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一般认为,在古代社会,教育与社会经济活动的关系并不密切,而在现代社会,教育却成为社会经济活动中的一个重要因素。这是因为古代的社会生产不是建立在科学技术基础上的,直接参与社会生产的劳动者不需要专门的教育培训。相反,现代生产是建立在科学技术基础上的,社会生产对劳动者、管理者素质的要求越来越高,他们必须经过专门的教育培训才可以胜任自己的工作。因而科学技术和教育成为现代社会生产不可缺少的支柱。  相似文献   

培养化工专业学生计算机应用能力的探索张晓冬,赵宗昌科学技术是第一生产力。高等教育必须面向科研和生产建设,使培养出的人才满足和适应现代化建设的需要。这样,就使高等教育时刻面临着科技进步与人才培养适应性的挑战。及时调整教学内容,融人现代科学技术,使之跟上...  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力,它有力地推动着现代社会经济的发展。在现代科学技术迅猛发展的条件下,加速利用科学技术成果,使之尽快地转化成巨大的社会生产力,这在很大程度上取决于科学技术与生产之间采取什么样的联合方式。世界各工业发达国家发展的历史证明,现代化大生产要依靠技术进步发展社会生产力,推动经济的持续发展,就必须把科学技术与生产融为一体,即建立科研生产联合体,它是科学、技术、生产统一体系的枢纽。科学技术的进步,科研成果在生产中的应用推广,必然促进生产的发展和生产率的提高,而生产的发展又不断为科研提出新的…  相似文献   

陈歌 《中学理科》2007,(5):51-52
随着科学技术、生产和社会的发展,教育教学也在不断地深化改革,在由应试教育向素质教育转轨的过程中,对能力的要求越来越显得重要.教师应根据学生的具体情况,因材施教,做出示范,有意识地培养和训练学生的各种能力.这是时代的需要,也是适应未来“智力社会”的需要.逆向思维能力在物理教育中具有特别的价值,应注意它的培养和应用.  相似文献   

“STS”是科学、技术、社会的英文缩写,是六十年代以来产生的一门新兴学科,八十年代后期在世界各国科学教育改革中形成的一种新思想。它强调将学科理论与当前的科学技术和社会生产及社会生活紧密联系起来,要求学生懂得科学知识的应用,认识科学技术与社会之间的相互影响和作用,培养学生关注社会的意识,并能以正确的价值观和方法解决科技发展所带来的社会问题。“STS”理论的优点是它能够立足于当今科技应用和社会发展的需要,加强各学科与自然现象、现代生活、科学实验、各种生产部门中的实际问题,以及现代科学技术的发展等的联系…  相似文献   

“高职”给成人高校带来了什么张晓春随着我国经济建设的迅速发展,科学技术的进步,新工艺、新设备的大量应用,许多生产岗位技术含量不断提高,需要面向生产现场、具有相当专业理论水平、实践动手能力强、任职岗位明确的高级技术应用型人才。为适应这一客观要求,80年...  相似文献   

吴长龙  熊万杰 《物理教师》2003,24(12):56-57
STS教育是以强调科学、技术与社会相互关系和科学技术在社会生产、生活和发展中的应用为指导思想而组织实施的科学教育,其基本精神是:把科学教育和当前的社会发展、社会生产、社会生活紧密结合起来,既要考虑当代科学技术发展对教育提出的要求,又要研究社会成员对现代和未来社会生产、社会生活发展做出决策.STS教育的实施,需要特定的课程资源.  相似文献   

当今的化学教育在改革化学学术性课程的同时,更强调了社会、生活、生产、科学技术的创新对化学的需要,体现了由纯化学学科走向应用技术与化学相结合的现代化学教育价值观。现代化学教育不仅着眼于培养继承传统化学知识技能的学生,更着眼于培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

由于科学技术的迅猛发展,生产日益从劳动密集型向技术密集型转化,以高科技为基础的生产对生产第一线管理、工艺、业务实施人员的能力和水平提出了更高的要求.这就要求办好高等职业技术教育,以适应并促进社会经济的发展.我认为高职教育应具有以下特色:一、培养目标当前以及今后一个时期,我们需要把本国的科研成果应用到生产中去,把引进外国的先进科学技术应用到现实生产中去,这就需要大量的实用型人才.这种人才在其职业岗位上应具有与岗位能力相关的理论知识,具有具体的操作与管理能力,具有正确的工作态度、动机、情感以及进行自我评价并改正的能力.高级职业技术教育是以职业能力为基础,培养的学生将来从事某项职业工作.高级职业教育目标的特色是高于中专层次的“实用型”人才,应用先进的科学技术,能从事生产第一线管理、工艺、实施工作.  相似文献   

由于知识的高速增长和发展,使得科学技术的成果迅速应用到生产中,这就引起了知识老化程度和学习内容之间的矛盾.为了解决这些矛盾,在教学中单纯传授知识已经不能适应科学技术发展的需要,这就要求我们在教学中把着眼点放在对学生的能力培养上.  相似文献   

The technology policies included on instructors' syllabi vary greatly and, in some cases, may unfavorably influence students' perceptions of the instructor. To examine this hypothesis, we randomly assigned college students enrolled in psychology courses at two different institutions (N = 163) to groups in which they viewed different syllabi for a community psychology course. The syllabi varied by the hypothetical instructor's technology policy (encouraging of appropriate technology use in the classroom, discouraging of all technology use, or a mixture of both) and instructor gender. Results showed that students rated instructors similarly on the Competency/Communication factor across all conditions but rated them significantly lower on the Rapport factor when the syllabus included a discouraging technology policy. Rapport ratings were also associated with students' self-reported dependence on technology. High instructor Rapport was associated with high levels of students' technology dependency in the encouraging technology policy condition (r = .29, p < .05), but low levels of technology dependency in the discouraging condition (r = ?.31, p < .05). Our findings suggest that if instructors include technology policies on their syllabi that restrict inappropriate technology use, they should also indicate situations in which technology use is appropriate.  相似文献   

Although many academic disciplines are now experiencing a process of “greening” as scholars seek to cultivate an ecocritical awareness within disciplinary scholarship, Neil Selwyn notes that such ecocritical concerns rarely feature in the field of educational technology. In this paper, I bring Selwyn's call for ecocritical awareness in the field of educational technology into conversation with emerging scholarly discussions in the fields of ecojustice ethics, ecojustice education, and information and communications technology sustainability. In so doing, I expand the existing conversation about the environmental impact of educational technology consumption to argue that the process of cultivating an ecocritical awareness in the field of educational technology requires refining the discipline's focus to include the full lifespan of educational technology devices and the global inequities that feature during the production and disposal of these devices.

Practitioner Notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Despite substantive scholarship recognizing the environmental impact of the globalized digital technology supply chain, the field of educational technology has minimally considered the ecojustice implications of the material nature of educational technology devices when examining the environmental impact of these devices.
What this paper adds
  • In this paper, I argue that the reason why the field of educational technology has overlooked the environmental impact of device production and disposal is because of its almost exclusive focus on device use. I argue that cultivating an ecocritical awareness in the field of educational technology requires the discipline to expand its focus beyond device use in two ways: (a) to include device production and disposal and (b) to consider the global injustices that occur in these parts of the digital technology life cycle. As such, I build upon Selwyn and others to argue for the cultivation of ecojustice concerns in emerging conversations about ethics in the field of educational technology.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • The process of cultivating ecocritical awareness within the field of educational technology requires expanding the scope and focus of the discipline beyond device use to include device production and disposal. The planned obsolescence behind these devices maximizes the environmental harm at these stages and the global injustices associated with them. Educators and educational leaders seeking to employ educational technology in ethical and environmentally sustainable ways must consider these implications from the global digital technology supply chain.

The merits of technology in general and of educational technology specifically are well documented. The use of educational technology has been shown to improve teaching and learning and the overall educational quality of schools. However, the successful integration of educational technology in schools hinges on school administrators' technology leadership abilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate aspiring school administrators' perceived ability to meet technology standards established by ISTE Standards for Administrators (formerly known as the NETS·A) and to determine which standards they wished to pursue for future professional development. Utilizing the ISTE Standards–A as a framework, a survey was created to decipher how aspiring school administrators perceived their own abilities to become leaders with foundational technology leadership skills. The findings showed that (a) the aspiring school administrators were more likely to indicate a need for professional development in technology utilization to meet the standards than they were to indicate their perceived current competence in meeting the technology standards and effectively utilizing technology in their schools; (b) when interests were examined by race, African American aspiring school administrators were more interested in pursuing professional development to enhance their abilities to perform the tasks than were Caucasian aspiring school administrators; and (c) there was a statistically significant difference between aspiring school administrators' average Perception and Interest scores. It appeared that in general, the participants perceived a greater need for professional development in technology standards than their perceived current ability to perform the standards.  相似文献   

Researchers in educational technology have searched for factors to explain teachers’ acceptance and resistance to using technology for instruction. Among the many identified factors, however, organizational and school factors have not yet been explored and discussed. This study investigates the effects of school size on science and mathematics teachers’ adoption of technology in classrooms. Using national survey data collected from 940 science and mathematics teachers at junior high schools in Taiwan, we employed factor analyses, log-linear analyses, and three-way ANOVA techniques to examine interactions among school factors and teacher factors. Results obtained from the log-linear analyses suggested that both the interactions of school region with school size and school size with technology users were needed to explain teachers’ use of educational technology in classrooms. It appears that teachers at small schools were more likely to use technology for instructional purposes. Additionally, results of the study revealed that teachers at small schools tended to have positive attitudes toward technology use and that among users of educational technology in southern Taiwan, teachers at small schools designed and used significantly more instructional activities with technology. This study suggests that small schools provide a better environment for science and mathematics teachers to implement educational technology in instruction.  相似文献   

论科学的技术的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代科学技术发展的日新月异,科学和技术的相互依赖、相互促进的关系日益明显,出现了科学技术一体化的新特点和新趋势。本主要从科学、技术的含义;科学与技术关系的历史演变;科学的技术化、技术的科学化等方面来加以阐述。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore technology integration by preservice teachers (PSTs) through collaborative blogging between two universities. Researchers aimed to learn more about the ways PSTs apply and integrate technology into classrooms. As digital natives, many PSTs assume that because they already know how to use technology personally, they can also teach using technology. However, learning to integrate technology effectively in educational settings is a challenge. This two-phase qualitative study analyzed blogging between PSTs (n = 83) enrolled in elementary teacher education courses in two different regions of the United States. Data sources included anecdotal records, PST blog post and replies, PST and elementary student technology project artifacts, and questionnaires. The data revealed three themes related to technology integration by PSTs: (1) collaborating in an online community expanded professional learning, (2) PSTs demonstrated shifts in purposes, use of digital tools, and self-efficacy when learning to integrate technology, and (3) blogging served as a conduit for meaningful technology use. Findings show that collaboration through blogging with peers outside the walls of a university classroom was a catalyst for meaningful technology integration.  相似文献   

Computer Technology Integration and Student Learning: Barriers and Promise   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Political and institutional support has enabled many institutions of learning to spend millions of dollars to acquire educational computing tools (Ficklen and Muscara, Am Educ 25(3):22–29, 2001) that have not been effectively integrated into the curriculum. While access to educational technology tools has remarkably improved in most schools, there is still concern about instructional integration of computer technology to support student learning. Appropriate integration of computer tools constitutes a major change in people’s lives; technology integration is a complex phenomenon that involves understanding teachers’ motivations, perceptions, and beliefs about learning and technology (Woodbridge, ). Although computer technology has a great potential to reform or even transform education, barriers come in the way of achieving success especially with student learning. This paper presents an overview of technology use in education with a focus on barriers to computer technology integration. Further, this paper provides suggestions to maximize the benefits of learning with computer technology.  相似文献   

The technology acceptance model (TAM) uses perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to predict the intention to use a technology which is important when deciding to invest in a technology. Its extension for e-learning (the general extended technology acceptance model for e-learning; GETAMEL) adds subjective norm to predict the intention to use. Technology acceptance is typically measured after the technology has been used for at least three months. This study aims to identify whether a minimal amount of exposure to the technology using video demonstrations is sufficient to predict the intention to use it three months later. In two studies—one using TAM and one using GETAMEL—we showed students of different cohorts (94 and 111 participants, respectively) video demonstrations of four digital technologies (classroom response system, classroom chat, e-lectures, mobile virtual reality). We then measured technology acceptance immediately after the demonstration and after three months of technology use. Using partial least squares modelling, we found that perceived usefulness significantly predicted the intention to use three months later. In GETAMEL, perceived usefulness significantly predicted the intention to use for three of the four learning technologies, while subjective norm only predicted the intention to use for mobile virtual reality. We conclude that video demonstrations can provide valuable insight for decision-makers and educators on whether students will use a technology before investing in it.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • The technology acceptance model helps decision-makers to determine whether students and teachers will adopt a new technology.
  • Technology acceptance is typically measured after users have used the technology for three to twelve months.
  • Perceived usefulness is a strong predictor of intention to use the technology.
  • The predictive power of perceived ease of use for the intention to use varies from insignificant to strong.
What this paper adds
  • For the four digital learning technologies (classroom chat, classroom response system, e-lectures and mobile virtual reality), we measure technology acceptance after a video demonstration and again after three months of usage.
  • Using structural equation modelling, we are able to predict intention to use after three months, with perceived usefulness measured after the video demonstration.
  • We replicate these findings with a second study using the general extended technology acceptance model.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Short video demonstrations can provide information for educators to predict whether students will use a technology.
  • Early impressions of perceived usefulness are very important and valuable to predict whether students will use a technology.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the popular assumption that the “digital natives” generation surpasses the previous “digital immigrants” generation in terms of their technology experiences, because they grow up with information and communication technology. The assumption presumes that teachers, the digital immigrants, are less technology savvy than the digital natives, resulting in a disconnect between students’ technology experiences inside and outside of the formal school setting. To examine the intersection of these generations and their technology experiences, this study used a mixed-methods approach to survey and compare middle school science teachers’ (n = 24) and their students’ (n = 1,060) inside–outside school technology experiences, and conducted focus group interviews to investigate any barriers that prevented them from using technology in school. The findings imply that the concept of digital natives may be misleading and that the disconnect between students’ inside–outside school technology experiences may be the result of the lack of sufficient teacher training concerning technology integration strategies.  相似文献   

现代国际技术转移的涵义和特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术转移是指技术从供方向受方移动的过程,并以受方拿到该技术为终点,该过程可以发生在不同地域之间,也可以发生在不同领域之间。现代技术转移的主要特点表现为技术转移方式的多样性、技术转移的多元性、技术转移的管制性和技术转移的软化性四个方面。  相似文献   

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