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采用文献资料、录像观察、三段指标评估、逻辑分析等研究方法,对第53届世界乒乓球锦标赛男子团体决赛中国运动员运用发球抢攻战术的情况进行分析,针对中国运动员在发球的落点和旋转,阐述了发球后的各项技术以及发球后组合技术运用的基本情况,结果表明:中国乒乓球运动员发球抢攻战术中发球主要以对手正手位近网短球和中路半出台球为主,并配合底线长球;其主要得分技术是正反手弧圈球,以发近网短球的抢攻为主,在比赛中能占据一定优势.  相似文献   

对中国女子乒乓球运动员在比赛中前三板技战术的运用进行研究,并与世界优秀男子乒乓球运动员的发球、接发球和发球抢攻的技战术进行比较。结果表明:我国女子乒乓球运动员打法类型和前三板的技术风格与世界优秀男子运动员趋于一致,并具有明显的男性化特征,但在发球旋转与落点、接发球技术和发球抢攻等具体的技战术运用方面仍存在战术和意识上的差别。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对52届世界乒乓球锦标赛男子团体决赛中国运动员马龙、张继科、许昕的发球抢攻战术进行深入的分析,结果显示:中国运动员发球落点大部分以对手的近网右半台短球为主底线长球为辅.在发球旋转上主要以近网的侧下旋球,并结合转与不转球迷惑对手.其中主要得分技术是正反手弧圈球,且以正手弧圈技术为核心,稳定性强,威胁大,在比赛中能占据一定优势.  相似文献   

发球作为乒乓球比赛开始的第一拍,有着无可厚非的主动权.运动员发球技术的好坏,除了旋转的强弱,也体现在对落点的控制和变化上.发球好的运动员可以凭主观意识站在任何位置,发出任何线路、落点、旋转、弧线的球,通过高质量的发球可以直接得分或为下一板击球争取主动,还能起到控制或破坏对方进攻的作用.本文选取优秀男子乒乓球运动员张继科4场有代表性的比赛(表1),分析其发球效应与发球环节的关系,为广大运动员的训练提供参考.  相似文献   

唐芳武 《精武》2012,(18):30-31,33
运用录像统计的方法对当今世界优秀乒乓球运动曼在比赛中使用发球的旋转类型进行统计研究,分析运动员在比赛中发球旋转的技战术运用特点和规律。瞎果显示:左侧上旋和左侧下旋球是乒乓球运动员最常使用的发球组合,占37.11%;运动员发不转球的发球轮得分率最高,为55.99%;下旋转与不转搭配的发球姐合在比赛中最为有效:逆旋转发球被越来越多运动员使用,具有不断增加的趋势。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、录像观察法、数理统计法,对优秀乒乓球运动员双打比赛发球段战术进行统计,从中找出优秀乒乓球运动员在双打比赛发球段具体战术的使用率、得分率,为乒乓球运动员的训练和比赛提供理论参考。  相似文献   

丁伟  林晓玉 《精武》2013,(19):39-41
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法,录像统计法和乒乓球技战术数据统计法等,对世界优秀乒乓球男子运动员处理关键球进行分析研究。结果表明:在进入关键球阶段,运动员发球时加强了上旋球的使用机率;在击球落点的运用上,发球和第三板主要注重左路的运用,而在第五板及以后落点运用相对灵活多变,胜方运动员在主动进攻时,进攻技术运用的比例呈现出波浪状,关键时刻胜方和负方在接发球时,对于落点,线路和技术类型的运用没有大的差异;暂停作为技战术的一部分,暂停时机的运用时于运动员比赛胜负有较大的影响。  相似文献   

高坦 《湖北体育科技》2011,30(4):417-418
对当今男子网球双打比赛一分球的过程进行分析,认为在男子双打中发球上网几乎是所有选手在比赛中应用的战术,男子双打多场比赛主要集中再前五拍,发球方通过对一发二发的调整,以及接发过程都反应了男子选手在比赛中不仅要保证发球的质量、落点,还要注意提高击球的落点、线路等。  相似文献   

郭健  韩振民 《精武》2012,(28):92-93
论文运用文献资料法、录像观察统计法、比较分析法等研究方法对8名世界优秀男子网球选手在2011年和2010年澳大利亚网球公开赛以及2010年美国网球公开赛中的20场比赛的ACE球出现率和发球直接得分率与发球落点的关系进行分析,找出世界男子职业网球选手硬地比赛中发球直接得分率与发球落点的关系特征。  相似文献   

羽毛球前三拍技术决定着双打比赛的走向,影响运动员在比赛伊始的主被动关系,本研究对我国优秀羽毛球女子双打运动员在中华人民共和国第十四届运动会(以下简称十四运会)女双决赛中前三拍技术应用进行分析。对陈清晨、贾一凡(以下简称凡晨组合)、杜玥、李茵晖(以下简称李杜组合)在十四运会女双决赛中的比赛录像进行观察统计,以比赛中发球的落点、得失分;接发球的落点、技术应用次数以及得失分;第三拍回球落点、技术运用及得失分情况进行统计分析,以期为基层梯队中女子双打、男子双打乃至混合双打的训练提供参考依据。结果发现:我国优秀女双运动员发球落点集中在1区和5区,发球技术较稳定;接发球运用最多的技术为推球和扑球;第三拍技术在两对运动员之间存在差异,且均有失分情况出现。  相似文献   


This study investigated split-step timing when returning serves and whether this timing is related to neuromechanical capabilities in world-class tennis players. In Experiment 1, the split-step timing of four groups of world-class players (male and female ATP/WTA seniors, and ITF juniors) was measured on court when returning serves of the same level players. The four groups initiated the split-step at a similar time, starting around the time ball-racket contact in the serve stroke and landed when early ball-flight information was available. In Experiment 2, the neuromechanical capabilities (leg stiffness and vertical jump performance) of a group of world-class players and three groups of less-skilled tennis players were examined. The results showed an increase in leg stiffness with an increase in the level of expertise. A cross-experiment analysis in world-class male players (ATP/ITF, n = 10) revealed that the timing of initial foot movement was significantly correlated with the leg stiffness (r2 = 0.54), with later lateral step after the serve in the players who had higher stiffness. The findings support the hypothesis that world-class tennis players adapt perceptual-motor control on the basis of their neuromechanical capabilities and maximise the time before initiating their interceptive action to rely on more reliable information.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察法和比较法等研究方法对2012年澳网男单决赛选手的发球环节中一发成功率、一发得分率、二发得分率、发球速度以及发球落点等进行统计分析,结果表明一发和二发球的平均速度具有明显差别,而且随发球区域的不同一发二发的落点选择也不同。但是总体趋势都是意图控制对方的反手和中路,尤其是二发中路偏重。  相似文献   

在网球这项运动里,对于中低水平的网球运动者网前属于是一个令人害怕的地方。但是了解了网前的基本截击技术并知道什么时候打球把球打到哪里,再掌握截击这项技术将会容易。初学者上网时会感觉到不知所措,这是很正常的现象。就击球时间而言,截击比底线击球需要更快的反应。此外面对快速的回击球也会出现害怕的情感。但是对于想要提高自己的竞技能力的初学者和中级水平的球员,拥有良好的网前截击技术是必需的。随着教学比赛,以及高校网球比赛的增多以及比赛的需要网前得分又是非常重要的得分手段。  相似文献   

岳艳丽 《体育科研》2008,29(5):73-76
通过对第五届女足世界杯32场比赛111个进球的统计,表明下半场比赛的前15min是比赛进球的高峰期,总进球数的72.08%是在跑动进攻中完成的;超过3/5的进球都是在1~3人在1~15S中3次以下传球配合完成的,另外35.66%的进球通过定位球完成。完成全部进球的进攻战术结构模型有5种:后场抢断发动快攻个人突破射门得分是最基本的进攻模型、前场定位球快速发动射门得分是核心的进攻模型、中后场逐步推进发动阵地进攻射门得分是重要的进攻模型,边路进攻、边路传中和利用界外球进攻射门得分战术模型是有益的进攻战术补充,中场发动进攻中路传切配合进攻射门得分战术模型是最常用的战术方法。  相似文献   

本文对德约科维奇、纳达尔、费德勒及穆雷4位世界男子顶尖选手单打比赛中正手的战术特征进行分析,结果表明:4位选手无论是发球局还是接发球局中,正手的使用频率被迫呈现出随着拍数的增加而减少的趋势,且在本方发球局中第3拍使用正手进攻的频率最高;高水平的正手主动变线,深落点和大角度的连续进攻,及善于使用正手大斜线与反斜线为自己创造得分机会是当今世界顶尖男子职业选手正手战术的基本特征。  相似文献   

通过对中外网球双打技术情况进行分析得出,男子双打多场比赛主要集中在前五拍,发球方通过对一发二发的调整,以及接发运动员在比赛中由被动到主动的过程都反应了男子选手在比赛中不仪要保证发球的质量、落点,还要注意提高击球的落点、线路等.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the pre- and post-impact three-dimensional kinematics of the ball and racquet during first and second serves performed by elite tennis players. Data were collected from four male and four female right-handed professional players during competition using two high-speed cameras (200 Hz). For each player, one first serve and one second serve from the 'deuce' or right service court that landed within the specified target area were analysed. To test for significant differences between the first and second serves, Wilcoxon tests (P < or = 0.05) were performed on selected parameters. The results indicate that the ball travelled forward and to the left during the flight phase of the toss in all but one trial. The average pre-impact ball forward location for the first serve was significantly more in front and had a higher associated forward ball velocity than the corresponding values for the second serve. On average, the decrease in post-impact ball speed from the first to the second serve was 24.1%. No significant differences between the first and second serves were found in the pre-impact racquet head speed and orientation, which was represented as a unit vector perpendicular to the racquet face. The major adjustments made by the players when going from the first to second serve were a decrease in pre-impact ball forward location (P < or = 0.01) and an increase in the pre-impact racquet vertical and lateral velocities (both P < or = 0.05). This implies that the players tossed the ball closer to the body and imparted topspin and sidespin on the ball by changing the racquet vertical and lateral velocities when going from the first to the second serve.  相似文献   

Enhancing the understanding of coordination and variability in the tennis serve may be of interest to coaches as they work with players to improve performance. The current study examined coordinated joint rotations and variability in the lower limbs, trunk, serving arm and ball location in the elite female tennis serve. Pre-pubescent, pubescent and adult players performed maximal effort flat serves while a 22-camera 500 Hz motion analysis system captured three-dimensional body kinematics. Coordinated joint rotations in the lower limbs and trunk appeared most consistent at the time players left the ground, suggesting that they coordinate the proximal elements of the kinematic chain to ensure that they leave the ground at a consistent time, in a consistent posture. Variability in the two degrees of freedom at the elbow became significantly greater closer to impact in adults, possibly illustrating the mechanical adjustments (compensation) these players employed to manage the changing impact location from serve to serve. Despite the variable ball toss, the temporal composition of the serve was highly consistent and supports previous assertions that players use the location of the ball to regulate their movement. Future work should consider these associations in other populations, while coaches may use the current findings to improve female serve performance.  相似文献   

Whole body kinematics of the tennis serve have been reported extensively in the literature, yet comparatively less information exists regarding the kinematic characteristics of the swing and toss. In attempting to develop consistency in placement of the toss and racket trajectory, coaches will often decompose the serve and practice it in separate parts. A 22-camera VICON MX motion analysis system, operating at 250 Hz, captured racket, ball and hand kinematics of the serves of five elite junior players under three conditions. The conditions were flat first serves (FS) directed to a 1 x 1 m target bordering the 'T' of the deuce service box, a ball toss (BT) in isolation and a free swing (SW) in isolation. Players were instructed to perform BT and SW as in the FS. Paired t-tests assessed within-group differences in hand, racket and ball kinematics between the discrete skill and the two decomposed conditions. Vertical displacement of the ball at its zenith increased significantly during BT compared with the FS and temporal associations between racket and ball motion during the FS (r = 0.861) were affected during task decomposition. This study questions the pervasive use of task decomposition in the development of the tennis serve.  相似文献   

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