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This article considers three aspects of the knowledge management (KM) literature that have the potential to enhance human performance technology (HPT) research and practice. First, we believe the recent attempt by economists to describe and quantify intellectual capital can help HPT to better evaluate and defend organizational expenditures/investments for performance improvement initiatives. Second, the emerging KM literature explores the linkages between information, learning and performance, provides a common point of intersection for our fields, and can enhance our analysis and implementation of information (as opposed to training) solutions as well as inform and expand our conceptual and theoretical understanding. Third, we have observed that both KM and HPT practitioners are increasingly concerned with the learning that takes place outside the confines of traditional formal training environments. We briefly review the electronic performance support systems literature from HPT and KM, noting the similarities in epistemology, design, and interventions. Finally, we highlight the KM research agenda and suggest related opportunities for HPT research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As organizations respond to competitive environments and strive to enhance performance, knowledge management (KM) has increasingly become a strategic activity. A KM strategy entails consciously helping people share and put knowledge into action. A key challenge is how to develop and implement KM solutions that provide performance support to knowledge workers and seamlessly integrate KM into business processes. We propose that human performance technology (HPT) provides a systematic framework to help guide KM initiatives. Specifically, HPT provides a holistic view of a knowledge worker's performance environment by considering the complex interdependencies between the organizational context, business processes, and individual performers. Via a case study, we describe and illustrate how HPT guided one organization in its journey to identify the content and structure to best support performance and manage knowledge in a core business process. Based on the case study, we offer lessons for other firms on how HPT can be used to guide KM initiatives.  相似文献   

Despite its existence for over six decades, the practice of human performance technology (HPT) has not been widely accepted within organizations. Varying levels of confusion surround the understanding of HPT, which has been influenced by myriad fields and disciplines. Although HPT is focused on improving performance at the organizational, team, and individual levels, it does not own the practice of performance improvement. The goal of optimal performance across various functions and levels within an organization is not confined to HPT but extends to process improvement, human resource development, organizational development, knowledge management, and several other areas. Therein lies the problem: A lack of consideration about the boundaries that delineates the field has ramifications for both the research on and the practice of HPT. This study examines the domains and disciplines that HPT proponents consider central to the field.  相似文献   

This study examines major theory developments in human resource (HR) fields and discusses implications for human performance technology (HPT). Differentiated HR fields are converging to improve organizational performance through knowledge‐based innovations. Ruona and Gibson (2004) made a similar observation and analyzed the historical evolution and convergence of three HR‐related fields: human resource management (HRM), human resource development (HRD), and organization development (OD). A field left out in their analysis is HPT. Many learning professionals recognize HPT as a more comprehensive approach to improving organizational performance issues (Molenda & Pershing, 2008; Pershing, 2006). However, little research has been done to advance the theory development of HPT and discuss its relationships within HR fields. This study adds a new perspective to that of Ruona and Gibson's historical analysis of HR fields by examining convergence issues from a theory development perspective.  相似文献   

In this second part of a two‐part series, a panel of experts indicated that human performance technology (HPT) research is being adequately conducted but not properly used in practice. They stressed a need for more applied research and more extensive use of case studies. They also provided their perspectives about the influences of other fields on HPT, suggesting the need for HPT to align more closely with other disciplines that address issues of human and organizational performance.  相似文献   

When I was completing my coursework for both my MS and PhD programs in instructional systems technology, I was exposed to a number of theories, models, principles, and frameworks for the fields of instructional and performance technologies. Theories have provided me with a solid understanding of the relationships among various constructs and also provided me with explanations of certain phenomena, whereas models, principles, and frameworks have provided me with concrete ideas as to how to apply theoretical knowledge to actual instructional design and development (IDD) and human performance technology (HPT) projects.  相似文献   

绩效技术的传统范式是一个基于组织消极性、以问题为导向的范式。它通过努力缩短现状绩效和期望绩效之间的差距来实现绩效的改进,但往往由于员工的“习惯性防卫”而阻碍了组织变革的的进程,显露出诸多限制绩效技术进一步深入发展的缺陷。基于社会建构主义和积极心理学的价值探索范式不同于传统的“以问题为中心”的范式,秉持激发员工内在动机、实现其内心对成功渴望的价值取向,注重对组织积极核心的探索,强调集体、持续、共同创造的过程,是一种积极地探索组织“价值和优势”的方法。核心理念的差异使得两种绩效技术范式在理论假设、方法与过程等方面的表现大相径庭。在实践中,绩效改进人员选择积极还是消极的价值取向决定了绩效技术范式的本质差别。当然,价值探索范式为绩效改进带来“整体向阳性”、提供了新视角的同时,我们认为基于积极性的绩效观是对基于消极性的绩效观的补充,而不是取代。这两种范式的结合将为绩效改进提供更完整的图景。  相似文献   

Addressing metacognitive functions has been shown to improve performance at the individual, team, group, and organizational levels. Metacognition is beginning to surface as an added cognate discipline for the field of human performance technology (HPT). Advances from research in the fields of cognition and metacognition offer a place for HPT to expand its theoretical base. This article summarizes current theories of metacognition and presents a new metacognitive model for HPT.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper is concerned with problematising the rethinking of theoretical backgrounds associated with one of the commonly used educational technology terms (fields)—technology-enhanced learning—in the wider context of scholarship. Examples will show that the term itself is now used beyond its apparent, stated scope, that it is used in a number of varied ways, and that this is in itself problematic. The ways in which the term is used will be identified, and from these a strategic categorisation to rethink the use of the single term in areas of scholarship (particularly research and teaching) will be proposed, offering terms specifically encompassing the realms in which technologies are being used. From this categorisation, it will be shown that each specific category is based on different conceptions related to or arising from practice. Consequently, ways that theoretical backgrounds should be considered will be explored in each case. While existing theoretical backgrounds enable conceptual underpinnings in some of those cases, in other cases it will be shown that there are currently no fully developed theories or limited theoretical frameworks available. The paper will conclude by identifying key research areas needed if we are to develop and take pertinent aspects of scholarship further forward.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Human Performance Technology (HPT) has proved itself as a systemic, systematic process for increasing performance and profitability in organizations, it has not yet been widely adopted. There are several reasons for this. The conditions that must exist for organizations to benefit from all HPT can offer them are lacking. First, few individuals have the knowledge and skill necessary to implement the methods, measures, and models of HPT, and second, those who do seldom have the opportunity and authority to apply HPT where it will most benefit the organization. This article takes a look at such barriers to successful HPT practice, and how they can be overcome. It reports the findings of a survey of academics, internal practitioners, and external consultants who are members of NSPI who were asked to report on what opportunities exist for learning about HPT, where it is practiced in organizations and by whom, and what role management plays in implementing HPT within organizations. The article also suggests ways of addressing the barriers identified.  相似文献   

Many new research advancements have been gained in fields other than the basic social sciences. Some of these advancements come from multidisciplinary studies that merge social sciences with theories from other fields of study. This article takes a multidisciplinary approach, juxtaposing some of the more recent findings from other disciplines to develop a general model for improving performance. The proposed model utilizes social theory from sociology and community studies, knowledge spirals from the knowledge management discipline, motivation theories derived in part from evolutionary biology, and research on engagement from different fields of study within the social sciences. By incorporating a multidisciplinary theory for performance improvement, the authors are adhering to recommendations from researchers calling for alternative paradigms to be utilized, providing a more holistic understanding of the phenomena being studied (Storberg‐Walker, 2007 ; Torraco, 2004 ).  相似文献   

Human performance technology (HPT) is an area of professional practice most often found in the business world rather than in education. As adjunct professors at several universities, we have incorporated the principles of HPT into our classes. This article describes some of the courses where we have used aspects and models of HPT to teach students about subject areas in business. In addition, an entire graduate program based on HPT has been started at ITSON University in Mexico.  相似文献   

Recently, many insights have been gained into the design of powerful learning environments. Teacher training must take account of this knowledge when educating the teachers of the future. This study investigates possible approaches within teacher training which could encourage student teachers towards learning-focused teaching activities. The main question is whether students from institutions where these activities were taught in a more inductive way pay more attention to these aspects during teaching practice than those from other institutions. This inductive approach is concretized by the following: (a) modelling of these teaching activities by the teacher trainers; (b) coaching the teaching practice experiences and giving hints; (c) taking the students’ learning experiences as starting points for reflection. Three existing teacher-training institutions were chosen to provide different and ecologically valid settings in a feasible way. Comparisons of the institutional approaches with the approaches during teaching practice confirm the importance of an inductive approach in which different practice experiences, systematically aimed at making the students restructure their conceptual frameworks of learning and instruction, are used for reflection.  相似文献   

This article explores the major differences and similarities between Six Sigma and human performance technology or human performance improvement (HPT or HPI). It addresses the definitions and foundations of both Six Sigma and HPT as major performance improvement approaches. It explains how their methodologies are similar in some aspects and different in others. It compares the popularity and applicability of the two approaches in both small and large companies. It discusses the psychological elements underlying each method. Moreover, it considers the criteria of success in managing HPT and Six Sigma projects. It also addresses the reasons for the similarities and differences between the two processes and suggests an integrated approach that focuses on both human and nonhuman improvement in an attempt to overcome the limitations of each approach.  相似文献   

G2000's HR Execution Excellence—Retail Attendance System was one of the innovative projects to receive the ISPI Award of Excellence in 2016. It is a continuous improvement project that applies the concept of holistic human performance improvement using an ISPI human performance technology (HPT) model (ISPI, 2012) to streamline the front‐end and back‐end processes of our Retail Attendance System. As a result, it leads us to achieve one of our business goals: employment regulatory compliance. In our case, the project team was tasked with seeking solutions to ensure that the payroll process for retail staff could be performed accurately and in a timely manner. After applying the HPT model to conduct the gap analysis and identify the causes or factors that were limiting our performance, we integrated the concept of human‐centered design approach at the solution‐design phase of the project, to lead us to innovative solutions.  相似文献   

No matter how much HPT practitioners improve human performance, we are not granted enough invitations to serve as tactical and strategic decision makers. Many “earning” decision makers such as financial experts regard HPT professionals as no more than operational‐level learning professionals. Therefore, HPT practitioners cannot rely on current decision makers to initiate a call for increased respect for the HPT industry. However, there is a contingent of HPT practitioners known as business‐entity performance technologists (BEP Techs) who serve as HPT activists by obtaining influential roles in decision processes. Their goals are to influence decision makers, become decision makers, support decision makers, and challenge decision makers from other industries to respect HPT practitioners as more than just learning professionals. To do this, they focus more on the improvement of business‐entity performance than on human performance. They seek to obtain respect for the HPT industry as both learning and earning professionals.  相似文献   

The human performance technology (HPT) model suggests various interventions to meet organizational challenges. While the original model includes a matrix to match an intervention according to a performance analysis, accumulated experience and recent research show that there are several parameters that will influence the validity and effectiveness of the solution. This article offers a 360‐degree approach to support the use of a performance model that helps practitioners to select the proper HPT intervention according to key attributes that influence the solution. Successful implementation, such as target audience characteristics and work processes that are at the heart of organizational needs, are examples of the benefits provided by this approach. The model is based on research conducted by Gal and Nachmias (2011, 2012) concerning performance support solutions success factors in corporate settings. In addition, experiences gained by both authors as they implemented HPT solutions in large organizations are considered.  相似文献   

This study investigates Braxton and Hargens’ (1996, Variations among academic disciplines: Analytical frameworks and research. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Vol. XI, pp. 1–45) assertion of the profound and extensive effects of academic discipline as it might pertain to administrative work. Academic deans in research and doctoral institutions nationwide were surveyed to investigate the relationship between academic discipline and cognitive complexity in their administrative behavior. A bivariate regression showed that being from an applied field was a significant predictor while the influence of consensus was not significant. Discipline effects waned when other predictors were added, suggesting that when other factors are considered, the extent to which one is exposed to their particular disciplinary paradigms becomes more important than mere affiliation with a discipline. Split sample analyses demonstrated variable influence structures. Findings indicate that the effects of discipline cannot be discounted in framing studies of administrators’ perceptions of their leadership context and the behavior which necessarily flows from those perceptions.  相似文献   

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