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科学课程的评价就是要通过合理的评价策略,了解学生实际学习和发展状况,以利于改进教学,促进学习,最终实现提高每个学生的科学素养的宗旨。要以科学课教学评价原则为指针,建立科学教学评价体系,将形成性评价与终结性评价相结合,量化评价与质性评价相结合,全面地衡量学生的科学素养水平。  相似文献   

在高中英语写作教学中,英语课程的评价体系要体现"评价主体的多元化和评价形式多样化"的原则,评价应关注学生综合运用语言能力的发展过程以及学习的效果,采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方式。教师要关注学生在写作中动态的发展,着眼学生潜力的发展,让评价贯穿于学生写作的始终。  相似文献   

《科学课程标准》指出:科学课程的评价应能促进科学素养的形成与发展。而科学探究又是学生科学学习的重要方式,那么对学生科学探究的评价要关注些什么呢?我们教师要着眼于哪些呢?一、关注过程,着眼于科学素养对学生的科学探究的评价,应关注学生科学探究的过程。这过程也包括学生的探究结果,如探究报告、论文、作品、制作等等。但是,对学生科学探究的重点应该是学生的参与探究过程。诸如学习方式、思维方式、知识整理与综合、信息  相似文献   

要让科学探究真正体现出它的教育价值,使中学物理课堂教学更加有效,就应该建立一个具有推广价值的探究式教学的评价方法和体系。探究式教学评价的基本原则是:问题情境的科学性原则、探究过程的实效性原则、师生关系的和谐性原则和知识形成的发展性原则。  相似文献   

随着新课改改革的不断深入与发展,如何打造高效课堂,如何调动学生学习的主动性?科学的评价原则和方法起着非常重要的作用。本文基于新课标对学生评价的论述,着重论述日语教学中"过程评价"的实践和感想。  相似文献   

张晓燕 《辅导员》2013,(18):21-22
《英语新课程标准》(2011版)继续强调形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,增加评价的维度,促进英语课程的不断发展与完善,有利于学生综合语言运用能力和健康人格的发展。一、多元化的形成性评价有利于促进教与学的过程。形成性评价要把握两个原则:激励性原则和参与性原则。激励性原则——要使学生喜欢评价,让学生体验进步与成功,从而产生进步的动力。参与性原  相似文献   

构建"工学结合、校企合作"人才培养模式下的高职学生学习质量"三维一体"评价指标体系时,要坚持一致性、完备性、独立性、可测性、可行性、可比性、可接受性的原则,科学设计评价指标、评价标准和权重,以提高评价工作的信度与效度.  相似文献   

教育部《关于积极推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的通知》中指出:"对学生、教师和学校的评价不仅要注重结果,更要注重发展和变化过程,要把形成性评价与总结性评价结合起来,使发展变化的过程成为评价的组成部分。"这不仅一针见血地指出了当前中小学教学评价存在的种种弊端与缺陷,而且对新课程背景下构建有效教学评价策略指明了方向。与传统的教材相比,新一轮《思想政治》教材以学生生活为基础、以生活逻辑为线索的编写方法,遵循"贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近学生"的原则来编排内容。因  相似文献   

杜国旺 《辅导员》2013,(12):21-22
<正>《英语新课程标准》(2011版)继续强调形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,增加评价的维度,促进英语课程的不断发展与完善,有利于学生综合语言运用能力和健康人格的发展。一、多元化的形成性评价有利于促进教与学的过程。形成性评价要把握两个原则:激励性原则和参与性原则。激励性原则——要使学生喜欢评价,让学生体验进步与成功,从而产生进步的动力。参与性原  相似文献   

传统的终结性评价抑制了大学生英语学习的积极性,教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确指出大学英语教学要改变单一评价模式,积极探索采用形成性评价模式。该模式要遵循学生在学习过程中的主体性等原则。教师要建立健全学生档案袋,把学业的考核放在学习的过程中进行,探索形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的大学英语评价体系。  相似文献   

The paper discusses children’ attitudes towards school and learning soon after entering primary school in Hungary. First and second grade primary school students (N?=?33) were interviewed. The interviews explored the following questions: What are the teachers’ and the children’s roles in the classroom? What is learning? Where do children learn? What kind of learning strategies do students use in arithmetic and reading? How are students evaluated in the school? What do students like best about school? The data suggest that the children quickly adapt to the school environment and, on the whole, have a positive attitude towards school and learning but—with a few exceptions—their views on the role of schooling in life reflect traditional, school subject centred goals and values and little awareness of the learning process.  相似文献   

新课程理念下中学数学学习过程评价的探究   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
数学学习过程评价,是数学新课程评价的核心内容.它是将评价与教师的教学与学生的学习活动有机地结合起来,把评价纳入学习活动过程之中,并将评价作为学生主动学习的一部分,以评价促进学生的学习和学生的发展.数学学习过程评价的目的是为了及时反馈调节学生数学学习活动,促进学生的发展,而不是为了检查.正确建构数学学习过程评价必须明确过程评价的意义、类型、内容、评价方法和呈现方式.  相似文献   

Where a student can benefit from having an examination paper presented aurally, the traditional method is to provide a reader. This can be socially uncomfortable for students, and offers of readers are frequently declined. A trial is reported in which examinations were presented on an Apple iPod. This is a medium with which many students are comfortable, which facilitates easy exploration of the examination paper and repetitive listening and which is both socially acceptable and practical in a normal examination room. The findings indicate that it removes one of the significant barriers to greater take‐up of aural presentation.  相似文献   


Feedback is an important practice in promoting learning. This study examines teachers’ oral feedback practices, with an analysis grounded in students’ perceptions of what helps them learn. Based on 38 hours of lesson observations, interviews with 10 teachers and 84 students, we identify how teachers conceptualise and practice oral feedback. Based on student interviews, three main types of oral interaction were found to constitute feedback: discrepancy, success criteria comments and open questions. Current practices appear to address the feedback dimensions of ‘How am I going?’ and ‘Where to next?’, but seem to be lacking with respect to addressing the question related to ‘Where am I going?’ Feedback is infrequently used by science teachers compared with other types of oral interaction and the feedback types most frequently reported by students to help learning were used least often. Teachers used oral feedback types differently in whole class and small group situations. We use findings to elaborate an ideal-typical model of feedback practices, with divergent practices involving more frequent use of oral feedback, focusing on learning rather than task. The study concludes with implications for practice in teaching and teacher education.


If the roles students play earning an MFA and the work they pursue after graduation vary considerably, how do those within MFA programs prepare students for professional lives? Where does one's sense of self as an art student begin to shift toward a professional identity? This article addresses literature about earning the degree and the work-related lives of MFA graduates as well as what some scholars claim should be taught within graduate-level visual arts programs. Supporting students' multifaceted lives, the author shares pedagogies employed within a course for MFA students that assist in clarifying understandings of self and professional identity.  相似文献   

基于网络的形成性考核的有效性和时效性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中央广播电视大学的形成性考核,素以单一的作业册的形式向各试点学校发行。由于师生见面时间有限,教师批改作业后很难及时反馈给学生,并且单一的纸笔式练习也有很大的局限性。针对这一情况,中央电大于2005年3月启动了“宏微观经济学”等六门课程的基于网络的课程形成性考核试点项目。基于网络的形成性考核能否提高评价的有效性和时效性,实现信息的及时反馈,改进远程教与学的质量呢?本文应用院校研究的方法,对基于网络的课程形成性考核的评阅率、评阅的及时性、评阅的方式与质量进行了分析。  相似文献   

当下高等师范院校学科教学论教师面临着生存困境。困境中的追问表现在四个方面:"我"是谁?——身份认同问题;"我"的队伍在哪儿?——学术归属问题;"我"该干什么?——研究方向问题;"我"的路在何方?——出路问题。回答这些问题,对缓解学科教学论教师的生存困境显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

语文教学的根在哪里?如何让学生爱学语文、会学语文、学好语文?文章从孔子教育思想中汲取智慧,回归语文教学的本质与核心,提出了追求乐学境界的教学主张,强调教学中以儿童为主体、以学习为核心、以课程为载体、以解决问题为方式、以激励为动力、以快乐为价值,采用循循善诱、因材施教、学思行结合、循序渐进、教学相长等教学方法,引导学生切问、近思、明辨、践行,使他们享受学习的快乐、获得审美的满足、体验成长的幸福。  相似文献   

The Prime Minister: ‘I do not believe that it is possible to guarantee everyone a job where he happens to live. There must be some mobility to enable people to move to where the jobs are’. (Hon. Gentlemen: ‘Where?') ‘There are some 400,000 vacant jobs on the usual method of calculation, if people are willing to take them. There must be some mobility if young people want jobs, as there always has been’. (Hon. Gentlemen: ‘Where?') Hon. Members: ‘Where are the jobs?’ Mr Speaker: ‘Order‘2.  相似文献   

Owing to the break-out of the COVID-19 pandemic, students have to take more online learning than offline, and large-scale education assessment programs have to be suspended or postponed. How could education assessment adapt to large-scale online learning? How could the effect and safety of online assessment be improved? What role should formative assessment play in student admissions? How could different assessment results be linked? Reflections on and trends of the Chinese experiences are presented in this article. Based on cross-cultural comparison research, measures to be recommended are as follows: reviewing previous theories, improving existing methods continuously, and developing assessment techniques innovatively according to new application scenarios.  相似文献   

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