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教学创新:构建师生互为主体的平台   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
教学创新是教育创新重要的组成部分 ,是知识经济时代的内在要求 ,是推进素质教育的根本途径。教学创新的基础是师生互为主体。师生互为主体是主体性教学的内在要求 ,是实现教学互动的条件。教学双向互动是实现教学创新的关键 ,教学互动的根本又在于“善教”与“乐学”  相似文献   

“中西互为体用论”是傅伟勋提出的一个化命题。本从它的提出,它与中国化重建,它与中西化交流三个方面又析又评了这个命题的内涵,意义及其运用。  相似文献   

【知识梳理】一、余角和补角1.理解三个概念(1)如果两个角的和是直角,那么称这两个角互为余角.若∠1 ∠2=90°,则∠1与∠2互为余角.(2)如果两个角的和是平角,那么称这两个角互为补角.若∠1 ∠2=180°,则∠1与∠2互为补角.(3)如图1,直线AB与CD相交于点O,∠1与∠2有公共顶点,它们的两边互为反向延长线,这样的两个角叫做对·顶·角·.由此可见,辨认对顶角要两看:一看是否是两条直线相交所成的角;二看是否是有公共顶点而没有公共边(或不相邻)的角.如图2,具备第二个条件,而不具备第一个条件,则∠1与∠2不是对顶角.如图1,∠3与∠4也是对顶角.注…  相似文献   

我们知道.两个角的和等于180^o时.这两个角互为补角.简称互补.也可以说其中一个角是另一个角的补角.两个角的和等于90^o时,这两个角互为余角,简称互余.也可以说其中一个角是另一个角的余角.那么,除了这些性质.互补和互余又有哪些性质呢?  相似文献   

李莹 《江苏高教》2021,(3):119-124
针对传统职业教育注重"成器"忽视"成人"培育的现实状况,将互为主体性理论引入职业教育,并审视职业教育的现实困境:职业院校师生关系主客体阶层固化;职业教育目的主体人性缺失;职业教育方法主客体单向知识传输;职业教育评价结果导向普教化.由此,提出构建互为主体性哲学关照下的现代职业教育生活世界:以培育人性丰富的新人为目的;建立共生共长的师生关系,不断统整生活化的职业教育内容,大力推行互动体验的职业教育方法,强调职业教育评价的多元性、发展性、真实性以及过程性.  相似文献   

“互为余角”和“互为补角”是七年级数学中的两个很重要的概念,同学们在学习这部分内容时,应注意以下三点.[第一段]  相似文献   

互为余角、互为补角都是指两个角之间的数量关系,与它们的位置无关。理解和掌握余角、补角的性质有助于分析角与角之间的关系,也为以后的学习打下基础,同学们在学习时要注意以下几个方面。一、正确理解概念 1.互为余角 如果两个角的和是90°,那么这两个角就互为余角,也就是说其中一个角是另一个角的余角。  相似文献   

一、中考视点 1.图形的初步认识 (1)围绕棱柱的展开图、正方体、组合体的三视图来命题。 (2)围绕互为余角、互为补角的概念和性质来命题,解答时重视方程思想的运用。  相似文献   

教育主体性研究的多语一义或一语多义的概念泛化现象导致其应有精确性的丧失,在主客体关系上忽略教育过程的特殊性而兜圈子,教学过程中的师生关系实质上是一种因社会分工的互为和色色履行的互动。  相似文献   

主体教育理论认为教育活动是师生互为主体的活动,根据“教师口语”课作为技能训练课的特点。教师应转变观念,确立师生互为主体的教学观。在“教师口语”师生互为主体的教学中,学生具有学习的自主性、主动性、质疑性和创造性的特征,教师具有选准课程的切入点、理清其知识点、激发学习的兴奋点、培植学习的发散点的特征,课堂具有师生主动参与、合作学习、深化思维、尊重差异的特征。在教学的互动中,学生不断地改造、进化和发展,教师不断得到充实、丰富和提高,双方共处于一个和谐、共进的活动统一体中,从而达到相互促进、教学相长。  相似文献   

交互主体性教育理念探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交互主体性教育理念是一种亟待提升为哲学层次的教育新理念。在教育中引入交互主体性概念是为了消解教育中主体中心和主客对立现象,达到主体与主体、主体与客体的互动、交流、沟通。交互主体性概念思想中所蕴涵的最核心和最本质的东西就是主体间意识上的"同"和言行上的"一",哲学家们对交互主体性认识是言行上的"一"与意识上的"同"的关系,二者是辩证的,即二者互为因果。强调交互主体性教育理念及其重要性,目的在于使我们所开展的教育实践能真正为社会培养富有时代精神的创新人才。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate what is reciprocal understanding in virtual web-based interaction and what does it consist of. The context of this study was an international web-based pre-service teacher education (N=116) course. The study is based on an idea of shared cognition and reciprocal understanding, in particular. It is assumed that reciprocity is an essential component not only of social interaction, but also of successful virtual interaction. Since many kinds of virtual interaction, such as e-learning, web-based courses, and virtual universities are rapidly getting more common in education, there is a need to analyse the issue of reciprocal understanding in web-based learning in order to develop more profound pedagogical models. The results widely show that during this particular web-based course there was reciprocal discussion between the participants. Participants had mutual negotiations and they discussed about issues from a variety of different viewpoints. Seven different ideas were found for the mechanisms of reciprocal understanding. It is concluded that this information is useful for developing a new pedagogical model for web-based learning and enhancing the quality of virtual interaction.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are seeking greater community engagement through academic, social and civic activity. In response, researcher attention has turned to impacts on students’ education, and benefits to both university and community partners. This phenomenographic study examines how a diverse group of teachers, researchers and administrators at one New Zealand university conceptualised their involvement in community-engaged learning and teaching. We identified an outcome space where university people conceived their community engagement in three ways: within an expert/novice discourse, as advocacy, and in the most complex conception, as reciprocal learning. When working with and within communities, we suggest that university people should be supported to approach community engagement as reciprocal learning rather than adopting approaches that render community partners in passive roles.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to record students’ recording accuracy when they practised with the reciprocal and the self-check styles in physical education and examine whether recording accuracy contributed to students’ performance. Participants were 48 fifth- and sixth-grade students who were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups (reciprocal style, self-check style, sequential use of the reciprocal and the self-check styles). The results showed that students were moderately accurate in peer- and self-recording with a tendency to overestimate their performance. No difference among the 3 experimental groups in recording accuracy was found. Students who received more accurate feedback outperformed in the chest pass test those who received less accurate feedback. The results are discussed with reference to the use of the reciprocal and the self-check styles and the development of self-regulated learning in physical education.  相似文献   

阅读教学中的交互教学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
交互教学是一种用于促进阅读理解的教学模式,备受认知学习理论和建构主义推崇。交互教学从发展初期受认知主义主导到近期受社会建构主义引领。本文回顾了交互教学的发展历程,对以往研究进行了梳理,并对交互教学今后的发展作了展望,对解决阅读困难的问题具有一定意义。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to describe an international project aimed at building a knowledge base between Canada and China and beyond for cross-cultural educational understanding and harmonious relationships. The overall purpose of this work is to move beyond cross-cultural comparison and competition to collaborative reciprocity. Reciprocal learning is the guiding term for the Canada–China Partnership Project. The term is relatively commonplace and its deceptive simplicity veils important research and public discourse consequences. The Partnership Project, though not explicitly comparative in nature, draws heavily on the literature of comparative education, particularly with respect to methodology and understandings of Chinese and Canadian education. We describe four comparative education approaches which we think of as models of reciprocal learning across cultures. In the following remarks, we unpack these ideas of reciprocal learning as they apply to collaborative studies of Chinese and Canadian education. The models are assessed for their potential to generate collaborative teaching and learning situations with associated reciprocal learning.  相似文献   

近些年来,我国高校保险专业教育和保险企业都有较大发展。充分利用学界与业界的优势资源,可促进高校保险教育及保险企业的快速发展。文章深入分析高校保险专业教育与保险企业之间的互动关系,尝试探寻出一条适应本土特色的校企发展路径,从而使高校保险专业教育与保险企业相辅相成、相得益彰。  相似文献   

学习是学习建构自己的知识经验的过程,是一个主动、积极的建构活动。本在建构主义学习理论的指导下,提出了大学英语多媒体网络互动教学要以教师、学生、信息和学习环境为组成要素,并与传统的教学模式进行了比较分析,探讨了大学英语多媒体网络互动教学的教学原则和特点.这些工作有助于信息化教育改革进一步向纵深发展。  相似文献   

通过探讨父母控制(心理控制与行为控制)和中学生生活满意度间的关系,检验中学生的孝道信念在二者间的中介作用。通过采用父母心理控制问卷、行为控制问卷、双元孝道量表、生活满意度量表对湖南省三所中学的539名中学生匿名施测。结果显示:父母心理控制对中学生的生活满意度有显著负向预测作用,父母行为控制对中学生的生活满意度具有显著正向预测作用;互惠孝道在父母心理控制与生活满意度间起部分中介作用,互惠孝道与权威孝道在父母行为控制与生活满意度间均起部分中介作用。说明父母控制既直接影响中学生的生活满意度,也可通过中学生的孝道信念间接影响其对生活的满意度。  相似文献   

为了探讨mosston体育教学光谱中的练习式和互惠式2种不同教学形式的教学效果,以大学体育课排球选项女生班学生为研究对象,实施不同教学形式的排球教学实验,分析不同教学形式下传球、垫球、发球等排球基本技术教学效果之间的差异。实验结果表明练习式与互惠式之间的教学效果有显著性差异,练习式教学效果优于互惠式。  相似文献   

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