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指出了专业学位研究生校外实践导师工作机制建设方面存在的问题,结合北京工商大学的实践,提出建立校外导师政策保障机制、动态调整的选聘机制、全过程培养的参与机制、多层面考核的评价机制、全方位合作的沟通交流机制,以发挥校外导师在专业学位硕士研究生培养过程中的作用。  相似文献   

研究生导师和辅导员是研究生思想政治教育队伍的主体,针对两个主体之间存在沟通不充分、工作职责不清晰、工作合力形成不足的问题,分析研究生导师与辅导员互动沟通交流的特点和双方沟通不足的主要原因,提出构建研究生合力育人机制:界定导师和辅导员育人权责、明确双方沟通的主要内容、建立声誉机制调动导师和辅导员主动参与研究生思想教育的积极性,增强合力育人的效果。  相似文献   

研究生导师组是由多位导师组成的研究生指导团队。本文将A大学经济学院实施导师组培养模式和单一导师培养模式的研究生分成两组进行问卷调查,收集数据,运用参数检验中的两组独立样本T检验法对数据进行分析,发现实施研究生导师组培养模式更有利于提升研究生学术创新能力。依据对A大学的案例研究,研究生导师组培养模式的顺利运行需要有以鼓励和自愿组合为原则的政策平台,需要有导师组内部交流机制和团队文化的建设。  相似文献   

文章通过分析现今导师组制的不足,从完善导师组制这个微观角度出发,以某研究生培养单位文科学术型研究生培养机制的改革实践为例,探讨以研究生学位论文指导为轴心的动态导师组制构建的必要性,概括以研究生学位论文指导为轴心的动态导师组制所具有的特点、优势和积极意义。  相似文献   

当前,国际竞争越来越表现为人才和创新能力的竞争,尤其是极具创新能力的高级人才的竞争。而研究生阶段的学习和锻炼则是让优秀大学生们发展成为具有创新能力的高级人才的第一步,也是非常关键的一步。在研究生教育中,导师起到了最为重要的作用,如何有效促进导师与学生间的沟通交流,以提高研究生创新教育的有效性、提高教学质量对于培养研究生的创新能力具有极其重要的作用。文章阐述了当前高校导师与学生交流的现状,并就如何促进工科研究生教学中师生交流,实现互动式的教与学以提高研究生的创新能力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

研究生培养机制改革对导师制度的影响与完善   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对研究生培养机制改革试点高校的改革方案中涉及导师制度的内容进行系统分析,指出通过研究生培养机制改革可以激发导师的培养热情,扩大导师在研究生培养过程中的权力与作用,密切导师与研究生的关系.有利于研究生培养质量的提高.同时,针对改革中出现的一些新问题提出了改进导师制度的建议.  相似文献   

目前研究生导师队伍存在的导师遴选制度不够完善、导师指导水平参差不齐和导师责权利不明确等方面的问题。针对存在着的问题,结合中国矿业大学研究生培养机制改革实践,从严格导师遴选标准、强化导师培训和团队指导、明确导师责权这三个方面探索了研究生培养机制改革背景下的研究生导师队伍建设。  相似文献   

研究生培养机制改革下的导师队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生培养机制改革是我国研究生教育的一个全新模式,目的是通过改变传统的研究生培养机制,有效提高研究生培养质量。文章通过对研究生导师在研究生机制改革中的地位研究,探索出加强导师队伍建设的有效途径,激发导师在培养过程中的能动作用。  相似文献   

研究生导师作为研究生的直接培养者,其能力水平直接决定了研究生的培养质量。北京交通大学认真贯彻落实国家关于研究生教育改革的相关文件精神,针对导师队伍建设出台了一系列改革措施,建立了基于岗位管理的遴选机制、交流培训制度和导师的激励、约束机制等多种内部管理机制。  相似文献   

韩淑云 《教育教学论坛》2012,(24):183-184,152
研究生指导教师的指导水平直接决定研究生的培养质量,如何建立一支高水平的指导教师队伍,就显得至关重要了。由于传统的导师遴选制度在很多方面已经不能适应当前学校和社会的发展,为深化研究生培养机制改革,不断提高研究生培养质量,加强学术队伍建设,浙江大学在2011年开始实施了导师制度改革,本文结合浙江大学近几年导师队伍的建设情况,在导师遴选的改革、导师组的建立、双导师制这几个方面进行了研究探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,一些高职院校尝试导师团队制改革,把思想政治导师纳入其中并赋予其特殊使命.这就需要思想政治导师善于从学生个性和社会、企业实际出发参与团队工作,成为学生的“知己”和“导师”,相应地也需要相关职能部门制定合理的绩效考评机制.  相似文献   

Personal tutoring is considered to be an important support mechanism for students in higher education. However, the existing personal tutoring system at the British University in Egypt has needed for quite some time to be reviewed and improved as anecdotal evidence suggests that it is ineffective. This article therefore aims to identify the factors affecting the personal tutoring system at the university. Data were gathered from four sources: (1) a tutor questionnaire, (2) semi-structured interviews with personal tutors, (3) semi-structured interviews with teaching assistants, and (4) focus group meetings with students. The results indicated a number of factors affecting the personal tutoring system: the students’ lack of awareness of the system and personal tutor role, lack of contact and meetings between both parties, the ‘buy in’ of tutors and tutees, the qualities of the tutors, and the time taken to disseminate information on the system to tutees. It is recommended that the existing personal tutoring system be replaced with a personal tutoring unit within each faculty and that the university establish a central support system for students with learning disabilities and also a counselling service.  相似文献   

This study explores issues related to the tutor’s role when initiating tutoring as an institutional strategy at a conventional university. Based on a pilot tutoring program implemented in four college courses, we investigated the perceptions of instructors, tutors and students regarding the role of tutoring and whether it affected the psychological distance between the different types of participants. The results indicated that instructors’ perceptions of the tutor’s primary role and the psychological distance from the students and the tutors differed from the perceptions of the tutors and the students, perhaps because the instructors perceived tutors as a source of instructor support rather than student support. Implications and suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Cross-age tutoring is characterised by status and age differences between tutors and tutees. Tutees are often inactive in this setting, because responsibility for effective learning is transferred to the more experienced tutors. This study focused on improving the outcomes of cross-age tutoring for tutees by providing tutors with a tutor training session that emphasised knowledge-building instead of knowledge-telling. The tutors learned to encourage tutees’ autonomy, competence and active knowledge construction. In a quasi-experimental design, an experimental group of 74 tutors, who were 8th-grade secondary school students, received the tutor training in knowledge-building, and a control group of 82 tutors received no training. The students in both groups subsequently tutored 583 3rd-grade primary school students in small groups on elementary aspects of electric circuits. The tutoring process was videotaped and coded. Trained tutors showed more knowledge-building and less knowledge-telling behaviour. In the tutoring interaction with trained tutors, tutees showed more active behaviour and tutors showed more restrained behaviour. Tutees coached by trained tutors reported more experiences of autonomy, competence, and intrinsic motivation and learned more than tutees instructed by untrained tutors. The study showed that cross-age tutoring can be improved by providing tutors with training that focused on knowledge-building.  相似文献   

Tutors’ intentions when providing feedback may not be accurately perceived and acted on by students. In this study, 19 biological sciences students and six tutors were interviewed concerning the tutor’s intentions when providing specific feedback and the students’ perceptions and usage of that feedback. A phenomenological approach was used to analyse the interview data. Additionally, copies of the documented feedback were examined and the feedback style was classified. Student conceptions of the role of feedback included providing guidance, identifying what the tutor wants and giving meaning to the work to develop learning. Analysis of tutor feedback styles indicates that tutors were focussed on giving praise and correcting misunderstandings in the present assignment. Since developmental aspects of students’ learning were rarely addressed in tutor feedback, these findings suggest some misalignment in feedback provision. Tutors need to provide more guidance to students regarding the use of feedback, possibly by introducing better scaffolding and variation into their feedback.  相似文献   

对目前国内硕士研究生培养模式的现状进行分析,指出目前硕士研究生培养主要存在以下问题:师生对学术型硕士和专业型硕士的概念不明晰;导师队伍的建设抵不过研究生的增速;学生对待论文态度不严谨、导师指导力度不足;研究生自身的问题.基于我国经济对人才的需求,提出以下建议:明晰学术型硕士和专业型硕士的教学目标及任务,因材施教;优化导...  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of a competency‐oriented course and the effects of feedback training on students’ reflection skills. Thirty‐one nursing students enrolled in a conventional course with lectures and assignments following a traditional test. Subsequently, they enrolled in a competency‐oriented course, which included more performance‐oriented tasks based on competencies and a performance‐based assessment. In both courses, half of the students received feedback on their assignments from tutors who were trained in feedback skills (experimental group), while the other half of the students received feedback from non‐trained tutors (control group). After each course, all students wrote a reflection report. Results show that students’ reflection reports after the competency‐oriented course were of a higher quality than the reports after the conventional course. Contrary to our expectations, the quality of the reflection reports of the control group (students supervised by non‐trained tutors) was significantly higher than the quality of reflection reports of the experimental group (students supervised by trained tutors). This study shows that a competency‐oriented design of courses enhances students’ reflection skills, but that the training in feedback skills needs to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Teachers’ influence on students’ learning motivation is a well-researched topic. Nevertheless, the majority of such studies are situated in the conventional learning context despite the rapid growth of distance language learning. This study set out to investigate tutors’ influence on students’ learning motivation in the Chinese distance language learning context. It attempted to gain a balanced picture of the issue under study by taking both student and tutor views into account. Findings from this study indicate that teaching competence, personal characteristics, subject matter expertise, and tutor–student relationship were four tutor-related factors which affected students’ learning motivation, reinforcing results of previous studies. Nevertheless, mismatches were found between students and tutors in relation to the influence of particular aspects of teaching competence, personal characteristics, and subject matter expertise. Implications from the study are considered in this article.  相似文献   

Despite the potential benefits of assignment feedback, learners often fail to use it effectively. This study examines the ways in which adult distance learners engage with written feedback on one of their assignments. Participants were 10 undergraduates studying Spanish at the Open University, UK. Their responses to feedback were elicited by means of student-generated screencast (Jing®) recordings in which students talked through the feedback written by their tutors. The recordings were analysed in terms of the students’ cognitive, affective and metacognitive responses to the tutors’ feedback. Results show that, while students do engage with tutor feedback and make active efforts to integrate it, they sometimes use ineffective strategies, especially when tutor and student make different assumptions about the role of feedback. The richness of the data obtained from the Feedback on feedback (F on F) method suggests that it has the potential to promote much needed feedback dialogue between students and tutors.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore and understand tutor and student perceptions of the role of the tutor in a large Sixth Form College. It examines whether these perceptions are the same and looks at whether the needs of the student are being met within the college. The tutorial structure within the college is described and the unique role of tutors in a further education setting is identified. The findings reveal how students perceive the tutors to have a wide range of roles, which are primarily focused on supporting and promoting learning. It also describes how, despite the acknowledgement of students for the need of emotional support and the recognition and willingness of tutors to fulfil this role, there is a gap in meeting the students' needs. The reasons for this are explored and shown to be a consequence of time constraints and the underlying relationship between students and their tutor.  相似文献   

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