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1.练习要在课内进行。练习在课内进行,一定要做到“以练习为主线”一般要安排20分钟以上的练习。以练习作为媒体,教师在练习的过程中结合讲解,会讲得清楚;学生在练习过程中学习,会学得实在。概括成三句话:以练习为主线;教师在练中讲;学生在练中学。 2.讲究练习的科学性、合理性,提高练习效率。有关练习的科学性、合理性,在《大纲》中已明确指出:练习的内容  相似文献   

在小学英语课堂教学中,口语练习属于非常重要的环节,做好口语练习设计是保证口语练习效果的关键。因此,教师要结合具体的口语练习内容与学生实际情况,加强口语练习设计与实施,锻炼学生的口语能力。在此分析了小学英语课堂口语练习中存在的问题,并探究小学英语课堂口语练习设计与实施的策略。  相似文献   

吴秀丽 《考试周刊》2015,(17):80-81
练习是数学复习课的重要活动,优化练习是有效复习的重要途径。根据复习内容,在复习过程中设计针对练习、分层练习、实践练习、对比练习,进行有效复习。  相似文献   

练习课与新授课、复习课在教学中同等重要,练习课是学生在教师的指导下,以独立练习为主的一种课型。练习课是以培养和训练学生技能技巧为主要任务,起巩固知识和运用的作用。练习课在整个教学时间中占很大比重,但在实际教学工作中,许多教师的练习课教学存在着极大的盲目性和随意性。本刊策划专题,刊登相关文章,以帮助老师提高对练习课这种课型的理解与操作。  相似文献   

课堂练习是阅读教学的重要组成部分。教师要深入研读教材,并了解学生的需要,在练习中关注学生的思维发展,在练习中促发学生的语感形成,在练习中激发学生的创新意识,在练习中锻造学生的人文精神,从而全面提升学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

练习课与新授课、复习课在教学中同等重要,练习课是学生在教师的指导下,以独立练习为主的一种课型。练习课是以培养和训练学生技能技巧为主要任务,起巩固知识和运用的作用。练习课在整个教学时间中占很大比重,但在实际教学工作中,许多教师的练习课教学存在着极大的盲目性和随意性。本刊策划专题,刊登相关文章,以帮助老师提高对练习课这种课型的理解与操作。  相似文献   

练习是教材的重要组成部分,是将语言内化的重要手段,在第二语言教材中有着不可替代的作用。练习包括练习量、练习结构及练习题型,这三部分的设计决定了练习的有效性及语言内化的程度。目前针对高年级日语教材练习的分析研究还不充分,通过对比分析三套高年级日语精读教材的练习量、练习结构及练习题型,可以探明目前日语专业高年级精读教材的练习设计中存在的问题,从而达到为教材使用者提供一定参考的目的。  相似文献   

陈远兰 《教师》2013,(6):73-73
在数学练习中如何培养学生的思维能力呢?通过多年的教学实践,我们认为在数学教学中认真组织数学练习能有效培养学生的思维能力。具体做法是:一、在数学练习中,培养学生思维的灵活性在数学练习中通过一题多变,由一个例题引申发展出一串题组,引导学生进行多向练习从而培养学生思维的灵活性。  相似文献   

在数学教学中,练习环节必不可少。教师可通过巧用活动练习,运用题组练习和故设错误练习的方法提高学生数学练习的有效性,从而提升教学质量。  相似文献   

错误是任何学习者在学习过程中都会不可避免地出现的现象。特别是在外语学习中更是如此。学生在学习中所犯的错误不尽相同,教师也应区别对待。 一、区分练习形式,讲究纠错方式 英语练习可分为笔头练习和口头练习,笔头练习注重准确性,而口头练习则注重流利性。在笔头练习中,教师对学生所犯的错误都应及时纠正。而在口  相似文献   

电大开放教育本科学生的学习动机以功利性为主,动机的类型和强烈性影响学习能力,大部分本科学生会在学习动机驱动下有效提升学习能力;本科学生原专业和现专业的一致性是影响学习适应性的主要因素。本科学生总体上适应开放教育学习;本科学生对传统学习方式仍有偏好,学习策略仍受以前经验的主导;本科学生记忆力普遍衰减,学生对本身的理解能力有信心。  相似文献   

历史专业学生在《中国古代史》学习中要转变理念和角色,主动适应研究性学习。要达到《中国古代史》学习的新境界,必须具有良好的历史感和史学功底,必须强化知识的把握能力和提升问题的提出能力,必须突出学生是学习的主体又高度强调师生结合。  相似文献   

Given international use of video-based reflective discussions in teacher education, and the limited knowledge about whether teachers apply learning from these discussions, we explored teachers’ learning of new ideas about pedagogy and their self-reported application of this learning. Nine inservice and 48 preservice teachers participated in video-based reflective discussions and documented their learning, sources of knowledge that contributed to their learning, and application of this learning to their teaching in their practica courses. A total of 227 response sheets with this information were collected. Multilevel logit regression was used to examine how sources of learning and content learned were related to teachers’ application of learning to their teaching practices. We found that teachers reported applying 40% of their learning; particularly, what they learned about methods and materials for instruction, and that they learned from both video and discussion almost equally.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study designed to test whether situated conceptions of learning can be measured using questionnaires, and the relations between these aspects of students’ awareness, their awareness of other environmental variables, and their learning outcomes. A situated conception of learning is one that is evoked and adopted by students in response to their perceptions of their learning tasks in a particular context. It may reflect the aims they have for their studies, once they have started that study and experienced that study environment. The results from this small-scale, limited-context study showed that when students perceived the learning environment as being more supportive of learning, they were more likely to describe a situated conception of learning that was more closely aligned with those promoted by the University. They also had higher scores on the deep approach to learning scale, lower scores on the surface approach scale, and expected to leave university with a higher degree classification. These associations, which suggest that situated conceptions, like prior experience of learning, may be a crucial indicator of learning approach and outcomes of learning, are sufficiently large to warrant more rigorous investigations.  相似文献   

器乐教学中,教师的教授和学生学习方法的配合是非常重要的。在练习中,慢练的重要性就更为突出。努力配合教师调整自己的学习思维方式和看待事物的角度,了解学习的规律,尽力去理解教师的教学意图和接受合理的思维过程和学习方法,进行正确的操作练习。慢练的目的是变得更快,一首完全成熟的作品,也需要慢练,在慢练中巩固意识,使自身的演奏更加细腻、更具感染力。  相似文献   


The manner in which students manage their learning activities in response to perceived task or course demands describes their 'learning orchestration'. This paper addresses relations between a student's learning orchestration and their learning outcome as a function of prior understanding in first year university biology courses. A cluster analysis of 272 Australian students revealed three different forms of learning orchestration - understanding, reproducing and disintegrated. In one cluster, students felt their environment was more supportive of deep approaches to learning and they adopted deeper approaches. They were the students who had the better prior understanding and they did best on measures of meaningful learning. However, less than one third of the students showed this coherent (and desirable) learning pattern. A second cluster of students showed a coherent but less desirable learning orchestration focused on more surface perceptions and approaches and they had significantly worse learning gains and achievement scores. The third cluster of students saw the learning environment as being more supportive of deep approaches, but, unlike the other groups, they did not adopt an approach consistent with their perception. We describe these students as having a disintegrated learning orchestration. A key finding is that the students with this orchestration also have very poor levels of prior knowledge and also have very poor achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

通过采用了北京师范大学外语系的程晓堂和郑敏两位学者的英语学习策略调查表对新疆师范大学汉语教育学院的对外汉语本科05级的同学进行了英语学习策略的诊断;用文秋芳博士的性格测量表对该班同学的性格特点进行了分析。结果发现不同性格的学生学习策略的使用情况也各不相同;而通过皮尔逊相关系数的计算发现学习策略与学习成绩两个变量的相关性很强,即:学习策略使用得越多,学习成绩越好。  相似文献   

Little is known about how students go about learning in out-of-school settings, how they self-regulate their learning in these settings, and whether school learning affects out-of-school learning. Research on these questions is important because a major purpose of schooling is to enable students to learn on their own in the world beyond school. In the present study, high school students were surveyed to determine their out-of-school activities, use of learning strategies in these activities, engagement in school-prompted interests, and self-efficacy for out-of-school learning. Students reported low rates of using learning strategies in their out-of-school pursuits. Students who became so interested in a topic in school that they learned more about it outside of school (i.e., a school-prompted interest) did not have greater self-efficacy for learning or higher grades, but they did report greater use of out-of-school learning strategies, a higher number of out-of-school activities, and greater likelihood of having done a large project on their own. African American and White students were equally likely to have experienced a school-prompted interest, but Whites were more likely to have done projects. These findings suggest the need for more school instruction in learning strategies that encourages their transfer to the out-of-school domain.  相似文献   

免费师范生在校期间的基本学习状况一直是人们关注的热点之一。本文采用问卷调查的方式对免费师范生的学习动机、学习期望与热情、专业兴趣与学习主动性进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,免费师范生的学习动机总体不强,学习热情自我认可度较高,学习期望与现实认可之间差距较大,专业兴趣与学习主动性有待进一步改善。基于调查结果,本研究提出了一些建议与意见。  相似文献   

Teacher educators, as mentors involved in developing student–teacher learning, encounter increasing demands to promote self-regulated learning (SRL) in their students. This study investigated how teacher educators are committed to promoting SRL in their students, as well as how they promote their own professional development as self-regulated learners, which may (or may not) mirror the way they support SRL in their students.In both the Israeli and Dutch teacher education contexts, the study investigated how teacher educators conceptualize SRL and what they mean by actively utilizing SRL approaches, both as a framework for their own professional development and as a way to involve their students in self-directed learning.The study notes several professional dilemmas teacher educators face with respect to SRL. These dilemmas seem to be connected to their underlying conceptions of teaching and learning, as well as the demands of the setting in which they teach. Furthermore, what teacher educators themselves are doing in terms of SRL does not align with what they are teaching others to do; this divergence was the case in the Dutch context more than in the Israeli context. As such, teacher educators struggled with both learning to use SRL approaches themselves, and teaching their students to use them.  相似文献   

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