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Through interviews with the National Library of Medicine''s MedlinePlus Go Local collaborators, an evaluation team sought to identify process characteristics that are critical for long-term sustainability of Go Local projects and to describe the impact that Go Local projects have on sponsoring institutions.


Go Local project coordinators (n = 44) at 31 sponsor institutions participated in semi-structured interviews about their experiences developing and maintaining Go Local sites. Interviews were summarized, checked for accuracy by the participating librarians, and analyzed using a general inductive methodology.


Institutional factors that support Go Local projects were identified through the interviews, as well as strategies for staffing and partnerships with external organizations. Positive outcomes for sponsoring institutions also were identified.


The findings may influence the National Library of Medicine team''s decisions about improvements to its Go Local system and the support it provides to sponsoring institutions. The findings may benefit current sponsoring institutions as well as those considering or planning a Go Local project.


  • Many project coordinators said they underestimated the level of work their National Library of Medicine (NLM) MedlinePlus Go Local projects would require, but most expressed dedication to the project and optimism about project sustainability.
  • An institutional record of community service or outreach and a director who was supportive of the project were important factors in the progress and sustainability of Go Local projects.
  • Go Local projects brought recognition to some sponsoring institutions from their parent institutions or their communities and provided opportunities to establish better relations with other libraries and institutions.
  • Go Local projects ran more smoothly when a person, even a temporary hire, with dedicated time for the project was in charge during the initial building phase. Volunteer assistance has been difficult to motivate and sustain.


  • NLM''s Go Local proposal guidelines accurately identify the factors that institutions should pay close attention to when planning a Go Local project.
  • NLM should emphasize continuity plans to address project coordinator turnover.
  • NLM should develop a more formal orientation plan for new project coordinators to assist program continuity at the sponsoring institutions.


Key points

  • Instructions to authors about submitting papers for publication vary hugely – from none at all to whole handbooks.
  • Online submission systems have not reduced the complexity of submission and may have increased the work of authors.
  • Electronic submission processes do not appear to have been adequately ‘road tested’ with authors.
  • Some publishers are introducing more flexible submission rules that may help authors.


Key points

  • Scholarly communication – with the exception of traditional (e.g. blind and double‐blind) peer review – prizes the open exchange of ideas.
  • The aim of peer review should be engagement, not judgement.
  • Reviews that improve the quality of a work and thus advance the field are not merely service to the community, but contributions to existing scholarship, and need to be rewarded accordingly; an open and transparent review process is the first step in enabling such reviews to be properly recognized.


Key points

  • Publishers should layer on the right standards to create accessible publications.
  • Accessible publications have accessible content at the core, wrapped in semantic structure, and topped off with accessible metadata.
  • Resources to help publishers implement accessibility in their programmes are available.


Key points

  • The job of society publishers is to carry out the directives and achieve the goals set by the organization's elected and volunteer leaders.
  • Society journals form an integral part of the work and outreach of the society and its mission.
  • Scholarly societies help develop new findings and individual careers, and a publications outlet supports both of these activities.



This research measures the effectiveness of the practice of correction and republication of invalidated articles in the biomedical literature by analyzing the rate of citation of the flawed and corrected versions of scholarly articles over time. If the practice of correction and republication is effective, then the incidence of citation of flawed versions should diminish over time and increased incidence of citation of the republication should be observed.


This is a bibliometric study using citation analysis and statistical analysis of pairs of flawed and corrected articles in MEDLINE and Web of Science.


The difference between citation levels of flawed originals and corrected republications does not approach statistical significance until eight to twelve years post-republication. Results showed substantial variability among bibliographic sources in their provision of authoritative bibliographic information.


Correction and republication is a marginally effective biblioremediative practice. The data suggest that inappropriate citation behavior may be partly attributable to author ignorance.


  • The citation of flawed articles occurs at a rate nearly equal to that of corrected versions.
  • The practice of correction and republication is only marginally effective and does not prevent the continued citation of flawed articles post-correction, with the analysis finding only a slight reduction in the citation of flawed articles after publication of the corrected version.
  • Neither MEDLINE nor Web of Science consistently alert users when dealing with corrected and republished literature.


  • The practice of correction and republication would be more effective if prominent sources of bibliographic information were more consistent in providing users with information about the status of corrected and republished articles and the existence of post-publication modifications to the literature.
  • It is incumbent upon the scientific community to raise the profile of post-publication changes to the literature to prevent the wasteful and potentially tragic consequences of scientists and medical professionals applying flawed information. Failure to do so will surely result in a reduction of public trust in the reliability of the scientific literature and its users.



A systematic literature review was conducted to synthesize what is known about informationists, highlight program models, and suggest areas for future research.


Articles retrieved through database searching were reviewed for relevance. Informationist case reports were identified and coded according to an attributes checklist. Data from other retained publications were synthesized under broad themes. The few research studies found were reviewed for level of evidence.


Of 113 papers reviewed, the study identified 7 classic and 8 emerging informationist programs. Two major models are apparent, clinical and research, with priorities differing according to program maturity. The literature synthesis also brought together current thinking about informationist qualifications; practice roles; setting characteristics; education and training; organizational, programmatic, and service provider success factors; and challenges and barriers. Program outcomes to date are reported, and future research topics suggested. Specific findings will assist informationist program planners.


While the informationist concept remains in the early adopter stage, it appears that domain knowledge, continuous learning, and embedding (working in context) are essential to success. The need for librarians to transition to greater specialization and libraries to emphasize customized service was underscored. A research agenda focused on information management, dissemination, behaviors, and economics is proposed.


  • After years of emphasizing the generalist librarian, health sciences librarians must become more specialized, paralleling the health care environment in which they work.
  • An embedded informationist is more likely to achieve credibility, acceptance, and sustainability than an impersonal information service provided at a distance.
  • Subject expertise is essential for the informationist.
  • Model informationist programs with the greatest stability are library funded.
  • Because informationist programs are inherently targeted to small groups, multisite studies are necessary to achieve robust evaluation.


  • A library starting an informationist program should review existing models, identify local needs, set program objectives, and then select the most appropriate approaches for its users.
  • Programmatic emphasis should be placed on both technical and service excellence.
  • Organizational commitment is needed for knowledge integration into practice and for the informationists'' lifelong learning.



The paper analyzes the journal evaluation criteria used to create the third edition of a core list of veterinary serials to determine the impact of each criterion on the final composition of the list in order to assess the value of using multiple criteria in creating a core list.


Three additional lists were generated from criteria that were previously combined to prepare the third edition of the “Basic List of Veterinary Medical Serials”: a list based on journal recommendations from veterinary specialty organizations, another list based on journals selected by veterinary librarians, and a list based on both indexing coverage and scholarly rank. The top fifteen journals in each of the three lists were then compared to reveal potential biases. Subject representation on the full lists generated by each of these methods was also compared.


The list based on journal recommendations from veterinary specialty organizations exhibited a focus on clinically relevant titles. The list based on veterinary librarian recommendations resulted in the broadest subject coverage. The list based on indexing and scholarly rank, while emphasizing research titles, produced the largest number of unique titles.


A combination approach that includes objective evaluation measures and practical input, whether from librarians or discipline experts, can improve coverage and can result in a list that balances research-based with clinical practice journals.


  • Analysis of criteria used to create the “Basic List of Veterinary Medical Serials” reveals biases inherent in different quality measures that result in different journal emphases.
  • Use of indexing or scholarly rank is often thought of as a limiting factor, but in this study, the journals that were scored solely on these two criteria resulted in the inclusion of the greatest number of unique titles.
  • Librarian input produced the broadest subject coverage of any list.


  • An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various methodologies reveals clear evidence for using both objective and subjective criteria in developing a core list. Collection development decisions would equally benefit from this approach.
  • Comparison of the top titles on core lists underscores the value of input from practitioners or discipline experts in collection decisions.
  • Bias toward clinical content revealed in the input from the veterinary specialty organizations indicates the importance of understanding the purpose and compilation methods used in creating recommended lists before using them in collection development.


Key points

  • Centralizing discovery knowledge can improve operational efficiencies while educating and empowering publisher staff.
  • Streamlining publishers’ metadata creation and distribution can help improve relationships across the supply chain.
  • Working together to optimize discovery workflows benefits publishers, discovery service partners, and institutional customers.


Key points

  • Lean methods can give rich insights: Even a few, short sessions with a handful of users can generate useful inputs for a user‐centric design process.
  • Design for beginners: An interface that supports novices will also support experts.
  • Keep it simple: Focus on functionality that supports core search and discovery tasks.
  • Popular or high‐value features should have prime position and rarely used or low‐value features should be hidden or removed.
  • Visual cues are important for usability, as is balancing the visual space.



The 170-year history of the library of the Royal Society of Medicine in Budapest illustrates both that political and cultural context matter and that “medical” libraries, if they survive, in due course become primarily “medical history” libraries.


Two of the authors are on the staff of the Semmelweis Medical History Library; the third is a US scholar who makes frequent use of the library. Together, they avail themselves of archival and published materials—and personal experience with the collection—to establish the context that produced the original library, trace its evolution, and describe its present-day incarnation.


A tale of transformation emerges that reflects how collections are likely to change. The authors present events and individuals in the life of the Royal Society''s library and paint a picture of the value of today''s Semmelweis Medical History Library. Unique treasures in the collection are described.


The story told here is of how a particular nineteenth-century library became a twenty-first–century institution. The authors establish its peculiarly Hungarian context and potential value to librarians and historians from outside Hungary. The overall message is that general medical libraries everywhere are perforce likely to become medical historical libraries over time.


  • Context matters. The historical background of a library helps determine its functions and its future; shifts in modes of publishing affect and monetary concerns shape the development and preservation of an historical collection.
  • Libraries evolve. Medical libraries undergo a normal and profoundly useful transformation over time into repositories of medical history.
  • Books alone do not a library make: Libraries can and should be settings for continuing education, cultural affirmation, and assistance to scholars by preserving and making available for use a variety of sometimes rare archival and published materials.


  • Knowing the political and cultural background of a library is essential to understanding its history as well as its present-day status.
  • Preserving and expanding historical collections demands vigilance and creative management, especially under difficult fiscal and political circumstances. The loyal and diligent work of Hungarians and others who helped build and preserve this library can serve as a model for other threatened collections.
  • Sharing the story of a relatively unknown library''s development brings its general assets and unique resources to the attention of a wider audience of librarians and scholars. Few outside Hungary have previously had any way of knowing about the Semmelweis Medical History Library''s rich holdings.



Standards for evaluating evidence-based medicine (EBM) point-of-care (POC) summaries of research are lacking. The authors developed a “Critical Appraisal for Summaries of Evidence” (CASE) worksheet to help assess the evidence in these tools. The authors then evaluated the reliability of the worksheet.


The CASE worksheet was developed with 10 questions covering specificity, authorship, reviewers, methods, grading, clarity, citations, currency, bias, and relevancy. Two reviewers independently assessed a random selection of 384 EBM POC summaries using the worksheet. The responses of the raters were then compared using a kappa score.


The kappa statistic demonstrated an overall moderate agreement (κ = 0.44) between the reviewers using the CASE worksheet for the 384 summaries. The 3 categories of evaluation questions in which the reviewers disagreed most often were citations (κ =  0), bias (κ = 0.11), and currency (κ = −0.18).


The CASE worksheet provided an effective checklist for critically analyzing a treatment summary. While the reviewers agreed on worksheet responses for most questions, variation occurred in how the raters navigated the tool and interpreted some of the questions. Further validation of the form by other groups of users should be investigated.


  • Few critical appraisal tools have been evaluated with inter-rater reliability testing.
  • The ways that users of evidence-based medicine (EBM) point-of-care (POC) tools interpret how to appraise an evidence summary—particularly when defining the grading of evidence, currency, and bias—may vary even when a standard evaluation sheet is used.
  • The Critical Appraisal for Summaries of Evidence (CASE) worksheet had a moderate level of inter-rater reliability, similar to previous evaluative studies of critical appraisals tools.


  • Medical librarians can develop tools useful for librarians, students, and clinicians to guide them in appraising clinical evidence summaries.
  • The CASE worksheet can be a valuable tool to consider the quality of individual evidence summaries and to see patterns of overall quality in EBM POC tools.



This study examined citation patterns and indexing coverage from 2008 to 2010 to determine (1) the core literature of health care chaplaincy and (2) the resources providing optimum coverage for the literature.


Citations from three source journals (2008–2010 inclusive) were collected and analyzed according to the protocol created for the Mapping the Literature of Allied Health Professions Project. An analysis of indexing coverage by five databases was conducted. A secondary analysis of self-citations by source journals was also conducted.


The 3 source journals—Chaplaincy Today, the Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, and the Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling—ranked as the top 3 journals in Zone 1 and provided the highest number of most frequently cited articles for health care chaplaincy. Additional journals that appeared in this highly productive zone covered the disciplines of medicine, psychology, nursing, and religion, which were also represented in the Zones 2 and 3 journals. None of the databases provided complete coverage for the core journals; however, MEDLINE provided the most comprehensive coverage for journals in Zones 1 and 2, followed by Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and ATLA. Self-citations for the source journals ranged from 9% to 16%.


Health care chaplaincy draws from a diverse body of inter-professional literature. Libraries wishing to provide access to journal literature to support health care chaplaincy at their institutions will be best able to do this by subscribing to databases and journals that cover medical, psychological, nursing, and religion- or spirituality-focused disciplines.


  • Health care chaplaincy is a broadly inter-professional field that draws from and contributes to medical, nursing, psychological, and religion or spirituality literature.
  • Two of the three source journals were sponsored by professional chaplaincy organizations.
  • Journals and books were cited with almost equal frequency.


  • For full coverage of the health care chaplaincy literature, librarians should consider searching in databases beyond MEDLINE, for example, CINAHL and Academic Search Complete, to assure comprehensive coverage.
  • Health care chaplaincy researchers and educators considering publication will find the study useful for identifying relevant journals from related disciplines.



The purpose of this study was to identify (1) core journals in the literature of physical therapy, (2) currency of references cited in that literature, and (3) online databases providing the highest coverage rate of core journals.


Data for each cited reference in each article of four source journals for three years were recorded, including type of literature, year of publication, and journal title. The journal titles were ranked in descending order according to the frequency of citations and divided into three zones using Bradford''s Law of Scattering. Four databases were analyzed for coverage rates of articles published in the Zone 1 and Zone 2 journals in 2007.


Journal articles were the most frequently cited type of literature, with sixteen journals supplying one-third of the cited journal references. Physical Therapy was the most commonly cited title. There were more cited articles published from 2000 to 2007 than in any previous full decade. Of the databases analyzed, CINAHL provided the highest coverage rate for Zone 1 2007 publications.


Results were similar to a previous study, except for changes in the order of Zone 1 journals. Results can help physical therapists and librarians determine important journals in this discipline.


  • More cited references were published in the last eight years studied than in any previous full decade.
  • Physical Therapy, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (APMR), and Spine were the most frequently cited titles. Previous studies found APMR to be the most cited journal.
  • CINAHL provided the highest coverage rate for the most commonly cited titles, with MEDLINE and EMBASE providing the best coverage for the next group of titles.


  • Health sciences librarians and clinicians can use these results to identify important journals for developing collections and determining the need for access to back issues of journals.
  • Multiple databases are needed for comprehensive coverage of the physical therapy discipline


  • Health sciences librarians and clinicians can use these results to identify important journals for developing collections and determining the need for access to back issues of journals.
  • Multiple databases are needed for comprehensive coverage of the physical therapy discipline


Key points

  • Peer review, the cornerstone of academic publishing, has come under a lot of criticism for its flaws and has been manipulated by both authors and editors.
  • Lack of review transparency is a contributing factor to peer review problems.
  • Pressure to publish – among authors and journals – is adding to peer review problems.
  • Technology can help maintain review integrity, although editorial vigilance remains key.



The Medical Library Association (MLA)/National Library of Medicine (NLM) Joint Electronic Personal Health Record Task Force examined the current state of personal health records (PHRs).


A working definition of PHRs was formulated, and a database was built with fields for specified PHR characteristics. PHRs were identified and listed. Each task force member was assigned a portion of the list for data gathering. Findings were recorded in the database.


Of the 117 PHRs identified, 91 were viable. Almost half were standalone products. A number used national standards for nomenclature and/or record structure. Less than half were mobile device enabled. Some were publicly available, and others were offered only to enrollees of particular health plans or employees at particular institutions. A few were targeted to special health conditions.


The PHR field is very dynamic. While most PHR products have some common elements, their features can vary. PHRs can link their users with librarians and information resources. MLA and NLM have taken an active role in making this connection and in encouraging librarians to assume this assistance role with PHRs.


  • A variety of personal health records (PHRs) exist with some tied to medical health records and others offered as standalone products.
  • Librarians can be connected to PHR users through inclusion of an assistance statement in PHRs.
  • PHRs offer librarians another means of providing consumers with quality health information.


  • PHR user support is a new role for medical librarians.
  • Medical librarians need to be proactive in their communities to educate consumers about PHRs.
  • Given the dynamic nature of this market, medical librarians should make a concerted effort to stay abreast of trends in this area.



This lecture discusses a philosophy of educating health information professionals in a rapidly changing health care and information environment.


Education for health information professionals must be based upon a solid foundation of the changing paradigms and trends in health care and health information, as well as technological advances, to produce a well-prepared information workforce to meet the demands of health-related environments. Educational programs should begin with the core principles of library and information sciences and expand in interdisciplinary collaborations. A model of the health care environment is presented to serve as a framework for developing educational programs for health information professionals.


Interdisciplinary and collaborative relationships—which merge health care, library and information sciences, and other information-related disciplines—should form the basis of education for health information professionals.


  • Educational pathways for the creation of future health information professionals are charted through the discussion of four major roads.
  • A model of the health care environment sets the framework for building educational programs for health information professionals.


  • The presented pathways can inform educational decision making at all levels, including the need to revisit the accreditation bodies of programs educating health information professionals.
  • The National Library of Medicine is encouraged to create a workforce center to identify the needs of the profession.
  • Interdisciplinary and collaborative partnerships are vital to produce quality graduates who are prepared to handle the complexities of the health care and information environment.

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