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数字时代的到来带动了博物馆传播的空间转向。从表象来看,手机、电脑等社会化媒介高度嵌入博物馆空间,不仅为博物馆传播提供了新渠道与新话语,也在潜移默化间改变着普罗大众对博物馆空间的社会认知、价值认同与情感体验;而从更深层的机理着眼,数字符码体系已与以博物馆为代表的现代文化景观彼此交织、深度融合,在催生新型文化心理、公众参与和社会变革的同时,也将博物馆、广场等公共领域内的社会化生产裹挟进一种变化的、暂时的、过渡性的流动空间中。基于此,本文尝试探究博物馆空间的媒介性命题,进而阐释博物馆空间的媒介性在当前语境中如何体现,博物馆空间如何通过对可见性的发掘实现虚实空间的社会化生产,以及不同的博物馆空间之间如何实现关系的重组,并带动公共注意力的流动。  相似文献   

博物馆缘起于人类对过往之物的收藏,是当今社会中重要的公共文化机构。物进入博物馆,要经历去脉络化和再脉络化的博物馆化历程,才能成为面对公众的作为历史、科学与艺术等信息载体的展品。博物馆之物的科学性、艺术性、历史性经过萌芽、挖掘与发展,以及从收藏到研究、保存、诠释、展示和社会公共服务等职能演进,走过了漫长的路,使现代公共博物馆得以逐渐形成并不断演变。当今时代快速发展的信息化与生态文明建设,可以赋予人类观察博物馆之物、博物馆机构本身以及物人关系以新的视角。博物馆之物将空前扩展人类的视知觉范围和人类生存世界的信息化程度;博物馆与博物馆学能为人类生存及其环境物证提供新的价值维度;在充分信息化和信息民主化的基础上,博物馆将为具有生态文明意义的物人关系建构提供新的探索范式。智慧博物馆和生态博物馆等博物馆学新动向,与信息时代和生态文明具有高度的内在契合性。  相似文献   

咫尺天下,图载文明。地图是历史信息的重要载体。目前,博物馆地图展品的展示相对分散与独立,而以"地图"为主题的临时展览大多不能融入教育方法,且难以通过相应的教育活动进行阐释以期讲好地图故事。本文立足于公众体验及实现博物馆地图教育的目的的角度,就如何改进地图展示和文化阐释提出一些建议。  相似文献   

大众媒介是公共领域的主要承担者,也是文化产品的生产主体。然而,在文化工业滋长的当下,尤其是在媒介技术迷信、媒介娱乐化、传媒集团惟利是图的消费主义导向使得公共领域空间逐渐衰弱和消解。该文探讨以大众媒介为主的公共领域与文化工业之间的关系,即当代语境下,文化工业仍然对公共领域的衰弱和消解具有催化作用,而公共领域的规范化和制度化建设则有利于文化工业制造下的文化产品真正为公众和社会服务,成为更有营养的精神食粮。  相似文献   

基于博物馆关系视角,博物馆既是物质实体亦是精神表征,也是勾连文化资源与意识形态的中介和桥梁。作为交往空间,博物馆以制度化与物质化形式承担着文化传承、认同构建和公众教育的社会职责;作为媒介,其公共性和社会性要求博物馆承担文化基础设施的建构使命。以媒介化和数字化趋势为切入点,考察博物馆的文化传播功能以释解博物馆陈列展览与社会连接之间的理论关联,有助于加强当代社会主义文化的主体性建构和国际传播能力建设。  相似文献   

当今时代,人类处于风险社会之中。任何国度都可能发生重大突发性公共危机事件,此类事件成为风险社会中相当一部分风险的来源。处置风险成为社会治理的重要构成部分。而在另一维度上,人类社会又已进入媒介化社会。对重大突发性公共危机事件用媒介化治理方式和其他方式一起进行社会治理,这是已有的实践。研究这样一个问题有着深厚背景。在重大突发风险事件中媒介化治理能力存在短板。重大突发性公共危机事件,有自己的表征,出现了新变,使人们遇到了严峻挑战。而媒介化治理也有其特点、精髓,治理中须把握好尺度。中国媒介化治理的主要精髓有:在还原事实真相过程中体现公信力,在鞭挞丑恶现象过程中体现监督力,在形成国民共识过程中体现凝聚力,在实现技术赋权过程中体现扩张力。中国媒介化治理,须掌握好与依法治理的关系尺度、对舆论舆情的管控尺度、对自身作用的把握尺度。在处理重大突发性公共危机事件与媒介化治理关系时,要严格遵循媒介化治理的客观规律:通过披露事件信息满足公众由事件激发的信息需求,通过设置舆论议题引起公众关注从而协调社会生活,通过舆论舆情作用于公众心灵世界发挥治理的效用。媒介化治理能力,是相关主体在进行媒介化治理的过程中所具备和...  相似文献   

城市与博物馆是人类文明的重要见证者,城市将厚重的文化积淀成无形的内涵,博物馆又通过有形的遗存传递具有城市内涵的博物馆表达。伴随博物馆公共性的加强,博物馆通过展览在城市现代化发展和城市品牌化推广中扮演着越来越重要的角色。常州博物馆在推进城市文化品牌建设过程中,以"中国龙文化特展"为媒介,通过对展品价值的多元化解读、对城市历史的延续性阐释、对城市内涵的多角度赋值,对文化品牌的认可度考量,为打响龙城常州城市文化品牌贡献了助推之力。  相似文献   

本文借助镜像视野的烛照,从公共性和认同性的问题意识分野切入,从中抽绎博物馆与公众所建构的理论链接点。博物馆公共性的政治内涵因时代变迁而发生转变,由最初的权力限制、专断排斥进化为民主诉求、平等辩论,博物馆吸引公众参观并促进社会理解。博物馆存在的意义是获得公众的认同,公众对博物馆文化发展的认同经历了思维方式和价值观念的转向,从单一性的事实考辨到多元化的人文阐释,博物馆应适时调整自身以促成文化自觉。博物馆对已有的经验、智识进行反思性建构进而生成新的智慧,即具有深邃的卓识洞见和思变能力,满足公众实际而有效的精神文化需求。  相似文献   

在博物馆收藏史中出现了大量为认知服务的展品,这些展品的集合所形成的主题性展览旨在帮助人们理解某一事件、现象或进程。对展品进行阐释是帮助观众理解展览的必要工作,也是展览策划与设计的核心任务。阐释工作可以从个体的和群体的两个层面展开。在对个体展品的阐释中,主要要解决实物展品在传播中的信息隐蔽性与表达非耗时性带来的困难,除了符号化外,内涵与语境的可视化,在展项中注入时间维度,都是解决传播难点的有效方法。展品的群体性集合可以通过分类和叙事展开,分类和叙事都具有良好的阐释功能,使集合体中的个体得到有效的解释。  相似文献   

近代公共博物馆产生的初衷是建构、富集和传播知识。工业革命推动博物馆参与祉会民众的普及教育。20世纪中期,伴随对社会发展的关注,文化遗产成为社会可持续发展的重要资源和文化支撑。20世纪后期,世界经济“全球化”进程激发了文化同质化与地域化的讨论,博物馆积极参与文化多样性保护的社会活动。这一变化增强了博物馆在现实社会中的影响,密切了博物馆与公众的联系,增强了博物馆的活力和变革能力。但我们也不能忽视由此带来的博物馆类型化、区域化和“碎片化”的状态,这种状态在一定程度上影响了博物馆内部的交流,模糊了博物馆的普遍特性和长远目标。  相似文献   

Abstract This article describes a process initiated in 1983, at the Canadian Museum of Nature (CMN), which was based on the premise that a responsible natural history museum should assist society in shaping its collective future. The museum predicted that if it were able to help people understand themselves and their relationship to the natural world, the museum would again be seen as valuable to society, and thus would be supported in its efforts. The CMN therefore began to integrate its collections, scholarship, discovery, public programming, and public exhibits into broad, institution‐wide programs focused on the needs and interests of society. These programs enabled the museum to engage its visitors in “guided conversations” in which the museum provided the content, drawing on the research and communication strengths of the museum, while the audience, representing society, set the context. This guided conversation empowered the public to make informed decisions and to influence the museum and its work. CMN also designed exhibit formats that allowed the visiting public to contact industry and government decision‐makers with their opinions. The article describes the museum's evolution through several stages of increasing internal and external integration, ultimately using a managerial matrix to form project teams, with discipline‐based professionals focused on the interests and needs of society. Drawing on audience participation, the CMN reset its programming and offered advice and counsel to government and industry. The museum also took the first steps to include the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples as an additional source of wisdom about the natural world. Financial and other support grew rapidly, effectively demonstrating a successful programmatic feedback loop helping society to shape its future using the museum as an information source and communication tool. The effort was terminated before the integration was completed, but nonetheless, CMN demonstrated that is possible to achieve a programmatic feedback loop that includes collections, science, exhibits, the general public and both government and industry decision‐makers.  相似文献   

There may not be a more passionate group of learners than museum scientists, historians or artists. What if museum visitors had the same freedom to learn from museum collections as researchers do? At the Smithsonian Institution's Naturalist Center we not only examined the environmental factors that have nutured such passion for learning in museum researchers but also successfully reproduced them in a publicly accessible, open storage study collection. Three major functional elements were critical to the Center's success: (1) building a critical mass of information (collections, books, images, databases, etc.) (2) providing access to that information in ways that motivates the public to want to seek information out, and (3) fostering the cognitive skills of inquiry based learning to make the whole experience meaningful to the learner. By incorporating more elements of the learning ecosystem into public offerings, the public not only experiences what fuels museum researchers' unique passion for learning, but also heightens the public's understanding of the subject matter and the learning potential of museums.  相似文献   

The recent development of personal digital collections systems on museum websites has prompted researchers to examine the motivations and expectations of museum visitors as they interact with those systems. Results from an online survey completed by visitors to six different museum websites show that users of personal digital collections systems are primarily motivated by a desire to create simple collections of objects and images, and are less influenced by the more complicated features museums have implemented to encourage user participation. The significance of these findings is explored through a discussion of user expectations and motivations with respect to creating personal digital collections, and an attempt is made to reconcile some of the disparities between the perceptions of survey respondents and the experiences of museum professionals developing and implementing personal digital collections systems.  相似文献   

Museums of science, technology, and engineering are developing new ways of interpreting and displaying their collections. Increasingly objects are being placed within narratives of everyday use; the human side of technology. The focus of this article is a section of one of the last UK manual telephone switchboards, which was acquired by the Science Museum, London, following its decommissioning in 1960. This artifact offers a unique insight into a communication technology that relied extensively on female telephonists, a distinct way of understanding gender roles in the twentieth century. The authors explore strategies for developing local narratives for objects from national collections and reflect on lessons learned from a cross‐institutional collaboration. This article highlights: the value of local historians, community events and oral histories to developing local narratives; how these activities informed understandings of the telephone switchboard; work life in the communications industry; the relationship between women and technology; and practical strategies that can enhance collections and museum practice through collaboration.  相似文献   

A survey of museums in the United States sought to identify evidence of broad impact on the organisational culture and practices of museums in their relatioships with indiginous peoples as a result of the passage of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 1990 (NAGPRA). NAGPRA establishes a process for the repatriation of human remains and other specified items held in museum collections to Native Americans who can prove they are lineal descendants or members of tribes which are culturally affiliated with identified items covered by the legislation. Effective repatriation programs are characterised by: * a genuine belief in the primary rights of indigenous people in the management of their cultural material presently held in museum collections; * a commitment to greater collaboration between the museum and indigenous people in the management of scientific research and public programs pertaining to items of indigenous cultural heritage; * practices which are indicative of an organisational culture which acts in ways which go beyond the minimum requirements of the legislation. Our research shows that museums are engaging in consultation with indigenous people in the management of collections of indigenous cultural heritage, and that this engagement is influencing conservation strategies. Museums espouse goals which promote external consultation, the involvement of indigenous people in their activities, respect for the cultural goals of indigenous people and a commitment to increasing public awareness of indigenous cultural heritage and social issues. However, only in the areas where NAGPRA has mandated it should happen—collections of human remains and secret/sacred material—is there evidence of communication and consultation, commitment of resources and sharing of authority with indigenous people consistent with the outcomes intended under NAGPRA.  相似文献   

Abstract This article addresses problems associated with museum education collections. Museum education collections are used to provide visitors with opportunities to handle museum objects. These collections are primarily composed of objects that are damaged, lack provenance, or do not fit the scope of the collection. Sometimes, these collections are displayed haphazardly and their interpretation may lack thematic context. Some museum education collections are not being utilized to their fullest educational capacity. The application of cognitive, exhibition, and collections management theories can alleviate some problems with museum education collections. A critique of the education collection at the Lubbock Lake Landmark is presented as a case study of these problems and some of the potential solutions to them. The study can be used as a template by other museums to solve similar problems in their education collections.  相似文献   

The first natural history collections opened to the public were inspired by a sense of curiosity and wonder about the products of nature. They were ‘cabinets of curiosities’ that offered a first-hand interaction between owner and visitors. Nowadays, these two facets of the museum experience—dialogue and wonder—have been lost, in part, due to the information overload coming via the media and the impersonal nature of the museum visit. This paper offers some reflections on the evolution of the museum visit, suggests some ways to rediscover this ‘sense of wonder’ and provides ideas on how to promote two-way communication with museum visitors. Two examples of exhibitions are offered as illustrations of the points discussed.  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   

Abstract This article examines three elements largely overlooked by the museum profession when thinking about community building—space, space mix, and unexpected use of space. It suggests that if museum planners were to pay overt attention to these, they could greatly enhance the community‐building role museums increasingly play. When considering museums and communities, writers in the museum field have focused on broadening audiences, public programs, collections and exhibitions. Physical spaces have been regarded as necessary armature but not as catalysts themselves. There are many subtle, interrelated and essentially unexamined ingredients that allow museums to play an enhanced role in the building of community and our collective civic life. The article describes the characteristics of the Livable Cities Movement and New Urbanism and suggests ways in which museums could encourage these characteristics—and thereby consciously use their interior and exterior spaces to build community.  相似文献   

The value of museum natural history collections is commonly poorly explained to, and therefore commonly misunderstood by, the general public. This is an increasingly dangerous situation at a time of tight fiscal constraints; if natural history collections are to survive, those charged with their care will have to do more to broadcast their value as both resources for research and public education. Research values include documenting biotas no longer available and present and past biogeographic distributions, housing type, voucher specimens, and (perhaps most importantly) serving as fertile places for scientific discovery and inspiration. Public values include serving as resources for identification of unknown specimens, hands-on education and the support of systematics, and (perhaps most importantly) as the depository for the final physical evidence for the history and diversity of life on Earth.  相似文献   

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