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Childbirth educators have a duty to promote and implement best practices. Best practices are individualized and evidence-based, using quality research to optimize outcomes. This requires addressing change. The childbirth educator must model evidence-based practices by systematically engaging in activities to improve his or her own changing curriculum. The childbirth educator is also a professional in a core position to play an active role as a change agent in the system through evaluation and dissemination of information to parents, fellow childbirth educators, and other professionals on the health-care team. This information provides the basis for important health-care decisions for self and others.  相似文献   

In accordance with the Bakhtinian framework of this article, the text represents a dialogue between practices documented in the literature; the first author's perspective as a teacher, evaluator, and consultant; Bakhtin's theories of language; and the lived experiences of the second author, a parent whose child has been labeled as having a language learning disability. Although the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) grants parents the right to be involved in educational decisions about their children, we argue that the routine disqualification of parents' voices by school professionals is a major obstacle to authentic collaboration. Bakhtin's theories of language serve to illuminate the discourse between parents and professionals in special education committee meetings. We conclude with our vision for a mutual dialogic exchange between parents and professionals.  相似文献   

This study investigated mothers' stress as a predictor of her instructional strategies for promoting peer relationships in preschool children. Forty-two low income African American mothers responded to structured interviews on the teaching strategies they frequently used to facilitate peer interactions of their two to three- and-a-half-year-old children. Mothers' stress was measured by The Parenting Stress Index-Short Form. Using regression analysis, three stress predictors of mothers' strategies to promote peer relationships were examined: parental distress, difficult child, and parent-child dysfunctional interactions. The three predictors of stress had a differential impact on mothers' instructional strategies. As stress increased: (a) when teaching their own children, mothers more frequently used strategies that reduced antisocial behaviors and less frequently used the strategies that promoted pro-social behaviors towards peers; (b) when teaching their children's peers, mothers less frequently used strategies that would directly benefit these children. Educational implications of these findings for stressed parents, professionals who work with stressed parents, as well as those professionals who teach parent educators are examined.  相似文献   

This study investigated mothers' stress as a predictor of her instructional strategies for promoting peer relationships in preschool children. Forty-two low income African American mothers responded to structured interviews on the teaching strategies they frequently used to facilitate peer interactions of their two to three- and-a-half-year-old children. Mothers' stress was measured by The Parenting Stress Index-Short Form. Using regression analysis, three stress predictors of mothers' strategies to promote peer relationships were examined: parental distress, difficult child, and parent-child dysfunctional interactions. The three predictors of stress had a differential impact on mothers' instructional strategies. As stress increased: (a) when teaching their own children, mothers more frequently used strategies that reduced antisocial behaviors and less frequently used the strategies that promoted pro-social behaviors towards peers; (b) when teaching their children's peers, mothers less frequently used strategies that would directly benefit these children. Educational implications of these findings for stressed parents, professionals who work with stressed parents, as well as those professionals who teach parent educators are examined.  相似文献   

The federal requirement to develop an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for all infants and toddlers with special needs has a major conceptual difficulty that has, to date, been inadequately addressed in the literature. That problem stems from the linkage of family service to family assessment. Many authorities, attracted to parental “empowerment” theory, advocate that parents should be the authors rather than (or as well as) the objects of assessment, and that professionals and parents should be partners in assessing needs and planning services. When there is disagreement, professionals should defer to parents, who are in the best position to assess their own needs. We question the wisdom of conducting assessments with, or on, families of targeted children. But, if there are to be assessments, we argue that families are better served, and mutual respect better preserved, by a traditional complementary relationship: The professional controls the evaluation process, determines the problems (with the input of the family), and makes recommendations, which parents are then free to reject.  相似文献   

The expectations of parents of disabled children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Following the diagnosis of a child's disability, parents have to develop new expectations concerning the child, their role as parents and the support services that are designed to meet their needs. Research shows, however, that these needs frequently remain unmet. In this article, Fran Russell, who writes as a parent of a son with a learning disability and as a professional with experience of practice in early years support services, explores parents' perspectives from a different direction. She argues that an investigation into parents' expectations could lead to a greater understanding of how parents of disabled children respond to their new-found situation. Fran Russell's own research, undertaken as part of her Education Doctorate programme at Leeds University, reveals that little is currently known about parents' expectations and indicates a pressing need for parents to be better informed, at an early stage in their experience of parenthood, in order to interact more effectively with professionals at a range of levels.  相似文献   

The legislation and guidance require that transition planning takes place for all children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. The research reported here was undertaken by Linda Ward, Professor of Disability and Social Policy at the University of Bristol, where she is director of the Norah Fry Research Centre; Robina Mallett, Carer Support Officer at the Home Farm Trust; Pauline Heslop, Research Fellow at the Norah Fry Research Centre; and Ken Simons, Senior Research Fellow at the Norah Fry Research Centre until his untimely death in January 2003, to find out how well this legislation and guidance works in practice from the perspective of young people with learning disabilities and their families. Based on information from questionnaires completed by parents and separate in-depth interviews with youngsters with learning disabilities and their parents, this article reveals that many young people in the study left school without any transition planning, as far as their parents were aware. Where transition planning had occurred, there was a stark mismatch between the topics families wanted to cover and those addressed by the professionals involved. Many of the youngsters who did receive transition planning had little if any involvement in the process; parental involvement was also significantly less than it should have been. In drawing conclusions from their research, the authors review the most positive aspects of the process from the perspective of the young people and their parents; parents' ideas for improving transition planning; and messages from the research for professionals, including those working in education.  相似文献   

用自编的影响留守儿童心理健康的家庭因素问卷,对贵州省留守儿童进行调查,结果表明,影响留守儿童心理健康较明显的家庭因素有:监护人家庭氛围、家长期望、监护人教养方式等。根据研究结果,提出了相应的教育对策:监护人要转变观念,提高自身素质;父母要经常调整对孩子的期望;监护人要优化家庭环境;父母要建立亲子沟通的渠道。  相似文献   

智力障碍者生活质量已成为国际社会研究的热点之一。我们对中国智力障碍者生活质量进行了跨文化研究。前期研究确定中国智力障碍者生活质量有七个主要成分,本次研究是对前期研究的深入。本次研究有以下新发现,智障者本人与家长和教师在对智障者生活质量核心指标方面有较大差异,智障者本人在生活质量方面反映出7个指标、家长在对智障者生活质量方面反映5个核心指标、教师在对智障者生活质量方面反映3个核心指标,智障者本人、家长和教师都认为健康是智障者生活质量中最重要的指标。研究结果给我们的重要启示是:以人为本,尊重智力障碍者的自身愿望,充分了解他们的需求,是提高他们的生活质量的重要前提。  相似文献   

I'm a graduate from a professional high school and started to work just last year. Introspective by nature, I like to spend my time listening to music and reading books, and have had little contact with boys. I hadn't met any I liked even after I reached twenty-two. I didn't feel there was anything wrong in that, but my parents got worried and found a boyfriend for me. He's a college graduate, works as a dispatcher, and is of medium stature. At first I was happy to go to the movies with him and walk in the streets. But after a month or so, I felt as though I were with a colleague. He is quite knowledgeable in his own profession, but he doesn't know much about life. I often found his company uninteresting and unexciting. So I wanted to part with him. When I talked to my parents, they strongly disagreed and kept saying how much better his conditions were as compared to mine. I realized how much concern they felt for me, so I didn't insist. But all my subsequent efforts only brought me pain, and I simply couldn't feel the least bit of love for him. During this impasse, his father fell ill and had to have an operation. Before the operation, he had a discussion with my father and requested that our relationship be confirmed. I had a quarrel with my father, but finally gave in and, with a heavy heart, accepted money and a pair of earrings.  相似文献   

The present study set out to survey Finnish parents’ participation in their child’s schooling and related experiences. The subjects were a nationally representative group of academically and vocationally educated fathers and mothers (N = 391) who had a child on the fifth grade. A great majority of the parents reported that they attended the parent evenings and saw them in a positive light. Most parents helped their child in her/his schoolwork, though some of them were doubtful of their own competence for it. The choice of schools, which was considered mainly by urban parents and academically educated parents, seemed to introduce a new private element into parental participation without changing the existing communal forms of participation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a study whose objective was to broaden our knowledge about how cancer and treatment affect the academic development of pupils at school and their academic self - concept and self - esteem. Eight school children (whose treatment for various cancer diagnoses had been completed), their parents, teachers and health personnel answered retrospective, semi - structured interviews. The interviews were recorded on tape and later transcribed verbatim, categorised and analysed using NUD*IST qualitative data analysis software. The results demonstrated that pupils with cancer have a clear desire to value their own academic ability, that they strive to master academic requirements in spite of the illness - related restrictions, that school proved to be an important self - concept area for the cancer - ridden children and that their self - esteem is greatly influenced by their evaluation of own academic status.  相似文献   

《礼记》中的孝观念在西汉社会得到传承,对西汉社会成员的行为具有约束与规范作用。这种传承主要表现为:孝亲与敬亲,即物质上赡养父母,精神上取悦父母;克己与尊长,包括爱护身体发肤与尊重长者;承志与复仇,即继承父辈之遗志,与血亲之仇不共戴天;慎终与追远,即注重丧葬和祭祀之礼。  相似文献   

It is important to clearly articulate what the essence of human performance technology (HPT) is about. Too often we are caught in our own jargon and confuse our clients and jeopardize appropriate outcomes. A group of graduate students in an introductory HPT class responded to an assignment to explain to other professionals what human performance practitioners do. Their thoughts, written in their own voices, are reflected here.  相似文献   

It is obviously better if child abuse can be prevented in the first place. There are many problems in society which doctors and nurses and other health care professionals can hardly be expected to fix up, but there are many weaknesses in what we do which can and should be repaired. As a group we are weak in our appreciation of the demoralizing strain that an awkward or crying baby can bring upon a household, particularly that of the nuclear family. The media paint a mythical picture of parenthood, possibly unreal, and leading to the isolation of the mother who wants to complain that her child is very trying. As a group, doctors and nurses are more concerned about reassurances that a child is not seriously ill or else will outgrow his particular symptom and are not very good at bending their energies towards providing relief of the symptom. The sanity of many families has been preserved by the judicious use of safe analgesics and sedatives. Many people obtain these in spite of the physician and not through him.To turn to an even earlier phase of infancy, where hospital personnel are intensely involved and could well mend their ways often — in Western countries more and more babies are being born in hospital. Frequently, insufficient efforts are made to ensure that the labour and delivery are pleasant emotional experiences for the mother. In the name of safety, sterility and administrative needs, many of the emotional needs of the parents are unmet. It is now being shown that actual physical attachment between mother and baby in the time — hours and days — after the baby is born can be extremely important in developing the mother/child bond which is the child's greatest protection. In many countries including mine there have to be associations of mothers who want to breast feed their own children, and these mothers often find that their greatest difficulties are with hospital personnel.The very necessary scientific measures required to ensure the safety of low birth weight and premature infants can separate mother from baby even more and this is reflected in the well-known increase in later child abuse among babies who have spent their early weeks in intensive care units. If the hospital personnel really try, they can make the mother and father feel at home in these ultrascientific units. The staff must not merely permit but must actively invite the parents into the special nursery, explain the surroundings and equipment, show how to gown and hand wash, how to open the Humidicrib, touch the baby and take part in the nursing management from the earliest possible time — the second or first day. Explanations appropriate to the parental level of understanding must be given and repeated.Anything which will strengthen the bonds within the family must be welcomed as something that will prevent child abuse.  相似文献   

罗泽南是著作等身的名儒,罗门弟子,也多为名师贤徒.太平天国崇拜上帝,不敬祖先,不孝父母,兵至郴州,焚毁文庙,十哲两废,狼籍满地,崇奉儒家圣道的罗泽南等,认为是洋教乱华,起而卫道,师死徒继,兄死弟继,前仆后继,誓死抗争,直至太平天国失败.太平天国起义,当然是一次激烈的阶级斗争,同时,也显然带有中西文化冲突的色彩.  相似文献   

儿童在成长的过程中,会逐渐形成自己的主观意识,也会与父母形成代沟。作为父母,能够放手让孩子在诸如选择自己喜爱的服装上采取一定的自主权利,无论是在培养孩子的审美观、判断力以及和父母良好的沟通行为上都大有裨益。所以,对于赋予孩子自主选择服装的权力,实际上是一个很好的儿童教育的契机。  相似文献   

Parents who are plurilingual have a portfolio of assets they can use to support the language development of their children. This portfolio of assets is positioned as a strength that parents bring into their partnership with early childhood educators. However, not all parents who are plurilingual have the same assets in their language portfolios. Our study, using case studies of parents who have multiple languages and a desire to raise their children with more than one language, demonstrates that previous parental experiences with multiple languages, and intra-familial support for multiple languages combine to impact on parental language strengths and the expectations parents have of early childhood professionals. To build effective partnerships with parents, early childhood professionals need to understand the assets in parental language portfolios.  相似文献   

The number of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in England is double what it was at the millennium. These conditions include cystic fibrosis, cancer, organ failure and severe neurological injuries. The Teaching for Life project aimed to explore the needs of teachers working in English schools in relation to working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. Ninety teachers completed a questionnaire and 38 completed individual and group interviews. About half the teachers interviewed had experience of working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and half did not. The teachers expressed a number of anxieties about coping with illness, death and bereavement. They described difficulties in communicating with parents, children and health professionals. They worried about maintaining their professional role whilst needing to contain their own emotions and the emotions of others, within school cultures that did not feel supportive. The paper concludes that policies and practices that seek to support children with medical conditions need to acknowledge the weight of responsibility for teachers. They need to articulate with a whole school approach that protects and promotes teachers’ emotional well-being.  相似文献   

新时期要求新闻从业人员正确处理实现自身价值与社会使命感之间的关系,这也是全社会对新闻界整体的期望。在这个过程中,作为反映新闻传播业改革发展、理论探讨、学术研究园地的新闻专业期刊,理当做出应有的贡献。诸如增加对新闻从业人员的个体研究;超出一般道德谴责层次,深刻剖析“有偿新闻”、“虚假新闻”等现象;开辟专栏,有针对性地介绍西方和其他国家的同类研究和实践成果;将对新闻从业人员自律问题的讨论置于更加广泛的背景之中,等等,是目前阶段特别需要关注的方面。  相似文献   

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