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带小宝宝外出,你遇到过喂奶的槛尬吗?公共场所的育婴室,可能并不多,情急下当众哺乳的情况也时有发生。你遇到过哪些突发状况,有什么小窍门能轻松化解吗?产假休满上班,很多妈妈成了背奶一族,在单位如何吸奶,能找到合适的地方吗?有过哪些尴尬经历,又有哪些经验和建议?一起来说说,关于喂奶的那些尴尬事儿!  相似文献   

《青年教师》:你这么年轻,给孩子们咨询时遇到尴尬吗?韩鑫桐:当然遇到过。我记得我刚上班时,遇到一个男孩子跟我说,他与一女生发生了性关系,我问几次,他答两次,我很惊讶。那时,许多问题,我自己都不懂。  相似文献   

你有没有遇到过这样的尴尬:在安静的地方发出较大的响声,或是在人多的时候忍不住想answer the call of nature(上厕所)……怎样从容地应对这些“突发情况”?下面这些建议将会为你“排忧解难”。一起来看看吧!。  相似文献   

容琼芳 《广东教育》2006,(11):69-69
“老师,您的字写错了。”有时,我们在课堂上会遇到这样的尴尬,不过这只是一个很小的问题.你可以很轻易地解决。但当你遇到一个实在不能解决的问题时.该如何处理呢?  相似文献   

你会为同行游人的滑稽行为而感到尴尬吗?你也曾为自己的失礼而感到内疚吗?来到一个陌生的地方,你很难马上了解当地的习惯、礼仪,因而常常会做出各种尴尬的行为。令当地人抓狂。以下列出了游客令当地人头疼的几大行为:  相似文献   

这是发生在某校科任教师和学生之间的一起冲突:两个学生在课堂上互抢帽子。老师点了一个学生的名:“你为啥不听讲还捣乱?”学生:“他抢我的帽子。”“他为什么只抢你的帽子?”学生无话可说,只好反诘:“你为啥只批评我?”批评教育形成僵局,场面尴尬难堪,批评教育失效!  相似文献   

与人打交道,向别人介绍自己,这是大家懂事以后不可避免要遇到的事情:叔叔阿姨们会问你的名字年龄;老师会让你当着全班人的面做自我介绍;就连很多同龄人也会向你打听你的基本情况……这对一些天生大胆、大方的同学来讲可能不算什么;但是生性腼腆、胆小的同学们呢?让我们先看一下《交际剧场》,体验一下甜甜那一整天的尴尬吧。[编者按]  相似文献   

本期问题:现在,全国上下都在为中小学减负,教育行政部门和学校都出台了许多减负的措施。幼儿园的孩子要不要减负?减什么?怎么减? 11月问题:幼儿园来了几位参观的容人。中班的强强正在看图书,一位客人老师对强强说:“你好,小朋友,你看的是什么呀?”“我才不愿理你呢!”强强头也不抬地说。如果你是强强班上的老师,你如何处理这尴尬局面?  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。 想一想:你开过别人的玩笑吗?你是怎么做的?整蛊别人有什么危险吗? 考试:本文有助干你备考CAE、IELTS和TOEFL等考试。总有那么一些人喜欢没事找点乐子,于是就拿身边的人开玩笑。作为新员工,更是容易被别人整蛊。你有没有遇到过这种情况呢?  相似文献   

化妆画出各种尴尬,这样的情况你有没有:画完妆唇膏却沾到牙龄上?涂完眼影的时候,却发现睑颊上都是眼影亮粉?  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aims were: (1) to examine the profile of African street children and to assess the link between street children in Africa and political violence; (2) to undertake a systematic examination of causal factors of street children in postgenocide Rwanda; and (3) to situate this analysis in the context of the socio-cultural and political impact of the genocide on Rwandan communities. METHOD: Observational mapping examined the profile and activities of Rwandan street children. Structured interviews were carried out with 290 children in four regional towns to obtain information on socio-demographic, familial, educational background, causal factors surrounding street life involvement, psychological well-being, and relationship to the street. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews examined the relationship between street children and the broader Rwandan society. RESULTS: Street children in Rwanda were predominantly adolescent boys, almost half of whom were homeless (42%), with a high proportion of orphaned children or children who had lost at least one parent. Two variables predicted homelessness: child's guardian and reason for being in street. Qualitative accounts of children conveyed the impact of death of family members, repatriation, imprisonment of parents, and poverty on their lives. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis highlighted the need for community based support for children in alternative guardianship care and for policies to support the reintegration of male youths in postconflict welfare strategies as prevention strategies for street migration.  相似文献   

明代晚期市井文化的兴盛对当时的文学艺术都产生了巨大的影响,作为当时文化载体之一的书籍在市井文化的熏陶下呈现出一种不同于之前的活泼形态。本文试从市井文化入手,探讨在这场文化浪潮下人们审美及消费心理的变化给书籍带来的种种影响。  相似文献   

唐代长安城街鼓考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐代长安城的街鼓,具有报警和晨昏报时的双重功能。街鼓之声不仅是京城城门、皇城、宫城城门及宫门开启和关闭的标志性信号,也是百官上朝、办公的时钟,同时还是维护禁夜制度的法律依据,对长安坊市的有效管理起着积极作用。从这个意义上说,长安街鼓不仅调节着京城生活的正常节奏,而且也规范了长安居民的城内生活和城外活动,对于维系大唐的时序具有重要意义。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study documents the extent and impact of perceived patterns of behavior in a sample of youths of the streets of Ibadan, Nigeria, with the purpose of implementing a Life Skills Educational (LSE) intervention. METHOD: The study uses both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Qualitatively, two Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and two in-depth interviews (IDI) with 20 boys and 2 community leaders were conducted on separate occasions for the purpose of eliciting commonly exhibited behaviors and patterns of street youth. Quantitatively, 169 youths (89.3% male) were consecutively interviewed from five subcultural areas in Ibadan, Nigeria. Street youths were accessed through a snowballing technique made possible by "Area boys" (AB, adults, who serve as a symbol of authority for street children). RESULTS: The mean age of participants was 18.4 years. The majority was on the street for financial reasons, had been on the street for more than 1 year, and had not completed their primary schooling. While youths of the street were economically viable, 69% had a history of alcohol abuse, 14% of drug abuse, and 24% operated as drug couriers; 46% reported school refusal, 27% school suspension, and 47% school truancy. Forty-nine percent admitted to being sex workers and 11% had been raped and were, therefore, at risk of contacting sexually transmitted diseases (STD). One-third of youths had been arrested for various offenses, including street fighting and drug use. While females were in the minority, they were more likely to engage in antisocial behaviors compared with boys. CONCLUSIONS: Although many youths of the street display antisocial behaviors, they also are an economically viable group. Some of their antisocial behaviors may have been exhibited within the context of economic survival. Implementing a life skill program to address these antisocial behaviors may help to increase the well being of street youths in developing countries in Africa.  相似文献   

哇,愚人节到了!今天要是不找几个人来捉弄一下岂非太对不住自己了吗?好,现在就教你几招“害人的”手段!不过,要记住,我们的目的只是小小地捉弄一下别人,千万不要做得太过分哦!  相似文献   

成都市区部分街道的路牌、导向牌存在拼写不规范、不一致现象,如汉语拼音和英语混写、汉语拼音全部大写、路牌导向牌拼写不一致等。这是由于路牌和导向牌的管理部门不同,加上国家相关标准的制定不够完善,给路牌、导向牌的拼写统一增加了难度而导致的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper examines the findings from recent studies of street children in Ethiopia. METHODS: Following a discussion of the term "street children," comparisons are drawn between Latin American and Ethiopian street children in terms of gender, age, reasons for going to the streets, family relations and structure, delinquency, drug use, groups and the outcomes of street life. In particular, the victimization of street children in Ethiopia is examined. RESULTS: Widespread abuse of street children was reported. More than half of the street boys questioned reported being "regularly" physically attacked. Street life is also highly victimogenic for street girls. Sexual offences, in particular, were widespread. Forty four percent had been raped and a further 26% had been sexually attacked. CONCLUSIONS: Similarities between Latin American street children and their Ethiopian counterparts regarding gender, background and street life experiences are noted. Comparisons concerning the victimization of street children were not possible, as this is an issue that is relatively unexamined in the Latin American context. Also, issues such as the developmental outcomes of street life and the process of leaving street life remain to be examined.  相似文献   

墙是“街道”与“家”之间的重要界限,一墙之隔便“内外有别”。作为外部空间的街道是一个被性别化的空间,男性是街道上的原生居民,他们享有街道的支配权。当“家”与“街道”之间那堵墙被打破之后,女性开始走出闺门,涉足街道。在街道上,女性的身体处于男性的凝视之下。作为街道新人,女性要被街道所接受,须调整自我与街道之间的关系,并且对自我身体进行改造。因此,近现代文学中出现在街道上的女性,最终经历了由物化到革命符号化的过程。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: It has been proposed that homeless street girls are more likely to be from dysfunctional families and exhibit psychological distress than homeless street boys, reflecting cultural factors that result in differential norms for male and female behavior. The current analysis examined whether male and female street youth in a mid-sized Brazilian city differed in their family circumstances and day-to-day functioning on the street. METHODS: The opportunity sample consisted of 33 male (mean age 14.3, range 10-17 years) and 33 female (mean age 14.6, range 11-18 years) street youth who participated in a sentence completion task and structured interview examining family experiences and ability to meet daily needs on the street. RESULTS: Consistent with the cultural hypothesis, girls described more negative family backgrounds than boys (e.g., they were more likely to have left home because of conflict or abuse, and reported more negative relationships with their parents). However, girls' functioning on the street was similar to, and in some cases more positive than, that of boys (e.g., fewer girls reported police violence and begging to earn money). CONCLUSIONS: The few gender differences that emerged in this study offer little support for the cultural hypothesis. The findings make sense if local factors, such as services available for male and female youth and public response to street youth, are considered. It appears that street youth differ in their experiences depending on local circumstances, highlighting the need for caution in generalizing about the situation of street youth in different countries.  相似文献   

This study investigated at what point in development 3- to 6-year-old children begin to demonstrate counterfactual reasoning by controlling for fortuitously correct answers that result from basic conditional reasoning. Basic conditional reasoning occurs when one applies typical regularities (such as "If 'whenever' it doesn't rain the street is dry") to counterfactual questions (such as "If it had not rained, would the street be wet or dry?") without regard to actual events (e.g., if street cleaners had just been washing the street). In counterfactual reasoning , however, the conditional reasoning must be constrained by actual events (according to the "nearest possible world"). In situations when counterfactual reasoning and basic conditional reasoning would yield the same answers, even the youngest children gave mostly correct answers. However, tasks in which the 2 reasoning strategies resulted in different answers proved unusually difficult even for the older children.  相似文献   

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