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This study argues that maximizing early childhood educators' abilities to create social opportunities for co-construction of knowledge rests on two understudied assumptions, one theoretical and one empirical. Theoretically this study rejects the notion of language as an impartial conveyor of knowledge in favor of one in which math and language interact. This alternative framework is termed Math- Mediated Language (MML) and argues that the perception of common terms that adults possess is an important part of the knowledge that practitioners possess about linking conceptually related linguistic and mathematical knowledge. Empirical findings from a survey recording participants' reactions to seven categories of terms with mathematical meanings and three categories of distracter terms were analyzed. The data indicated that when asked to think about math, practitioners more readily accessed words for operation terms than relational terms. Additionally, participants demonstrated stronger tendencies toward additive terms conveying addition or subtraction concepts over multiplicative ones conveying multiplication or division concepts. The findings point to patterns in the ways that participants view mathematical language demonstrating that language interacts with even simple interpretations of basic mathematical terminology. The implications of this are that practitioners interpretations of everyday language may influence their ability to see opportunities for teaching mathematical concepts not only in the context of an explicit math lesson but throughout the broader early childhood curriculum.  相似文献   

This study argues that maximizing early childhood educators' abilities to create social opportunities for co-construction of knowledge rests on two understudied assumptions, one theoretical and one empirical. Theoretically this study rejects the notion of language as an impartial conveyor of knowledge in favor of one in which math and language interact. This alternative framework is termed Math- Mediated Language (MML) and argues that the perception of common terms that adults possess is an important part of the knowledge that practitioners possess about linking conceptually related linguistic and mathematical knowledge. Empirical findings from a survey recording participants' reactions to seven categories of terms with mathematical meanings and three categories of distracter terms were analyzed. The data indicated that when asked to think about math, practitioners more readily accessed words for operation terms than relational terms. Additionally, participants demonstrated stronger tendencies toward additive terms conveying addition or subtraction concepts over multiplicative ones conveying multiplication or division concepts. The findings point to patterns in the ways that participants view mathematical language demonstrating that language interacts with even simple interpretations of basic mathematical terminology. The implications of this are that practitioners interpretations of everyday language may influence their ability to see opportunities for teaching mathematical concepts not only in the context of an explicit math lesson but throughout the broader early childhood curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this multiple case study was to identify threshold concepts in the careers of educational developers. Twenty-one common threshold concepts emerged, with one threshold concept common among all participants: Facilitating a change process. The remaining 20 threshold concepts were captured in the following three categories: (1) Ways of knowing and being that facilitate change in individuals and in groups; (2) Ways of knowing and being that facilitate systemic change and (3) Core ways of knowing and being. Study results may provide guidance for the design of initial and ongoing formation programmes in educational development.  相似文献   

魏晋六朝时期盛行的"人物品藻",是中国历史上的一种重要的文化现象。中国古代艺术理论中的许多概念、范畴和形容词的形成,都与这一时期的人物品藻有直接关系。本文将以魏晋六朝时期"人物品藻"中的常用范畴为例,来探讨人物品藻的术语与艺术理论范畴的关系。  相似文献   

Educational psychology as a field of study has encountered a lack of distinction by overlapping with other fields of study or disciplines. Consequently, educational psychology continues to have difficulty claiming jurisdiction over bodies of research knowledge and has been encroached upon by other more crystallized disciplines. The purpose of this study is to examine the research literature published across top-ranked educational psychology journals to identify the common ground and current trends in research content and to identify those areas that can be reclaimed by the discipline as its own. Overall, 758 articles published in six journals from January 2003 through December 2007 were included in this study. A combination of statistics-based and linguistics-based methods were used to determine how frequently terms occur in the data and establishing a semantic network which created a probabilistic analysis of the co-occurrence of terms resulting in a constellation of terms showing the relationship and relative importance of the categories of terms. The results showed a consistency of research categories suggesting that in spite of reports to the contrary, there is a collective agreement among educational psychologists demonstrated by the empirical research in the field.  相似文献   

This article reviews the terms and concepts that have been used for describing regulation of learning during cooperative and collaborative learning and suggests differentiating them on the basis of which parts of a regulatory feedback loop model are being shared. During cooperative and collaborative learning, not only self-regulation but also the regulation of the group process is important. This regulation might occur on both an individual level and a social level. Several modes of regulation have been identified, but the terms used for them vary tremendously—including social regulation, socially shared regulation, coregulation, and other-regulation. This article seeks to clarify the diverse terminology. To this end, we use a theoretical framework based on Winne and Hadwin's (1998) model of self-regulated learning to analyze how the different terms are used in the literature. We make and exemplify suggestions for a consistent usage of terms.  相似文献   

Recently several educational theorists have argued for the incorporation of a scepticism of a postmodern kind into educational theory and into educational research more specifically. Their understanding of postmodernism in terms of scepticism harbours much potential, but to avoid confusion and misunderstanding it is of importance that the 'scepticism' associated with postmodernism is distinguished from traditional philosophical scepticism, be it as part of the very process of theoretical scrutiny or as a challenge towards its results. In this paper it will be argued that the interest of postmodernist 'scepticism' lies not in a quest for ever more certainty but rather in the way it moves beyond both foundationalism and philosophical scepticism. This will be elaborated from the point of view of a Wittgensteinian understanding of theoretical scrutiny (as found in On Certainty). This opens up the possibility of shedding light on postmodernist 'scepticism' in educational theory in terms of an aesthetic distance towards what is reflected upon.  相似文献   

Model-based learning (MBL) has an established position within science education. It has been found to enhance conceptual understanding and provide a way for engaging students in authentic scientific activity. Despite ample research, few studies have examined the cognitive processes regarding learning scientific concepts within MBL. On the other hand, recent research within cognitive science has examined the learning of so-called relational categories. Relational categories are categories whose membership is determined on the basis of the common relational structure. In this theoretical paper, I argue that viewing models as relational categories provides a well-motivated cognitive basis for MBL. I discuss the different roles of models and modeling within MBL (using ready-made models, constructive modeling, and generative modeling) and discern the related cognitive aspects brought forward by the reinterpretation of models as relational categories. I will argue that relational knowledge is vital in learning novel models and in the transfer of learning. Moreover, relational knowledge underlies the coherent, hierarchical knowledge of experts. Lastly, I will examine how the format of external representations may affect the learning of models and the relevant relations. The nature of the learning mechanisms underlying students’ mental representations of models is an interesting open question to be examined. Furthermore, the ways in which the expert-like knowledge develops and how to best support it is in need of more research. The discussion and conceptualization of models as relational categories allows discerning students’ mental representations of models in terms of evolving relational structures in greater detail than previously done.  相似文献   

In learning conceptual knowledge in physics, a common problem is the development and differentiation of concepts in the learning process. An important part of this development process is the re-organisation or re-structuring process in which students’ conceptual knowledge and concepts change. This study proposes a new view of concept development with explicit attention given to concept development from the level of knowledge-as-pieces to the level of knowledge-as-theory. The proposed new picture is based on the view that concepts are complex constructs essentially embedded in a larger system of knowledge. Three closely connected aspects require our attention: (1) conceptions of concepts, (2) conceptions of knowledge systems, and finally, (3) conceptions of the process of change. The potential advantages of this prospective are demonstrated through the re-analysis of the concept development in the well-known case of electric current and voltage. The results show that in the concept development process, both causal knowledge and coherence of the knowledge system play crucial roles. Finally, the study points out how the theoretical position proposed here directly impacts conceptions of learning and instruction as well as what solutions are sought for problems in learning—or even what is considered a problem or success in learning.  相似文献   

任何理论都离不开概念,否则无法超越常识和直观经验。但在理论世界中,并非所有的名词都是概念。概念既要有内涵、又要有外延。一个名词是否是概念只在于它的界定是否指明了独特内涵,而与它所采用的句法格式无关。凡是只罗列外延的,都不是概念;凡是利用已有术语或概念进行构词法组合就能说明含义的或陈述文本等效于构词法解释的,也都不是概念。据说教育学已经获得了独立的学科地位,标志就是拥有了独立的核心概念体系。核心概念体系是支撑教育学理论的基本骨架,其质量是教育学理论质量的关键。然而通过阅读和分析教育学文献发现,教育学糟糕的核心概念体系存在四个方面的缺陷:用术语冒充概念、在科学的语境下构造伪概念、习惯于概念泛化以及构造虚假的概念分类体系。我们不能苛求一门发展中的学科理论所使用的术语必须全是概念,但是如果最基本术语都不是概念的话,那就是大问题了。可以肯定,教育学对绝大多数概念都处于熟知而非真知的状态,教育学中的"概念"体系只是一种理论幻象,教育、教育目的、教学结构、教学方式等几个概念支撑不了教育学。  相似文献   

文学研究需要做大量严谨细腻的工作,也需要作科学合理的理论化阐述,而当下的文学教学及研究分明体现出一种过度阐释的特征:大量的学术文章使用越来越多的抽象概念,越来越多的学术性话语,已经使得文学让人看不懂,而文学研究更使人如坠云雾,怎么都不明白。文学研究呼唤“平常心”,期待重视“常识”,体现“常情”,回归文学和人的本身。  相似文献   

While the study of threshold concepts is a growing area of research, their identification has not proven to be an easy process. However, identification matters because of the potential impact of threshold concepts on the learning experiences of students. A dialogue amongst lecturers and/or students is common to the literature on identification of threshold concepts. This dialogue, with the inclusion of educational developers, has been called ‘transactional curriculum inquiry’ (Cousin in Researching learning in higher education, Routledge, New York, 2009). Diverse methods across a variety of disciplines have explored the identification of threshold concepts, including semi-structured interviews, analysis of exam responses and observation of classroom behaviour. A selection of these methods and disciplines is discussed in order to highlight two main challenges inherent in the identification process: first, the involvement of the wider professional and/or public community, and second, a lack of agreement amongst research participants about the threshold concepts within disciplines. This paper proposes that the transactional curriculum inquiry process should be extended to involve parties beyond the educational realm (e.g. the professional community) and that the use of consensus methodology offers the potential to facilitate agreement across the transactional process.  相似文献   

This paper present findings from a pre-service teacher development project that prepared novice teachers to promote English language and literacy development with inquiry-based science through a modified elementary science methods course and professional development for cooperating teachers. To study the project’s impact on student learning, we administered a pre and post assessment to students (N = 191) of nine first year elementary teachers (grades 3 through 6) who experienced the intervention and who taught a common science unit. Preliminary results indicate that (1) student learning improved across all categories (science concepts, writing, and vocabulary)—although the effect varied by category, and (2) English Language Learner (ELL) learning gains were on par with non-ELLs, with differences across proficiency levels for vocabulary gain scores. These results warrant further analyses to understand the extent to which the intervention improved teacher practice and student learning. This study confirms the findings of previous research that the integration of science language and literacy practices can improve ELL achievement in science concepts, writing and vocabulary. In addition, the study indicates that it is possible to begin to link the practices taught in pre-service teacher preparation to novice teacher practice and student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

文学虚构理论真正成熟的阶段是在现代主义时期。在这一时期,众多的文论家和美学家开始更多地从作品的层面去思考文学虚构问题。他们把虚构视为作品获得文学性的根据,虚构也因此具有了本体论意义。而到了后现代主义时期,在那种消解一切,包括文学与非文学、虚构与现实的状况下,现代主义时期的文学虚构理论的存在依据也就从根本上被否定了,文学虚构一词开始失去了它独立的内涵,变得无法进行界定了,文学虚构自身因此被消解了。  相似文献   

The relationship between art and reality is broadly categorized according to mimesis. This paper attempts to examine the relationship among mimesis, art and reality in discussing criticisms of several representative classical literature theorists. Their concepts of mimesis lead them to take an important position regarding artistic creation.  相似文献   

In this paper it is suggested that the themes of alienation and engagement offer a productive alternative perspective for characterising the student experience of learning in higher education, compared to current dominant perspectives such as that offered by approaches to learning and related concepts. A conceptual and historical background of the concept of alienation is presented, followed by an overview of some contemporary perspectives. Drawing on this literature, a framework is then developed for characterising student learning. It comprises three categories, referring to the alienation resulting from 1. entering the higher education community, 2. fitting into the higher education community, and 3. staying in the higher education community. Each category has an associated set of theoretical tools that can be drawn upon in analysing this aspect of the student experience.  相似文献   

This qualitative theoretical study was conducted in response to the current need for an inclusive and comprehensive model to guide the preparation and assessment of teacher candidates for culturally responsive teaching. The process of developing a model of culturally responsive teaching involved three steps: a comprehensive review of the literature; a synthesis of the literature into thematic categories to capture the dispositions and behaviors of culturally responsive teaching; and the piloting of these thematic categories with teacher candidates to validate the usefulness of the categories and to generate specific exemplars of behavior to represent each category. The model of culturally responsive teaching contains five thematic categories: (1) content integration, (2) facilitating knowledge construction, (3) prejudice reduction, (4) social justice, and (5) academic development. The current model is a promising tool for comprehensively defining culturally responsive teaching in the context of teacher education as well as to guide curriculum and assessment changes aimed to increase candidates’ culturally responsive knowledge and skills in science and mathematics teaching.  相似文献   

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