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Key points

  • Educational accessibility needs to accommodate not only text but also supplemental, multimedia, and interactive elements.
  • Accessibility considerations need to address user needs for timeliness, quality, cost, and security.
  • Schools often default to remediation instead of embracing EPUB 3 for practical reasons and to respond to student preferences.
  • PDF is often preferred over EPUB for creating alternate formats because of familiarity and expediency.
  • Schools require accessibility to deal with increased legal pressure from both government agencies and disability advocates.


Key points

  • Accessibility is often misunderstood as a concept that is niche or of secondary importance.
  • Reframing accessibility as improving the overall user experience instantly changes the perspective; accessibility becomes a critical requirement worthy of investment and resources.
  • The single most prevalent complaint amongst librarians is the time it takes to get hold of accessible content.
  • An accessibility roadmap provides structure and transparency for digital accessibility projects within the organization.
  • Publishers' non‐compliance with accessibility standards will increase their risk of sales declines and legal complications over time.
  • The SAGE A.C.C.E.S.S.I.B.L.E mnemonic offers suggestions on how to devise a successful accessible publishing programme.


Key points

  • Convergence of international standards has made requirements for accessible multimedia content clearer.
  • Legal and commercial pressure for accessible content is mounting for higher education institutions (HEIs) and publishers as highlighted by recent high‐profile settlements in North America.
  • Accessibility requirements for multimedia can be met by setting realistic, progressive goals and focusing resources on key content.
  • Multimedia accessibility benefits range from wider audiences and increased user engagement to greater discoverability and improved search engine optimization.
  • Vendors are ramping up their offerings for accessible production, and costs are going down.


Key points

  • Current publishing restrictions cause duplicated – and wasted – effort to delivery of accessible information to students.
  • Universities have a legal obligation to provide access, but this is not required from publishers.
  • Initiatives to support access are helpful, but do not completely resolve the accessibility problems.


Key points

  • The UK policy landscape supports access for the users whilst allowing publishers to maintain business models.
  • Advancements such as EPUB 3, aligning publishing with web technologies, and the Inclusive Publishing hub help publishers reach accessibility compliance.
  • Print impairment is not an on/off switch, and each reader has his or her own unique set of requirements – a fact that is supported by EPUB 3.
  • The time is ripe for publishers to make firm commitments to accessibility initiatives.


Key points

  • Testing for accessibility after extensive changes to a website and addressing them as technical debt is unsustainable in the long term.
  • To stay modern and efficient, providers of digital content to academic institutions should build accessibility into development.
  • For JSTOR, working with participating institutions to understand their concerns was essential to reaching WCAG 2.0 AA conformance.
  • With Artstor recently joining ITHAKA, we face the challenge of making a visual archive accessible.


Key points

  • Accessibility of publications in academia is a non‐negotiable legal requirement.
  • The accessibility of your journal or other scholarly publication is the most important design consideration in your workflow.
  • EPUB Accessibility 1.0 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 provide a clear publishing pathway.
  • Consider the readability chain: Any link can result in accessibility failure but an unbroken chain will benefit all readers.


Key points

  • Publishers should layer on the right standards to create accessible publications.
  • Accessible publications have accessible content at the core, wrapped in semantic structure, and topped off with accessible metadata.
  • Resources to help publishers implement accessibility in their programmes are available.



This paper examines the development and evaluation of an automatic summarization system in the domain of molecular genetics. The system is a potential component of an advanced biomedical information management application called Semantic MEDLINE and could assist librarians in developing secondary databases of genetic information extracted from the primary literature.


An existing summarization system was modified for identifying biomedical text relevant to the genetic etiology of disease. The summarization system was evaluated on the task of identifying data describing genes associated with bladder cancer in MEDLINE citations. A gold standard was produced using records from Genetics Home Reference and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Genes in text found by the system were compared to the gold standard. Recall, precision, and F-measure were calculated.


The system achieved recall of 46%, and precision of 88% (F-measure = 0.61) by taking Gene References into Function (GeneRIFs) into account.


The new summarization schema for genetic etiology has potential as a component in Semantic MEDLINE to support the work of data curators.


  • Semantic MEDLINE streamlines information retrieval by succinctly expressing the meaning of sometimes complicated text and summarizing output according to a user''s needs.
  • Semantic MEDLINE identifies genes noted in biomedical text as associated with a disease process.
  • Semantic MEDLINE can potentially simplify secondary database curation.


  • Library information retrieval services can potentially benefit from automated applications such as Semantic MEDLINE.
  • Use of such automated applications can facilitate the library''s work in interdepartmental collaborative endeavors, thus reinforcing the library''s core value in its parent institution.


Key points

  • Bookshare is the world's largest library of accessible titles provided to members and through special agreements.
  • Dyslexia is often forgotten as an impediment to access but must be accounted for within accessible publications.
  • Certification of accessibility provides confidence for purchasers and a marketing tool for publishers.
  • Accessibility requires multiple routes to access, on different platforms and in different formats.
  • Accessible artworks need particular attention, and this is often lacking in ‘accessible’ publications.



The purposes of this study were: to determine the number of articles requested by library users that could be retrieved from the library''s collection using the library catalog and link resolver, in other words, the availability rate; and to identify the nature and frequency of problems encountered in this process, so that the problems could be addressed and access to full-text articles could be improved.


A sample of 414 requested articles was identified via link resolver log files. Library staff attempted to retrieve these articles using the library catalog and link resolver and documented access problems.


Staff were able to retrieve electronic full text for 310 articles using the catalog. An additional 21 articles were available in print, for an overall availability rate of nearly 80%. Only 68% (280) of articles could be retrieved electronically via the link resolver. The biggest barriers to access in both instances were lack of holdings and incomplete coverage. The most common problem encountered when retrieving articles via the link resolver was incomplete or inaccurate metadata.


An availability study is a useful tool for measuring the quality of electronic access provided by a library and identifying and quantifying barriers to access.


  • Lack of holdings, including access to recent articles restricted by embargoes, was the most common barrier to locating full text, accounting for over 90% of all identified problems.
  • Availability rates for electronic articles varied by year of publication and by the database in which the OpenURL request originated.
  • Link resolver error rates varied widely based on the source of the request and frequently resulted from incomplete or inaccurate metadata.


  • An availability study is an inexpensive, practical tool for assessing the quality of electronic access to journal articles.
  • The results of an availability study can help libraries identify barriers to access and thereby allocate limited resources to areas that will provide the most benefit to users.
  • Link resolvers might be more accurate if the quality of metadata in OpenURLs was improved and the behavior of full-text targets was standardized.
A user who attempts to access an electronic article expects the process to be seamless: click a link or two, and the article appears. Unfortunately, this process is not always so simple. Many factors can prevent users from retrieving an article, including:
  • Collection and acquisition problems: The library may not subscribe to the desired journal, or the article and/or journal may be unavailable for some other reason.
  • Cataloging and holdings problems: The journal may be cataloged or indexed incorrectly, or the library''s holdings data may be wrong.
  • Technical problems: Problems may occur with the journal provider''s site or the library''s proxy server.
While many libraries use link resolvers to make it easier for users to retrieve articles, these can introduce additional points of failure. The resolver might not be configured correctly, the knowledgebase (database of library journal holdings) might include incorrect information, or article metadata from the source database might be incomplete or incorrect.At the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Library, users occasionally complained about access problems. These complaints provided anecdotal information about barriers to access, but library staff needed more solid data on which to act: How often were users able to retrieve a desired article? What problems did they encounter in the process, and how often did these problems occur? An availability study was conducted to answer those questions.First described by Kantor [1], an availability study is a method for evaluating how well a library satisfies user requests and identifying barriers to satisfying those requests. An availability study consists of the following steps:
  1. gather actual user requests (or simulate them)
  2. try to fill those requests using the same tools and methods a user would use
  3. record what happens
  4. analyze the results



A systematic literature review was conducted to synthesize what is known about informationists, highlight program models, and suggest areas for future research.


Articles retrieved through database searching were reviewed for relevance. Informationist case reports were identified and coded according to an attributes checklist. Data from other retained publications were synthesized under broad themes. The few research studies found were reviewed for level of evidence.


Of 113 papers reviewed, the study identified 7 classic and 8 emerging informationist programs. Two major models are apparent, clinical and research, with priorities differing according to program maturity. The literature synthesis also brought together current thinking about informationist qualifications; practice roles; setting characteristics; education and training; organizational, programmatic, and service provider success factors; and challenges and barriers. Program outcomes to date are reported, and future research topics suggested. Specific findings will assist informationist program planners.


While the informationist concept remains in the early adopter stage, it appears that domain knowledge, continuous learning, and embedding (working in context) are essential to success. The need for librarians to transition to greater specialization and libraries to emphasize customized service was underscored. A research agenda focused on information management, dissemination, behaviors, and economics is proposed.


  • After years of emphasizing the generalist librarian, health sciences librarians must become more specialized, paralleling the health care environment in which they work.
  • An embedded informationist is more likely to achieve credibility, acceptance, and sustainability than an impersonal information service provided at a distance.
  • Subject expertise is essential for the informationist.
  • Model informationist programs with the greatest stability are library funded.
  • Because informationist programs are inherently targeted to small groups, multisite studies are necessary to achieve robust evaluation.


  • A library starting an informationist program should review existing models, identify local needs, set program objectives, and then select the most appropriate approaches for its users.
  • Programmatic emphasis should be placed on both technical and service excellence.
  • Organizational commitment is needed for knowledge integration into practice and for the informationists'' lifelong learning.



A discourse analysis was conducted of peer-written blogs about the chronic illness endometriosis to understand how bloggers present information sources and make cases for and against the authority of those sources.


Eleven blogs that were authored by endometriosis patients and focused exclusively or primarily on the authors'' experiences with endometriosis were selected. After selecting segments in which the bloggers invoked forms of knowledge and sources of evidence, the text was discursively analyzed to reveal how bloggers establish and dispute the authority of the sources they invoke.


When discussing and refuting authority, the bloggers invoked many sources of evidence, including experiential, peer-provided, biomedical, and intuitive ones. Additionally, they made and disputed claims of cognitive authority via two interpretive repertoires: a concern about the role and interests of the pharmaceutical industry and an understanding of endometriosis as extremely idiosyncratic. Affective authority of information sources was also identified, which presented as social context, situational similarity, or aesthetic or spiritual factors.


Endometriosis patients may find informational value in blogs, especially for affective support and epistemic experience. Traditional notions of authority might need to be revised for the online environment. Guidelines for evaluating the authority of consumer health information, informed by established readers'' advisory practices, are suggested.


  • Endometriosis patients who blog about the illness may determine authority of information sources through both cognitive and affective methods.


  • Because patients with chronic illnesses might have different authority criteria than medical librarians do, it could be useful to carefully incorporate electronic patient discussion forums, medical blogs written by laypeople, and other nontraditionally authoritative resources into consumer health information selection policies. Standard biomedical resources are certainly important to recommend to consumers, but they do not convey the complete picture of a chronic illness and its related experience.
  • Patients with chronic illnesses and caregivers can benefit from sources such as blogs and online discussion lists that provide social and emotional support as well as accounts of “lived experience.”
  • An understanding of the patient''s potential epistemological community can make the librarian''s recommendations more appropriate for the individual user.



The research conducted a large-scale, multisite study on the value and impact of library and information services on patient care.


The study used: (1) 2 initial focus groups of librarians; (2) a web-based survey of physicians, residents, and nurses at 56 library sites serving 118 hospitals; and (3) 24 follow-up telephone interviews. Survey respondents were asked to base their responses on a recent incident in which they had sought information for patient care.


Of the 16,122 survey respondents, 3/4 said that they had definitely or probably handled aspects of the patient care situation differently as a result of the information. Among the reported changes were advice given to the patient (48%), diagnosis (25%), and choice of drugs (33%), other treatment (31%), and tests (23%). Almost all of the respondents (95%) said the information resulted in a better informed clinical decision. Respondents reported that the information allowed them to avoid the following adverse events: patient misunderstanding of the disease (23%), additional tests (19%), misdiagnosis (13%), adverse drug reactions (13%), medication errors (12%), and patient mortality (6%).


Library and information resources were perceived as valuable, and the information obtained was seen as having an impact on patient care.


  • Library and information resources were perceived as valuable, and the information obtained was seen as having an impact on patient care.
  • Electronic access to information resources from multiple locations has increased the ability of health professionals to use these resources for improved patient care.
  • The roles of librarians are diversifying to include management of electronic resources, user instruction and support, specialized research and clinical information search services, and involvement in institution-level quality improvement.
  • It is possible to conduct a large-scale, multisite study on the value and impact of library services on patient care.


  • Ongoing studies of the value and impact of library and information resources will be important for advocacy and quality improvement.
  • Community-Based Participative Research methods hold promise as a way of ensuring the relevance of future research.



The research analyzed evaluation data to assess medical student satisfaction with the learning experience when required PubMed training is offered entirely online.


A retrospective study analyzed skills assessment scores and student feedback forms from 455 first-year medical students who completed PubMed training either through classroom sessions or an online tutorial. The class of 2006 (n = 99) attended traditional librarian-led sessions in a computer classroom. The classes of 2007 (n = 120), 2008 (n = 121), and 2009 (n = 115) completed the training entirely online through a self-paced tutorial. PubMed skills assessment scores and student feedback about the training were compared for all groups.


As evidenced by open-ended comments about the training, students who took the online tutorial were equally or more satisfied with the learning experience than students who attended classroom sessions, with the classes of 2008 and 2009 reporting greater satisfaction (P<0.001) than the other 2 groups. The mean score on the PubMed skills assessment (91%) was the same for all groups of students.


Student satisfaction improved and PubMed assessment scores did not change when instruction was offered online to first-year medical students. Comments from the students who received online training suggest that the increased control and individual engagement with the web-based content led to their satisfaction with the online tutorial.


  • First-year medical students at Mount Sinai School of Medicine responded positively to an online PubMed tutorial and skills assessment created by librarians.
  • Students who took the online tutorial passed the PubMed skills assessment at the same high rate as students who attended in-class training led by librarians.
  • Feedback suggests that students preferred the individual control of the web-based content and the ease with which the online training fit into their crowded schedules.


  • Interactive online training encourages students to direct their own learning experience and can lead to greater student satisfaction.
  • Medical students of the Millennial generation may prefer flexible, self-paced assignments that can be completed at times and locations convenient to them.
  • Medical librarians can create online tutorials to successfully engage and instruct the next generation of medical students.



A survey was conducted of health sciences libraries to obtain information about newer buildings, additions, remodeling, and renovations.


An online survey was developed, and announcements of survey availability posted to three major email discussion lists: Medical Library Association (MLA), Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL), and MEDLIB-L. Previous discussions of library building projects on email discussion lists, a literature review, personal communications, and the author''s consulting experiences identified additional projects.


Seventy-eight health sciences library building projects at seventy-three institutions are reported. Twenty-two are newer facilities built within the last ten years; two are space expansions; forty-five are renovation projects; and nine are combinations of new and renovated space. Six institutions report multiple or ongoing renovation projects during the last ten years.


The survey results confirm a continuing migration from print-based to digitally based collections and reveal trends in library space design. Some health sciences libraries report loss of space as they move toward creating space for “community” building. Libraries are becoming more proactive in using or retooling space for concentration, collaboration, contemplation, communication, and socialization. All are moving toward a clearer operational vision of the library as the institution''s information nexus and not merely as a physical location with print collections.


  • Seventy-eight health sciences library building projects at seventy-three institutions were reported as completed in the last ten years.
  • Five health sciences library projects illustrate the diversity of projects reported.
  • Eleven trends in health sciences library buildings are identified.
  • Numerous challenges are briefly discussed.


  • Changing services and usage patterns demand innovative ways to use library space.
  • Libraries are making more proactive efforts to retool library physical space.
  • Migration from print to digital collections is continuing at an accelerated pace.
  • More library space is now dedicated for “community” building.



This lecture discusses a philosophy of educating health information professionals in a rapidly changing health care and information environment.


Education for health information professionals must be based upon a solid foundation of the changing paradigms and trends in health care and health information, as well as technological advances, to produce a well-prepared information workforce to meet the demands of health-related environments. Educational programs should begin with the core principles of library and information sciences and expand in interdisciplinary collaborations. A model of the health care environment is presented to serve as a framework for developing educational programs for health information professionals.


Interdisciplinary and collaborative relationships—which merge health care, library and information sciences, and other information-related disciplines—should form the basis of education for health information professionals.


  • Educational pathways for the creation of future health information professionals are charted through the discussion of four major roads.
  • A model of the health care environment sets the framework for building educational programs for health information professionals.


  • The presented pathways can inform educational decision making at all levels, including the need to revisit the accreditation bodies of programs educating health information professionals.
  • The National Library of Medicine is encouraged to create a workforce center to identify the needs of the profession.
  • Interdisciplinary and collaborative partnerships are vital to produce quality graduates who are prepared to handle the complexities of the health care and information environment.

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