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邓小平理论和中国传统文化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓小平理论同中国古代优秀传统化之间存在着必然的联系,具有中国传统化的某些特点。主要表现有:一、中国传统化中的民本思想,在邓小平理论中化为富民强国方略的重要内容。二、中国传统化中和谐均衡的思想对邓小平的思想方法有很大影响,在邓小平理论中表现为正确处理复杂矛盾、统筹把握全局形势的斗争艺术和政治才能。三、中国传统化中“厚德载物”的精神在邓小平身上表现为伟大人格和道德权威,使邓小平理论具有万众归心的凝聚力。四、邓小平善于从传统的世俗化中吸收众口相传的朴素真理,使邓小平理论中的一些深刻的哲理用群众喜闻乐见的形式来表述,易于理解并深入人心。邓小平对历史遗产和化传统采取批判继承的态度,十分注意引导全党和人民群众清除封建主义的影响。  相似文献   

周逢俊立足中国传统化精神的维度,通过对中国传统笔墨的认识,强化和提高其思想及艺术境界。无论从笔墨意象到诗词情境、书法之韵,均贴近传统,致其作品折射地道的中国传统化风范。周逢俊将其对传统化精神的研究,融会于个人情感体验和对自然的独特感悟上,他的山水世界完成了其精神上的还乡。他饱读诗书,以词意而绘事,传承人古风。他用墨典贵清高,气息悠远雅致,用笔纵横排挫,书法意味深长。可以说,周逢俊是现代一位在中国传统化背景下颇具学术个案研究价值的中国水墨代表性画家。[第一段]  相似文献   

1927年6月,博学多识而又深深迷恋于中国传统化的王国维,在“独上高楼,望断天崖路”之后,再也承受不住因传统化衰落而带来的痛苦,终于在颐和园投湖自尽。时人对他的死因有种种说法,唯有陈寅恪从“化”的意义上提出了自己的看法。陈、王二人共事  相似文献   

中国企业文化建设的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业化建设是近年来人们十分关注的一个重要问题。本认为:企业化建设应继承和发扬中国优秀传统化,并注意吸收外来化的精华,融入现代意识、市场意识,进行传统化与现代明,东西方化互融互补的整合创新,创建一种既具民族性、传统性,又具国际性、现代性的中国企业化。它必须适应我国市场经济、经济全球化以及知识经济时代的需求。企业化的构建要以建立现代企业制度为核心和前提。没有现代企业制度则无所谓企业化。  相似文献   

方汉文 《寻根》2002,(6):4-7
吴化是中国传统化的主体构成之一,它是长江流域化的典型代表,是良渚等多种古代化类型的延续,与黄河流域的商周明共同构成了中国化主体。  相似文献   

王云庄 《寻根》2001,(6):61-63
寿,是人类对于生命的无限奥秘不断追寻的亘古梦想。在中国,千百年来,寿与福禄禧并列而用,成为美满、吉祥的象征。中国的寿与儒家的修身、佛家的养性、道家的效法自然,与中国传统化的生命观、伦理观、价值观,都有着内在的联系。  相似文献   

中国是一个历史悠久的多民族的明古国,在各族人民的共同努力下,创造了璀璨的中华化,使中华民族成为具有优秀化传统的民族。而政治化作为社会化总体的亚化,在中国传统化中的重要地位,已引起人们的重视和关注。对于中国传统的  相似文献   

由四川省社会科学院中西化研究所主办,国际利氏学社,成都恩威集团电子商务部中国传统化网,四川省社科院中华儒学、道学、佛学化研究中心协办的2000年成都“发展与环保:西部大开发中四川的走向”学术研讨会于7月3日至5日在四川成都都江堰市召开。来自法国、韩国、美国和中国大陆与台湾  相似文献   

去年9月28日,是我国古代名的思想家、教育家、中国传统化的卓越代表、儒家学派的开山祖师——孔子诞辰2550周年纪念日。海内外的炎黄子孙们怀着无比崇敬的心情举行了隆重的庆典,举办了各种各样的纪念活动。9月6日,在首都博物馆所在地——北京国子监孔庙内,  相似文献   

缅甸是个有着悠久传统化的国家。自中缅建交以来,两国之间的化艺术交流一直十分频繁。近年来,几乎每年都有缅甸歌舞团来华访问演出。其实,中缅之间的化交流早在中国唐代就已经开始了。那时候,缅甸使团来到当时的首都长安城,给中国人民带来了缅甸的歌舞。  相似文献   

袁广阔 《寻根》2002,(2):41-45
自1953年郑州二里岗发现商城外城墙至今已经50年,在这长达半个世纪的时间内,商城的田野考古一直没有停顿,距今3500余年的商城的神秘面纱逐渐被层层揭去。近年来,随着新的考古发现的增加以及考古研究的深入,可以确定郑州商城是一座由宫城、内城和外郭城组成的规模庞大的城址,其总面积应超过16平方公里,是我国目前发现的最大的商城。  相似文献   

The ideas of Bandung had echoes in the anti-colonial and decolonization movement in the Anglophone Caribbean from the 1950s to the 1970s. These echoes were signals of international solidarity that emerged among the political leadership and radicalized publics in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. That sense of solidarity has been replaced by pragmatic business relations in the era of global neo-liberalism and the growing role of China and other ex-colonies as economic powers. There is an urgent need for renewal of mutually beneficial political association among ex-colonial countries. The spectres of racism and racial stereotypes need to be confronted in the building of stronger economic relations. These racial stereotypes arise from the growth of anti-black racism over the past 500 years. Similarly, racial stereotypes of Chinese and other peoples of Asia are rooted in colonial histories. New political relations cannot be based exclusively on trade and economic relations but on an explicit elaboration of ideas that can encourage discussion, debate and the development of institutions. These new political ideas can build on shared principles in an anti-racist direction, which helps to restore human dignity to international relations.  相似文献   

她给儿子过4岁生日那天,儿子仰着小脸问:妈妈,你的生日是哪一天呢?她愣住了。  相似文献   

Since when has the word ‘border’ started to occupy my mind? That's I can't tell. But, once in a while, the forgotten memories are suddenly brought back to life in the vaguest fashion, and often out of the context. They come out of nowhere. Out of a labyrinth of time, it seems. I was born and grew up on a small island, some 400 kilometers east of the Okinawa Island. It was an island of immigrants who had sought a job at the sugar factory owned by a wealthy family from Japan. It was also an island of diasporas. Many islanders had some experience of crossing ‘borders’ for all sorts of reasons.  相似文献   


The 1997 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts examines the extent to which adult Americans throughout the US participate in the arts ‐ by attending live events and exhibitions, listening to and watching broadcast or recorded arts programmes, as well as personally performing or creating art themselves.

Respondents indicate that 35 per cent of American adults visited an art museum or gallery at least once in 1997. Other popular activities included attending ‘musical plays’ (25 per cent), non‐musical plays and classical music (both 16 per cent). Twelve per cent of the populated went to performances of jazz and dance other than ballet. Reading literature and visiting a historic park or an arts/crafts fair also had high participation rates ‐ the former, 63 per cent, and the latter two, about 47 per cent.

The chapter is divided into eight sections. The first three sections describe total participation, rates of participation, and participation by demographic group for each arts activity by types of participation: attendance at live events, participation through media, and active participation. The fourth section is devoted to socialisation, the amount of education and exposure to the arts. The fifth compares participation rates for the arts and other leisure activities. The sixth section focuses on music preferences, and the seventh on the geographical distribution of participation in the arts. The final section presents a summary and conclusions. Appendices to the report provide background and history of the survey, details of its methodology and analysis, and the questions asked in the survey.  相似文献   

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