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The types of non-maternal child care received by more than 1000 U.S. children were examined from birth to 54 months and related to family selection factors and to child outcomes. Individual children tended to experience a variety of different types of care and not to fit into clear patterns of either stable care types or progressive patterns of movement from less structured to more highly structured care settings. Across the entire sample, however, hours in center care were higher in the preschool period than earlier, whereas hours in relative care remained stable and hours in child care homes decreased. Mothers who were single, those with more education and less traditional beliefs about child rearing, and families with higher incomes and fewer children in the household were more likely to use more hours of center care than other families; single mothers and those with fewer children also used more hours of care in child care homes. Minority families, those with low incomes, and mothers with less education and fewer children used more hours of relative care. With family selection factors and quality of child care controlled, only hours in center care across the time period from 3 to 54 months were related to child outcomes. Children who experienced more center care were reported by caregivers at 54 months to have somewhat higher externalizing behavior problem scores than other children, although these scores were not in the clinical or at-risk range. Center care hours were also related to cognitive and language outcomes, with more hours in infancy associated with lower preacademic test scores and more hours in the toddler period with higher language scores.  相似文献   

A retrospective record survey was performed using all child clients aged less than 7 years seen at a community mental health center during the period 1982-1984. The total number of 202 children fell into three groups: sexually abused (n = 37), physically abused (n = 35), and nonabused clinical children (n = 130). These groups were compared in order to learn more about sexual abuse in young children. Family background of both abused groups were similar to each other but differed from the nonabused group in having more factors related to family stress than the nonabused group. Clinical presentations of all the children overlapped a great deal symptomatically; however, the sexually abused children had a statistically significant higher frequency of inappropriate sexual behavior than the other two groups. Several characteristics of the abusive patterns suffered by the two abuse groups differed at or near statistical significance: sexually abused children were more often victimized in single acts by nonrelated child perpetrators than were physically abused children.  相似文献   

杜威的"以儿童为中心"教育理念在当代中国教育界已被普遍接受。然而,反思当下教育实践,不难发现"以儿童为中心"的教育认知存在理解偏误、教育行为存在实践异化的问题。通过对"以儿童为中心"的教育理念进行历史梳理与内涵解析,澄明其意蕴,用以指导教育理解与实践,即以"为了儿童"与"基于儿童"的整合来匡正认识偏误,"通过儿童"实现"儿童中心"来纠正行为实践,从而达成真正意义上的"以儿童为中心"。  相似文献   

《Child development》2000,71(4):960-980
Children from 10 sites in the United States were followed from birth to age 3 to determine how experiences in child care relate to cognitive and language development (Ns varied between 595 and 856, depending on the assessment). Multiple assessments of family and child care environments and of cognitive and language competence were collected. Analyses that adjusted for maternal vocabulary score, family income, child gender, observed quality of the home environment, and observed maternal cognitive stimulation indicated that the overall quality of child care, and language stimulation in particular, was consistently but modestly related to cognitive and language outcomes at ages 15, 24, and 36 months. The effect sizes for high (top quartile) versus low (bottom quartile) quality ranged from .18 to .48. After adjusting for child care quality, cumulative experience in center-based care was associated with better outcomes than was participation in other types of care. The amount of time children spent in care was not related to outcomes. Children in exclusive maternal care did not differ systematically from children in child care. Tests for lagged relations of earlier child care experiences to later performance (adjusting for current child care) showed that language stimulation predicted subsequent cognitive and language performance 9 to 12 months later. Although children in center care at age 3 performed better than children in other types of care, earlier experience in child care homes was associated with better performance at age 3 than was experience in other types of care. The relations of child care variables to outcomes did not vary consistently as a function of family income, quality of home environment, child gender, or ethnic group.  相似文献   

Long-term correlates of early child care and maternal employment were examined in a representative sample of 333 6- to 12-year-old middle-class children. Intellectual, social, and behavioral development and parent-child relationships were related to nonparental infant care, center or preschool experiences, and maternal employment. Contextual analyses included child, parent, and family covariates related to choice of child care and children's development. Preschool and center day care was associated with slightly higher Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) Vocabulary scores and externalizing t scores on the Child Behavior Checklist. In addition, for African American children, center preschool experience was associated with 10-point-higher verbal intelligence scores and better ratings of positive behavioral attributes by parent and observers. Nonparental care during infancy and maternal employment patterns during the preschool years were not consistently related to the outcomes. The results of this study further support the growing consensus that the effects of early child care experiences must be considered in the context of parent, family, and child characteristics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of the study was to compare observed range and frequency of sexual behavior in 3- to 6-year-olds in two different environments: the home and the daycare center. The study also aimed to investigate parental and staff opinions on child sexual behavior. METHODS: Parents and daycare teachers of 185 preschool children, from different socio-economic housing areas, answered extensive questionnaires about each child's sexual and general behavior. They were also asked about their own opinions on child sexual behavior. RESULTS: Parents observed significantly more sexual behavior in their children at home compared to teachers' observations at the daycare centers in all age groups, while teachers reported more general behavior problems. Significant gender differences on sexual behavior were displayed at the daycare centers but not at home. Rare behaviors at home were also very unusual at the daycare center. Parental and staff attitudes toward child sexuality were quite open, although 67% of the parents and 41% of the teachers never spoke to the children on sexual matters. One fifth of the adults used no term for genitals at all, and even fewer had a name for girls' genitals. The findings indicate that young children explore their sexuality more at home than in settings with groups of children where the daily activities may be more structured and monitored. It enhances the importance of looking at the context in which the sexual behavior is taking place when investigating problematic sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Educare is a birth to age 5 early education program designed to reduce the achievement gap between children from low‐income families and their more economically advantaged peers through high‐quality center‐based programming and strong school–family partnerships. This study randomly assigned 239 children (< 19 months) from low‐income families to Educare or a business‐as‐usual control group. Assessments tracked children 1 year after randomization. Results revealed significant differences favoring treatment group children on auditory and expressive language skills, parent‐reported problem behaviors, and positive parent–child interactions. Effect sizes were in the modest to medium range. No effects were evident for observer‐rated child behaviors or parent‐rated social competence. The overall results add to the evidence that intervening early can set low‐income children on more positive developmental courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the factors which influence custody change in cases of children who have been sexually abused. Of 180 children admitted to La Rabida Children's Hospital and Research center with a suspicion of having been sexually abused, 138 met the state's criteria for proven sexual abuse, and 30% of those children had a sexually transmitted disease. One-third of the children with proven abuse were under 4 years of age. Of the children with proven abuse, ultimately 40% had a custody change. Only an initial outcry of abuse was associated with an increased probability of a change in custody. A change in custody was not found to be related to the patient's age, sex, the perpetrator's relation to the child or access to the home, the presence of sexually transmitted disease, whether the child was also physically abused, or whether the child had had developmental delay. These data suggest an absence of any discernible guidelines in the juvenile court's decision concerning custody change of a sexually abused child.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Outdoor play is important for children’s health and development, yet many preschool-age children in child care settings do not receive the recommended 60 min/day of outdoor play. Child care providers have previously described parent-related barriers to increasing outdoor playtime, including parents not providing appropriate clothing for their children and parents’ preference for academics over active play. This study explored parent perceptions and knowledge of outdoor playtime in child care environments. On average, parents reported wanting their child to spend significantly more time playing outside during a full day of child care than the recommended minimum. However, more than half of parents reported that they did not know how much time their child actually spent playing outside, and 43% reported that they did not know their child care center’s outdoor play policies. Practice or Policy: Child care providers may overperceive parent-related barriers to outdoor play. Parents generally support outdoor play for their preschooler during center-based child care but are not well informed about outdoor playtime and policies. Encouraging communication between parents and early childhood educators about these topics could lead to more universal support and strategies for promoting outdoor and active play opportunities for children, which are important for children’s health and development.  相似文献   

This study compared levels of parent involvement in early intervention services for children under three which were delivered in community settings (children’s homes and child care programs) and specialized settings (early intervention centers and provider offices) in the USA. Respondents reported the highest levels of parental involvement in the home. However, level of involvement in the home was not significantly higher than the provider’s office for parent attendance, quality and content of parent-provider communication, and effective instruction; level of provider communication and instruction to parents was not significantly higher in the home than in the early intervention center. Early intervention services in the child care setting were associated with the lowest levels of parent involvement. With the exception of child care, these results suggest that specialized and natural settings are associated with similar levels of parent involvement.  相似文献   

The benefits for children at the Pittsburgh site of the federal Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP) were examined as a function of family welfare status (Aid to Families with Dependent Children; AFDC) and SES. The CCDP was the largest attempt by the federal government to provide two-generation, case-managed, comprehensive services to low-income families. Participating families could set their own goals and choose services to achieve them, but relatively few services were directed specifically at children. Results showed that more Pittsburgh families in the CCDP treatment group (N = 120) left AFDC than in the control group (N = 120), consistent with results from a national evaluation of the CCDP. Children whose families were on AFDC regardless of treatment group had lower mental test scores, even after controlling for family SES, a result suggesting that AFDC receipt over and above income level was associated with poorer child mental performance. The CCDP was associated with higher children's mental scores plus improvements over time in achievement scores only for children in families who were not on AFDC, even after controlling for SES. Such parents were more likely to choose parenting and child goals and services, which in turn were associated with higher child mental scores. In contrast, parents who were on AFDC tended to choose adult-centered goals and services, which did not benefit children. Therefore, in contrast to the national evaluation, which found no benefits of the CCDP for children, these analyses showed that the CCDP did produce benefits for children whose parents were not on AFDC, who tended to choose parenting and child services.  相似文献   

The provision of the most comprehensive funded statewide delivery of diagnostic, protective and treatment services to abused and neglected children and their families in the country has been made possible by the State of Louisiana and its concerned citizenry. The importance of obtaining a legislative mandate establishing and funding the statewide child protection concept by the Louisiana legislature was illustrated.We described how the medical and protective services components cooperate and coordinate at the state and local levels to provide the abused and neglected child and his family with the best possible services available. Throughout our presentation the use of the interdisciplinary team concept was emphasized as the best system known to enhance the reporting, investigation and diagnosis of child abuse and/or neglect cases as well as providing protective and treatment services to the child and his family.The Child Protection Center is the community agency serving as the “core” for the interdisciplinary approach to be successful. The role of each discipline employed by the center was reviewed and how interagency coordination is accomplished through their efforts.The interdisciplinary dispositional conference prior to a child's discharge from the hospital was considered as an excellent method to insure that several disciplines share in the definitive protective and treatment plans for the abused child.Several treatment modalities and their success rates for the child and his family were discussed. The accomplishments of the center were listed.Finally, a review of how the citizenry from the Baton Rouge Community responded overwhelmly by their involvement and commitments in an all out effort to combat a serious social symptom and disease — child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in social and cognitive functioning of divorced- and intact-family preschool-age children enrolled in day care. Additionally explored were the relationships of environmental factors such as family and community support and substitute child care to child adjustment. Subjects were 38 divorced-family children (M=4.82 years) and 42 intact-family children (M=4.82 years) enrolled in three day care centers in a Midwestern suburban community. Parent and child interviews, ratings by day care personnel, and standardized tests were used to gather data. No significant differences in social functioning of divorced- and intact-family children were found. Differences in cognitive functioning favored divorced-family children. Support from extended family was associated with better social functioning of divorced-family children, whereas support from day care center staff was related to better cognitive performance. Findings have implications for research and direct service to divorced-family preschoolage children.  相似文献   

The challenges facing children in the 21st century are immense and will need to be faced if we are to achieve the goal of child protection for all. Three specific constraints on child protection are examined in this article, namely poverty, HIV/AIDS infection, and war. The authors use their experience in Africa to raise issues of resilience and adaptation, dangers to child protection programs, and possible solutions. Poverty can be both financial and psychological, and this affects the effect of prevention programs. In many African and Asian countries, the AIDS pandemic has changed the social structure of society with AIDS orphans and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS becoming more common. The impact has devastating effects on the way we view child protection and in particular child sexual abuse. The consequences of post-traumatic stress resulting from war needs to be addressed, and the development of programs that place children in the center of relief programs to foster a culture of child protection is essential. Finally, the article notes that the picture is not overly pessimistic and the examines the achievements in the field of children's rights which underpin all programs aimed at protecting children and the future need to consolidate successes achieved.  相似文献   

This study investigated different environmental and contextual factors associated with maltreated children's adjustment in foster care. Participants included 83 children (52 boys), ages 1–7 years, and their foster caregivers. Quality of interaction with the foster caregiver was assessed from direct observation of a free-play situation; foster caregiver attachment state of mind and commitment toward the child were assessed using two interviews; disruptive behavior symptoms were reported by foster caregivers. Results showed that quality of interaction between foster caregivers and children were associated with behavior problems, such that higher-quality interactions were related to fewer externalizing and internalizing problems. Foster caregivers’ state of mind and commitment were interrelated but not directly associated with behavior problems of foster children. Type of placement moderated the association between foster caregiver commitment and foster child behavior problems. Whereas greater foster caregiver commitment was associated with higher levels of adjustment for children in foster families (kin and non-kin), this was not the case in foster-to-adopt families. Finally, the associations between foster child behavior problems and history of maltreatment and placement related-risk conditions fell below significance after considering child age and quality of interaction with the foster caregiver. Findings underscore the crucial contribution of the foster caregiver–child relationship to fostering child adjustment and, thereby, have important implications for clinical services offered to this population.  相似文献   



Although a high level of involvement with the child protection system has been identified in families where parental substance use is a feature, not all such parents abuse or neglect their children or have contact with the child protection system. Identifying parents with substance-use histories who are able to care for their children without intervention by the child protection system, and being able to target interventions to the families who need them the most is important. This study interviewed a relatively large sample of mothers about their histories, their children and their involvement with the child protection system. We hypothesized that mothers in opioid pharmacological treatment who are involved with child protection services are different in characteristics to those mothers who are not involved.


One hundred and seventy-one women, with at least one child aged under 16 years, were interviewed at nine treatment clinics providing pharmacological treatment for opioid dependence across Sydney, Australia.


Just over one-third of the women were involved with child protection services at the time of interview, mostly with children in out-of-home care. Logistic regression analyses revealed that factors which significantly increased the likelihood of the mother being involved with the child protection system were: (1) having a greater number of children, (2) being on psychiatric medication, and (3) having less than daily contact with her own parents.


This study replicates and extends the work of Grella, Hser, and Huang (2006) and the limited literature published to date examining the factors which contribute to some substance-using mothers becoming involved with the child protection system while others do not. The finding that mental health problems and parental supports (along with the number of children) were significantly associated with child protection system involvement in this study, indicates a need for improved interventions and the provision of treatment and support services if we are to reduce the involvement of the child protection system with these families.  相似文献   

Given the well-documented, long-term, negative mental health consequences of child sexual abuse, it is important that children receive counseling following abuse. Often, the social worker's responsibility is to insure that abused children are appropriately referred for counseling following disclosure of sexual abuse. There are multiple factors that could facilitate or hinder this process, and identification of these factors is important in assisting families in becoming engaged in therapy. The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the extent of the problem of sexual abuse victims failing to keep their first scheduled therapy appointment, and (2) identify factors associated with failure to attend. Subjects were 129 consecutive child sexual abuse clients referred to long-term therapy by counselors at a crisis intervention center. Those who attended their first therapy session (n = 84) were found to differ from those who did not (n = 45) on the basis of their race, the center to which they were referred (private or public), whether the family had a telephone in the home, and whether the child's mother agreed that the family needed counseling. Implications of this study for increasing attendance at therapy are presented and recommendations are made for further research.  相似文献   

Summary Arrival time in a child care center is a significant transitional period. The environment that greets children as they enter the center may influence how they respond to separating from a parent and spending many hours in the center. Teachers can make the transition easier for children by providing an environment that supports the individual needs of children.Margaret King is an Associate Professor in the School of Home Economics at Ohio University in Athens.  相似文献   

Child care arrangements change as children age; in general, hours in home-based child care decrease as hours in center-based settings increase. This sequence of child care type may correspond with children's developmental needs; the small peer groups and low child–adult ratios typical of home-based care may allow for more individual child–adult time for infants and toddlers, whereas the social stimulation found in center-based care during the preschool years may prepare children for kindergarten. This study examined associations between school readiness and the timing of child care type among children in NICHD's Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (N = 1349). Findings suggest that children who experience home-based care during the infant–toddler period and center care during the preschool period display the improved cognitive outcomes, but not the increased behavioral problems, generally associated with sustained center care attendance. Continuous home-based care was associated with higher social status at school entry partially through smaller peer groups during the preschool period. These patterns did not differ by child or family characteristics. Implications for policy and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Many extant studies on the use of non-parental child care are based on data from the youngest child in the household. To date, it has not been addressed whether this approach introduces bias. We present reasons why child care arrangements for youngest children may differ from those of same-age older children and examine whether the use of child care, type of arrangement, and use of care in combination with mother's employment differ for youngest versus middle/oldest toddlers and preschoolers with data from the 1999 National Household Education Survey. We find that youngest preschoolers are more likely to attend child care on a regular basis than middle/oldest preschoolers. Further, youngest toddlers and preschoolers are more likely than middle/oldest toddlers and preschoolers to have an employed mother. How families combine the use of child care and maternal employment differs by birth order. Controlling for other child and household characteristics does not explain these differences. Differences in the types of care arrangements used for youngest versus middle/oldest toddlers and preschoolers in non-parental care do not reach statistical significance.  相似文献   

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