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Community question answering (CQA) services that enable users to ask and answer questions are popular on the internet. Each user can simultaneously play the roles of asker and answerer. Some work has aimed to model the roles of users for potential applications in CQA. However, the dynamic characteristics of user roles have not been addressed. User roles vary over time. This paper explores user representation by tracking user-role evolution, which could enable several potential applications in CQA, such as question recommendation. We believe this paper is the first to track user-role evolution and investigate its influence on the performance of question recommendation in CQA. Moreover, we propose a time-aware role model (TRM) to effectively track user-role evolution. With different independence assumptions, two variants of TRM are developed. Finally, we present the TRM-based approach to question recommendation, which provides a mechanism to naturally integrate the user-role evolution with content relevance between the answerer and the question into a unified probabilistic framework. Experiments using real-world data from Stack Overflow show that (1) the TRM is valid for tracking user-role evolution, and (2) compared with baselines utilizing role based methods, our TRM-based approach consistently and significantly improves the performance of question recommendation. Hence, our approach could enable several potential applications in CQA.  相似文献   

We address the problem of finding similar historical questions that are semantically equivalent or relevant to an input query question in community question-answering (CQA) sites. One of the main challenges for this task is that questions are usually too long and often contain peripheral information in addition to the main goals of the question. To address this problem, we propose an end-to-end Hierarchical Compare Aggregate (HCA) model that can handle this problem without using any task-specific features. We first split questions into sentences and compare every sentence pair of the two questions using a proposed Word-Level-Compare-Aggregate model called WLCA-model and then the comparison results are aggregated with a proposed Sentence-Level-Compare-Aggregate model to make the final decision. To handle the insufficient training data problem, we propose a sequential transfer learning approach to pre-train the WLCA-model on a large paraphrase detection dataset. Our experiments on two editions of the Semeval benchmark datasets and the domain-specific AskUbuntu dataset show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art models.  相似文献   

Recent studies point out that VQA models tend to rely on the language prior in the training data to answer the questions, which prevents the VQA model from generalization on the out-of-distribution test data. To address this problem, approaches are designed to reduce the language distribution prior effect by constructing negative image–question pairs, while they cannot provide the proper visual reason for answering the question. In this paper, we present a new debiasing framework for VQA by Learning to Sample paired image–question and Prompt for given question (LSP). Specifically, we construct the negative image–question pairs with certain sampling rate to prevent the model from overly relying on the visual shortcut content. Notably, question types provide a strong hint for answering the questions. We utilize question type to constrain the sampling process for negative question–image pairs, and further learn the question type-guided prompt for better question comprehension. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks, VQA-CP v2 and VQA v2, demonstrate that our model achieves new state-of-the-art results in overall accuracy, i.e., 61.95% and 65.26%.  相似文献   

In the process of online storytelling, individual users create and consume highly diverse content that contains a great deal of implicit beliefs and not plainly expressed narrative. It is hard to manually detect these implicit beliefs, intentions and moral foundations of the writers.We study and investigate two different tasks, each of which reflect the difficulty of detecting an implicit user’s knowledge, intent or belief that may be based on writer’s moral foundation: (1) political perspective detection in news articles (2) identification of informational vs. conversational questions in community question answering (CQA) archives. In both tasks we first describe new interesting annotated datasets and make the datasets publicly available. Second, we compare various classification algorithms, and show the differences in their performance on both tasks. Third, in political perspective detection task we utilize a narrative representation language of local press to identify perspective differences between presumably neutral American and British press.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generative model, the Topic-based User Interest (TUI) model, to capture the user interest in the User-Interactive Question Answering (UIQA) systems. Specifically, our method aims to model the user interest in the UIQA systems with latent topic method, and extract interests for users by mining the questions they asked, the categories they participated in and relevant answer providers. We apply the TUI model to the application of question recommendation, which automatically recommends to certain user appropriate questions he might be interested in. Data collection from Yahoo! Answers is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model in question recommendation, and the experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed model.  相似文献   

Question answering (QA) aims at finding exact answers to a user’s question from a large collection of documents. Most QA systems combine information retrieval with extraction techniques to identify a set of likely candidates and then utilize some ranking strategy to generate the final answers. This ranking process can be challenging, as it entails identifying the relevant answers amongst many irrelevant ones. This is more challenging in multi-strategy QA, in which multiple answering agents are used to extract answer candidates. As answer candidates come from different agents with different score distributions, how to merge answer candidates plays an important role in answer ranking. In this paper, we propose a unified probabilistic framework which combines multiple evidence to address challenges in answer ranking and answer merging. The hypotheses of the paper are that: (1) the framework effectively combines multiple evidence for identifying answer relevance and their correlation in answer ranking, (2) the framework supports answer merging on answer candidates returned by multiple extraction techniques, (3) the framework can support list questions as well as factoid questions, (4) the framework can be easily applied to a different QA system, and (5) the framework significantly improves performance of a QA system. An extensive set of experiments was done to support our hypotheses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework. All of the work substantially extends the preliminary research in Ko et al. (2007a). A probabilistic framework for answer selection in question answering. In: Proceedings of NAACL/HLT.  相似文献   

Question Answering (QA) systems are developed to answer human questions. In this paper, we have proposed a framework for answering definitional and factoid questions, enriched by machine learning and evolutionary methods and integrated in a web-based QA system. Our main purpose is to build new features by combining state-of-the-art features with arithmetic operators. To accomplish this goal, we have presented a Genetic Programming (GP)-based approach. The exact GP duty is to find the most promising formulas, made by a set of features and operators, which can accurately rank paragraphs, sentences, and words. We have also developed a QA system in order to test the new features. The input of our system is texts of documents retrieved by a search engine. To answer definitional questions, our system performs paragraph ranking and returns the most related paragraph. Moreover, in order to answer factoid questions, the system evaluates sentences of the filtered paragraphs ranked by the previous module of our framework. After this phase, the system extracts one or more words from the ranked sentences based on a set of hand-made patterns and ranks them to find the final answer. We have used Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) QA track questions, web data, and AQUAINT and AQUAINT-2 datasets for training and testing our system. Results show that the learned features can perform a better ranking in comparison with other evaluation formulas.  相似文献   

The classical probabilistic models attempt to capture the ad hoc information retrieval problem within a rigorous probabilistic framework. It has long been recognized that the primary obstacle to the effective performance of the probabilistic models is the need to estimate a relevance model. The Dirichlet compound multinomial (DCM) distribution based on the Polya Urn scheme, which can also be considered as a hierarchical Bayesian model, is a more appropriate generative model than the traditional multinomial distribution for text documents. We explore a new probabilistic model based on the DCM distribution, which enables efficient retrieval and accurate ranking. Because the DCM distribution captures the dependency of repetitive word occurrences, the new probabilistic model based on this distribution is able to model the concavity of the score function more effectively. To avoid the empirical tuning of retrieval parameters, we design several parameter estimation algorithms to automatically set model parameters. Additionally, we propose a pseudo-relevance feedback algorithm based on the mixture modeling of the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution to further improve retrieval accuracy. Finally, our experiments show that both the baseline probabilistic retrieval algorithm based on the DCM distribution and the corresponding pseudo-relevance feedback algorithm outperform the existing language modeling systems on several TREC retrieval tasks. The main objective of this research is to develop an effective probabilistic model based on the DCM distribution. A secondary objective is to provide a thorough understanding of the probabilistic retrieval model by a theoretical understanding of various text distribution assumptions.  相似文献   

This paper describes how questions can be characterized for question answering (QA) along different facets and focuses on questions that cannot be answered directly but can be divided into simpler ones so that they can be answered directly using existing QA capabilities. Since individual answers are composed to generate the final answer, we call this process as compositional QA. The goal of the proposed QA method is to answer a composite question by dividing it into atomic ones, instead of developing an entirely new method tailored for the new question type. A question is analyzed automatically to determine its class, and its sub-questions are sent to the relevant QA modules. Answers returned from the individual QA modules are composed based on the predetermined plan corresponding to the question type. The experimental results based on 615 questions show that the compositional QA approach outperforms the simple routing method by about 17%. Considering 115 composite questions only, the F-score was almost tripled from the baseline.  相似文献   

Visual Question Answering (VQA) requires reasoning about the visually-grounded relations in the image and question context. A crucial aspect of solving complex questions is reliable multi-hop reasoning, i.e., dynamically learning the interplay between visual entities in each step. In this paper, we investigate the potential of the reasoning graph network on multi-hop reasoning questions, especially over 3 “hops.” We call this model QMRGT: A Question-Guided Multi-hop Reasoning Graph Network. It constructs a cross-modal interaction module (CIM) and a multi-hop reasoning graph network (MRGT) and infers an answer by dynamically updating the inter-associated instruction between two modalities. Our graph reasoning module can apply to any multi-modal model. The experiments on VQA 2.0 and GQA (in fully supervised and O.O.D settings) datasets show that both QMRGT and pre-training V&L models+MRGT lead to improvement on visual question answering tasks. Graph-based multi-hop reasoning provides an effective signal for the visual question answering challenge, both for the O.O.D and high-level reasoning questions.  相似文献   

Question answering systems assist users in satisfying their information needs more precisely by providing focused responses to their questions. Among the various systems developed for such a purpose, community-based question answering has recently received researchers’ attention due to the large amount of user-generated questions and answers in social question-and-answer platforms. Reusing such data sources requires an accurate information retrieval component enhanced by a question classifier. The question classification gives the system the possibility to have information about question categories to focus on questions and answers from relevant categories to the input question. In this paper, we propose a new method based on unsupervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation for classifying questions in community-based question answering. Our method first uses unsupervised topic modeling to extract topics from a large amount of unlabeled data. The learned topics are then used in the training phase to find their association with the available category labels in the training data. The category mixture of topics is finally used to predict the label of unseen data.  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on the problem of question ranking in community question answering (cQA) forums in Arabic. We address the task with machine learning algorithms using advanced Arabic text representations. The latter are obtained by applying tree kernels to constituency parse trees combined with textual similarities, including word embeddings. Our two main contributions are: (i) an Arabic language processing pipeline based on UIMA—from segmentation to constituency parsing—built on top of Farasa, a state-of-the-art Arabic language processing toolkit; and (ii) the application of long short-term memory neural networks to identify the best text fragments in questions to be used in our tree-kernel-based ranker. Our thorough experimentation on a recently released cQA dataset shows that the Arabic linguistic processing provided by Farasa produces strong results and that neural networks combined with tree kernels further boost the performance in terms of both efficiency and accuracy. Our approach also enables an implicit comparison between different processing pipelines as our tests on Farasa and Stanford parsers demonstrate.  相似文献   

Students use general web search engines as their primary source of research while trying to find answers to school-related questions. Although search engines are highly relevant for the general population, they may return results that are out of educational context. Another rising trend; social community question answering websites are the second choice for students who try to get answers from other peers online. We attempt discovering possible improvements in educational search by leveraging both of these information sources. For this purpose, we first implement a classifier for educational questions. This classifier is built by an ensemble method that employs several regular learning algorithms and retrieval based approaches that utilize external resources. We also build a query expander to facilitate classification. We further improve the classification using search engine results and obtain 83.5% accuracy. Although our work is entirely based on the Turkish language, the features could easily be mapped to other languages as well. In order to find out whether search engine ranking can be improved in the education domain using the classification model, we collect and label a set of query results retrieved from a general web search engine. We propose five ad-hoc methods to improve search ranking based on the idea that the query-document category relation is an indicator of relevance. We evaluate these methods for overall performance, varying query length and based on factoid and non-factoid queries. We show that some of the methods significantly improve the rankings in the education domain.  相似文献   

Passage ranking has attracted considerable attention due to its importance in information retrieval (IR) and question answering (QA). Prior works have shown that pre-trained language models (e.g. BERT) can improve ranking performance. However, these simple BERT-based methods tend to focus on passage terms that exactly match the question, which makes them easily fooled by the overlapping but irrelevant (distracting) passages. To solve this problem, we propose a self-matching attention-pooling mechanism (SMAP) to highlight the Essential Terms in the question-passage pairs. Further, we propose a hybrid passage ranking architecture, called BERT-SMAP, which combines SMAP with BERT to more effectively identify distracting passages and downplay their influence. BERT-SMAP uses the representations obtained through SMAP to enhance BERT’s classification mechanism as an interaction-focused neural ranker, and as the inputs of a matching function. Experimental results on three evaluation datasets show that our model outperforms the previous best BERTbase-based approaches, and is comparable to the state-of-the-art method that utilizes a much stronger pre-trained language model.  相似文献   

Question categorization, which suggests one of a set of predefined categories to a user’s question according to the question’s topic or content, is a useful technique in user-interactive question answering systems. In this paper, we propose an automatic method for question categorization in a user-interactive question answering system. This method includes four steps: feature space construction, topic-wise words identification and weighting, semantic mapping, and similarity calculation. We firstly construct the feature space based on all accumulated questions and calculate the feature vector of each predefined category which contains certain accumulated questions. When a new question is posted, the semantic pattern of the question is used to identify and weigh the important words of the question. After that, the question is semantically mapped into the constructed feature space to enrich its representation. Finally, the similarity between the question and each category is calculated based on their feature vectors. The category with the highest similarity is assigned to the question. The experimental results show that our proposed method achieves good categorization precision and outperforms the traditional categorization methods on the selected test questions.  相似文献   

With the advances in natural language processing (NLP) techniques and the need to deliver more fine-grained information or answers than a set of documents, various QA techniques have been developed corresponding to different question and answer types. A comprehensive QA system must be able to incorporate individual QA techniques as they are developed and integrate their functionality to maximize the system’s overall capability in handling increasingly diverse types of questions. To this end, a new QA method was developed to learn strategies for determining module invocation sequences and boosting answer weights for different types of questions. In this article, we examine the roles and effects of the answer verification and weight boosting method, which is the main core of the automatically generated strategy-driven QA framework, in comparison with a strategy-less, straightforward answer-merging approach and a strategy-driven but with manually constructed strategies.  相似文献   

Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is a challenging task in the field of artificial intelligence. Most existing MRC works contain a semantic matching module, either explicitly or intrinsically, to determine whether a piece of context answers a question. However, there is scant work which systematically evaluates different paradigms using semantic matching in MRC. In this paper, we conduct a systematic empirical study on semantic matching. We formulate a two-stage framework which consists of a semantic matching model and a reading model, based on pre-trained language models. We compare and analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of using semantic matching modules with different setups on four types of MRC datasets. We verify that using semantic matching before a reading model improves both the effectiveness and efficiency of MRC. Compared with answering questions by extracting information from concise context, we observe that semantic matching yields more improvements for answering questions with noisy and adversarial context. Matching coarse-grained context to questions, e.g., paragraphs, is more effective than matching fine-grained context, e.g., sentences and spans. We also find that semantic matching is helpful for answering who/where/when/what/how/which questions, whereas it decreases the MRC performance on why questions. This may imply that semantic matching helps to answer a question whose necessary information can be retrieved from a single sentence. The above observations demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of using semantic matching in different scenarios.  相似文献   

Humans are able to reason from multiple sources to arrive at the correct answer. In the context of Multiple Choice Question Answering (MCQA), knowledge graphs can provide subgraphs based on different combinations of questions and answers, mimicking the way humans find answers. However, current research mainly focuses on independent reasoning on a single graph for each question–answer pair, lacking the ability for joint reasoning among all answer candidates. In this paper, we propose a novel method KMSQA, which leverages multiple subgraphs from the large knowledge graph ConceptNet to model the comprehensive reasoning process. We further encode the knowledge graphs with shared Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and perform joint reasoning across multiple subgraphs. We evaluate our model on two common datasets: CommonsenseQA (CSQA) and OpenBookQA (OBQA). Our method achieves an exact match score of 74.53% on CSQA and 71.80% on OBQA, outperforming all eight baselines.  相似文献   

张书明 《科教文汇》2012,(30):101-101,107
课堂教学的方法中,提问法是一种常用的方法.通常是老师负责提问,学生负责回答,因此也称为问答法。提问的目的在于使学生思维得到开发,能够真正对知识融会贯通。在初中的数学教学中,提问法经常被使用.而老师提问的技巧也多种多样,例如趣味提问法、发散提问法、悬念提问法以及铺垫提问法等等,因此本文通过对初中数学教学中的提问技巧进行分析,从而找出能够促进学生思维发展的提问方法.  相似文献   

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