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Teacher careers in secondary schools have been transformed over the last 25 years. Established careers paths, based originally around the distinction between graduate subject‐specialists and non‐graduate teachers, have been progressively eroded and in recent years typical career progressions have given way to idiosyncratic work histories. Careers in teaching are being replaced by ‘careering’ teachers. As well as making it more difficult to plan a career, the ‘disestablishment’ of teacher careers has profound implications for the relations between teachers with different academic backgrounds and for patterns of influence within secondary schools. The progressive disestablishment of teacher careers has helped undermine traditional organisational patterns in secondary schools. It has strengthened still further the powers of patronage available to headteachers and brought particular benefits to the members of the burgeoning management groups who now assist them with their widened responsibilities. This increase in the influence of those with broader curricular and administrative responsibilities is at the expense of heads of traditional subject departments. More generally, the position of traditional subject graduates, with postgraduate teaching certificates, has deteriorated in relation both to those with degrees in education and to non‐graduate teachers.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey was conducted in all primary schools in the Dunbarton division of Strathclyde region (N=117) to obtain the views of headteachers regarding the involvement of local authority educational psychologists in the area of learning difficulties. This was a follow‐up to a previously published study of the views of learning support coordinators in secondary schools throughout the division. The results of the primary survey are presented and comparisons made with the secondary schools. The findings suggest that schools perceive psychologists as having a central role to play in the area of learning difficulties but indicate a considerable shortfall between present and desired levels of service. It was also noted that after more than a decade of reconstruction of psychological services in which a major theme has been a reduced emphasis on direct work with individual children, the traditional role of individual assessment and counselling is the one which continues to be strongly endorsed by teachers. Some implications for psychological services and schools are considered.  相似文献   


One thousand and seventy‐nine pupils aged between 13 and 16 years, from years three through five of Protestant and Catholic secondary schools in Northern Ireland, completed a survey of moral issues, together with a scale of attitude towards Christianity and a range of indices of religious behaviour. These data are employed to develop and to establish criteria of reliability and validity for a scale of traditional Christain moral values. Tentative scale norms indicate that pupils in Catholic schools hold more strongly to traditional moral values than pupils in Protestant schools, that girls hold more strongly to traditional moral values than boys, and that the acceptance of traditional moral values declines between the third and fifth years of the secondary school.  相似文献   

In many countries of the Third World the structure of secondary education is dichotomized. On the one hand there are traditional grammar schools that predate decolonization, and on the other a new breed of schools has emerged during the period of political independence. Maintaining their traditional reputation for excellence, the grammar schools attract, but are not limited to, students demonstrating the highest levels of academic proficiency. They are the schools where children of the local élite are usually in attendance. The newer post-colonial secondary schools are usually attended by students of lower academic performance, the majority of whom come from lower class families. Post-colonial secondary schools lag far behind their traditional grammar school counterparts in academic performance. In Trinidad and Tobago some serious criticisms have been levelled against the newer post-colonial type of secondary schools. Their reputation and status in the local society have been low, and several efforts at melioration have been attempted by the Government, without much success. The paper therefore attempts three main tasks. It examines some of the major problems faced by post-colonial secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago, critically reviews some of the efforts made by Government to improve the status and prestige of these schools, and suggests the strategy of marketing educational institutions as a means by which melioristic transformation of these institutions may be achieved. A speculative analysis of certain issues likely to be affected as a result of implementation of the marketing strategy concludes the paper.  相似文献   

This survey aims to give a broad overview of the way peer support is currently used in English primary and secondary schools, and to highlight common patterns. Regional strata samples of schools were selected from an online database. Questionnaire data were obtained from 240 schools (130 primary and 110 secondary), of which 186 had peer support schemes. An adjusted estimation (which makes some correction for non‐response error) suggests that 62% of schools are using a structured peer support scheme. The survey results also give an indication of some common patterns and commonalities in the characteristics of existing schemes, as well as some differences between primary and secondary schools. The implementation of peer support is often multi‐dimensional, particularly in secondary schools after a scheme had been running for some time. The findings are discussed in relation to previous research and in terms of the nature of school‐based peer support programmes.  相似文献   

In 1981 the first author carried out a review of studies in behaviour modification in British educational settings. At that time 56 such studies were identified as having been carried out in primary schools, compared with only 24 in secondary schools. In his conclusion the author suggested the form that further empirical investigations might take and pointed out the need for more studies to be undertaken at the secondary level. In the present paper an attempt has been made to give an up‐to‐the‐minute review of the progress that has been made in exploring the usefulness of behavioural methods in secondary schools. What becomes apparent is that whilst behavioural methods have been shown to be equally effective in secondary and primary school settings, very few such studies have been reported: only 37 since the last review, many of these being from the same source. The vast majority of the new studies now reported comprise a ‘rules, praise and ignoring’ element. The reasons why behavioural methods are not more fully used, despite their success in secondary schools, is discussed, and suggestions are made for future action.  相似文献   

A follow‐up cross‐sectional survey of the involvement of educational psychologists in pupil support in mainstream primary and secondary schools was conducted using questionnaires employed in a study carried out 10 years previously. The questionnaires were sent to the head teachers of 112 primaries and 24 secondaries in four education authorities. Ninety‐one of the primaries (81%) and 21 of the secondaries (87%) responded. The findings reveal significantly higher levels of satisfaction with the current contributions of educational psychologists compared with the earlier surveys, with over 70% of head teachers valuing the input of their school’s psychologist. While schools value, and the majority of psychologists offer, the traditional role of individual assessment, the findings also indicate changes in psychologists’ practice and in schools’ expectations, with significant and highly‐valued increases in the number of educational psychologists involved at strategic level in primary and secondary schools and in research and development in primaries over the last 10 years. Implications for schools and for psychological services are considered.  相似文献   

Criticism of the traditional institution‐based system of teacher training for primary schools is reviewed and recent responses to GATE requirements summarised. It is argued that such criticisms, and any radical reforms involving the transfer of training responsibility to the schools, should take account of client opinion of its likely effects. Clients here are taken to refer to students in training and school teachers including headteachers. For this study an open‐ended questionnaire on the advantages and disadvantages of traditional institution‐based and radical school‐based systems was administered to all students at the end of a PGCE course, and to a part‐opportunity and part‐random sample of teachers and headteachers in local schools. Their responses are tabulated and discussed. The vast majority of these clients foresaw considerable problems with a radically reformed system and, balancing the gains and losses that such a reform might bring, they demonstrated a clear preference for the existing system.  相似文献   

In answer to economic needs and social demands, a structural innovation was introduced in secondary education in most West European countries, mainly in the 1960s. Contrary to the traditional schools, organized in vertical categories, the so‐called comprehensive schools brought together all branches in one school. There was protest against this type of school from the start but it was mainly in the 1980s and 1990s that comprehensive schools came under siege. In most countries the comprehensive structures have been abandoned or adjusted to a more moderate form.

This paper tries to explain the factors that stimulated innovation in the 1960s, and those that counteracted comprehensive education. As will be shown, these factors were not always related to ideological positions. In fact, the reasons for local educational authorities to “go comprehensive” (or not) were often practically rather than ideologically inspired. Theories of “dominant rationality” by Matthijssen and the “referential” by Jobert succeed in surpassing ideological parameters, and can be interesting tools to explain changing mentalities. However, a satisfying explanation for the history of comprehensive education cannot be offered without paying attention to everyday pragmatics, that – in the author's view – have been decisive for the evolution of comprehensive education.

The paper will be illustrated with examples from the Belgian case. Comprehensive schools were introduced in Belgium in 1969. All state public schools went comprehensive in the 1970s, and the number of comprehensive private schools grew rapidly until growth ceased around 1980. The ongoing struggle between Catholic comprehensive and traditional schools led to a compromise created by the Catholic educational authorities, a fusion of comprehensive and traditional elements. This structure was imposed by the Flemish government as a unitary structure for all secondary schools in the Dutch‐speaking part of Belgium in 1989.  相似文献   

Within the context of expanding placements for secondary education and the call for improvement of quality within the educational systems of developing and developed countries, this paper considers who and (comparatively) how well students are succeeding in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The paper notes that there have been a limited number of studies in the Republic which provide information on opportunities for school success at the macro level of the school system. Additionally, there is much conflicting information published which explores factors determining success and failure in developing and developed countries; such factors include personal/biographical and systemic/school focused variables. There is also very little information concerning whether these variables have a similar effect at the micro/classroom level. In relating determinants of classroom level success to the expansion in quantity (and supposedly quality) of the educational system in Trinidad and Tobago, we question whether a greater opportunity for education actually results in a greater probability for all students to succeed. A proportional, stratified, random, clustered sample of 992 secondary school students (5% of the 2nd and 5th form population in half of the educational districts in Trinidad and Tobago) was selected for study. Information obtained for each student included systemic information (school attended, type of school, school size, education district, locality, managing authority, single‐sex or coeducational school, form level and class size) and personal information (sex of student, age, occupation of father and mother, religion and classroom based end‐of‐term test scores in each of the curriculum areas studied — with an average overall score). Analyses of the within‐class test scores showed that a large amount of variance was accounted for by the systemic and personal variables, and the most telling of the variables were the type of school attended and gender of the student. Students in traditional schools obtained higher scores in traditional curriculum areas than other students, and girls consistently gained the highest of the scores. Further analyses showed significant differences with reference to parental occupation, the size and locality of the school and school sexual make‐up. The results show a consistent bias to success of female students, from a middle class home, attending an urban traditional school, in all curriculum areas except social studies. Students attending government managed schools at the 5th form scored higher in social studies than those in traditional schools. The results confirm that the quantitative expansion of the secondary school system in Trinidad and Tobago did not expand in quality educational opportunity for all, except in the new curriculum area of social studies. Interpretations of the results relate to the existing literature on developed and developing countries and the particular situation in Trinidad and Tobago.  相似文献   

Three factors tied with secondary student success in content‐area reading are demonstrated: (a) validated teacher‐focused and student‐focused interventions, (b) integrated and comprehensive service delivery systems, and (c) well‐designed, data‐based professional developmental programs. Difficult challenges face secondary students with LD and their teachers with regard to these students’ participation and success in required general education classes. Recently, instructional methods and materials have been developed and validated for promoting these students’ success. Some of them focus on how general education teachers plan and teach their content‐area courses; others focus on giving students the strategies they need to respond independently to the demands of their courses. This article describes these instructional methods, a service‐delivery model for implementing these interventions in secondary schools, and professional‐development mechanisms and administrative support that must be in place for the model to be maintained effectively.  相似文献   

中小学实施战略管理的困境探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中小学内外环境的不断变化,传统的外控式操作管理越来越不适应学校管理的需要,战略管理正在成为中小学管理发展的方向。但是,由于历史和现实的原因,中小学实施战略管理还存在着诸多困境,本文对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Significant differences in perceptions between teachers in primary and secondary grant‐maintained schools are reported and analysed. Parents were more frequently involved in promoting opting‐out in primary schools, primary teachers had more favourable attitudes to the grant‐maintained school policy and, in primary schools, grant‐maintained status delivered improvements in classroom conditions, most notably reduced class size and increased para‐professional support in classrooms. The findings are discussed in terms of the management of primary schools, of theorising about reputation management in grant‐maintained schools, and of the explicit objectives of the grant‐maintained policy. It is further suggested that the evidence provided about grant‐maintained primary schools could be used to inject new life into a policy faltering in secondary schools.  相似文献   

我国农村职业教育滞后原因分析与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
农村职业教育发展存在地方经济与传统观念、政府投入不足与政策导向、专业设置与农民收入多元化、办学条件与办学定位、教育成本与就业等深层次问题。农村职业教育要树立正确的指导思想,建立多元化投资体系和灵活多样的办学形式,职业教育与技能培训相结合,突出实践性教学,体现职业性和技能性,建立培训机制,完善就业准入制度,整合农村职教资源,城乡与校企联合办学,做好高中与中职、中职与高职、招生与就业三个衔接等。  相似文献   

This article examines the processes influencing the choice of non‐traditional subjects by girls in lower secondary education in the Republic of Ireland. In particular, we focus on the traditionally ‘male’ craft technological subjects, namely Materials Technology (Wood), Metalwork and Technical Graphics. Analyses are based on detailed case studies of 12 secondary schools, placing them in the context of national patterns of subject take‐up. Strong gender differentiation persists in the take‐up of these technological subjects. Commonalities are evident across schools in the way in which the subjects are constructed as ‘male’. However, some students, both female and male, actively contest these labels, and school policy and practice regarding subject provision and choice can make a difference to take‐up patterns. It is argued that the persistent gendering of subjects has implications for the skills acquired by students, their engagement in education, and the education, training and career opportunities open to them on leaving school.  相似文献   

The paper analyses how teachers view state‐mandated tests in Baden‐Württemberg, a large state in the south‐west of Germany. For the first time in 2006, public secondary schools were bound by law to administer Vergleichsarbeiten [state‐wide tests] in up to three relevant subjects after Grade 6. Scholars in the field of school improvement emphasise that there is a gap between performance feedback provided by external tests and how this information is internally processed. To bridge this gap, a crucial precondition is that teachers must accept state‐wide testing as a useful instrument for improving the performance of schools. To examine how teachers view the pedagogical relevance of performance feedback information, 256 secondary schools were approached, and an anonymous questionnaire was completed by a representative sample of 307 teachers with Grade 6 classes. Analysis of the quantitative data reveals that teachers in general secondary schools (the lower level of the academically streamed secondary system) are more open‐minded towards the tests than their colleagues in intermediate schools or in grammar schools (the highest level). Even so, only a small percentage of teachers in general secondary schools acknowledge the pedagogical relevance of performance feedback information for improving teaching strategies. This result suggests that state‐mandated testing in Baden‐Württemberg is highly unlikely to initiate or support school improvement activities for the time being.  相似文献   


This article reports on a multi‐year study of changes in eastern German schools after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the wake of national unification, the traditional three‐track structure of the West German educational syatem was re‐institutionalized in eastern German secondary schools. The article explores how teachers respond to this shift from the untracked socialist common school to the new track system. The study found that influences of state policies on teachers’ tracking pedagogy varied. The new institutions have forcefully shaped many teachers’ assumptions about students’ ability and career paths. Value orientations are characterized by ambivalence; while organizational goals and values are very exclusion‐oriented, the role of schools in society is defined in more inclusive terms. Contrary to exclusion‐oriented sentiments, instructional routines changed little; they flow, to a large extent, from the previous inclusive curriculum that was geared to the average or ‘normal’ student during socialist times. The study underlines the importance of examining multiple layers of beliefs and practices for an adequate understanding of the relationship between policy and practice.  相似文献   

Even after the leveling of the three types of German ‘Gymnasien’, there are still traditional ways of gaining excellence: Latin in addition to English from the 5th school year, the bilingual models and the elite schools for particularly talented students in sports, music or art. Accelerated by the ‘PISA shock’ since the upper secondary school system in Germany has been differentiated and hierarchized by highly selective gifted classes, special schools and boarding schools for high performance at a level above the regular secondary schools.This kind of exclusivity generated by the German ‘Gymnasium’s’ performance excellence is supplemented to an exclusivity through school choice in the currently greatly expand of the German private school system. In addition to the church- and denominational-funded ‘traditional schools’ and schools based on concepts of progressive education, new all-day school complexes with bilingual education, international curricula and qualifications are, especially in the “global cities” (eg Frankfurt) emerged. They mainly serve a wealthy and education-oriented parenthood, distinguishing their selves by internationality and contributing to further diversification of higher education by choosing such schools.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the consultants in secondary schools and local authorities within a large‐scale consultancy‐based reform, the Secondary National Strategy (SNS), in London, UK. The SNS follows a cascade model of implementation in which nationally created initiatives are introduced and supported within local authorities (LA) and schools through LA‐based consultant teams. The article is drawn from a larger interpretive case study that follows the experiences of SNS consultants working within the reform from 2002 to 2006. The article uses semi‐structured interviews to reveal the various and diverse experiences that occur in schools as a result of the introduction of consultants within LAs. The article argues that introducing an SNS consultancy structure to work within LAs and secondary schools created dynamic, complex and shifting effects across secondary schools. While consultants often attempted to create developmental or learning experiences that resonated with teachers’ and departments’ experiences, these activities may also have served to further the institutional control of teachers’ workspaces. These effects are part of the complexities that exist within school change agendas. Exploring these contradictions helps in understanding school change within urban secondary schools.  相似文献   

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