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日本人民高度的环境意识和环境素养与其长期以来在学校教育中所接受的环境教育密不可分。日本环境教育的有效实施,一方面是政府高度重视并在政策上支持,使环境教育被有效顺利地纳入到学校教育之中;另一方面则是学校在实践中注重让学生参与丰富多彩的环境教育活动,从而使环境意识、环境道德等有效地得以内化,形成综合的环境素质。本文拟分析日本学校环境教育的具体实施与教学实践活动,从而为我国环境教育的推行和绿色学校的创建提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

日本的教育之所以发达,教育均衡化的水平之所以比较高,在很大程度上是得益于它有一个完善的制度环境。日本的制度环境在促进教育均衡化发展方面有很多值得我们研究和借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

日本中小学环境教育的几个特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本对环境教育是相当重视的,现已在学校各种教育活动中全面展开。其中,借助理科落实环境教育则是日本学校环境教育的重要一环。为此,本文拟从理科教育的角度来探讨日本中小学环境教育的特点。  相似文献   

日本小学对坏境教育是相当重视的,现已在学校各种教育活动中全面展开。其中,通过理科教学贯彻落实环境教育则是日本学校实施环境教育不可忽视的一环。为此,本文拟从日本中小学理科教学的角度来探讨日本环境教育的历史、观点和特点。  相似文献   

当代日本幼儿教育特色初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代日本幼儿教育处于世界领先水平。本文在立足于日本幼儿教育现状的基础上,指出当代日本幼儿教育的主要特色是二元制的教育机构,以健康、人际关系、环境、语言和表现五个领域为主的幼儿教育内容,以设定教育和自由教育、横向教育和纵向教育为主的幼儿教育的形式  相似文献   

作为“文明教育”的环境教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今天的环境问题是一种重要的文明问题。它表明,科学文明正与时代发展不相适应,要求人们对科学文明的是非作一判断。那么,如何让人们强化这种环境意识呢?这话要研究一下人们的生活方式、价值观以及与时代相适应的环境教育等问题。一、环境教育的历史环境教育、环境学习等在近来颇引人注意,但它不是突然出现的,而是有一定的历史背景的。这里我们考察一下环境教育的状况及其历史背景。回.自然保护教育和公害教育在环境教育一词产生之前,日本曾出现了“自然保护教育”和“公害教育”之类的术语。1951年,日本成立了自然保护协会,并阐述…  相似文献   

浅谈日本初中美术教育的指导思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东瀛日本与我国一衣带水,特定的地理和历史环境,形成了日本与我国悠久而深刻的文化交流历史。日本文化,素以善于包容外来文化,并创造自己的新鲜血液而著称于世。郭沫若曾说:“资本主义以前的文化,是从中国流到日本,资本主义以后的文化,是从日本流到中国。”日本美术教育正生动地体现了这一段历史。 一、初中美术教育的作用 美术教育与社会价值的关系主要表现在两个方面,一是可以作为造型活动的入门之径,有助于培养社会所需要的具有较高审美意识、一定造型感和造型技能的生产劳动者;二是可作为一种有效的教育手段在整体教育环境中…  相似文献   

日本在发展经济的过程中非常重视环境教育,其基本着眼点是:通过对传统文化的挖掘和诠释,搭建起环境教育的价值支持系统;通过政府、企业、社区、NGO组织(Non-governmental organization,非政府组织)的共同努力、协同配合,构造出完整的环境教育体系;通过公害教育使社会民众始终保持对环境问题的敏感性。这些做法可以为我国的环境教育提供重要的启示和参照。  相似文献   

日本国民高度的环境意识和环保素养与其长期以来所接受的环境教育密不可分。从分析日本环境教育的发展进程入手,探讨了日本环境教育的体系构成及实施特点,为我国的环境教育建设提供有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

日本专门学校创设于1975年,是进行非学历的高等职业教育的高中后教育机构。自诞生以来,专门学校职得了迅速的发展。据日本文部省统计,1992年专门学校数量已达1828所,在校生人数达69万1千人。已经成为日本高等教育的重要组成部分。但是,进入90年代以后,日本的经济及社会环境都发生了很大的变化,给专门学校的发展提出了严峻的课题。本文要论述的是日本专门学校目前所面临的课题以及对应社会变化所采取的振兴策略。一、目前日本专门学校面临的课题进入90年代以后,日本的社会环境发生了很大的变化,如社会上18岁人口的减少,产业结构的…  相似文献   

把环保教育纳入现代的幼儿科学教育领域,帮助幼儿理解生态环境,教育幼儿保护环境,对于他们日后增强环境保护意识,提高环境保护的自觉性是非常必要的。本对此作一论述。  相似文献   

基于中日中学《地理》教学大纲的比较分析,把握环境教育目标的历史变迁。中日双方环境教育目标的轨迹可.以归纳为:从自然保护逐渐转移到重视自然与人类的关系;从关心自然地理逐渐转移到人文地理进而关注乡土地理;从知识的理解、意识的培养转向环境考察,注重行动力的培养。  相似文献   

This article explores how children can learn about environmental sciences through place-based education and children’s literature. Recent studies suggest that there is a lack of environmental science knowledge among citizens of all ages. Scholars and educators recommend introducing young children to the places in which they live to create an impact on how they will view and respect the natural world as adults. Selection and use of developmentally appropriate and scientifically accurate literature can be an effective tool to help children understand their place in and connections to the natural world. Guidelines for selecting place-based literature are presented using the Midwest United States as an example. Twelve children’s books are recommended and reviewed.  相似文献   

Conclusion The second phase of education for a sustainable future (the widespread reorientation of educational practices, systems and structures) is not yet widespread in the Asia-Pacific region. This is a very large undertaking and one that the economically wealthy regions of the world have yet to make. Therefore it is not surprising that one of the world's economically poorer regions has yet to enact such reforms. However, there is sufficient leadership in the region (in the form of international and regional agencies and active NGOs) to indicate that if Member States can be convinced that a whole-of-government approach to sustainable development is desirable, the teacher educators, curriculum development officials and teachers of the region will have the requisite support to make the necessary reforms. Original language: English John Fien (Australia) Director of the Centre for Innovation and Research in Environmental Education, Griffith University. Teaching and research interests focus on the reorientation of education towards sustainability in the formal school sector, teacher education and community education. He is the author ofEnvironmental education: a pathway to sustainability and education for the environment andCritical curriculum theorising and environmental education. Editor of several UNESCO project publications, includingTeaching for a sustainable world (1995),Learning for a sustainable environment (1997) andTeaching and learning for a sustainable future (2000). Osamu Abe (Japan) Professor in Education at Saitama University in Japan and the Project Leader of the Environmental Education Project of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. A leading authority on conservation education and a well-known figure in both the environmental NGO and environmental education movements in Japan. Bishnu Bhandari (Nepal) Senior Research Fellow in the Environmental Education Project of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies in Japan. Former Director of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's conservation programme in Nepal. With Osamu Abe, he has convened a series of international conferences on environmental education in the Asia-Pacific region. They have publishedAn overview of environmental education in the Asia and Pacific region (1999) andA regional strategy on environmental education in Asia-Pacific (1999).  相似文献   


This article is a letter to my son. In this letter I tell him the truth of my reality in theological education, as one filled with sexism, racism, and various other experiences. I express my fears for him in this world as a black boy who will grow into a black man. I also discuss my hope for his future and the future of theological education. I discuss how I believe that playing, changing the rules, and having good friends to play with could aid in creating a better future not only for him but theological education as well.  相似文献   

吴汝纶是我国近代教育的先驱者和奠基者.他毅然明确地、彻底地提出废科举、兴学校的主张,首倡在旧式书院创办东(日)、西(英)文学堂,建议京师大学堂派代表团赴日访求学制,为我国近代教育绘出了可供操作的蓝图.  相似文献   

Though Japan has established one the largest higher education systems in Asia much earlier than most of the other Asian countries and some European countries, including the UK, Germany and France, except for a very few Japanese books and articles, little research has been published in Japan on this topic. This article will address the research question: how did Japan’s higher education shift from massification, through to post-massification and, now, to near universal access? By examining the changes in the enrollment in Japan’s higher education based on quantitative analysis, the article will provide an example of how an Asian country had experienced different stages of the growth in enrollments in higher education. Moreover, it is also argued that the major findings from Japan’s case study are not necessarily consistent with the definition of the three-stage linear changes in higher education enrollment by Martin Trow.  相似文献   

文章以日本、美国等环境教育发达国家作为参考,与我国高校环境类研究生的教育体系、招生条件、课程设置及论文考核等方面进行比较和研究。通过对比得到以下结论我国环境教育体系相对不够完善,在招生流程、考核方式、社会实践和科研论文写作方面还存在一些问题。但在理论知识储备方面我国环境类研究生要优于国外,同时近些年我国在课程种类和科研资助两方面的提升也比较快。文章旨在为提升我国环境类研究生培养模式提供参考。  相似文献   

日本小学英语教学属于综合性课程设置。日本对于小学英语教育给予了足够的重视,通过合理的课程设置,大量的师资培训使得日本小学英语教育取得了长足的进步。本文通过对日本小学英语教学的研究探析,总结出日本小学英语教育的特点,以期能对当前的中国小学英语教学起到一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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