I’s reign, the Earl of Salisbury’s patronage gave new authority to the State Paper Office, encouraging the consolidation of a centralizing archive that integrated earlier methods of collection, preservation, and indexing in its operation and construction. The article thus offers an analytic trajectory tying the practices of Reformation to the development of expanding national archives in the seventeenth century.  相似文献   

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