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Word learning in children: an examination of fast mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Children may be able to gain at least partial information about the meaning of a word from how it is used in a sentence, what words it is contrasted with, as well as other factors. This strategy, known as fast mapping, may allow the child to quickly hypothesize about the meaning of a word. It is not yet known whether this strategy is available to children in semantic domains other than color. In the first study, 2-, 3-, and 4-year-olds were introduced to a novel color, shape, or texture word by contrasting the new term with a well-known word from that domain. They were then tested for their ability to produce and comprehend the new term and for whether they knew what semantic domain the word referred to. The results show that even 2-year-old children can quickly narrow down the meaning of a word in each of the semantic domains examined, although children learned more about shape terms than color or texture words. A second study explored the effects of several variables on children's ability to infer the meaning of a new term. One finding of this study was that if the context is compelling, children can figure out the meaning of a new word even without hearing an explicit linguistic contrast.  相似文献   

颜色词红色在英汉语言文化中含义极其丰富,有虚有实,有褒有贬。在翻译过程中,如何译出红色的真正内涵,不仅需要译者有着深厚的语言功底,更要求译者熟悉红色在英汉两种语言中的基本象征意义。试分析红色在汉英语言中的基本象征意义,探究其基本翻译策略。  相似文献   

When and how do infants learn color words? It is generally supposed that color words are learned late and with a great deal of difficulty. By examining infant language surveys in British English and 11 other languages, this study shows that color word learning occurs earlier than has been previously suggested and that the order of acquisition of color words is similar in related languages. This study also demonstrates that frequency and syllabic complexity can be used to predict variability in infant color word learning across languages. In light of recent evidence indicating that color categories have universal biological foundations, these findings suggest that infants’ experience and linguistic exposure drive their shift to culturally and linguistically mediated adult-like understandings of color words.  相似文献   

This study examined how inferences about epistemic competence and generalized labeling errors influence children’s selective word learning. Three- to 4-year-olds (N = 128) learned words from informants who asked questions about objects, mentioning either correct or incorrect labels. Such questions do not convey stark differences in informants’ epistemic competence. Inaccurate labels, however, generate error signals that can lead to weaker encoding of novel information. Preschoolers retained novel labels from both informants but were slower to respond in the Inaccurate Labeler condition. When the test procedure was not sensitive to the strength of information encoding, children performed above chance in both conditions and their response times did not differ. These results suggest that epistemic-level inferences and error generalizations influence preschoolers’ selective word learning concurrently.  相似文献   

4 studies investigate how differential input affects preschoolers' abilities to learn novel color words. 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children saw objects in novel shapes and colors and heard a novel color label for the object. Labels were presented through ostensive definition (e.g., "See, it's mauve"), corrective linguistic contrast (e.g., "See, it's not purple; it's mauve"), or an inclusion statement (e.g., "See, it's mauve; it's a kind of purple"). 4- and 5-year-old children interpreted the novel word as a shape term when ostensive information was provided but as a color term when additional information, either contrastive or inclusive, specified a relation between the novel term and a known label for that color. Furthermore, children who consistently interpreted the novel word as a color word tended to treat the novel and known labels as mutually exclusive color terms if they heard contrastive information, whereas they tended to treat the words as hierarchically related if they heard inclusion information. 3-year-olds generally did not make use of either type of information in determining the semantic domain of the novel word or the relation between terms.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the effectiveness of learning words while displaying meaning congruent animations. We explore whether learning words with animation is sensitive to properties known to influence action understanding. We apply an embodied cognition framework and predictions from a recent theory about language and action (Action-Based Language theory, Glenberg & Gallese, 2012). The current study aims to investigate whether dynamic animations add to word learning (Experiment 1) and what the linguistic relation between the dynamic animation and the word learning is (Experiment 2). Results indicate that meaning congruent animations improved verb learning compared to meaning incongruent animations when measured by a recognition task. When measured by an active recall task, congruent animations led to better learning than static pictures. In both measures, meaning congruent animations support word learning. Experiment 2 replicates and extends this and suggests that highlighting conceptual information related to the dynamic action (such as the goal) improves word learning further. The findings are in line with Action-Based Language theory, which suggests that children are able to make better simulations of an action during learning when supported by meaning congruent animations. Highlighting conceptual information additionally supports this learning process.  相似文献   

每一个民族的语言都有自己的颜色词系统。各个民族颜色词使用的差异可以反映出不同民族文化心理和审美情趣的差异.从而导致喻义的差异。本文试图通过对英汉颜色词中主要七种颜色的文化意义的分析和比较.来说明语言是文化的组成部分,是文化的载体,由此体现出了语言的文化载储功能。  相似文献   

Color and Life     
你最喜欢什么颜色?你喜欢黄色,橙色和红色吗?倘若如此,你准是一个乐观的人,一个领导者,一个享受人生、乐于交往、容易激动、积极向上的人。你偏爱灰、蓝系列色彩吗?那么,你很可能缄默、羞怯,你宁愿被别人领导而不愿意领导别人。你有悲观者的倾向。至少,这是心理学家告诉我们的——心理学家应该是这方面的专家,因为他们一直在认认真真地研究色彩偏爱的意义以及各种色彩对人的不同影响。他们告诉我们许多东西,其中之一是我们并不是在成长过程中挑选自己偏爱的色彩——我们的这种偏爱与生俱来。假设你碰巧喜欢褐色,当初你一睁眼看到这个世界,或至少当你看清这个世界的时候,你就喜欢上褐色了。  相似文献   

汉语和英语中有不少颜色词反映出不同的文化背景下人们的心态和感情色彩。颜色词是语言、文化及翻译研究中的一个重要课题。本文通过汉英语言中颜色词的对比,阐明了中英颜色词的内涵。因此,了解并掌握这些颜色词,对翻译实战和中英文化交流有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the construction of word meaning by students during collaborative activities in a multicultural classroom at a Dutch primary school. The analysis is based on recordings of student talk in small groups of four or five students during mathematics lessons. Difficulties with specific terms and expressions frequently arose during group work. Students could easily ask each other about the meaning of difficult words as a part of the collaborative activities they were accustomed to. In the groups with both Dutch and minority children, the minority students addressed their Dutch classmates as language experts. Conversations about language difficulties also occurred in the groups with only minority students. The conversations about word meaning revealed four patterns: (1) ignoring a question about the meaning of a word, (2) showing the meaning using gestures, (3) explaining, or (4) discussing word meaning. In none of the cases were the language problems solved by referring to the everyday meaning of the word. Instead, the conversations focussed directly on the specialised meaning which the word had in the context of the mathematics lesson. This means that the children used the mathematical discourse as a mediational tool for constructing a mathematical meaning of the words.  相似文献   

Children living in poverty are 1.3 times as likely as non‐poor children to experience reading difficulties and lack key oral experiences that contribute to early literacy development. The purpose of this research was to study the effects of viewing commercially available educational television with closed captions. Seventy second‐ and third‐grade economically disadvantaged children living in urban locations participated in this experimental research design. Children were randomly assigned to view videos with or without closed captions. Captions helped children recognise and read more words, identify the meaning of those words, generate inferences regarding programme content and transfer these skills to a normative code‐related skill task. Risk status moderated word recognition performance: those at risk benefited from captions while those who were not at risk recognised more words when captions were absent.  相似文献   

The acquisition of a reading vocabulary for abstract and concrete words was examined in 62 second-grade children. Words had been learned as part of a basal reader program or as part of outside reading. Word recognition speed and reading accuracy were examined for abstract and concrete words using lexical decision and word naming tasks. The size of the concreteness effect was similar for both processing tasks. In neither task did concreteness influence reaction times, but abstract words were read with less accuracy than concrete words in both tasks. Further, these concreteness effects in reading accuracy were larger for words that were part of a basal reading program than for words acquired during free reading. We conclude that word meaning influences the entry of words at a time when children are developing a sizeable reading vocabulary.  相似文献   

词按照语法功能的区别,可以分为实词和虚词两大类.虚词有副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词五种.为数很少的虚词,其中有不少却是使用频率很高的,许多虚词几乎是组成句子时越不可少的.词的色彩意义通常是指词在表示某一理性或概念意义的同时所表现出来的某种倾向或情调意义.通过事实可证,汉语虚词具有浓厚的色彩义.  相似文献   

色彩是一种客观存在的事物。中英两种语境中,色彩词汇的本体意义基本上是相通的,也就是说色彩词汇的使用,有其共同之处。但是由于汉英两个民族地理环境、历史背景、思维方式、语言习惯和传统风俗等的不同,导致了中英两种语境中色彩的比喻意义、联想意义以及文化意象的差异,甚至语义相反的情况。本文以红、白、黑、绿四种色彩词汇为例进行详细阐述。  相似文献   

汉语中"蓝"与英语中"blue"这对颜色词极其构成的词语都有着丰富的象征意义。通过分析汉语颜色词"蓝"与英语颜色词"blue"在英语翻译中意义的对比变化,指出在英汉翻译中也应注意到其他颜色词在翻译中意义的变化,并应注意翻译理论在实践中的准确恰当地运用。  相似文献   

虚词在先秦诗歌里的修辞作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汉语虚词是一个十分重要的词类,其意义和用法十分复杂。在《诗经》《楚辞》等先秦诗歌里,许多虚词并不象人们一般理解的那样都有语法意义和语法作用,其中一部分虚词在诗歌中只有修辞作用。按传统方法去研究这一类虚词,往往造成对它们词性、意义、用法的看法不一致,导致词语理解的混乱和对诗义的曲解。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that, although young children appreciate many different kinds of conceptual relations among objects, they focus specifically on taxonomic relations in the context of word learning. However, because the evidence for children's appreciation of this linkage between words and object categories has come primarily from children who have made substantial linguistic and conceptual advances, it offers limited information concerning the development of this linkage. In the experiments reported here, we employ a match-to-sample task to focus specifically on the development of an appreciation of the linkage between words (here, count nouns) and object categories in infants in the period just prior to and just subsequent to the naming explosion. The results demonstrate that, for 21-month-old infants, most of whom have recently entered the vocabulary explosion (Experiment 1), and for 16-month-old infants, most of whom have yet to commence the vocabulary explosion (Experiment 2), novel nouns focus attention on taxonomic relations among objects. This is important because it reveals a nascent appreciation of a linkage between words and object categories in infants who are at the very onset of language production. Results are interpreted within a developmental account of infants' emerging appreciation of a specific linkage between count nouns and object categories.  相似文献   

"白"、"灰"、"绿"、"橙"等颜色词在新闻媒体中屡获新义,颜色词语义由潜性形式转变为显性形式。颜色词新义的开发利用,有助于准确描述客观世界,增强语言表达效果,并补充到现行词汇系统中来。  相似文献   

We tested the theoretically driven hypotheses that children’s orthographic and semantic learning are associated with their word reading and reading comprehension skills, even when orthographic and semantic knowledge are taken into account. A sample of 139 English-speaking Grade 3 children completed a learning task in which they read stories about new inventions. Then they were tested on their learning of the spelling and meaning of the inventions (i.e., orthographic and semantic learning, respectively). Word reading and reading comprehension were assessed with standardised tasks, and orthographic and semantic knowledge were assessed with choice tasks targeting the spelling and meaning of existing words. The results of our structural equation modeling indicated that orthographic learning predicted word reading directly and reading comprehension indirectly via word reading. We also found that semantic learning predicted reading comprehension directly. These findings support integration of the self-teaching hypothesis and the lexical quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

英语中存在着大量的、丰富多彩的颜色词,这些颜色词不仅仅体现其基本感观上的视觉效果,更被赋予了深广的社会文化意义,被广泛应用于人们日常学习工作等社会生活各个方面。仅仅了解颜色词的概念义而忽视其社会文化意义的人还不能真正理解这些颜色词。因此我们需要注意颜色词的使用领域来帮助我们更好地理解颜色词的社会和文化意义。  相似文献   

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