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自主探究式外语学习模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主探究是以学习者为主体,强调学习者积极主动地去探索学习的一种学习方法.运用自主探究式学习模式的基本理论框架和传统的外语学习模式.可以构建出一个全新的外语学习模式,这种模式可以引入并渗透到外语教学实践中,为进一步研究第二语言习得提供新的视角.  相似文献   

"学习者自主"(learner autonomy) 或 "自主学习"(autonomous learning)已成为外语教学与研究中的热门课题,国外及国内外语教学界就学习者自主的概念、理论基础及如何培养学习者自主等方面都进行了积极的理论探讨和实践研究.本文旨在分析基于计算机和课堂的新的大学英语教学模式下,学生实现英语自主学习所需具备的条件,并试图描述自主学习者的特征.  相似文献   

探究式教学是一种以学习者为中心,通过学习者的参与使学习者深刻理解并建构起自身知识的教学方法。探究式教学源于杜威的建构主义学习理论,在二十世纪得到了充分的发展和实践。近年来,探究式教学越来越受到国内教育界的重视。大学英语课程中口语一直是教学的重点和难点,但传统的教学方式无法满足提高学生交际能力的需要。将探究式教学模式应用于大学英语口语课程中,有利于培养学生独立思考,自主学习并解决问题的能力,有力培养学生的批判性思维,最终形成终生学习的能力,对于改善大学英语口语教学的现有局面有着深刻的现实意义和研究价值。  相似文献   

当前,我国的网络课程建设已取得较大成绩,但也存在大部分网络课程难以有效支持学习者的自主探究式学习,缺乏面向学习者认知支持的策略和方法。文章提出了一个基于主题图的网络课程知识组织模型和一种基于学习者知识状态模型的个性化导航方法,并以"Java程序设计"网络课程为例进行了实证研究。基于主题图的网络课程知识组织模型能深入揭示、表示各知识单元之间的复杂关系,为知识导航服务奠定了良好的基础;基于学习者知识状态模型的个性化导航方法则动态地记录了学习者的知识状态,并以图结构形式向学习者提供个性化的知识导航服务,能够在一定程度上预防学习者出现迷航问题,更适合引导学习者的自主探究式学习。  相似文献   

学习者自主是指学习者自己管理自己学习的能力,培养学习者自主已逐渐发展成为我国外语教学的一个新理念。文章对学习者自主的概念及其产生的理论基础进行了探讨,并对培养我国外语学习者学习自主性的必要性和方法做了阐述。  相似文献   

培养学习者自主学习能力是近20年来外语教学界的热门话题,围绕促进学习者自主学习能力的研究也是方兴未艾。本文分析了中国外语教学现状,指出在"高级英语"课程的教学中培养学生自主学习能力的必要性和可行性,初步提出了一个自主学习能力培养模式,这一个模式可为"高级英语"教学改革的方向提供一个参考。  相似文献   

<正>一、高中数学自主探究式教学模式的研究背景高中数学自主探究式教学模式以建构主义"学与教"理论、建构主义"学习环境"理论、建构主义"认知工具"理论为主要理论依据。建构主义"学与教"理论强调以学生为中心,要求学生由外部刺激的被动接受者和知识的灌输对象转变  相似文献   

高中数学自主探究式教学模式,是一种提倡在教师的引导下,学生主动学习,教学结合的教学方法。笔者主要针对高中数学自主探究式教学理论、高中数学自主探究式教学重点、高中数学自主探究式教学实践三方面,对高中数学自主探究式教进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

权巧丽 《考试周刊》2011,(57):108-109
随着外语教学界对英语学习者自主学习能力的重视,许多专家学者都从不同的角度对自主学习进行了研究。本文简单介绍了外语教学中的学习自主性的理论基础及其定义,详细分析了影响英语学习者学习自主性的因素,并有针对性地提出了提高英语学习者在英语学习过程中的自主学习能力的办法。  相似文献   

通过探究学习者的学习动机策略,激发学生的学习动力,对大学生的英语自主学习实施积极的引导,有助于学习者良好学习习惯的养成,有助于学习者自主学习意识的增强,有利于学习者自主学习策略的有效运用和自主学习能力的提升,从而有利于大学英语教学目标的实现。本文采用理论研究结合教学实践的方法,探讨如何将外语动机激发策略理论运用于信息化大学外语课堂教学情境教学的实践,有效地激发学习者的外语学习动机,进一步深化外语教学改革。  相似文献   

探究教学是以学习者为中心,以师生之间和学习者之间的交互性为特点,利用各种资源尤其是网络资源形成探究团体,实行课堂教学与开放式自主学习相结合的一种教学模式。在商务英语教学中运用探究教学法,学生可以通过各种资源和媒体体验不同的商务情景,并在此过程中进行批判性或创造性地学习,发现问题、探究问题、解决问题,从而提高学生的商务实践能力。  相似文献   

我国大学英语口语教学现状及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在问卷调查的基础上,提出了当前大学英语口语教学存在的主要问题,并尝试将探究式教学模式引入口语教学中,探索出一种以问题探究为教学特点的口语教学新模式,积极引导自发、自信、自由、自主的口语学习态度,激发和培育学习者的探究意识和创新精神。  相似文献   

职业学校数学教学首次使用新教材,与传统的教材处理方式不同,新教材的安排与实施设计基本思路突出体现了探究式教学模式的使用.在职校实践探究式教学模式的形式有:基于新旧知识衔接的探究式教学模式;基于现实情境的探究式教学模式;基于专业课的应用性探究教学模式:基于生活经验的探究式教学模式.  相似文献   

The Community of Inquiry (CoI) model provides a lens to examine online learning through three elements: teaching presence (the design and facilitation of learning experiences), social presence (the extent to which learners project themselves as real people) and cognitive presence (the extent to which learners are able to construct meaning through inquiry and reflection activities). While research to date has established the importance of these essential presences in online learning environments, recent research on the CoI model calls for the need to explore the role of learner characteristics. The current study responded to the call by examining the role of learners’ epistemic beliefs (EB) (ie, individuals’ fundamental beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowing) in an online CoI. Multiple linear regressions analyses revealed that EB moderated the relationship between learners’ perceived teaching presence and cognitive presences. Future studies on CoI should take learners’ epistemic beliefs into consideration, especially in the case of low teaching presences. Theoretical and practical implications for designing and investigating online learning are discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to highlight key findings from a study of 24 early childhood preservice teachers as they moved away from a reliance on traditional interpretations of child‐centered curricula toward one of collaborative inquiry. Participants enrolled in a 15 week undergraduate teaching methods course were assigned to teaching teams to implement collaborative projects with the same group of 3–5‐year‐old children. The study utilized both quantitative and qualitative measures to assess conceptual level, changes in reflectivity, and inquiry‐oriented teaching. Results suggest that the emergence of collaborative inquiry among preservice teachers is a dynamic and diverse process not readily assessed by static measures or discreet skills. Collaborative projects did provide a context for creating communities of learners within which time, space and opportunity to practice, reflect and use language and other tools contributed to young teachers’ development of inquiry.  相似文献   

文章以"信息技术课程教学法"课程为例,实施了头脑风暴、探究学习、案例分析、角色扮演四种教学策略,并利用定量分析与序列分析相结合的方法,对学习者的认知应用情况和行为应用情况进行了分析,梳理了四种教学策略下学习者的认知模式和行为模式。文章发现:头脑风暴策略下学习者的认知在低阶集中,易出现"羊群效应";案例分析策略下学习者的认知在中阶集中,便于提升批判思维能力;角色扮演、探究学习两种策略下学习者的认知在高阶集中,前者有利于意义协商,后者有利于知识的深层建构。基于上述结论,文章为教师今后开展混合式"金课"提出了相关建议,以期合理实施教学策略,提升混合式课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

This study investigated a professional development model designed to improve teachers' inquiry teaching efficacy as well as the quality of their inquiry instruction through engaging teachers in practice-teaching and reflection sessions. The programme began with a two-week summer Institute focused on both inquiry pedagogy and science content and continued with academic year support for participants' inquiry implementation. An inquiry teaching efficacy instrument was administered 3 times to 25 teacher participants to gauge changes in their personal self-efficacy and outcome expectancy across 5 essential features of classroom inquiry. To examine actual practices, pre/post classroom observations of the teachers' inquiry enactments were evaluated using a quality of inquiry observation protocol. Following the summer Institute, teachers had statistically significant increases in their self-efficacy for teaching inquiry in four of the five essential features and increases in one of the five essential features for outcome expectancy. Teachers' quality of inquiry teaching also increased after the professional development programme. We discuss implications of this PD model for moving teachers towards implementation of new instructional techniques as well as the influence of a supportive school community on teachers’ efficacy with inquiry instruction.  相似文献   

针对探究性教学中"基于剧本的探究"的局限性,设计型学习提出以项目设计为中介,强调学生参与到具有挑战性的真实的设计项目中有意义地学习科学知识和设计技能。相对传统探究性学习,设计型学习在体验设计感、投入有意义学习、学习成果制品化、学习过程迭代化、教学设计逆向性等方面凸显其教学革新价值,逆向思维学习过程模型为设计型学习的实施提供了一个可操作框架。  相似文献   

探究式教学是针对传统注入式教学存在的弊端而提出的。化学理论性知识探究式教学必须结合其所具有的概括性、抽象性和较强的逻辑性与严密性等知识特点展开。首先教师要创设一定的问题情境引发学生的认知冲突,从而激活知识的意义;其次,教师要设计一定的探究活动,帮助学生转变原有的认知,从而使学生体验知识建构的过程;再次,教师要组织学生开展有效的交流与讨论,引导学生阐明解释自己的观点,从而形成学生之间知识的有意义互动;最后,教师要及时开展评价与总结,引导学生反思完善新的知识,从而进一步转变观念。  相似文献   


Analyzing learners’ learning behaviors helps teachers understand how learning behaviors of learners influence learning performance. To determine which learning behaviors influence learners’ science-based inquiry learning performance, this work develops an xAPI (Experience Application Programming Interface)-based learning record store module embedded in a Collaborative Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (CWISE) to record detailed data about students’ learning processes. This work discusses whether the significant correlation and cause-effect relationship among science inquiry competence, learning time, and learning performance exist, and examines whether remarkable shifts and differences in the learning behaviors of learners with different learning performances and inquiry competences exist by using sequential pattern mining and lag sequential analysis. The results demonstrate that inquire ability, total learning time in the designed inquiry learning course, and learning time in an inquiry buoyancy simulation experiment are positively correlated with learning performance and can predict learning performance, and the learning time in the inquiry buoyancy simulation experiment appears to be the most significant predictor. The results of lag sequential analyses indicate that learners with high learning performance and high inquiry competence re-adjust hypotheses after performing an inquiry buoyancy simulation experiment, while learners with low learning performance and low inquiry competence lack this critical inquiry learning behavior. This study presents a systematic analysis method to insight the effective learning behaviors in a web-based inquiry learning environment based on mining students’ learning processes, thus providing potential benefits in guiding learners to adjust their learning behaviors and strategies.


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