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课堂观摩:1.请生欣赏5A第二单元E部分的动画。2.T:Watch the cartoon again and answer my question:What is the cartoon talking about?S:A mouse.3.分段欣赏动画,并回答问题:(1)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s in the desk.(2)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s on the chair.(3)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s under the desk.(4)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s near the school bag.(5)Where is the mouse now?S:It’s behind the door.(6)Where is the mouse at  相似文献   

一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 .Our namesare thenamesourparentsgave us when we were born.(give)2 .This is not Kate's bike. is under thetree.(she)3.The city of Shanghai is in the partofChina.(east)4 .The doctor on the little boy lastnight.(operation)5.We are going to learn the lesson to-morrow.(twenty)6.Let's go to the of the two islands,shall we?(far)7.Summer is a season,isn't it?(rain)8.Idon'tknow all the names.(woman)9.The children are playing in the park.(happy)1 0 .Who picked the apples…  相似文献   

在需要的地方填上冠词:1.The chance to enter_____college came and he took it.2.It is good of you to take_____troube to help us.3.The couple are of_____age.4.child as he is,he knows a lot.5.(1)Let’S have a rest for_____moment.(2)He is busy for_____moment.6.(1)I failed for the first time,I think I should try_____second time.(2)______second time I saw him,I found his door locked.7.(1)We have never spent______more pleasant day before.(2)_______more you speak,the greater Ptogress you Will make.8.(1)______word came tha the had just come out of prison.(2)Wait a minute,I want to have_____word with you.9.(1)_____man is the only animal that can speak.(2)Be_____man.Don’t lose heart.10.(1)Out of_____question,he can hold the important position.(2)AS it is raining hard,the footbsll match is out of_____question.11.(1)Say it in_____English.(2)What’s_____English for“计算机”?(3)He can say it in_____English language.12.(1)Great Changes have taken_____place in our China in the last 15 years.  相似文献   

1.Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。) 2.While there is life,there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。) 3.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。)  相似文献   

一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1、Li Lei is the___________student in our class.(tall)2、Lucy is___________than Kate.(fat)3、Who runs the___________in the class?(fast)4、Kate draws___________in our class.(well)5、My brother is much___________than you.(young)6、I think my car is as___________as yours.(nice)7、This box is the___________of the three.(heavy)8、Lesson One is much___________than Lesson Two.(easy)9、I feel much___________today.(ill)10、I think math is the___________subject of all.(dif…  相似文献   

一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.February is the month of the year.( two)2 .Is there water in this bottle than in thatone?( much)3.“Do you want any more ,boy”,saidAunt Zhou.( potato)4.Few of them can answer the question .( easy)5.It is to play on the road.( danger)6.The park is full of on sundays.( visit)7.The ship left Shanghai on a day.( wind)8.Some children love summer because they like.( swim)9.If you want to be and healthier,youhave to eat less food.( thin)10 .The sun always shines a…  相似文献   

在写文章时,我们应避免只使用一两个句型,要灵活运用各种语法结构,使文章有声有色。方法很简单,八个小贴士让你一看就会! 一、改变时态例:The bell is ringing now.(一般) There goes the bell!(高级) 二、改变语态例:People suggest that the conference be put off.(一般) It is suggested that the conference be put off.(高级) 三、使用不定式例:He is so kind that he call help me.(一般) He is so kind as to help me.(高级)  相似文献   

一、Listen and choose.二、L isten and num ber.三、L isten and circle.(1)A.D oing the dishes.B.D oing m y hom ework.(2)A.Cooking dinner.B.Eating dinner.(3)A.A nsw ering the phone.B.A nswering the questions.(4)A W riting a letter.B.W riting an e-m ail.(5)A.Listening to m usic.B.W ashing clothes.四、L isten and answ er the questions.(1)W hy is the fam ily busy?(2)W hat is grandm a doing?(3)Is sister singing now?(4)W here is brother?(5)W hat is he doing?五、M ake sentences in right order…  相似文献   

1、表示说话时正在进行的动作或现阶段正在进行而说话时可能并不在进行的动作,用一般现在进行时。The children are getting on the bus.(表示动作正在进行)We are planting trees in March.(但此时并不一定在植树)2、现在进行时的形式是“be+现在分词”,在运用时不能少掉助动词“be”。We cleaning the classroom.(误)We are cleaning the classroom.(正)3、现在分词不能漏掉“-ing”。He is read now.(误)He is reading now.(正)4、助动词be要与主语的人称与数一致。They is watching TV.(误)They are watching TV.(正)5、有些动词…  相似文献   

本练习每组句子仅一字之差,答案迥异。请同学们看清题目,弄清结构,再进行选择。1.(1)We will never forget the days____we spent together.(2) We will never forget the days____we worked together.A.that B.where C.on which D.when2.(1)Tom got the first place,made his parents happy.____(2)Tom got the first place,and made his parents happy.____A.as B.which C.that D.this3.(1)____is well known to all, the earth is round.(2)____is well known to all that the earth is round.  相似文献   

记单词——Many drops makes a shower.(积少成多)学语法——Strlke while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁)做练习——Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)惜时——Time is money.(一寸光阴一寸金) Time and tidy wait for no man.(岁月不等人)勤学——Never too late to learn.(活到老学到老)  相似文献   

填空题(填词完成句子): 1. Marie Curie (出名)her discovery of radium.(know) 2. The scientist is (继续工作)an invention.(work) 3. With time (飞逝),his hair is turning grey.(go) 4. Since then, Hawking (继续)to seek answers to questions about the nature of the  相似文献   

<正>1.Pain past is pleasure.(痛苦过去了即是快乐。)无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。2.While there is life,there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。)3.Wisdom in the mind is betterthan money in the hand.  相似文献   

用所给词的适当形式填空1.Look!How______Kitty is laughing!(happy)2.It’s only ten______walk from the stationto the hotel.(minute)3.I don’t think this is my frisby,though itlooks like______.(I)4.Mrs Green is learning Chinese as her  相似文献   

逗号连接句(comma splice)是一种关于并列句句子结构的错误。它表现为把并列句中的两个或多个独立分句错误地用逗号连接或分开。例如:(1)I was caught in the rain on the way home,as a result,I had a bad cold.(2)He is always chin-deep in debt,neverthe-less,he is always jolly.(3)Sometimes players stick close to the base-line,others play the net.(4)Freedom is won by the people throughstruggle,it is not bestowed by anyone as afavour.以上四例均为逗号连接句,它们都是用逗号将意义相关的分句连接起来。逗号连接句是连接并列  相似文献   

1.L isten,draw and colour(听音,画图并涂色)10%2.L isten and num ber(听音,排序)10%4.L isten and ehoose(听音,勾出相应答案)10%(1)A G ood job。B G ood idea。(2)A Itis near the window.B Itis a w indow.(3)A In the classroom.B In the living room.(4)A Itis blue.B There are two.(5)A f-a-r-m-e-r B f-e-r-m-a-r5.R ead and choose(读句子并且选择)10%(1)There(is,are)a blackboard on thewall,and there(is are)flowers in the classroom.(2)W here is m y seat?It's(near,on)thedoor.(3)Turn on the(floor,light).…  相似文献   

1.leg:It is too early to declare that America's economy is on last legs.(依附于最后的依靠物——岌岌可危,处于垮台的险境) 2.knee It took the coalition no more than one month to bring the Iraq army to its knees.(使俯首称臣——几乎彻底地打败或摧毁对方的势力) 3.foot I must remind you that you are not on the position to criticize me.The shoe is now on the otherfoot.(鞋在另一只脚上——指情况完全相反)  相似文献   

一、L isten and m atch.二、L isten and circle.三、L isten and fill in the table.A nim als D oingelephantfishrabbitspandasbirds四、M ake the sentences in right order.(1)panda is the eating.(2)walking elephants are the.(3)are lions what the doing?(4)in swim  相似文献   

请看习题: 1)——is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every.month.(NMET2001) 2)——is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month.  相似文献   

首先,请看下列句子,体会rice与相应的汉语词的对比。(1)Farmers grow rice in the paddy field.(水稻)(2)Farmers harvest rice when it is ripe.(稻谷)(3)I would like to buy some rice in the market.(大米)(4)The rice cooked by Mom is really delicious.(米饭)以上四句中的rice,在汉语中分别由“稻~谷~米~饭”四个不同的词表示。  相似文献   

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