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There is nowadays consensus in the community of didactics of science (i.e. science education understood as an academic discipline) regarding the need to include the philosophy of science in didactical research, science teacher education, curriculum design, and the practice of science education in all educational levels. Some authors have identified an ever-increasing use of the concept of ‘theoretical model’, stemming from the so-called semantic view of scientific theories. However, it can be recognised that, in didactics of science, there are over-simplified transpositions of the idea of model (and of other meta-theoretical ideas). In this sense, contemporary philosophy of science is often blurred or distorted in the science education literature. In this paper, we address the discussion around some meta-theoretical concepts that are introduced into didactics of science due to their perceived educational value. We argue for the existence of a ‘semantic family’, and we characterise four different versions of semantic views existing within the family. In particular, we seek to contribute to establishing a model-based didactics of science mainly supported in this semantic family.  相似文献   

贫困地区农业教育对繁荣和发展贫困地区农村经济具有极其重要的作用。贫困地区农业教育具有教育范畴的广泛性、教育对象的从业性、教育内容的实用性、学习形式的灵活,专业设置的地方性等特点。但目前存在着教育经费投入和师资队伍严重不足和不稳定等问题,必须从政治、经济等多方面找其原因,按照教育“优先发展”的战略,保证农业教育投入,建立农科教相结合的模式。  相似文献   

In this paper I inspect a ‘semantic’ view of scientific models taken from contemporary philosophy of science—I draw upon the so-called ‘semanticist family’, which frontally challenges the received, syntactic conception of scientific theories. I argue that a semantic view may be of use both for science education in the classrooms of all educational levels, and for research and innovation within the discipline of didactics of science. I explore and characterise a model-based account of the nature of science, and derive some implications that may be of interest for our community.  相似文献   

In response to a paper calling for the re-engagement of agricultural education with the sciences and science education, this essay is supportive but argues to proceed with caution: one that at first does no harm. I offer a supplementary lens and story of change at Cornell University as a cautionary and motivational tale. I concur with the authors who want to redirect faculty, departments, and societies of agricultural educators to become more tightly aligned with the sciences. The need for and ability to better contribute to the critical discussions on contemporary agriculture issues (e.g., urban farming, GMOs, sustainability, local economies) is timely and important. The trick, however, is to do this without weakening the agricultural education community to the point of extinction. Drawing on Institutional Theory, I offer an enhanced perspective highlighting the importance of resource, conformity, and legitimacy. I explore the nature of competing pressures: the strong and restrictive ties to isolated communities and the pressure to reengage a community with a more socially and intellectually central world. I want to emphasize how these strong ties are typically beneficial to the organizations of interest, despite what it may look like to others outside that sector. It is argued that agricultural education will become increasingly “vulnerable and isolated” should it not cross the street and at least partially connect with contemporary science, social science, and new policy and ethical concerns.  相似文献   

The quality of science education is a pervasive concern in educational improvement efforts. This article examines two aspects of science education that have been identified as being of concern: Is the material presented in science classrooms representative of science “as it really is” and, secondly, what is the bearing of notions of “children's science” on curriculum reform? A review of the literature in both areas shows that educational theory has, so far, had little effect on classroom practice. An attempt is made to synthesize contemporary views on the tentative nature of science with a generative model of learning in science in order to establish a common epistemological base which could be used as a template for curriculum reform efforts.  相似文献   

An unfortunate lack of communication mars the relationship between educational psychology and philosophy. This state of affairs is magnified by the need for scholars of education to come forth in addressing broad ranging political issues surrounding contemporary American public education. It seems that although the very scholars who are needed for enlightened dialogue on these matters are, instead, only talking within tight discipline-bounded circles. This work seeks to jump start the wavering cross-discipline conversation, particularly between educational psychology and philosophy, by proposing pragmatic philosophy as an intellectual and visceral counterpart to the social science inquiry that is the province of our field.  相似文献   

Introductory Comments on Philosophy and Constructivism in Science Education   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This article indicates something of the enormous influence of constructivism on contemporary science education. The article distinguishes educational constructivism (that has its origins in theories of children's learning), from constructivism in the philosophy of science (usually associated with instrumentalist views of scientific theory), and from constructivism in the sociology of science (of which the Edinburgh Strong Programme in the sociology of scientific knowledge is the best known example). It notes the expansion of educational constructivism from initial considerations of how children come to learn, to views about epistemology, educational theory, ethics, and the cognitive claims of science. From the learning-theory beginnings of constructivism, and at each stage of its growth, philosophical questions arise that deserve the attention of educators. Among other things, the article identifies some theoretical problems concerning constructivist teaching of the content of science.  相似文献   

农民职业教育是国家教育事业的重要组成部分,是解放和发展生产力,加快农民科学技术的普及与应用,发展优质、高产、高效农业,推进农村产业化建设,振兴农村经济的重要途径。农民职业教育包括学历教育和非学历教育。章对农民学历教育和非学历教育进行了相关论述。  相似文献   

Ma Xiangbo was born in 1840 and became a pioneer of educational reform during the republican period. He was responsible for introducing the idea that science and humanities should be valued equally in liberal arts education, a concept that became key to the model of university education. Ma’s view of education combined Western humanism and science with classical Confucian humanism. His ideas still have a referential value for contemporary Chinese higher education and society.  相似文献   

任鸿隽是近代自然科学家,但他在科学教育上的精辟见解及其实践活动,奠定了千土学教育家的地位。他批判传统化教育,把科学与教育联系起来,尤其重视科学方法与态度养成,并运用于教育。他领导的中国科学社及《科学》杂志在中国近代科学教育思潮演进中是一种不可忽视的力量,对中国近代学制、课程及教材的变革产生了举足轻重的影响。  相似文献   

An abundance of empirical evidence exists identifying a significant correlation between spatial ability and educational performance particularly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Despite this evidence, a causal explanation has yet to be identified. Pertinent research illustrates that spatial ability can be developed and that doing so has positive educational effects. However, contention exists within the relevant literature concerning the explicit definition for spatial ability. There is therefore a need to define spatial ability relative to empirical evidence which in this circumstance relates to its factor structure. Substantial empirical evidence supports the existence of unique spatial factors not represented in modern frameworks. Further understanding such factors can support the development of educational interventions to increase their efficacy and related effects in STEM education. It may also lead to the identification of why spatial ability has such a significant impact on STEM educational achievement as examining more factors in practice can help in deducing which are most important. In light of this, a synthesis of the spatial factors offered within existing frameworks with those suggested within contemporary studies is presented to guide further investigation and the translation of spatial ability research to further enhance learning in STEM education.  相似文献   

端方是晚清新式农业教育的倡导者和实践者。他仅重视兴办新式农业学堂,派遣农科留学生,而且还非常重视利用农书农报、农会以及农业试验场的社会教育功能,传播和推广近代农业科技知识。他的农业教育思想与实践富有进步意义,理应在中国农业教育史和现代化史上占有一席之地。  相似文献   

If we reject sentimentalist accounts of the nature of moral motivation and education, then we may regard some form of reason as intrinsic to any genuine moral response. The large question for moral education is therefore that of the nature of such reason—perhaps more especially of its status as knowledge. In this regard, there is evidence of some recent drift in both ethics and theory of moral educational theory towards more instrumental pro-social skill acquisition conceptions of moral reason as more methodologically amenable to the empirical research methods of contemporary social science. This article sets out to show that the work of three great philosophers—all of whom have continued to exercise significant influence on modern and contemporary moral educational theorising and research—points in various ways to more epistemically robust conceptions of moral reason as meaningful personally formative knowledge that is not so readily amenable to natural or social scientific understanding and explanation.  相似文献   

论西方自然主义教育思想的形成、演变及历史贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西方自然主义教育思想,是西方近代大多数教育家所关注的理论,它不仅对近代的教育思想和实践产生过积极的作用,而且对西方现代教育思想和实践有过积极影响。  相似文献   

谁掌握了面向21世纪的教育,谁就能够在21世纪的国际竞争中处于战略主动地位。因此,世界各国普遍掀起了一场广泛、深入、持久的教育改革。从教育政策学的视角来看,当代世界教育改革就是由各国政府为主角来推行的一种自上而下的政府行为。文章主要从教育政策学的视角对教育改革的内涵,对当代教育改革的背景、主要理论、特点与策略、历史动因以及发展趋势进行分析与阐述。  相似文献   

本文分析了当代中国大学生人文精神与科学精神缺失的主要原因.并从怎样加强对大学生的人文精神、科学精神教育,将人文精神和科学精神统一地融入课程体系之中等三个方面提出了教育对策.  相似文献   

教育中的科学史与科学史中的教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于科学史在科学教育中的功能问题,一些案例说明,长期以来,实际上是教育目的规定着科学史的教育作用,将这种现象可称为教育中的科学史。而随着科学史研究的发展和科学史建制的形成,现在以科学史本身为本来认识科学史的教育作用,相应的,这可被称为科学史中的教育。在科学史的研究和传播过程中,从教育中的科学史向科学史中的教育转变,能够避免对科学史的辉格式解释和对科学历史的歪曲,也有利于真正认识科学史学科的教育功能。  相似文献   

In this paper I consider a role for risk understanding in school science education. Grounds for this role are described in terms of current sociological analyses of the contemporary world as a ‘risk society’ and recent public understanding of science studies where science and risk are concerns commonly linked within the wider community. These concerns connect with support amongst many science educators for the goal of science education for citizenship. From this perspective scientific literacy for decision making on contemporary socioscientific issues is central. I argue that in such decision making, risk understanding has an important role to play. I examine some of the challenges its inclusion in school science presents to science teachers, review previous writing about risk in the science education literature and consider how knowledge about risk might be addressed in school science. I also outline the varying conceptions of risk and suggest some future research directions that would support the inclusion of risk in classroom discussions of socioscientific issues.  相似文献   

《大学语文》课是普通高校中面向文 (除汉语言文学专业外 )、理、工、农、医、财经、政治、外语、艺术、教育等各类专业学生开设的一门素质教育课程。课程设置的目的是培养学生汉语言文学方面的阅读、欣赏、理解和表达能力。《大学语文》课所入选的作品 ,均是经过千百年筛选留传下来具有强大生命力的文约意丰 ,脍炙人口的古代和现当代最有成就的作家的代表作。它们代表了中国几千年灿烂文化和文明的进程 ,对于将来要担负着“传道”、“授业”、“解惑”的师范生来说 ,《大学语文》课在素质教育中的重要地位和作用是不容忽视的 !  相似文献   

高校被誉为“文化库、知识库、思想库”,也是道义的担负者,理想的发源地和心灵的守护神。而今天,在人才济济的大学校园里,呈现着很不协调的两极,一极是科学技术、教学内容的日益丰富,另一极是学生人文精神的相对匮乏,学校几乎成了“教育的孤岛”。学生人文精神的缺失导致各种生活适应问题,进而演化为心理障碍、失范行为以及对参与社会生活准备的不足。这就要求在人才培养中,把科学教学和人文教育结合起来,培养具有丰富人性的当代大学生。  相似文献   

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