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投稿人麦迪9669甜瓜,下赛季再见这一刻,他尽力了。这一季,我知足了!从那一结实的大冒开始,就宣告了这个赛季已经结束了。当场中庆祝的热潮翻滚时,那一刻,场上多了很多庆祝者,也多了一位感伤者。这结果,谈不上悲情伤感,说不上可惜遗憾的剧情!这场景,失去了奇迹圆满,缺少了单骑救主的戏份!这画面,定格了平民胜利,刻画了孤胆英雄的黯然!  相似文献   

马子亮 《武当》2011,(2):49-50
父母是由爷爷奶奶包办的婚姻。年轻时,赶上了艰难困苦时代,父母整日为全家的生计而操劳。他们携手并肩,生死与共,终于把我们哥俩养大。我们都飞到了大城市,有了各自的工作,过起了安居乐业的幸福生活。但是,他们也到了风烛残年。如今,我们的收入多了,腰包鼓了,生活水平提高了,家里不缺吃不缺穿,他们俩由我们哥俩轮  相似文献   

佚名 《当代体育》2012,(33):76-77
23号起床后来到了金融街的威斯汀酒店,可是到这只有数以个计的拜仁球迷,我们以为拜仁没有阻拦,直接进去了,当时我们在电梯附近埋伏了30分钟然后得到了不是这里的消息,出去的时候碰到了一个拜仁球迷,最后他把我们带到了金茂的威斯汀酒店,开始了之后的疯狂追星。到了酒店后很多球迷都在那里,我在要了2杯饮品后坐在那里等候,1个小时过后,激动人心的时刻终于来临了,当时的人很多我跑到了墙角那里,第一个可以看到巨星们,可是随后来了武警,我们也就没希  相似文献   

收藏品多了,标本多了,上网多了,交朋友多了,了解你的人多了,知道你水平的人多了,让你鉴定的人也就多了……网络现在很普及,我在网上发我收藏的资料,发我的元代标本,很多网友很愿意转载我的资料,我的知名度慢慢就提升了。  相似文献   

陈昭华 《网球》2014,(4):120-120
还在初二的时候,我就参加了学校的文学社,因为我写得一手好诗,高二的时候,我又爱上了网球,我几乎看尽了所有的网球出版物,我以为我在这个行当理应有一席之地,我甚至制定了高考的目标,体育新闻专业。但看得多了,我又觉得有点绝望,未来也许不会容许我在这个行当有个一席之地,因为那些家伙写得太棒了,张奔斗占据了新闻流,胡立涛占据了技术流,张  相似文献   

春节过去了,天气也渐渐暖和起来,随着鼠年的到来,四害的活动又频繁了。蟑螂参加春晚了,苍蝇被偷拍了,蚊子被潜规则了,某人和某人不可见人的照片广为流传了。但是这些乱七八糟的事都无法阻止我们怀着新年的喜庆看完NBA全明星赛。这个冬天我们经历了许多,南方遭受了百年一遇的雪灾,可我们这北纬46度的哈尔滨却看不见雪花了。冰城哈尔滨需要雪,于是老孙休息了,本期球迷问答由本人——北纬46°的雪出来飘一下,如果有回答得不好的地方,希望广大球迷海涵。看了很多球迷的来信,不过问题却大同小异,希望诸位以后提问题的时候能更加有创意,要不然不久的将来球迷问答很可能就要消失了。球迷积分我们马上就会更新,在《扣篮》网站上的读者调查里就可以找到。  相似文献   

1999年是拉尔夫·舒马赫真正发挥了水平的一年。首站澳大利亚人奖赛就开了一个了个好头,为他的新车队获得了一个第三名。在巴西站夺得了第四名,在随后的比赛中,只要小舒马赫完成了比赛,他就肯定取得了积分,只是在自己家门口的德国大奖赛上打了一个盹。  相似文献   

部长讲话奥运的脚步越来越近了。制作这期杂志期间奥运圣火传到了黑龙江,相信圣火走过你家乡省份的朋友们会和我有一样的想法:可能这是我们这一生惟一的一次与奥林匹克圣火如此接近。休假期间在回家的火车上人挺多的,我们车厢里有一位是火炬的护跑手,当有人认出他蓝白相间的衣服代表了什么身份的时候,他附近好多人都给他让座。休假期间和表弟去打球,那小子真快,跑不过他了。在球场泡了一个下午之后意识到再也不能这么干了,不是那小子快了,是我慢了。第二天下起了雨,我很高兴,不用打球了。第三天,还在下雨,天啊,大江南北都在下雨,上帝保佑,我的祖国不要再有什么灾难了。  相似文献   

现代信息技术,改变了人们固有的思维习惯和生活方式,也给语文教学改革带来了勃勃的生机。现代信息技术的介入给语文课堂教学注入了新的活力,优化了课堂教学结构,活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣,对提高教学效率起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

毕业两字,往快了念,就是个"别",这注定是个分离愁苦的时刻。很多滴酒不沾的人也喝得烂醉了,很多龃龉也消解无形了,很多四年都没说过话的男女同学也抓紧唠两句了——一起上了四年学,要是连一句话都没说过,实在令人发指。更令人发指的是,要毕业了你表白了,早干嘛去了?!这种人就类似于黄瓜,欠拍。  相似文献   

重新认识体育的社会关联   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
体育与政治之间存在一个悖论,体育的发展与经济实力之间没有直线相关,体育与教育部分重叠,体育与宗教最为近缘,体育可借用科学手段,体育的艺术禀性日益明显,体育与养生反映着两种人生观。  相似文献   

The biology and medicine of rowing are briefly reviewed. Effort in a 2000 -m race is about 70% aerobic. Because the boat (and in some instances a cox) must be propelled, successful competitors are very tall, with a large lean mass and aerobic power. Large hearts may lead to erroneous diagnoses of a cardiomyopathy. Large respiratory minute volumes must be developed by chest muscles that are also involved in rowing. The vital capacity is typically large, and breathing becomes entrained. Expiration cannot be slowed relative to inspiration (as normally occurs at high rates of ventilation) and the limiting flow velocity may be reached, with the potential for airway collapse. Performance is strongly related to the power output at the ‘anaerobic threshold’, and lactate measures provide a guide to an appropriate intensity of endurance training. Peak blood lactate levels are higher in males (commonly 11–19 mmol·l -1 and occasionally as high as 25 mmol·l -1) than in females (9–11 mmol·l -1), probably because males have a greater muscle mass in relation to blood volume. The skeletal muscles are predominantly slow twitch in type, developing an unusual force and power at low contraction velocities. Many rowers have a suboptimal diet, eating excessive amounts of fat. Lightweight rowers also have problems of weight cycling. Aerobic power and muscle endurance often change by 10% over the season, but such fluctuations can be largely avoided by a well-designed winter training programme. Injuries include back and knee problems, tenosynovitis of the wrist and, since the introduction of large blades, fractures of the costae.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of carbohydrate ingestion on metabolic and performance-related responses during and after a simulated 1h cycling time trial. Eight trained male cyclists (VO 2 peak = 66.5ml kg -1 min -1 ) rode their own bicycles mounted on a windload simulator to imitate real riding conditions. At a self-selected maximal pace, the cyclists performed two 1h rides (separated by 7 days) and were fed either an 8% carbohydrate or placebo solution. The beverages were administered 25 min before (4.5ml kg -1 ) and at the end (4.5ml kg -1 ) of the ride. With carbohydrate feeding, plasma glucose tended (P = 0.21) to rise before the time trial. Compared with rest, the plasma glucose concentration decreased significantly (P < 0.05) at the end of both rides, with no statistically significant difference being observed between treatments. Thereafter, plasma glucose increased significantly (P < 0.05) at 15 and 30 min into recovery, and was significantly higher at 30 min during the carbohydrate trial compared with the placebo trial. No significant changes in plasma free fatty acids were observed during the ride. However, a significant increase (P < 0.05) in free fatty acids was found at 15 and 30 min into recovery, with no difference between trials. Mean power output was significantly (P < 0.05) greater during the carbohydrate compared with the placebo trial (mean - S.E.: 277-3 and 269-3W, respectively). The greater distance covered in the carbohydrate compared with the placebo trial (41.5-1.06 and 41.0–1.06km, respectively; P < 0.05) was equivalent to a 44s improvement. We conclude that pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion significantly increases endurance performance in trained cyclists during a 1h simulated time trial. Although the mechanism for this enhancement in performance with carbohydrate ingestion cannot be surmised from the present results, it could be related to a higher rate of carbohydrate oxidation, or to favourable effects of carbohydrate ingestion on the central component of fatigue.  相似文献   

Capoeira could be defined as a Brazilian martial art and game to be played. This research explored how capoeira play might be considered to facilitate connectedness amongst newly-recruited persons, plus any other ramifications of capoeira involvement. A beginners’ course of capoeira was provided to participants, free of charge, in an English city in the West Midlands—new capoeiristas in a new venue for capoeira. Researchers attended classes to collect/construct overt non-participant observation data. In addition, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with the new capoeiristas post-course. This article explores researchers’ observation fieldnotes and interviewees’ narratives. These qualitative data-driven debates include the concepts: self, identity, escapism, multiparty endeavour, community, temporality, enjoyment, and transcending boundaries. Capoeira is theorised in a fresh manner that highlights social benefits of capoeira—for example as an enjoyable and supportive group endeavour which includes elements of social play and community-building—plus benefits for self that can transcend the boundaries of the class. Findings highlight how capoeira can be considered an inherently multiparty endeavour whereby social actors form, and experience, a community in order to embrace capoeira play. Data suggest capoeira can facilitate group playfulness, joviality, and laughter. Further, capoeiristas can enact and experience—some mode of—escapism via capoeira, whereby new place and pursuit can facilitate hedonistic diversion from the mundane. Capoeira appears to provide adventure and liberation into a relatively unburdened part of, or place in, social life. Corporeal and discursive boundary-empowerment can also be experienced by capoeiristas, fostering positive identity work in the wider world. Capoeira can be argued to facilitate mutuality (e.g. community experience and group work) and egoism (e.g. an individual's identity work) concurrently. This research suggests that modified capoeira for beginners can be beneficial for both the new capoeiristas themselves and for positive community action during and beyond class.  相似文献   

对江苏省8所高校在校大学生的问卷调查和有关专家、体育教师的访谈发现,江苏省高校体育教学通过多年的改革创新有所提高,但仍然存在一些需要不断改进的方面。大胆改革不受欢迎的课程,普及广受学生喜爱的课程,进一步改进和完善教学形式,改进考核评价方法,是推动高校体育教学、提高大学生体质、培养学生终身体育观的重要途径。  相似文献   

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation ‐ patterns and techniques D.E. Voss, M.K. Ionta and B.J. Myers. Harper and Row, Philadelphia, 1985 xxvi + 370 pp, £29.95, ISBN 0 06 142595 8

Science of Stretching M.J. Alter, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, 1988 xii + 243 pp, $26.00, ISBN 0 87322 090 0  相似文献   

现代足球比赛是快速、富于竞争、充满激情的竞赛,为了取胜夺标,比赛双方在身体、技术、作风、心理、战术思想的对抗越演越激烈,对抗性已成为现代足球运动发展趋势。同时,对足球裁判员的要求也越来越高,足球裁判员在比赛中判罚的准确性对比赛的顺利进行至关重要。足球裁判员是足球场上的组织者和法官。裁判员的水平直接影响着足球比赛的质量,对犯规准确性的判罚是衡量裁判员水平的标准。本文采用调查访问及问卷调查法,对初级裁判员临场执法的错漏判因素进行探讨。结果发现存在理论与实际判罚脱离、判罚降格处理、红黄牌亮出等等问题。找出不利裁判员准确判罚的因素加以研究,对提高足球裁判员水平有着重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

The multidimensional concept of creativity has a much wider scope of application than disclosed by prevailing research on sporting creativity. In this area, creativity is mostly perceived, praised, and approached for its performative, in-game benefits. Pointing to the belief that creativity requires well-developed technical skills, this phenomenon is often treated as a performative end. When targeting creative match performances, the developmental and experiential benefits of creative activities may be neglected, and creativity may be reserved for the best offensive players. To nourish and nuance practical and scholastic dialogues, the purpose of this paper is to conceptualize creativity as a developmental resource in sport training activities. This is accomplished by building on and articulating [Shilling, C. (2005). Body in culture, technology and society. London: SAGE] body-sociology, [Gl?veanu, V. P. (2012). What can be done with an egg? Creativity, material objects, and the theory of affordances. The Journal of Creative BehaviorJournal of Creative Behavior, 46(3), 192–208. doi:10.1002/jocb.13, Gl?veanu, V. P. (2016b). The psychology of creating: A cultural-developmental approach to key dichotomies within creativity studies. In The Palgrave handbook of creativity and culture research (pp. 205–223). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/978-1-137-46344-9_10] socio-cultural notions about creativity, and [Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education– an introduction to the philosophy of education. New York, NY: The Free Press.] educational philosophy. Based on these positions, creativity is treated as a dynamic quality of action that is located in the transaction between the player and the specific situation (i.e. affordances, intentions, and norms). Hence, creativity regards the exploratory and playful processes of discovering, exploiting, and originating unusual action possibilities (i.e. acting on unperceived, unexploited, and uninvented affordances). Grounded in these ideas, we argue for the stimulation of creative actions during training, which should not be forgotten when trying to nurture in-game creativity. Essentially, the developmental benefits (e.g. learning and enjoyment) of creativity could apply to all players, at all levels. Among others, creativity may enhance their situated potential (e.g. expanding the boundaries of usual actions; developing the capacity for novel actions). For instance, the exploration of unexploited affordances (i.e. actions normally avoided due to norms) entails broad experiences and may help the players discover novel actions. Moreover, creative activities may develop the players’ capacity to search for, handle, and/or create unexpected, unusual, and novel situations. This is vital for players’ development and performance.  相似文献   

随着我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的启动,校本课程开发也日益成为人们关注的热点。体育与健康课程是基础教育的一个重要组成部分,因此体育与健康校本课程开发成了课程改革的热点之一。但是,对于我国而言,有关体育与健康校本课程开发的研究还主要集中在城市重点中学,对农村中学的研究尚处于起步探索阶段。然而校本课程是农村中学课程建设的重要环节之一,它是体现农村学校办学特色,与农村经济和社会发展相适应,促进农村学生个性发展和提高农村教师专业素质的重要举措。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of the lactate minimum speed test to changes in endurance fitness resulting from a 6 week training intervention. Sixteen participants (mean +/- s :age 23 +/- 4 years;body mass 69.7 +/- 9.1 kg) completed 6 weeks of endurance training. Another eight participants (age 23 +/- 4 years; body mass 72.7 +/-12.5 kg) acted as non-training controls. Before and after the training intervention, all participants completed: (1) a standard multi-stage treadmill test for the assessment of VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold and running speed at a reference blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 ; and (2) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved two supramaximal exercise bouts and an 8 min walking recovery period to increase blood lactate concentration before the completion of an incremental treadmill test. Additionally, a subgroup of eight participants from the training intervention completed a series of constant-speed runs for determination of running speed at the maximal lactate steady state. The test protocols were identical before and after the 6 week intervention. The control group showed no significant changes in VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold, running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 or the lactate minimum speed.In the training group, there was a significant increase in VO 2max (from 47.9 +/- 8.4 to 52.2 +/- 2.7 ml.kg -1 .min -1 ), running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (from 13.3 +/- 1.7 to 13.9 +/- 1.6 km.h -1 ), running speed at the lactate threshold (from 11.2 +/- 1.8 to 11.9 +/- 1.8 km.h -1 ) and running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 (from 12.5 +/- 2.2 to 13.2 +/- 2.1 km.h -1 ) (all P ? 0.05). Despite these clear improvements in aerobic fitness, there was no significant difference in lactate minimum speed after the training intervention (from 11.0 +/- 0.7 to 10.9 +/- 1.7 km.h -1 ). The results demonstrate that the lactate minimum speed,when assessed using the same exercise protocol before and after 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, is not sensitive to changes in endurance capacity.  相似文献   

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