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数学思想是数学要质的体现,能用数学思想指导解题,实质上是数学素质提高的表现,对指导今后进一步学习具有永恒意义。把数形结合、分类讨论、换元、等价变换、化归等数学思想渗透到每一节课、每一个知识点,使学生明确解决问题的策略和指向。  相似文献   

在数学教学中能正确指导学生学习,则可以使学生乐于学习、坚持学习、善于学习。不仅可以提高学生学习效率及教学质量.也能够培养学生对数学的学习兴趣。在数学教育中的学习指导要结合数学学科特点及学生特点。因材施教、循循善诱。根据青少年成长期的心理特征。结合教学实践.我认为在初中数学教学中应采用“一导向、二养习、三授法”的学习指导策略。  相似文献   

探讨元学习概念及数学元学习能力的构成要素;针对数学元学习能力提高的受控因素,分析数学元学习能力培养的基本模式。  相似文献   

在初中数学学习中,概念是数学学习的逻辑起点,也是培养数学思维的重要节点。教会学生掌握和理解数学概念,是学好数学的关键。为此,笔者在教学实践中运用探究式学习方法来指导初中生学习数学概念,取得了比较好的成效,故在此提供给同行,希望得到同行指正。  相似文献   

开展数学学习方法指导,是当前以更新数学思想、完善数学教学方法为内容的数学教学改革的一个重要课题,是培养学生学习能力、体现学生主体地位的需要。开展数学学习方法指导,必须依据数学高度的抽象性、逻辑的严谨性和应用的广泛性等特点,遵循系统化、针对性、实践性、实用性、自主性和及时巩固等原则,对学生进行分类指导。  相似文献   

网络环境下小学生探索性数学学习方式是指:学生在教师的帮助和指导下。在一定的数学问题情境之中通过丰富的网络学习资源,自主探索,获取知识,形成技能,发展情感的学习方式。这个学习方式强调了学习过程中教师的指导和帮助作用及学生的主体地位;强调了在问题情境之中学习,学习所利用的资源是基于网络的资源;学习的方法以学生独立的自主探究为主;通过学习活动达到获取知识,形成技能,发展情感的目的。  相似文献   

霍亮 《山东教育》2004,(26):20-22
当前,基础教育与数学课程改革,比如研究性学习的开展、综合实践活动课的提出等,为数学教学理论和实践的发展提供了新的生长点。面对新的数学课程教材,如何重新认识数学学习活动,建构新的数学学习观,指导学生形成相应的数学学习方式,是当前迫切需要解决的问题。因此,现代数学教学理论应该把数学学  相似文献   

数学学习方法指导,简称数学学法指导,是“学会学习”的一个重要组成部分。目前,数学学法指导问题是数学教学理论研究和实践中的一个重要课题。因此,笔者想就此问题从三个方面做些探讨,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

数学思想是数学要质的体现,能用数学思想指导解题,实质上是数学素质提高的表现,对指导今后进一步学习具有永恒意义.把数形结合、分类讨论、换元、等价变换、化归等数学思想渗透到每一节课、每一个知识点,使学生明确解决问题的策略和指向.  相似文献   

认知心理学的现代研究促进了数学教育研究的不断深入,在认知学习理论的指导下,人们更加关注数学学习中的数学认知结构、数学理解及数学问题解决。形成良好的数学认知结构是数学学习的本质;理解是数学学习的关键;问题解决是数学学习的主要任务。  相似文献   

元学习不仅是学会学习的有效途径,也是培养创新能力的基本途径.针对目前大学生元学习存在"学习资源相对不足"、"学习方式单一"等问题,引入Wiki技术,分析Wiki环境下元学习的特征,探讨Wiki环境下有效进行元学习的方法,以提高元学习效率,改善元学习质量.  相似文献   

Often mathematical instruction for students with disabilities, especially those with learning disabilities, includes an overabundance of instruction on mathematical computation and does not include high-quality instruction on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. In fact, it is a common misconception that students with learning disabilities are not strong problem solvers in general. This article highlights the inherent problem solving strengths that students with learning disabilities possess; how they use those skills to address everyday barriers and challenges, and how teachers can relate these skills to academic mathematical instruction. Additionally, practical classroom examples, suggested teaching strategies, and questions for further examinations are discussed.  相似文献   

远程教育的蓬勃发展,引起人们对远程学习和网络学习研究的关注。电大学生依靠远程教育和网络进行学习,这种学习更加依赖于学习者的主动性和自主性,依赖于他的元学习能力。所以,如何对电大学生进行自主学习的培养教育,就成为远程教育的一个重点和难点问题。通过调查,了解宁波地区县市级电大学员自主学习的现状,对于远程教育网络环境下如何真正促使学习者进行自主学习具有重要的现实意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

Extensive evidence has suggested mathematical skill in early childhood is a robust predictor of children's later academic skills and eventual labor market outcomes; however, there is substantial heterogeneity in the degree to which different students learn from the same instructional contexts. Using data from N = 12,082 children enrolled in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort, this paper employs a latent piecewise growth curve modeling approach to investigate the role of classroom math instruction and executive function and approaches to learning in the development of mathematical skills in kindergarten, first, and second grade. Findings suggest that overall instructional frequency relates to math development in kindergarten through second, and that this is driven by exposure to advanced content in kindergarten. Further, executive function moderates children's learning in kindergarten, such that children with higher levels of executive function benefit more from instruction than do those with lower levels.  相似文献   

Mathematical literacy includes learning to read and write different types of mathematical texts as part of purposeful mathematical meaning making. Thus in this article, we describe how learning to read and write mathematical texts (proof text, algorithmic text, algebraic/symbolic text, and visual text) supports the development of students' mathematical literacy. Explicit instruction about how to engage with each text type helps to build students' awareness of the function of mathematical texts and of how to leverage them to support the doing of mathematics. Teachers and leaders can use this discussion of mathematical text types to organize and conceptualize instruction within a disciplinary literacy orientation.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the use of didactic material in mathematics classes. It focuses on the mathematical activities of students and the didactical activities of teachers. Its point of departure is a critique of technical-managerial approaches to teaching, learning, and innovation. Based on this critique, fundamental tensions between the development of new didactic material and the cognitive style and daily routines of practising teachers are identified. In the last part of the paper, the concept of mathematical literacy is introduced in order to set the crucial relationship between didactic material for mathematics instruction and the ways in which it is used in the classroom on new and fertile grounds.  相似文献   

Elementary mathematics curriculum materials can serve as a lever for instructional change. In this paper, we promote a particular kind of instructional change: supporting teachers in learning to integrate children’s multiple mathematical knowledge bases (MMKB), including children’s mathematical thinking and children’s home and community-based mathematical funds of knowledge, in instruction. A powerful means of supporting pre-service teachers in integrating children’s MMKB in instruction may be to scaffold teachers’ noticing of potential spaces in elementary mathematics curriculum materials for connecting to children’s MMKB and then developing practices for leveraging these spaces during instruction. We focus on existing and potential spaces in written curriculum materials, or curriculum spaces, so as to better support teachers in enacting curriculum that opens spaces for connecting to children’s MMKB.  相似文献   

教育学理论与教学实践的有机结合,是高等教育研究和建设中的重要内容。"数学物理方法"是工科院校的基础课程之一,在教学实践中面临着"繁、难"两大困境。本文应用系统教学设计中"为学习设计教学"的理论,结合工科类专业的学习特点,提出了该类专业"数学物理方法"课程建设的基本原则、构建了课程框架、总结了系统备课过程中的教学经验。教学效果显示,将系统教学设计理论应用于教学实践,较好地解决了"数学物理方法"的教学难题。  相似文献   

本文试图从学习者个别差异的角度出发 ,着重分析优秀学习者的心理素质 ,从中找出学好外语的必备条件和素质 ,为外语教学设计中对学习者心理特征分析 ,外语教学过程中激发学生的积极参与 ,和有效指导、激励学生获得良好的外语学习效果提供启示  相似文献   

人工智能算法繁多,但经得起实践考验的经典算法有限,常见的有朴素贝叶斯、决策树、逻辑回归、支持向量机、深度学习、强化学习、遗传算法、蚁群算法、元学习等。依据人工智能算法理论基础知识,如概率统计、集合论、空间几何、图论、矩阵论等加以分类,并对相应经典人工智能算法概念和主要应用领域进行概述,去除结构细化和公式展开所带来的复杂感,揭开人工智能的神秘面纱,让算法整体轮廓得以更清晰地呈现。  相似文献   

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