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Given the growing emphasis on supervision in the counseling field, mental health professionals need updated training on the varied and complex issues in supervision and introduction to emerging theoretical models. The authors present a didactic‐theoretical‐experiential model of supervision training to be used in a workshop format. Curriculum information is included, along with ideas for exercises and class discussion. The authors discuss common themes and potential challenges that have emerged from their experiences as well as from feedback from evaluations. Readers are provided with information to help develop and enrich their training skills in supervision.  相似文献   

Consultation and supervision play an essential role in the management of the anxieties, conflicts and demands experienced by those working long-term with cases of non-accidental injury. In our setting we employ our own external staff consultant and in turn our workers offer a consultative service to workers from other agencies. It seems to us that consultation and supervision are inter-relaled but distinct processes: consultation is essentially experiential and non-directive: supervision is didactic and directive. A consultant may give advice from his own area of expertise (which may be different from that of the consultor), but he may also be called upon to interpret or comment on other areas, such as the conflicts between workers and their clients or workers and their organizations. A consultant may also be called on to offer a model of supervision to supervisor and worker. A supervisor, by definition, is expert in the area of work of the worker and in a position within the organization to give direction. He at times, however, will be called upon for non-directive discussion and comment—in effect consultation. He may also have to fill the role of manager and resource provider. Our experience shows it is essential to clarify this inter-relationship as a first step to exploring the skills necessary for supervisor and consultant to help workers fulfil their task.  相似文献   

This study investigated supervisees’ perceptions of the learning processes and outcomes of professional supervision. Two hundred and sixty-four psychology graduates involved in the process of professional supervision for registration responded to a mail survey regarding their supervisor's approach to supervision, their own approach to supervision and their perceptions of the overall effectiveness of the process. Findings suggest that professional supervision can be readily conceptualised as a learning relationship. Supervisees’ approaches to supervision comprised the three dimensions of surface-disorganised, evaluation anxiety, and endorsement of supervisor capability. Supervisors’ approaches to supervision were understood by supervisees in terms of facilitative and didactic approaches to learning. A facilitative approach to supervision was associated with enhanced evaluations of supervisor capability and a reduction in supervisee confusion and anxiety. A facilitative, but not a didactic, supervisory approach positively influenced supervisees’ perceptions of the effectiveness of supervision.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of large group supervision, small group supervision, and combined group and individual supervision with counseling students. Sixty‐four participants in a master's‐level practicum were divided into 3 treatment groups that received supervision over 10 weeks. Using a pretest/posttest method, counselors were rated on growth in effectiveness and development according to self‐report, supervisor, client, and objective rater responses. Analyses of covariance revealed that all supervision formats resulted in similar progress in counselor effectiveness and counselor development. Large group supervision produced a significant result on the factor Autonomy/Dependency. However, participants showed a marked preference for individual feedback and supervision.  相似文献   

Counselor education programs must respond to the need for inservice education for practicing, school counselors. The Extern Program described here is designed to provide inservice education through didactic, experiential learning activities implemented on a one weekend per month schedule for nine months. The weekend training involves new developments in the field of counseling, problem solving with a focus on concerns brought to the sessions by the counselors, and new developments in the behavioral sciences outside education. Each weekend is divided into eight phases as follows: (1) didactic input with the topic related to the field of counseling; (2) synthesis and discussion of didactic input with small-group interaction; (3) participant problem solving with small-group interaction; (4) group problem solving with large-group discussion and synthesis; (5) didactic input with the topic relevant to counselor education; (6) synthesis and discussion of didactic input with small group interaction; (7) didactic input with the topic being behavioral science developments outside education; and (8) synthesis and discussion of didactic input with small-group interaction. An evaluation plan is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study compares the effects of three supervisory techniques—modeling, feedback, and experiential intervention—in teaching counseling students to communicate empathic understanding. The students participated in three simulated counseling interviews during which their responses to standard clients were rated on the degree of empathic understanding conveyed. After each of the first two interviews students in the experimental groups were given one of the three supervisory treatments; students in the control group received no supervision. The ratings indicated that the modeling method of supervision was more effective than the feedback method and the feedback method was more effective than the experiential method in helping the counselors communicate empathy. No significant differences were found between students receiving experiential supervision and those in the control group. The interaction between method and sex was significant in that male students responded better than female students to the feedback method.  相似文献   

This six-year review of research on practicum supervision examines articles in terms of findings and the research designs employed. Research is classified according to (a) counselor—supervisor similarity, (b) training methods, and (c) evaluation. Conclusions from the review indicate: (a) the investigators found no support for matching counselors and supervisors according to similar traits; (b) there was some support for modeling, didactic, and experiential methods; (c) there was some support for peer supervision; and (d) an experimental design was used in only 4 of the 19 studies examined.  相似文献   

This five-year review of research on practicum supervision examines research findings and research designs. Research is classified according to the role of the supervisor, the training procedure, and the rating systems. The major focus of research has been on training in the core conditions of facilitative communication. Modeling techniques have been used effectively in practicum, didactic approaches have been more effective than experiential approaches, and audiotape procedures in training were as effective as videotape techniques.  相似文献   

This research partially replicated Nilsson and Anderson’s Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (2004) study on training and supervising international students. It investigated the relationships among international counseling students’ training level, acculturation, supervisory working alliance (SWA), counseling self-efficacy (COSE), role ambiguity (RA) and multicultural discussion (MD) in supervision. In the present study (N = 71), two acculturation variables and RA predicted SWA. SWA and MD did not predict COSE, while language use in acculturation did. Training level differences were only associated with COSE. Findings indicate that supervisors should attend to role ambiguity and multicultural issues when supervising international students, including acculturation issues and their impact on students’ performance. Results are discussed against Nilsson and Anderson’s original study and the implications for supervision of international counseling students.  相似文献   

Fifty-one supervisees varying in both experience and training (a) judged 44 specific supervisor behaviors for the frequency that they were implemented in supervision and (b) judged supervision effectiveness, which was assessed on five separate scales. Factor analysis of the supervisor behaviors revealed four factors: Evaluative Support, Time/Structure, Method of Supervision, and Rapport. Results from multivariate analysis of variance showed that one factor, Method of Supervision, was statistically significant with beginning trainees emphasizing more the mechanics and task of supervision. Other trends showed that experienced supervisees entertained a less structured interaction with supervisors that was more supportive and considered more effective. Analysis of specific supervisor behaviors gave support to the notion that supervision over time can be conceptualized as a developmental process.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationship among trainees' counseling experience, familiarity with specific client symptomatology, case conceptualization integrative complexity (i.e., the ability to differentiate and integrate knowledge related to specific client symptomatology), and preference for supervisor style. Data from 100 beginning practicum to intern‐level counselor trainees revealed that general trainee experience and familiarity with specific client symptomatology were related to trainee case conceptualization integrative complexity. However, contrary to developmental models of counselor supervision, neither trainee experience, familiarity with specific symptomatology, nor trainee case conceptualization integrative complexity significantly predicted preference for supervisor style.  相似文献   

The article describes a triadic method of supervision that can be adapted to several settings, including the training of students in both counseling and supervision, as well as mutual peer supervision in employment settings. The triadic method reduces the complexities of the supervision process to teachable elements. As students learn to function alternately in the three roles of supervisor, commentator, and facilitator, they refine their skills in the four following basic processes of supervision: (a) the presentation of their counseling work, (b) the art of critical commentary, (c) the engagement in meaningful dialogue, and (d) the deepening of the here-and-now process inherent in supervision.  相似文献   

The learning of supervision implies not only acquisition of formal knowledge but also changes in the learner. Because these changes cannot be completely specified at the outset, the way a supervisor learns must be through a mixture of experiential and didactic teaching. The dialectic between the “inner” and the “outer” learnings required for counselors to change their roles to becoming supervisors forms the substance of this article. Early in the course, the class was fascinated by the seeming inevitability of “parallel process” issues between supervisor, trainee, and client. In the second half of the year, the beginning supervisors took on a new group of trainees and learned the importance of having a developmental model to guide their work. The bias in the course as a whole was that all learning requires a change in relationship, that supervision needs to be understood developmentally, and that it is best to treat beginning supervisors and trainees as creative geniuses.  相似文献   

This article describes an approach to teaching consultation and supervision. The course treats the two helping processes as natural outgrowths of counseling within an integrated conceptual framework. The course is not meant to train specialists in consultation and supervision. Rather, it is designed to help future practitioners gain adequate understanding of the two helping functions and acquire attitudes and skills required for consulting and supervisory roles. The didactic component of the course is based on the Three-Dimensional Intervention Model. It helps clarify the generic unity and specific differences of consultation and supervision vis-à-vis counseling. The course structure also provides students with opportunities to adapt counseling skills to situations typical in consulting and supervisory work.  相似文献   

This study tested the Skilled Group Counseling Training Model (SGCTM) and a related instrument, the Skilled Group Counseling Scale. Retraining of raters and later rescoring of data from a previous study resulted in an improvement of interrater reliability; a factor‐analytic study of the scale revealed a single, global factor; and students in a group counseling class who were trained in the model used at least 80% of the SGCTM skills during three videotaped, simulated group counseling sessions. During these sessions, the students adhered to one of three counseling theories (Person‐Centered, Gestalt, and Rational‐Emotive Behavioral Therapy).  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the effectiveness of the Skilled Counselor Training Model (SCTM; M. H. Smaby, C. D. Maddux, E. Torres‐Rivera, & R. Zimmick, 1999) in teaching counseling skills and in fostering counselor cognitive complexity. Counselor trainees who completed the SCTM had better counseling skills and higher levels of cognitive complexity than did counselor trainees who did not receive the training. Before training, both experimental and control group participants overestimated their skills performance. The control group persisted in this overestimation after training, whereas students who completed the SCTM had a much more accurate self‐assessment. Results suggest that skills‐based training may improve counseling skills and cognitive complexity in counselor trainees.  相似文献   

Little research has focused on the actual supervision session and its relationship to trainee functioning. Nineteen supervision dyads were selected to study this relationship. Tapes of supervision sessions and trainee therapy sessions were collected at three time intervals and rated by independent judges using the Carkhuff scales. Data were collected over a 15-week semester at the first, eighth, and fifteenth weeks. Supervisor dimensions of genuinesness, respect, and concreteness were significantly related to trainee level of functioning on these same dimensions for all time intervals, except for respect at T, and concreteness at T2. There was no significant relationship between supervisors' empathy level in supervision and trainees' empathy level in therapy. Trainee perceptions of supervisor offered conditions, as measured by the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory, were not significantly related to their own level of functioning in therapy. The type of supervision offered (didactic or experiential) was not significantly related to higher levels of trainee genuineness and empathy at T3.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the process of peer supervision. The criterion used was counselor trainees' growth in facilitative functioning. The study sought to ascertain whether the facilitative counselor trainee was also the effective peer supervisor, to provide information on evaluating the peer-supervisory experience, and to shed light on the most effective techniques of supervision. Peer supervisors were found to be effective in improving the performance of counselor trainees in the core dimensions of empathy, respect, genuineness, and concreteness. A significant positive correlation was found between peer supervisors' level of empathy in the counseling relationship and the trainees' ratings of supervisors on the relationship questionnaire. No significant correlation was found, however, between the trainees' ratings of their supervisors and the improvement demonstrated by the trainees in the core conditions. In addition, no significant correlation was found between the extent of the trainees' improvement and the supervisors' level of functioning as counselors. The relationship between trainees' responses to the supervisor role-analysis form and their improvement in counseling skills suggested that the most effective supervisors were structured, didactic, and more technique oriented.  相似文献   

An intense relationship may develop in supervision that is similar in important ways to the treatment relationship. The supervisory relationship provides a model for ethical behavior for the supervisee in addition to being an important adjunct of counseling. Thus, the nature of supervision may have either positive or negative consequences in terms of treatment outcome. The supervisor is accountable for this delicate and complex relationship without the benefit of specific ethical guidelines. The supervisee is in a potentially vulnerable and powerless position without the protection of standards for behavior articulated. Ethical issues involved in supervision are raised in this article for potential resolution by the profession in an effort to protect the supervisor and supervisee and to enhance the quality of supervision.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the facilitative dimensions of empathy, warmth, and genuineness and the variables of interpersonal attraction and experience within the relationship known as counseling supervision. A total of 71 supervisor subjects responded to an author-constructed analogue of supervision, and their responses were rated utilizing a modified version of the Carkhuff Scales (1969). The results revealed that interpersonal attraction differentially affects the three facilitative dimensions and that experience mediates attraction differentially depending on the type rather than the amount of experience the supervisor has had.  相似文献   

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