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张筱筠 《青年记者》2009,(14):58-59
调查性报道是一种以反映情况、揭示问题为主旨,以记者独立采访调查为手段,以解决问题为最终目的,需要投入大量时间、精力才能完成的重量级新闻报道形式。伦理则专指人类社会生活关系中应该遵循的道理和规则或人类社会生活的秩序、规则及合理、正当的行为。由此可见,调查性报道中的伦理,是调查性报道这一新闻报道形式在实际的采写操作中应当遵循的道理、规范和原则。  相似文献   

调查性报道作为一种以揭露为主旨的报道形式,在传入我国以后,对我国在当前社会转型期出现的一些阵痛、弊端,进行了无情的揭示与批判,并在此基础上,引导公众思考、解决这些问题。因此,在当前社会,它越来越展示出巨大的舆论监督力量和守望改造社会的能力。本文以《南方周末》上的一篇深度报道为例,旨在从新闻伦理和社会伦理两方面对调查性报道进行伦理学上的思考,并对其存在的问题提出一些尝试性的建议。  相似文献   

以揭露为主题的调查性报道,在采制过程中更依赖于匿名信源的信息提供,而匿名信源使用本身是新闻界富含争议性的议题之一。本论文致力于从伦理学视阈去解读匿名信源使用问题,以动机效果辩证统一的伦理是非界定准则分析调查性报道匿名信源使用中的种种矛盾,试图从伦理层面为调查性报道匿名信源的使用提供评判依据与操作原则。  相似文献   

在关于青少年的新闻报道中,新闻侵权、煽情报道、伦理错位等现象屡见不鲜,本文以一些关于青少年的新闻报道为例,探讨青少年报道中的伦理问题,同时探索青少年报道中的伦理规范.  相似文献   

对于调查性报道的定义,学界存在众多说法,央视<新闻调查>栏目制片人张洁认为调查性报道应该具备的要素是:记者独立展开调查、有损害公共利益的行为、这种行为是被掩盖的行为,揭露被掩盖的真相[1],这才是严格意义上的调查性报道,也有学者认为.除了揭丑和批评之外,系统地调查研究政府机构、政府企业以及整个社会体制中存在的痼疾和缺陷,也应该是当前我国调查性报道的一个分支[2].  相似文献   

汶川大地震报道中的伦理问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在汶川大地震中,我国记者和新闻媒体的良好表现有目共睹,世人称誉,但是也存在一些不顾及灾难当事人内心感受、忽视人文关怀等有违新闻职业伦理的行为。敬业而善良的记者为什么会做出这种行为?一方面,突发灾难情境本来就对新闻职业伦理形成冲击,另一方面,我们的新闻职业伦理意识也不够强。加强新闻职业伦理教育,修订《中国新闻工作者职业道德准则》,建立灾难事件报道资源共享机制,使新闻职业伦理成为我国新闻工作者和媒体的一种自觉意识和自律行为。  相似文献   

石思思 《今传媒》2021,29(4):133-135
本文拟从康德义务论视角对灾难报道的伦理问题进行具体分析,并试图提出针对传媒行业的一些伦理启示。笔者在对灾难报道的伦理问题进行分析时,发现了一些媒体存在诸如把人性当成宣传工具和手段、为追求利益而传播虚假信息或是煽动民众情绪等失范行为。基于康德对"善良意志""普遍法则""人是目的""纯粹理性"等核心概念的相关阐述得出了一些启示。本文最后也提出了一些康德义务论所面临的新闻伦理困境,并试图与新闻学界和业界进行对话。  相似文献   

赵男 《新闻世界》2014,(12):179-181
郭美美事件前后持续发酵近三年,作为网络红人的她不断地制造舆论泡沫,今年8月全国各大媒体“起底郭美美”的报道使她再次成为舆论的焦点。对于这次媒体统一口径的海量报道,明显出现媒体伦理失范的现象,引发不少质疑与批评。本文以“起底郭美美”报道为例,阐明报道中媒体伦理失范行为的表现,探析其中的原因并提出规避媒体伦理失范的建议。  相似文献   

上海踩踏事件报道争论主要集中在关于新媒体信息的传统媒体使用给人们带来什么样的新闻伦理思考,新闻伦理问题围绕这一事件开展,具有突出性和典型性,本文就此给予一些分析。  相似文献   

《华盛顿邮报》对水门事件的报道,是新闻史上一个巨大的成功,也是调查性报道的典范之作,关于其新闻成就已被非常充分地认识和阐释。然而,在传统的研究框架下,也存在不同程度的夸大和扭曲,从而呈现出单一的"媒体对抗政府"的神话色彩。本文梳理了水门事件作为一个"媒体神话"的形塑和解构过程,解析水门事件中一些被遗忘和忽视的重要因素,再度审视和评价水门事件对于20世纪七八十年代美国新闻业尤其是调查性报道的影响,并藉此观照今日调查性报道的一些新闻操作与伦理问题。  相似文献   

Against a backdrop of pessimism about the future of investigative reporting, this study reports major findings of a survey of mainly US-based investigative journalists (N?=?861). Although respondents reflect some of the current negative discourse, they also report high perceptions of autonomy and job satisfaction and say resources for investigative reporting are maintaining and even increasing. The survey provides empirical indication of the migration of investigative journalists to nonprofit newsrooms, with nonprofit journalists offering especially positive appraisals of the state of their craft. Also explored are investigative journalists’ professional role conceptions as well as perceptions of the nature of their relationship with the public and public policymakers.  相似文献   

本文认为,调查性报道的特性主要表现在五个方面:揭示性、相对独立性、科学性、艰危性和显著性。在五个特性中,揭示性和相对独立性最重要,它们是调查性报道最基本的形象识别标志。  相似文献   

The internet and social media sites are used extensively by violent extremist actors, providing new areas of inquiry for journalists reporting violent extremism. Based on 26 in-depth interviews with Norwegian media professionals, the present article describes how journalists monitor, assess, and make use of online information in investigative reporting of violent extremist groups in today’s networked media environment, characterized by complex interaction patterns, a plurality of voices, and blurred boundaries between private and public communication. While existing research on journalists’ use of social media as a source has tended to emphasize breaking news, the present article focuses on longer-term investigative efforts of journalists. The article gives insights into journalistic investigative practices in the networked media environment, in general, and in reporting violent extremism, in particular.  相似文献   

数字图书馆是赛伯文化的一个非常重要的实践和研究领域,与网络环境类似也出现了许多失范的信息行为。为了有效地防止这些失范信息行为的发生,使数字图书馆能够更健康、更稳定地发展,我们必须积极采取对策解决数字图书馆的信息伦理问题。  相似文献   

2008年9月,"中国调查性报道研究"课题组在1100名人群中主要针对调查性报道的关注度和影响力进行调查.调查显示,在中国,调查性报道已经成为了一种重要的报道方式,但是,其关注度和受众的满意度有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

黄钦 《新闻界》2007,(5):38-41
本文试图对中国调查性报道研究作一全景式的描述和归纳,总结研究成果,分析研究中存在的薄弱环节和空白点,以便为今后的相关研究提供一个参照.  相似文献   

调查性报道一般文本较长,涉及的新闻线索繁杂,这就需要在调查性报道的写作中讲究叙事技巧.本文从叙事切入口、叙事视角、叙事结构三个方面对其技巧进行了分析.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):367-382
This historical analysis examines the relationship between investigative journalists and official sources through the prism of Pulitzer Prize archive materials from 1917 through 1960. Most prize research has focused on the content of winning stories, but this study provides a fuller picture of the process of newsmaking—and policymaking—through an exploration of deliberative material created by prize juries. While the role of the press in these decades and beyond has been conceptualized alternately as a passive lapdog or an aggressive watchdog, this essay offers a more nuanced view of newspapers that are fully entangled with power in society—sometimes collaborating with a faction of power, sometimes confronting a faction, and, often, both at once. Detailed jury notes on the nominations tell the stories behind the investigations, revealing a press that sometimes leads and other times takes the lead from those in positions of official power. The paper adds to the literature on policy and media agenda building, arguing that through investigative reporting, journalists have often been active rather than passive partners in systems of community standard maintenance.  相似文献   


This article documents and accounts for important differences in press coverage of sexual harassment in the United States and France. Compared to French press coverage, American reporting on sexual harassment has been much more extensive and more likely to focus on domestic sexual harassment scandals involving political individuals or institutions. This is attributed largely to the American press greater reliance on business, greater journalistic freedom, stronger traditions of investigative journalism, as well as more inclusive legal definitions of sexual harassment. While silent on French scandals, due to global political realities, the French press has reported extensively on American sexual harassment scandals and has been more dismissive of the problems of sexual harassment and (American) feminist activists when reporting on the United States. This article further analyzes how each press has framed the problem of sexual harassment and how such framing varies by story and over time.  相似文献   

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