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间接正犯的正犯性根据在于,它同直接正犯一样,具有实行行为性;间接正犯和亲手犯的区别表现在,前者是一种犯罪人形态,后者是一种犯罪形态;应当根据共同犯罪理论解决间接正犯和共犯的错误问题。  相似文献   

基于刑法谦抑精神和实行行为的含义,不能承认基于过失的间接正犯;间接正犯的罪过只能是故意,包括直接故意和间接故意。  相似文献   

关于所谓的"片面共犯",国内外刑法理论和实践存在激烈争议。基于"犯罪共同说"的立场和我国大陆刑事立法,不能承认"片面共犯"。所谓"片面的共同正犯"是直接正犯与间接正犯的竞合;其他种类的"片面共犯"实质上是间接正犯。  相似文献   

共谋共同正犯作为共同正犯理论中不容忽视的内容,也是当今刑法学界争论的焦点问题之一.本文首先探讨了共谋共同正犯概念的渊源,成立的三个要件,共同意思主体说、间接正犯类似说、优越支配共同正犯说及实质的正犯论四种肯定共谋共同正犯的学说;其次本文分析了对共谋共同正犯各种犯罪形态的认定原则;最后本文提出了共谋共同正犯和间接正犯、教唆犯和帮助犯之间的联系和区别之处.本文希望能起到丰富我国共同正犯基本理论,并为我国在司法实践中科学认定共谋共同正犯和合理解决共谋共同正犯刑事责任提供理论依据的作用.  相似文献   

间接正犯与教唆犯如何界分在我国争论不休,随着否定间接正犯的"异枝"现象的出现,界分问题的概念基础似乎被掏空,但此观点立论存疑,仍应肯定间接正犯概念。在此视域下,正犯与共犯的区分又是摆在眼前的根基性问题,随着正犯理论的客观实质化,实质客观说更显优势,且在此领域内的犯罪事实支配理论因更能适应我国刑法规定脱颖而出。其项下的意思支配说则成为界分间接正犯与教唆犯的有效标准,但意思支配说也并非完美,仍需完善。  相似文献   

间接正犯依据利用他人犯罪的情形不同,可以分为不同的类型.本文拟对其中利用他人的过失行为实施犯罪、利用他人的合法行为实施犯罪的间接正犯及其相关争议问题进行探讨,以期能够促进对间接正犯存在类型的进一步研究.  相似文献   

试论间接正犯存在的类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据犯罪人为达到犯罪目的而利用不与自己发生共犯关系的人为中介的不同形式将间接正犯分为利用未达到刑事责任年龄之人实施犯罪、利用精神病人为工具实施犯罪、利用他人无罪过行为实施犯罪、利用他人合不秀故意的工具实施犯罪、利用强制使他人无意志自由实施犯罪等七种类型。这种划分方法,有助于提示间接正犯的本质。  相似文献   

:根据犯罪人为达到犯罪目的而利用不与自己发生共犯关系的人为中介的不同形式将间接正犯分为利用未达到刑事责任年龄之人实施犯罪、利用精神病人为工具实施犯罪、利用他人无罪过行为实施犯罪、利用他人合法行为实施犯罪、利用有故意的工具实施犯罪、利用强制使他人无意志自由实施犯罪等七种类型。这种划分方法 ,有助于揭示间接正犯的本质  相似文献   

尽管间接实行犯经过百余年理论实践的发展,但其行为问题依然没能在理论上达成一致意见。学者对间接正犯的实行着手进行了深入的分析,但对犯意表示和犯罪预备阶段的起始点多有疏漏。笔者认为有必要理清间接实行犯犯意表示、犯罪预备阶段起始点、着手实行之间区别。为此略表自己的管见。  相似文献   

本文运用比较研究的方法,对共谋共同正犯、过失共同正犯、共同正犯的中止等问题进行了简要分析,并结合中国刑法理论和实践,提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

绑架罪的实行行为是单一行为,应当以行为人实施的绑架行为是否达到以实力支配、控制被害人的程度作为认定该罪既遂的标准。绑架罪属于继续犯,在整个绑架过程中可能存在继承共同正犯或继承帮助犯。司法实践中,行为人实施绑架行为之时可能伴随有其他犯罪行为,应当根据具体情况或者以一罪论处,或者实行数罪并罚。  相似文献   

未遂教唆是否具有可罚性,一直都是学界争论的焦点。从犯罪的本质出发,确定共犯的处罚根据和共犯的性质,明确教唆故意的内容不仅包括对行为客体的侵害,还包括导致正犯受刑罚处罚的状态;进而分析出未遂教唆侵害正犯的法益,理应受到刑罚处罚,这对本争论的解决具有法学建构意义。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper tests hypotheses based on Garland and Dougher's (1990) formulation of the "victim to victimizer" relationship which is a social learning theory etiological approach to adolescent sexual offending. METHOD: Two hundred sixteen adolescent sexually victimized sexual offenders and 93 adolescent sexually victimized nonsexual offending delinquents from three Michigan sexual offender treatment facilities participated in an anonymous cross-sectional survey regarding their sexual victimization and offending as well as a social desirability measure. RESULTS: When comparing the two groups, nonsexually offending delinquents and sexually offending delinquents, the latter were found to have: closer relationships with their perpetrators; a higher chance of having a male perpetrator(s); a longer duration of sexual victimization; more forceful sexual victimization; and the experience of penetration as part of their sexual victimization. Logistic regression showed that the gender of the perpetrators being both male and female and the forcefulness of the perpetrators were the best predictors of being in the sexual offender group. CONCLUSIONS: The social learning theory hypotheses were generally supported. Further multivariate research on this theory is warranted.  相似文献   

在司法实践中,对于被胁迫犯罪的侦查与审判有过于简略之嫌,这源于我国刑法对被胁迫犯罪欠缺详尽的规定。传统的"胁从犯"在理论上作为共同犯罪人的分类,限制了被胁迫犯罪的范围。被胁迫犯罪应当在理论及立法上有其独立的地位,应当建立和完善这一体系,以便对司法实践能够有明确、细致的指导,从而更有利于实现刑事正义。  相似文献   

BackgroundConsidering the devastating long-term effects on victims caused by child abduction, a thorough examination of child abduction cases as well as the identification of specific factors determining offender arrest times are required.ObjectiveThe current study aims to better understand the characteristics of child abduction and contribute to improving efficient investigation and rapid offender apprehension.Participants and settingThe study uses data from investigation and trial records of abduction cases in South Korea from 1997 to 2008. A total of 144 cases of child abductions were analyzed. We investigated the characteristics of victims and offenders and incident characteristics including crime planning, the use of violence, and the time taken to realize that a child was missing, reporting it to the police, and arresting perpetrators.MethodsWe examined the data by using logistic regression analysis and the gamma generalized linear model.ResultsIt took significantly less time to arrest offenders if they had criminal records. The higher the age of the victim, the longer it took for the offender to be arrested. It took longer for the offender to be arrested in parental abduction cases than in non-parental abduction cases, and it took longer to arrest the perpetrator with delayed recognition that a child was missing and delayed police reporting.ConclusionsThe current findings emphasize the importance of rapid responses following abductions. The study provides strategies to assist with accurate decision making by investigators and fast case resolution through the early arrest of child abductors.  相似文献   

帮助的因果关系问题是德国共犯理论中的一重要课题。由于学者们的理解不一,存在独立因果关系说、和正犯同一的因果关系说、危险犯说等分歧。各说虽有一定的弊端,但都从不同角度揭示出了帮助行为的一些本质特征,这将给予我们有益的启示。  相似文献   

统一正犯化体系能够克服正犯与共犯难以区分的问题,同时具有定罪和处罚更为科学合理等特点,这些优势逐渐得到了一些学者的认同。但是,在引入客观归责理论进一步分析统一正犯化体系时,因归责判断的缺少性使其不能贯彻犯罪论中法益原则和归责原则进而使自身面临全面崩溃的危险。所以,合理的共犯体系利用客观归责理论进行归责判断不可缺少,其重要性在于利用归责判断可以解决共同犯罪中的行为归责和结果归责等问题。  相似文献   

The murder of children by fathers in the context of child abuse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: This study examined the backgrounds of fathers who fatally abuse their children and the contexts within which these homicides occur. The type of relationship between victim, perpetrator, and the victim's mother was a particular interest. METHODS: Data were gathered from 26 cases of fatal child abuse perpetrated by fathers derived from the wider Murder in Britain study. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from extensive prison case files of men serving life sentences for child murder. RESULTS: This was a group of undereducated, underemployed men with significant criminal histories. All except one victim had been subjected to previous violence by the offender, almost three-quarter of whom had also perpetrated violence against their intimate partners (the child's birth mother). Many men had unreasonable expectations and low tolerance levels of normal childhood behaviors, and many appeared jealous and resentful of these young children. All 26 victims were under 4 years of age. Sixty-two percent of the offenders were stepfathers and in only four cases was the perpetrator a birth father married to the birth mother. Stepfathers had more disrupted and disadvantaged backgrounds and experiences than birth fathers. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that fathers who perpetrate fatal child abuse have a propensity to use violence against children in their care and intimate partners, raising questions about the gender dynamics and generational boundaries operating in these families. The nature and type of intimate relationship (whether married or cohabiting) and fathering relationship (whether birth or de facto) were important differentiating factors in these homicides as well as characteristics of the offender. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Professionals working in child protection strive to provide effective services to children and families, ever vigilant to the possibility of the death of a child as a consequence of an assault. By and large, fathers (either biological or de facto) as the perpetrators of such assaults have received minimal attention in both policy and practice. Findings from this study suggest that practitioners need to be cognizant of men's attitudes towards and expectations of fathering (particularly stepfathering) which may present increased levels of risk to both children and intimate partners.  相似文献   

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