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雨花石手捧雨花石乾涸的诗湖泛起了涟漪红的——烈士的血绿的——烈士的希冀白的——烈士的坚贞黑的——烈士的意志透明的——烈的心裂断的——烈士的仇恨斑驳的——烈士的泪痕璀灿的——烈士的灵魂啊,美丽的雨花石神奇的雨花石能说话的雨花石有生命的雨花石  相似文献   

说是你给的自由的飞翔的翅膀 说是你写的绚丽的青春的飞扬 说是你解的孤寂的青春的迷茫 假如有人问我谁是青春的伴读 我想大声地说出你的名字 我想大声地说出你的名字 假如有人问我谁是青春的伴读 说是你解的孤寂的青春的迷茫 说是你写的绚丽的青春的飞扬 说是你给的自由的飞翔的翅膀青春的伴读——致《时代教育》@彭俊莎  相似文献   

方便的一线通,简单的键盘,多彩的网络,缩短家校的距离。鲜活的一线通,受教的欲望,施教的思路,融合信息的平台。兴奋的一线通,学生的进步,学校的辉煌,拨动家长的神经。恼人的一线通,学子的疏漏,教者的提醒,刺激人们的眼球。温馨的一线通,专家的疏导,教师的点拨,抚慰考生的心灵。快捷的一线通,突然的变化,紧急的应对,爱生护教的卫士。我们的一线通,服务的定位创新的设计,应用网络的典范。赞教育一线通@洪礼彬  相似文献   

为了解中学教师对中学生未来性别角色发展的期望,本研究采用性别角色期望调查表调查了99名中学教师,结果发现:中学教师对男生的性别角色期望趋近于男性化,对女生的性别角色期望趋近于双性化。教师期望男生在下列特质中高于女生:快乐的、有幽默感的、自立的、有创造力的、喜欢运动的、善交际的、精干的、胆大的、心宽的、不屈不挠的、主动的、奔放的、侠义心肠的、豪放的、外向的、直性子的;教师期望女生在下列特质中高于男生:善良的、爱整洁的、洁身自好的、文雅的、和气的、纯真的、含蓄的、心细的、守本分的、安分的、温柔的、柔情的、温顺的、文静的、贤淑的。  相似文献   

由于健美操的很多的优点,吸引着高校学生们的喜爱,在这种良好的氛围中,很多的国家的竞技类的健美操的参加者都是高校的学生。于是高校的健美操的水平影响着我国的健美操的水平,是一个值得高校重视的项目。随着健美操的发展,很多的高校对健美操的教学和训练中存在着脱节的严重的现象,这就影响着健美操项目的进一步的发展,不能满足多层次的社会的要求。为了提高高校的健美操的水平,很多学者提出了高校健美操教学训练的一体化模式。  相似文献   

一、本课题研究的意义信念是人的活动的基础和支撑点,各个时代、各个民族的人们总是根据自己的信念选择自己的生存方式、活动方式,信念的改变反映着人们价值观的变化,必然带来人们的生存方式和活动方式的变革。信念对于人的活动的这一意义表明,信念本质上是人对自身生命存在的意识;信念的存在即是人的生命存在的意识形成,人的精神世界的存在;信念的丧失则是人的生命意识的崩解。因为,从人的活动的存在看,信念是人的精神家园,与人的生命存在的意义世界、价值世界相联系,展示人的存在;从人的活动的历史变化看,信念是人的活动目的…  相似文献   

王虹 《绵阳师范学院学报》2011,30(1):122-127,136
马克思主义"人学"是研究人类总体的科学,其人的存在、人的活动、人的本质、人的发展的理论是建立在批判人本主义"人学"以个人为本位的抽象的人性论的基础上,并科学地以人的社会存在和社会关系作为研究人的基础,以人的抽象概念和人的自然属性与唯物史观和社会实践对照作为考察人的本质和发展的重要条件,从而建立了马克思主义的新唯物主义的"社会存在论"学说,为人的发展增加了唯物史观的科学的"人类的社会存在"和实践的维度。从实践出发去理解人,把现实的人当作历史的主体,实现了从抽象的人到现实的人的根本转变,也实现了社会存在与人类总体的全面发展的形而上的融通。  相似文献   

弗洛姆从新人本主义的视角,在自己的理论语境里对马克思有关人的本质的思想进行了独特的理解。弗洛姆认为,马克思承认人具有不同于其他生物的人的本性,并且承认存在着一般的人的本性和变化了的人的本性;马克思的人的本性就是人的本质;马克思把人的本能和欲望区分为两种类型:自然的和社会的,人的自然属性属于人性的本质部分,而人的社会属性则是与人的本性没有直接联系的、非本质的部分。通过以上观点的表述,弗洛姆得出人的本质是隐藏在劳动背后并支配人的劳动的人类潜能的结论。这些观点实际上主要是弗洛姆本人的思想,并不是或不全是马克思的思想。  相似文献   

我爱祖国,我爱母语我的母语是热血一般的黄河的波涛我的母语是群星一般的祖先的谜我的母语是春蚕口中吐出的丝绸古道我的母语是春鸟舌尖跳动的民歌中国我的母语是丁香凝结的雨巷我的母语是傲雪绽放的红梅我的母语是浓得化不开的乡愁啊我的母语是划开天幕的雷电、奏响黎明的号角我的母语是一种连接我的母语是一种文明我的母语是一种财富我的母语是一种骄傲我爱祖国,我爱母语我的母语是小学课本里的看图说话我的母语是儿时镀满月光的摇篮我的母语是祖国版图最南端曾母暗沙的屏我的母语是珠穆朗玛地球最高离太阳最近的地方我的母语是遨游太空发…  相似文献   

教育的理想是为了一切的人——无论是城市的还是乡村的,富贵的还是贫贱的,聪慧的还是笨拙的;教育的理想是为了人的一切——无论是品德的还是人格的,生理的还是心理的,智力的还是情感的。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Handwrought Ancestors. By Marion Nicholl Rawson. Illustrated by the author. E. P. Dutton and Company. 366 pp. $5.00.

Brookings. By Hermann Hagedorn. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co. 334 pp. $3.50.

Death Valley Prospectors. By Dane Coolidge. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 178 pp. $2.50.

Her Name Was Wallis Warfield. By Edwina H. Wilson. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 117 pp. $1.50.

Pascal. By Morris Bishop. Illustrated. Reynal and Hitchcock. 398 pp. $3.50.

The Lives of Talleyrand. By Crane Brinton. Illustrated. W. W. Norton. 316 pp. $3.00.

The Man Who Built San Francisco. By Julian Dana. The Macmillan Company. 397 pp. $3.50.

A Student's History of Education. Revised Edition. By Frank P. Graves. The Macmillan Co. 567 pp. $2.50.

Bibliographies and Summaries in Education to July, 1935. By Walter S. Monroe and Louis Shores. The H. W. Wilson Company. 470 pp. $4.50.

Educational Psychology. Edited by Charles E. Skinner. Prentice Hall. 754 pp. $3.50.

Educational Statistics. By M. E. Broom. American Book Company. 318 pp.

Foundations of Curriculum Building. By John K. Norton and Margaret Alltucker Norton. Ginn and Company. 599 pp. $3.00

Remedial and Corrective Instruction in Reading. By James Maurice McCallister. D. Appleton-Century. 300 pp.

Schools for a Growing Democracy. By James S. Tippett, in Collaboration with the Committee of the Parker School District, Greenville, South Carolina. Ginn and Company. 338 pp. $2.00.

The Foundations of Modern Education. By Elmer Harrison Wilds. Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. 634 pp. $2.75.

The Ideal School. By B. B. Bogoslovsky. The Macmillan Company. 525 pp. $2.50.

The Marks of Examiners. By Sir Philip Harteg, E. C. Rhodes, and Cyril Burt. Macmillan and Company, Ltd. 344 pp. 8s 6d.

The Young Child in the Home. By John E. Anderson. D. Appleton-Century Company. 415 pp. $3.00.

Honourable Estate. By Vera Brittain. The Macmillan Company. 601 pp. $2.50.

Gaily the Troubadour. By Arthur Guiterman. E. P. Dutton and Company. 224 pp. $2.00.

Pamela's Daughters. By Robert Palfrey Utter and Gwendolyn Bridges Needham. The Macmillan Co. 479 pp. $3.50

A History of England. By C. E. Carrington and J. Hampden Jackson. The Macmillan Company. 803 pp. $2.40.

A New American History. By W. E. Woodward. Farrar and Reinhart. 900 pp. $4.00.

From Alley Pond to Rockefeller Center. By Henry Collins Brown. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Company. 299 pp. $3.50.

The Philosophy of Santayana. Selections from the Complete Works. Edited by Irwin Edman. Charles Scribner's Sons. 587 pp. $2.50.

Mexican Interlude. By Joseph Henry Jackson. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co. 232 pp. $2.50.

London. By Sidney Dark. Illustrated by Joseph Pennell. The Macmillan Company. 176 pp. $1.39.

Paris. By Sidney Dark. Illustrated by Henry Rushbury. The Macmillan Company. 139 pp. $1.39.

News from Tartary. By Peter Fleming. Illustrated. Charles Scribner's Sons. 381 pp. $3.00.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Whitman. By Edgar Lee Masters. Charles Scribner's Sons. 342 pp. $3.50.

Curriculum Guides for Teachers of Children from Two to Six Years of Age. By Ruth Andrus and Associates. Reynal and Hitchcock. 299 pp. $2.50.

Education and the Class Struggle. By Zalmen Slesinger. Covici-Friede. 312 pp. $3.00.

Educational Psychology. Edited by Charles E. Skinner. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 754 PP- $3.00.

High School English, Books One, Two, Three. By Henry Seidel Canby, Olive I. Carter, and Helen Louise Miller. The Macmillan Co. 337, 413, and 494 pp. $1.00.

Introduction to Modern Views of Education. By W. A. Saucier. Ginn and Company. 490 pp. $2.00.

Principles of Modern Education. By Frank W. Thomas and Albert R. Lang. Houghton Mifflin Co. 340 pp. $2.25.

Public Discussion and Debate. By A. Craig Baird. Ginn and Co. 400 pp. $2.00. Revised Edition.

Teaching Purposes and Their Achievement. By L. John Nuttall. Charles Scribner's Sons. 290 pp. $1.80.

The Beginning Superintendent. By Frederick E. Bolton, Thomas R. Cole and John H. Jessup. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co. 613 pp. $4.00.

The New Culture: An Organic Philosophy of Education. By A. Gordon Melvin. Illustrated. Reynal and Hitchcock. 296 pp. $3.50.

The Small High School at Work. By R. Emerson Langfitt, Frank W. Cyr, and N. William Newsom. The American Book Company. 660 pp. $2.75.

The Social Functions of Education. By Robert M. Bear. The Macmillan Co. 434 pp. $2.25.

A Woman of Washington. By Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. E. P. Dutton and Company. 282 pp. $2.00.

I Was a Probationer. By Corinne Johnson Kern. E. P. Dutton & Co. 314 pp. $2.50.

The Street of the Fishing Cat. By Jolan Foldes. Farrar and Rinchart. 308 pp. $2.50.

A Southern Treasury of Life and Literature. By Stark Young. Charles Scribner's Sons. 748 pp. $1.48.

Grand Tour. Edited by R. S. Lambert. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 167 pp. $2.50.

Monticello and Other Poems. By Lawrence Lee. Charles Scribner's Sons. 92 pp. $2.00.

The Sixteenth Century. By Charles Oman. E. P. Dutton and Co. 247 pp. $3.00.

The Magic World of Music. By Olga Samaroff Stokowski. Illustrated. W. W. Norton. 197 pp. $2.50.

The Concept of Time. By Louise Robinson Heath. The University of Chicago Press. 236 pp. $3.00.

Fifty Million Brothers. A Panorama of Lodges and Clubs by Charles W. Ferguson. Farrar and Rinehart. 389 pp. $3.00.

Mobilizing for Chaos. The Story of the New Propaganda. Yale University Press. 231 pp. $2.50.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Higher Learning in Britain . george F. kneller .
The Revolution in Philosophy . a . j . ayer , w . c . kneale , g . a . paul , d . f . pears , p . f . strawson , g . j . warnock , r . a . wollheim , gilbert ryle .
Contemporary Philosophy . frederick copleston , s . j .
D. H. Lawrence: Selected Literary Criticism , ed. anthony beal .
Interpretations: Essays on Twelve English Poems , ed. john wain .
The World of Odysseus . m . i . finley .
Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 1956 . Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth
The Marble Threshing Floor: Studies in Modern Greek Poetry . philip sherrard .  相似文献   

GROUP LEADERSHIP AND DEMOCRATIC ACTION. By Franklin S. Haiman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1951; pp. vii+309. $2.50.

NEW WAYS TO BETTER MEETINGS. By Bert and Frances Strauss. New York: The Viking Press, 1951; pp. 177. $2.95.

DISCUSSION AND DEBATE: TOOLS OF A DEMOCRACY. By Henry L. Ewbank and J. Jeffery Auer. (Second edition). New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc. 1951; pp. x+ 492. $3.50.

COMMUNICATION: THE SOCIAL MATRIX OF PSYCHIATRY. By Jurgen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1951; pp. 314. $4.50.

FÉNELON'S DIALOGUES ON ELOQUENCE. By Wilbur Samuel Howell. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951; pp. 160. $3.00.

THEODORE WELD: CRUSADER FOR FREEDOM. By Benjamin P. Thomas. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1950; PP. 307. $4.25.

THE LETTERS OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Selected and edited by Ehing E. Morison; John M. Blum, Associate Editor; John J. Buckley, Copy Editor. Cambridge; Harvard University Press, igsi; 9 volumes; Vols. 1–2, pp. xxix+800; 801–1549. $20.00.

PUBLIC SPEAKING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Giles Wilkeson Gray and Waldo W. Braden. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1951; pp. xiv+581. $4.00.

TEACHING SPEECH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. By Karl Robinson. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1951; pp. 438. $4.00.

SPEECH: FORMS AND PRINCIPLES. By Andrew Thomas Weaver. (Second Edition). New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1951: pp. 415.$3.50.

HOW TO WRITE A SPEECH. By Edward J. Hegarty. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1951; pp. vii+xii+226. $3.50.

THE AMERICAN PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF TROUBLESOME WORDS. By Frank O. Colby. New York: Crowell, 1950: pp. 399. $4.50.

A MANUAL OF PRONUNCIATION. By Morriss H. Needleman. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1950; pp. cvii+321. $4.00.

YOUR DEAF CHILD. By Helmer R. Mykle‐bust. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 1950; pp. 133. $2.50.

LANGUAGE FOR THE PRESCHOOL DEAF CHILD. By Grace Harris Lassman. New York: Grune &; Stratton, Inc., 1950; pp. 263. $5.50.

THE RETURN FROM BABEL. By Gerald M. Spring. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951; pp. ix+179. $3.50.

MORE ABOUT WORDS. By Margaret S. Ernst. Sketches by W. A. Dwiggins. New York: Knopf, 1951; pp. xii+233. $3.00.

WORDS AND THEIR USE. By Stephen Ullman. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951; pp. 108. $2.75.

POETRY AND DRAMA. By T. S. Eliot. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1951; pp. 44. $1.50.

A TREASURY OF THE THEATRE (FROM AESCHYLUS TO TURGENEV). Edited by John Gassner. (Revised Edition for Colleges). New York: The Dryden Press, 1951; pp. xviii+718. $4.50.

HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN THEATRE: Seventeenth Through Nineteenth Century. By B. V. Varneke. Original Translation by Boris Brasol. Revised and Edited by Belle Martin. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951; pp. xii+459. $6.50.

HISTORY OF SPEECH EDUCATION AT COLUMBIA COLLEGE 1754–1940. By Helen P. Roach. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1950; pp. 134. $2.35.

TELEVISION AND OUR CHILDREN. By Robert Lewis Shayon. New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1951; pp. 94. $1.50.

RADIO AND TELEVISION SOUND EFFECTS. By Robert B. Turnbull. New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1951; pp. xv+334. $4.50.

SUCCESSFUL RADIO AND TELEVISION ADVERTISING. By E. F. Seehafer and J. W. Laemmar. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., 1951; pp. xiii+574. $6.50.

FOUNDATIONS IN BROADCASTING. By Edgar E. Willis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951; pp. viii+439. $3.25.

TELEVISION PROGRAMMING AND PRODUCTION. By Richard Hubbell. (Second Edition). New York: Rinehart and Co., 1950; pp. xiv+240. $3.50.

PRACTICAL LOGIC. By Monroe C. Beardsley. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1950; pp. xxviii +580. $3.75.

THINKING STRAIGHT. By Monroe C. Beards, ley. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1950; pp. xxi+278. $2.00.

THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE. By William G. Leary and James Steel Smith. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1951; pp. 490. $2.25.

WE TEACH ENGLISH. By Lou La Brant. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1951; pp. 342. $2.75.

INNOCENTS FROM ABROAD. By Kenneth Harris. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1951; pp. 238. $2.50.

ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER REVISED. By General Henry M. Robert. (Seventy‐fifth anniversary edition). New York: Scott Foresman and Company, 1951; pp. 326. $2.10.  相似文献   

ORAL INTERPRETATION. By Charlotte Lee. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1952; pp. xii+580. $3.50.

EMBATTLED MAIDEN: THE LIFE OF ANNA DICKINSON. By Giraud Chester. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1951; pp. 307. 14.00.

THE POLITICAL THEORY OF JOHN C. CALHOUN. By August O. Spain. New York: Bookman Associates, 1951; pp. 306. $3.50.

JOHN C. CALHOUN, SECTIONALISM 1840–1850. By Charles M. Wiltse. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill Co., 1951; pp. 592. $6.00.

DRED SCOTT'S CASE. By Vincent C. Hopkins. New York: Fordham University Press, 1951; pp. ix+204. $4.00.

THE INSTITUTIO ORATORIA OF MARCUS FABIUS QUINTILIANUS WITH AN ENGLISH SUMMARY AND CONCORDANCE. By Charles Edgar Little. Nashville, Tennessee: George Peabody College for Teachers, 1951; 2 volumes; pp. 346; 286. $6.00.

THE ART OF CLEAR THINKING. By Rudolph Flesch. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1951; pp. ix+212. $2.75.

THE ANATOMY OF PUBLIC OPINION. By Norman John Powell. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1951; pp. 619. $5.00.

DESIGNED FOR LISTENING. By Seth A. Fessenden. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co., 1951; pp. viii+98. $1.75.

THE NEW WAY TO BETTER HEARING. By Victor L. Browd, M.D., with an Introduction by Robert West, Ph.D. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1951; pp. 226. $3.00.

MOTOR PHONETICS: A STUDY OF SPEECH MOVEMENTS IN ACTION. By R. H. Stetson. (Revised edition). Oberlin: Oberlin College, 1951; pp. xi+212. $3.50.

PATHOLOGY OF SPEECH. By William R. Parker. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1951; pp. xiv+321. $3.25.

VOICE AND DICTION DRILLBOOK FOR STUDENTS IN SPEECH. By Lucia C. Morgan. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company, 1951; pp. 65. $1.50.

A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN THEATRE (1700–1950). By Glenn Hughes. New York: Samuel French, 1951; pp. xiv+562. $5.00.

THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE NEW ORLEANS THEATER. By John S. Kendall. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1952; pp. 624. $8.00.

APPLIED SEMANTICS. By Joseph G. Brin. Boston: Bruce Humphries Inc., 1951; pp. 189. 13.00.

GUIDE TO REFERENCE BOOKS. By Constance M. Winchell. (Seventh Edition, based on the ... Sixth Edition, by Isadore Gilbert Mudge). Chicago: American Library Association, 1951; pp. 645. $10.00.

HUMAN RELATIONS IN ADMINISTRATION (with Readings and Cases). By Robert Dubin. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1951; pp. xvii+573. $5.50.

AN INTRODUCTION TO PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES. Edited by Harold H. Anderson and Gladys L. Anderson. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1951; pp. xxiv+720. $6.75.  相似文献   

ROGER WILLIAMS. By Perry Miller. Indianapolis: The Bobbs‐Merrill Company, Inc., 1953; pp. xiii+373. $3.00.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. By I. Bernard Cohen. Indianpolis: The Bobbs‐Merrill Company, Inc., 1953; pp. xix+320. $3.00.

ANDREW JACKSON. By Harold C. Syrett. Indianapolis: The Bobbs‐Merrill Company, Inc., 1953; pp. 298. $3.00.

THE STATESMANSHIP OF THE CIVIL WAR. By Allan Nevins. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953; pp. 82. $2.25.

HORACE GREELEY: NINETEENTH‐CENTURY CRUSADER. By Glyndon G. Van Deusen. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1953; pp. 445. $5.00.

COUNSEL FOR THE DAMNED. By Lowell S. Hawley and Ralph Bushnell Potts. New York: The J. B. Lippincott Company, 1953; pp. 320. $3.75.

PERPETUAL WAR FOR PERPETUAL PEACE. Edited by Harry Elmer Barnes. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1953; pp. 679. $6.00.

A FAITH TO PROCLAIM. By James S. Stewart. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953: pp. 160. $2.50.

BEYOND CRITICISM. By Karl Shapiro. Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press, 1953; pp. 73. $3.00.

THE TRIUMPH OF THE ALPHABET. By Alfred C. Moorhouse. New York: Henry Schuman, 1953; pp. 223. $3.50.

ONEIDA VERB MORPHOLOGY. By Floyd G. Lounsbury. Yale University Publications in Anthropology 48. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. pp. 111. $1.50.

WORDS AND SOUNDS IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. By John Orr. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953; pp. viii+279, 2 maps. $4.25.

FLAMING MINISTER: A STUDY OF OTHELLO AS TRAGEDY OF LOVE AND HATE. By G. R. Elliott. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1953; pp. xxxvi+245. $4.50.

MACBETH. Edited by Kenneth Muir. (Eighth edition, revised). Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953; pp. lxxiv+200. $2.75.

CURTAIN TIME. By Lloyd Morris. New York: Random House, 1953; pp. xvi+380. $5.00.

PLAYS AS LITERATURE FOR AN AUDIENCE. By George F. Reynolds. Boulder, Colorado: The University of Colorado Press, 1953; pp. 51. $1.50.

SCENERY DESIGN FOR THE AMATEUR STAGE. By Willard J. Friederich and John H. Frazer. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1950; pp. 264. $3.75.

FILM FORM. By Sergei Eisenstein. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1953; pp. 279. $4.50.

TEEN THEATRE: A GUIDE TO PLAY PRODUCTION. By Edwin and Natalie Gross. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1953; pp. 245. $3.25.

TELEVISION IN SCHOOL, COLLEGE AND COMMUNITY. By Jennie Waugh Callahan. New York: The McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1953; pp. xvi+389. $4.75.

PRODUCING AND DIRECTING FOR TELEVISION. By Charles Adams. New York: Henry Holt &; Co., 1953; pp. 282. $3.95.

TELEVISION ADVERTISING AND PRODUCTION HANDBOOK. Edited by Irving Settel and Norman Glenn. New York: The Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1953; pp. xv+480. $6.00.

RADIO AND TELEVISION ANNOUNCING. By Lyle D. Barnhart. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1953; pp. 283. $5.00.

SPEECH THERAPY: A BOOK OF READINGS. By Charles Van Riper. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1953; pp. xiii+319. $3.95.

SPEECH AND HEARING THERAPY. By Ruth Beckey Irwin. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1953; pp. 243. $3.50.

KEEP YOUR VOICE HEALTHY. By Friedrich S. Brodnitz. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1953; pp. xiv+234. $3.50.

CLINICIAN'S HANDBOOK FOR AUDITORY TRAINING. By J. C. Kelly. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Co., 1953; pp. iv+155. $2.00.

SPEECH: A HANDBOOK OF VOICE TRAINING, DICTION, AND PUBLIC SPEAKING. By Dorothy Mulgrave. With Chapters by Wilbur E. Gilman and Wilbert L. Pronovost. (College Outline Series, No. 89). New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1954; pp. xvii+270. $1.50.

TEACHING SPEECH IN HIGH SCHOOLS. By Willard J. Friederich and Ruth A. Wilcox. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953; pp. xi+487. $4.75.

LEARNING PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE. By Alice Sturgis. New York: The McGraw‐Hill Company, Inc., 1953; pp. xvi+ 358. $4.00.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING IN INTERGROUP EDUCATION: EVALUATION OF WORKSHOPS. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Education, 1953; pp. 243. $2.50.

GROUP DYNAMICS: RESEARCH AND THEORY. By Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1953; pp. xiii+642. $6.00.

PEOPLE IN LIVINGSTON: A READER FOR ADULTS LEARNING ENGLISH. By Virginia French Allen. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1953; pp. vi+122. $1.25.  相似文献   

Biography: Halfway to Freedom, by Margaret Bourke-White. Simon and Schuster. 245 pp. 115 photographs. $3.50.

The Thread That Runs So True, by Jesse Stuart. Charles Scribner's Sons. 293 pages. $3.00.

Education: Audio-Visual Aids to Instruction, by Harry C. McKown and Alivin B. Roberts. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 595 pages, $4.00.

Counseling and Discipline, by E. G. Williamson and J. D. Foley. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 379 pp. $3.75.

Education for Social Competence, by I. James Quillen and Lavone A. Hanna. Scott, Foresman &; Co. 572 pp.

Foundations of Methods for Secondary Schools, by I. N. Thut and J. Raymond Gerberich. McGraw-Hill, 493 pp. $4.00.

Group Guidance. Principles, Techniques, and Evaluation, by Robert Hoppock. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 393 pp. $3.75.

Guide to Research in Educational History, by William W. Brickman. New York University Bookstore. 220 pp. $2.75.

Out-of-School Vocational Guidance, by Roswell H. Ward. Harper &; Brothers. 155 pp. $2.50.

Rural School Management, by Ernest Hilton, American Book Company. 278 pp. $3.25.

Teaching in the High School, by Harl R. Douglass and Hubert H. Mills. The Ronald Press Co. 616 pp. $4.50.

Teaching the Youngest, by Mabel Louise Culkin. The Macmillan Company. 215 pp. $3.00.

The Gates Open Slowly, A History of Education in Kentucky, by Frank L. McVey: University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, Kentucky. 314 pp. $4.00.

Government: Latin American Politics and Government, by Austin F. Macdonald. Thomas Y. Crowell Company. $4.40.

The Country of the Blind, by George S. Counts and Nucia Lodge. Houghton Mifflin Company, 386 pp. $4.00.

History: The Story of Illinois by Theodore Calvin Pease. The University of Chicago Press. 260 pp. $5.00. This Is Illinois: A Pictorial History by Jay Monaghan. The University of Chicago Press. 210 pp. $5.00.

Literature: Patterns for Living, Third Edition. Edited by Oscar James Campbell, Justine Van Gundy and Caroline Shrodes. The Macmillan Co. 951 pages, Price $4.00.

Poetry and Prose of Walt Whitman, Inner Sanctum Edition, Edited by Louis Untermeyer, Simon and Schuster. 1224 pp. $5.00.

Trends in Literature by Joseph T. Shipley. Philosophical Library, New York. 457 pp. $4.75.

Philosophy: The Perennial Scope of Philosophy by Karl Jaspers. Philosophical Library. 183 pp. $3.00.

Psychology: Psychological Factors in Education by Henry Beaumont and Freeman Glenn Macomber. McGraw-Hill Company. 308 pp. $3.00.

Religion: Forgotten Religions (Including Some Living Primitive Religions) edited by Vergilius Ferm. The Philosophical Library. 392 pp. $7.50.  相似文献   

Books reviewed


ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL: A MARXIST PERSPECTIVE. By Phil Slater. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1977; pp. xvii+185. $13.75.


CRITICAL THEORY: SELECTED ESSAYS. By Max Horkheimer. Trans. Matthew J. O'Connell, et al. New York: Seabury Press, 1972; pp. xxi+290. Paper $4.95.

THE ORIGIN OF GERMAN TRAGIC DRAMA. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. John Osborne. New York: Schocken Books, 1977; pp. 1+256. $17.25.

ILLUMINATIONS. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken Books, 1969; pp. 1+278. Paper $4.75.

UNDERSTANDING BRECHT. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. Anna Bostock. New York: Schocken Books, 1973; pp. xix+124. $7.95.

REFLECTIONS. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovariovich, 1978; pp. xliii+ 348. $12.95.

DIALECTIC OF ENLIGHTENMENT. By Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno. Trans. John Cumming. New York: Seabury Press, 1972; pp. xvii+258. Paper $4.95.

DAWN &; DECLINE: NOTES 1926–1931 &; 1950–1969. By Max Horkheimer. Trans. Michael Shaw. New York: Seabury Press, 1978; pp. 1+252. $12.95.

MINIMA MORALIA: REFLECTIONS FROM DAMAGED LIFE. By Theodor W. Adorno. Trans. E. F. N. Jephcott. New York: Schocken Books, 1978; pp. 1+250. $11.95.

THE AESTHETIC DIMENSION. By Herbert Marcuse. Boston: Beacon Press, 1977; pp. xiii+ 88. $6.95.  相似文献   

Coaching debates     
THE SUBCONSCIOUS LANGUAGE. By Theodore Thass‐Thienemann. New York: Washington Square Press, 1967; pp. viii+437. $6.95.

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN PUBLIC ADDRESS AND COMMUNICATION. By Wayne N. Thompson. New York: Random House, 1967; pp. xii+239. Paper $2.95.

LANGUAGE TODAY: A SURVEY OF CURRENT LINGUISTIC THOUGHT. Edited by Mario Pei. New York: Funk &; Wagnalls, 1967; pp. ix+150. $5.95.

THE MANY HUES OF ENGLISH. By Mario Pei. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967; pp. viii+214. $4.95.

INSTRUMENTS OF COMMUNICATION: AN ESSAY ON SCIENTIFIC WRITING. By Patrick Meredith. New York: Pergamon, 1966; pp. xx+645. $21.50.

EDMUND BURKE: THE PRACTICAL IMAGINATION. By Gerald W. Chapman. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. x+350. $5.95.

THE MONROE DOCTRINE AND AMERICAN EXPANSIONISM, 1843–1849. By Frederick Merk. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966; pp. xii+289+ix. $6.95.

JACKSONIAN ARISTOCRACY: CLASS AND DEMOCRACY IN NEW YORK, 1830–1860. By Douglas T. Miller. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967; pp. xi+228. $6.00.

LINCOLN VS. DOUGLAS: THE GREAT DEBATES CAMPAIGN. By Richard Allen Heckman. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1967; PP. v+192. $5.00.

THE PAPERS OF ANDREW JOHNSON: VOLUME I, 1822–1851. Edited by LeRoy P. Graf and Ralph W. Haskins. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1967; pp. xliv+700. $15.00.

1867: DISRAELI, GLADSTONE AND REVOLUTION: THE PASSING OF THE SECOND REFORM BILL. By Maurice Cowling. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967; pp. ix+447. $13.50.

WOODROW WILSON: THE ACADEMIC YEARS. By Henry Wilkinson Bragdon. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. xiii+519.

THE POLITICS OF HONOR: A BIOGRAPHY OF ADLAI E. STEVENSON. By Kenneth S. Davis. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1967; pp. 543. $10.00.

ADLAI STEVENSON—A STUDY IN VALUES. By Herbert J. Muller. New York: Harper &; Row, 1967; pp. xiii+338. $6.95.

THE NUREMBERG PARTY RALLIES, 1923–39. By Hamilton T. Burden. Foreword by Adolf A. Berle. New York: Praeger, 1967; pp. xv+206. $5.95.

IN SEARCH OF LIGHT: THE BROADCASTS OF EDWARD R. MURROW, 1938–1961. Edited with an introduction by Edward Bliss, Jr. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967; pp. xv+364. $6.95.

THE FARTHER VISION: EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION TODAY. Edited by Allen E. Koenig and Ruane B. Hill. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967; pp. xvi+371. $7.50.

JOSEPH CONRAD: A PSYCHOANALYTIC BIOGRAPHY. By Bernard C. Meyer. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967; pp. viii+396. $8.50.

A CONTINUING JOURNEY. By Archibald MacLeish. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1968; pp. x+374. $5.95.

SURVEYS AND SOUNDINGS IN EUROPEAN LITERATURE. By Hermann J. Weigand. Edited by A. Leslie Willson. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1966; pp. viii+ 360. $10.00.

THE READER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SHAKESPEARE. Edited by Oscar James Campbell and Edward G. Quinn. New York: Crowell, 1966; pp. xv+1,01. $15.00.

SHAKESPEARE'S STAGECRAFT. By J. L. Styan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967; pp. viii+244. $7.95; paper $2.45.

THE ELIZABETHAN WORLD. By Lacey Baldwin Smith. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1967; pp. 286. $6.50.

DRYDEN'S MAJOR PLAYS. By Bruce King. New York: Barnes &; Noble, 1966; pp. x+215. $6.75.

RACINE, OR, THE TRIUMPH OF RELEVANCE, By Odette de Mourgues. London, England: Cambridge University Press, 1967; pp. iv+170. $5.50; paper $2.25.

THEATER IN THE ANTE BELLUM SOUTH, 1815–1861. By James H. Dormon, Jr. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1967; pp. xii+322. $8.00.

THE FOREIGNER IN EARLY AMERICAN DRAMA: A STUDY IN ATTITUDES. By Kent G. Gallagher. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton, 1966; pp. 206. $8.00.

AFTER THE IRISH RENAISSANCE: A CRITICAL HISTORY OF THE IRISH DRAMA SINCE “THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS.” By Robert Hogan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967; pp. x+282. $6.95.

THE INFLUENCE OF D. H. LAWRENCE ON TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. By Norman J. Fedder. New York: Humanities, 1966; pp. 131 $5.75.

D. H. LAWRENCE AS A LITERARY CRITIC. By David J. Gordon. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1966; pp. viii+178. $4.75.

THE THEATRE OF COMMITMENT AND OTHER ESSAYS ON DRAMA IN OUR SOCIETY. By Eric Bentley. New York: Atheneum, 1967; pp. xi+241. $5.00.

TYNAN RIGHT AND LEFT: PLAYS, FILMS, PEOPLE, PLACES, AND EVENTS. By Kenneth Tynan. New York: Atheneum, 1967; pp. ix+479. $8.95.

WRITERS AT WORK: THE PARIS REVIEW INTERVIEWS. Third series. Introduced by Alfred Kazin. New York: Viking, 1967; pp. xv+368. $7.95.

THE PLAYS OF THORNTON WILDER: A CRITICAL STUDY. By Donald Haberman. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1967; pp. xii+162. $7.00.  相似文献   

EXPERIMENTS ON MASS COMMUNICATION. By Carl I. Hovland, Arthur A. Lumsdaine, and Fred D. Sheffield. (Volume III of Studies in Social Psychology in World War II) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949; pp. x+345. $5.00.

SPEECH OF OUR TIME. Edited by Clive Sansom. London: Hinrichsen, 1948; pp. 228. $4.50.

AN INDEX TO ARISTOTLE. By Troy Wilson Organ. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 19.48; pp. vi+181. $5.00.

THE PREPARATION OF SERMONS. By A. W. Blackwood. New York and Nashville: Abingdon‐Cokesbury Press, 1948; pp. 272. $3.00.

PREACHING AND THE DRAMATIC ARTS. By E. Winston Jones. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948; pp. ix +123. $2.00.

FEMALE PERSUASION. By Margaret Farrand Thorp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919; PP. 254. $3.75.

PLAIN WORDS. A Guide to the Use of English. By Sir Ernest Gowers. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1948. Distributed by the British Information Service, New York; pp. 94. $1.15.

THE ART OF ACTING. By John Dolman. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1919; pp. xx+313. $3.50.

BUILDING A CHARACTER. By Constantin Stanislavski. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1049; pp. xx+292. $3.50.

FROM NATIVE ROOTS. By Felix Sper. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, 1948; pp. 341. $4.00.

TWENTY‐FIVE BEST PLAYS OF THE MODERN AMERICAN THEATRE. Edited with an Introduction by John Gassner. New York: Crown Publishers, 1949; pp. xxvii+756. $5.00.

A MANUAL OF PRONUNCIATION. By Morriss H. Needleman. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1949; pp. cxxiii+323. $4.00.

PORTUGUESE‐AMERICAN SPEECH. An outline of Speech Conditions Among Portuguese Immigrants in New England and Elsewhere in the United States. By Leo Pap. New York: King's Crown Press, 1949; pp. xi+223. $3.00.

A MINIATURE TEXTBOOK OF FEEBLEMINDEDNESS. By Leo Kanner, M.D. Child Care Monographs, No. 1. New York: Child Care Publications, 1949; pp. 33. $1.25.

FUNDAMENTALS OF WRITING FOR RADIO. Drama, Talks, Continuities, and Non‐dramatic Features with Guidance in Program Planning, Production, and Marketing. By Rome Cowgill. New York: Rinehart and Company, 1949; pp. vi + 295. $3.50.

SPEECH METHODS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Carrie Rasmussen. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1919; pp. ix + 340. $3.50.

HOW TO SPEAK THE WRITTEN WORD. A Guide to Effective Public Reading. By Nedra Newkirk Lamar. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1949; pp. 175. $2.50.

VOICE AND DICTION. By Victor A. Fields and James F. Bender. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949; pp. viii+368. $4.00.

PRACTICAL DEBATING. By Luther W. Courtney and Glenn R. Capp. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1949; pp. viii+308. $3.25.

YOU AND YOUR SPEECHES. By E. C. Buehler. Lawrence, Kansas: The Allen Press, 1949; pp. 226. $3.00.

38 BASIC SPEECH EXPERIENCES. A Guide for Student and Teacher. By Clark S. Carlile. St. Louis: John S. Swift Company, 1949; pp. xvi+153.  相似文献   

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