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来信刊登我进职校才半年多,就收到了3封情书,怎么办?我不理睬的话,他们会不会报复我?成都小丫同学支招:A.丫头,收到情书还不好啊!……不过对于现在读书的你,最好不要去理会啦。……好好上学  相似文献   

名人与情书的故事常常被津津乐道。古今中外的名人情书我读过不少。记得读马克思写给燕妮的情书时,我不禁感叹:这位写过《资本论》并把毕生精力都献给无产阶级革命事业的伟人也能写出如此缠绵、热烈而细腻的情书。而著名的诗人徐志摩的情书则如同他的诗一般浪漫、真挚。他写给陆小  相似文献   

书,无声;而影,鬼魅。两者截然不同,却又在小小的人生缩影里有所交集。像是今年奥斯卡大热门Shutter Land《禁闭岛》)就是根据Dennis Lehane的同名小说改编而成。同样,日本导演岩井俊二则喜欢将自己拍摄过的电影立书出版,比如经典的《情书》。  相似文献   

<正>我爸爸揍过我,高二时。一日,我塞在枕头底下的情书,被父母发现。晚自习结束,我回到家中,情书就摊在饭桌上。叠得小小的,从作业本上扯下来的纸,热烈而亲密的字句。他们一言不发地关上门,开始揍我。我的爸爸,抄起一把铁箍的雨伞,打在我背上,伞的布面破了,里面的  相似文献   

责任编辑/夫捷如果说有什么东西最能体现当下男女情感交流的迷失,那便是我们对情书的亵渎,这话尽管说得有些过了头,但这是一个无法回避的不争的公共话语。当我们重新站在一个新的起点上,对情书给予关注并对爱与情的分离,找回重新结合的道路,情书是扫除障碍的关键。人类的情感交流越来越不像我们想象那样美好,大多数人糊里糊涂地发个短信,打个电话,挂个QQ就把没想好的话说给了不知道是不是为你心跳的人听,他们快节奏的生活注定了对传统情书的不理不采,好像表达爱情的过程是作家和诗人的事,没想到恋爱的人是最富有创造性和艺术感的。他们本该…  相似文献   

关于故事《恶作剧之吻》讲述的是相原琴子与入江直树之间的爱情故事,从高中说起,直到他们结婚。然后继续讲他们结婚之后的夫妻生活。故事是从相原琴子最终鼓起勇气决定通过情书的方式向入江直树表白,但是却被入江直树以向所有人公开这封情书的方式拒绝了开始的。在那个尴尬的时刻之后,她决定放弃追逐入江直树。就在琴子被拒绝的当  相似文献   

大学的专业是电影,我翻出岩井俊二写的那本《情书》看到:我不明就里,漫不经心地把卡片翻了过来。我无话可说了。那是中学时代的我的画像。我突然发现,他们正津津有味地偷看我的表情。我一面佯装平静,一面想把卡片揣到兜里。然而不凑巧,我喜欢的围裙,上下没有一个兜……如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不一般。最终我还是没说,你还是忽略。很多年后,这封被许多人阅读过的爱,穿过了他们大半个青春,才最终抵达真正的主人手中。此时主人公已算是一枚轻熟女,可看到情书时却依然表现得犹如少女,那时我便想,情书一定是有魔法  相似文献   

我不是个好看的女孩,自然没收到过几封情书,可是,正是做梦的年纪,谁不想出演一部自己做主角的爱情剧?就算男主角不是那些长相温良、颇得少女爱恋的人,但只要发生过就够了。正因如此,我才会对那张算不上是情书的纸条记忆深刻。那时候,我还在那所百年普高读高一。那里汇集了十里八乡的顽劣分子,他们认为万般皆上品,唯有读书低。而身为年级第二又是班长的我,估计背地里被戏称为书呆子。  相似文献   

中华五千年的文化是人类历史文明进程中一束独具魅力的奇葩,而国学经典作为中华文明的主要载体,其中更是蕴藏着中国五千年历史的智慧精髓,是中华民族优秀传统的根源。随着素质教育改革的不断深入,教师也应该不断进行教学改革,改变传统的教学思想,在教学过程中让中小学生接受国学经典的熏陶,国学经典将在他们心里埋下种子,随着他们慢慢长大,会与他们形影相随,让他们在国学经典的滋养中成长,健全人格,培育民族精神,非常有必要。  相似文献   

关键词之八:情书"情书",在少男少女的生活里,其实不过是表达喜欢、爱慕之情的一般通信,如果算情书,也是"习作"。作为写情书的一方,应该说是人之常情,无可非议。  相似文献   

所谓巧合,指的是把现实生活中似乎不大容易碰到一起的东西巧妙地让它们在文艺作品中碰头。其中,有时间上的巧合、地点上的巧合、人与人关系上的巧合,也有人与环境之间的巧合等等。通过《江村小景》和《警察与赞美诗》的对比阅读,明白什么是巧合以及巧合对文学作品产生的特殊作用。  相似文献   

Assuming that ordinary people have lacked the background, ability, and will to make prudent lifestyle decisions, Sargent and other human services professionals pursued visions of the rational, regulated life. That so many professions have entertained the same visions is not a mere coincidence. A human capital model, with its assumptions and implicit rules, unites these professions and their delivery systems. After offering a critique of this model, a human development perspective is presented, its assumptions identified, and its life-enabling education sketched. All human services professions face the need for transformations; the question is, will they make them?  相似文献   

本人以多年的班主任工作的亲身经历,对不同类型,不同家庭背景,成绩不佳,学习不肯用功,纪律松懈,人际关系紧张,人生坐标容易偏移的学生观察教育发现,只要找准原因,方法得当,晓之以理,动之以情,导之以恒,循循善诱即可以及时矫正他们偏离的人生航线,唤醒他们泯灭的心,激发他们火一样的热情,指引他们向着人生充满阳光的大道前进。  相似文献   

现代都市男女频繁地在外交际应酬,又面对工作生活带来的巨大压力,经常饮食无规律,营养摄入不均衡。无法保持自己的健康状态。从一个营养师的专业角度来看,在建议大家多抽些时间做健身运动的同时,更要向大家推荐现在世界上最为流行的瘦身蛋白质——金枪鱼。  相似文献   

在对侵华日军南京大屠杀研究方面,缺乏针对南京沦陷后留下的慈善机构的专门研究文章。虽有关于慈善机构从事尸体掩埋的记录,但这直接关系到南京大屠杀的人数,所以重点放在考证当时的埋尸人数,而不是研究当时的慈善机构。事实是一部分慈善机构没有离宁,在南京沦陷后及大屠杀期间,冒着巨大的生命危险,作了很多可歌可泣的事,让人敬仰不已。  相似文献   

英语在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用,越来越多的人努力地想把英语学好。我国的英语教学水平已经有了很大的提高,学生在考试中的英语分数也非常地高,然而人们普遍地感觉到很难用英语进行口头的交流。为什么会出现这样的问题?该如何解决这一问题?本文力图从语用学的角度来分析和解决这一问题。并着重于分析如何在交际中注意H.P.格赖斯的合作原则、礼貌原则以及中西方文化的差异,以提高英语交际的能力。  相似文献   

目前很多人认为季羡林先生的散文《二月兰》的"二月兰"象征着平凡的女性大众平常的生活态度与人生哲学,还象征着一种女性情感与气质特征。笔者认为此象征说法有些不妥。笔者从作品本身出发,并联系季先生的其他散文篇什以及相关论述,认为季先生的"二月兰"寄寓了他对生命中有着非凡地位的几位亲人的深沉怀念和无尽哀思;歌颂了生命的顽强与坚韧,并且昭示着逆境中巍然屹立、顺从自然、顽强执着的品性;又有着对生命悲欢的哲学思考,我们从中看到了既情感丰富又豁达通脱的季老风神。  相似文献   

Mr. Pang I-lu, principal of Wu-hsi Kai-yuan Elementary School came to help us establish the Third Central Elementary School and lived with us for six days. On the eve of his departure, I asked him how he felt about life at the experimental rural normal school. He said, "Your life here is simply rudimentary; it is not a farmer's life." I said: It cannot be called rudimentary, but it is certainly the life of primitive people in some ways. Our education here begins with a primitive life and aspires to achieve the happiest possible world." Although the discussion was just so many words, it can illustrate a truth about education at Hsiao-chuang. Farmers' lives under the feudal system were very unprogressive. They lived from day to day like completely unquestioning human beings. Although rural education is intended to make farmers prosperous, it is very doubtful that this can be achieved if we begin from the realities of farmers' lives. Therefore, we must summon our courage and force the pendulum of rural education to swing toward the life of primitive people. The lives of primitive people are very rich with questioning. The real questions of life confront us one by one, commanding us to think, demanding that we solve them. These questions are extremely urgent and pressing. They do not allow us to be careless or lazy. If we do not have the proper spirit, if we are hesitant and do not seize the opportunity, the difficulty will be unbearable, and we might not even survive. If wolves appear on the mountain, we must learn to hunt. If there are snakes on the ground, we must learn to cure their venomous bites. When mosquitoes swarm, making a noise like thunder, we must learn methods for eliminating them. We have attained a very intimate understanding of various problems relating to clothing, food, and shelter while trying to live like primitive people.  相似文献   

I have heard people complain as they age of what they may have missed
Well if they complain then that is for them, because for 30 years I have had your kiss  相似文献   

The article begins by reviewing the main problems facing young people in higher education and the kinds of problems with which they might need help. The approach is psychological and does not include problems of physical health or sociological, socio‐political, or strictly educational problems. For people looking at this age group from a distance, admission to a university or another type of institution of higher education can be seen as a process of arrival. One might think that the uncertainties and stresses from an earlier period of life would have ceased and the oppressive worries of adulthood not yet have begun. In reality, there are many possibilities for crises between the ages of eighteen and twenty‐five. It is one of the main tasks of the provision of psychological counselling in higher education to help adolescents resolve these problems.  相似文献   

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