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The exhibition on Lu Junjie's purple sand pottery art, held in the National Art Museum of China, offers viewers a rare opportunity to learn about explorations and innovations that the artist has made in this traditional form of art. His masterpieces present us a miraculous picture on the art of purple sand pottery and help us better understand his efforts in creating Innovative artworks by integrating traditions with modern concepts and techniques,  相似文献   

Art Information     
COLLECTION & AUCTION CHEN DANQING'S "SHEPHERDS" HITS RECORD HIGH AUCTION PRICE Chinese oil painter Chert Danqing's "Chinese Studies Institute" was sold at 12 million RMB at Poly Autumn Fair 2007. But the record was only kept for less than 24 hours. On the next evening, his masterpiece "Shepherds", one of the oil paintings from his "Tibet Suite", was purchased with the price of 32 million R.MB at another auction fair, setting a world record for his personal works. Chen's "Tibet Suite", a seven-piece oil series created around 1980, made a stir in the art circle in the 1980s and was considered bringing fresh air to China's art world suffocated by mediocre realism.  相似文献   

Behavior art is an artistic genre of post-modernism flourishing in the 1960s and 70s in the West, and it has been imitated, explored and developed by avant-garde Chinese contemporary artists ever since the late 1980s. Some of them devote themselves so wholeheartedly to pursue and experiment it tnat graoually they have out their unique style and attracted attention home and abroad. Yin Xiaofeng, a gifted young artist from Chengdu, dramatically demonstrates the wonder and power of behavior art by harmoniously contrasting the ancient and the contemporary, the traditional and the modern, the Chinese and the Western, with his wit, his thought, his body and those rubbles buried in ruins for thousands of years...[第一段]  相似文献   

S hu was born of a peasant family. Supported by the state scholarship, he nished his academic art training in the Central Academy of Fine Arts and became the third-generation oil painter of modern China. Talented and diligent, Shu has steadfastly pursued his artistic ideals and perfected his skills. While versed in such a wide range of subjects as portrait, body, landscape and still life, he has gained reputation as an accomplished artist thanks to his virtuosity in portraits of leaders. Sh…  相似文献   

“Art has never been so close with money as it is today. Over the past several decades, art has become a global business. If you want to learn about what changes have taken place in the art world and the relationship between people and art, you must be aware of the power of finance involved,” Noah Horowitz wrote in his book “Art of the Deal: Contemporary Art in a Global Financial Market”.  相似文献   

Xue Song's works have great visual strength, triggering spontaneous pondering on the underlying meanings. The scenes in his works combine elements in western paintings with images from traditional Chinese painting and do so with utmost delicacy. When observed closely, images and characters on the background offer more information: black ashes stand out of the picture, forming shadows of the times.  相似文献   

Zou Heng's house is nothing but a library. Most of his rooms, even the space beneath the bed, are filled with books. He began to buy books in his college years in the end of the 1940s and has kept doing so until now. The walls of his study are all furnished with bookcases reaching to the ceiling and even the desk and the floor are piled with books. Though in his eighties, he spends most of his time in reading and writing. His wife told me that he got up early at 5 am and work at the desk until late at night.  相似文献   

Decoding Mai Jia     
Mai Jia has won great success with his novel Decoding overnight. As a mominee of the Mao Dun Literary Prize in 2003 and one of the five candidates for the final of “The 6^th China‘s Books Award“, Decoding was ranked the first one in “The chart of China‘s novels in 2002“. It was not only reprinted in 27 newspapers and  相似文献   

Pan Yuanshi, an art teacher in his early years and a renowned print artist, enjoys high respect among southern Taiwan's art circle. In his professional career as the CEO of Chimei Foundation, he remarkably enhanced its public exposure and abilities to organize events, making it the most important cultural and art foundation in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

On March 3, just before the Chinese Lantern Festival, some 500 performers from Beijing staged a large paradein the Hollywood Boulevard in an ettort to snowcase traditional Chinese culture to the American public and promote the 2008 summer Olympics,which will be held in Beijing next year. The parade, as part of the cultural event entitled “Experience Beijing Culture in Los Angeles”, attracted much local media coverage. The World Journal reported that “The art and culture from China look so integrated and well coordinated with the Hollywood Boulevard, a svmbol of America's film and TV industry.” Recently, the staff reporter had an interview with the event's chief director Mr. Li Jicheng.[第一段]  相似文献   

As an initiator of "Wounded Art", a representative of "Rural Realism" and one of the founders of the "Sichuan School of Painting", Gao Xiaohua has unarguably been recognized as one of the leading artists in contemporary Chinese art history. In 1978 his oil painting entitled "Why" daringly broke the political taboo and boldly raised the touchiest social question with awesome guts. Therefore his name and his painting become everlasting in Chinese art history. In 1982 he had another great success of completing his oil painting entitled "Rush to the Train", which is highly praised as the contemporary version of "Riverside Scenery on Pure Brightness Festival", one of the greatest Chinese classical painting. He focuses on everyday life of general public with stunning realness and sensation. It becomes an epitome Red Crag" and "Chongqing on a Bomb-site". He demonstrates his open mind, lofty ideal and strong sense of historical and social responsibility nowadays when the domestic art market is booming up in an unprecedented manner.  相似文献   

The Exhibition of Jin Shangyi's Donations, jointly-organized by the Aft Department of the Cultural Ministry, the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Phoenix Press Group, was recently held in the National Art Museum of China, displaying the master artist's 39 latest oil works, sketches as well as his past donations to art museums.  相似文献   

On my way back to Beijing, I dropped into the art museum of Hebei Provincial Institute of Painting in the city of Shijiazhuang, where an exhibition on Wei Kuizhong's off paintings was on the display. I was so overwhelmed by those extraordinary works that I was eager to talk to the painter. Wei was a sincere and determined artist. He looked taciturn but when it came to his artistic pursuits and ideas, his eloquence surprised me. In the Chinese art market today when everybody complains about the lack of mainstream artworks, Wei's oil masterpieces with thrilling make him stand out as a leading figure.  相似文献   

TING Shao Kuang,a Chinese-American artist,is famousfor his modem heavy-colorpainting.Born In Chenggu County,Shaanxi Province,in 1939,he stu-died sketch and watercolor In themiddle school attached to the Cen-tral Academy of Fine Arts from1955 to 1957 in Beijing,then en-tered the Central Institute of Artsand Crafts to study decorative paint-ing,graduating in 1962 with excel-lent grades.During his study in theinstitute he won the appreciation ofnoted artists Zhang Ting,ZhangGuangyu and Pang Dongqin andwas deeply influenced by their theo-ry of color and line.The sevenyears‘training laid a solid founda-tion for his art career.  相似文献   

A legendary story from grandma's ballad, a touching love story with both pain and joy. The musical “White Dove”, following the successful performance of the epic drama “Qinghai: A Mysterious Land”, has recently debuted in Poly Theatre in Beijing. This musical production is based on hua'er, a type of song prevalent throughout northwest China, with singers interacting and improvising topical and love lyrics. “The Yellow River and the Yangtze River are like two long plaits. The Qinghai Lake is like a mirror. Doves are cwstal white and their red eyes are like agate stones...” These are the typical lyrics from this musical production.  相似文献   

A Leading Artist in the Art Market Wu Guanzhong is a big name in the history of Chinese contemporary art.In 1978, he held his first solo exhibition in the then Central Institute of Art and Design at age 59. Since then, he has amazed the art market with one miracle after another.  相似文献   

In China, artists born in the 1970s can always be identified by the variety and individuality of their works, Unlike the earlier generations who shared simllar strong social and political beliefs,the younger generation of artists doesn‘t really form schools with distinctive common features, such as the “scar arts” in the late 1970s, the “neoclassic” in the 1980s and the “new generation” as well as the “political pop arts” in the 1990s.  相似文献   

An exhibition on Taiwan's water and ink painting masterpieces were displayed in National Art Museum of China last November. The exhibition featured nearly 120 artworks by twelve artists from Taiwan showcasing update painting accomplishments of Taiwan today The exhibition was also hailed as a big art event In Mainland Talwan culfural interaction, following the exhibition of the same subjects by young Mainland artists held In Taiwan in 2004.  相似文献   

Twisted painting is a unique genre of traditional Chinese painting invented by Wu Jiantang and his father. Known for vigorous and chaoticbeauty, twisted painting has obtained a recognized status in the art arena of the world.  相似文献   

Zhan Wang is a pioneering artist in China's contemporary sculpture circle.Born in 1962 in Beijing, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and currently works as associate fellowship with the Institute of Sculpture Creation and Research under the academy. From 1990, Zhan began creating surrealistic sculptures. He began worldng on "The Mao Suit" series from 1993 and devoting himself to experimental art from 1994. In 1995, Zhan founded a studio with two other artists, aiming to explore relationships between art and society. Based on this studio, he presented two experimental exhibitions - "Development Plans" and "Women & Sites". From 1995, Zhan began replicating Chinese classical rockery stones and completed a series of works of stainless steel rockery stone and floating stone. Zhan's creations highlight the integration between ideas and objects, with an attempt to transform pure handicraft techniques into conceptual behaviors. In 1998, Zhan released his thesis entitled "Conceptual Sculpture: Materialized Ideas". From 2000, he began doing experiments on composite art independently. Zhan's sculpting works have been collected by many art museums and private collectors, including Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA as well as Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  相似文献   

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