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在高等职业学校和企业将工作与学习相结合的双元培训项目被视为技能形成过程的有力载体,工作场所学习则被认为是发展职业能力和职业认同感的有效策略。为探讨荷兰高等职业教育的双元训练计划中的工作场所学习,实施定性的案例研究。研究结果显示,工作场所各部门之间的学习环境存在差异,学校和工作场所之间的合作缺失,学生在工作场所难以获得深刻的理论知识,学校也难以有效指导工作场所的学习。通过研究试图发现在高等职业教育中,改进工作场所学习的效率。  相似文献   

Learning in vocational schools and workplaces are the two main components of vocational education. Students have to develop professional competences by building meaningful relations between knowledge, skills and attitudes. There are, however, some major concerns about the combination of learning in these two learning environments, since vocational schools are primarily based on the rationales of learning and theory, while workplaces are based on the rationales of working and practice. This study therefore aims to structure empirical insights into students’ learning processes during the combination of school-based learning and workplace learning in vocational education. A review-study has been conducted in which ultimately 24 articles were analyzed thoroughly. The review shows that students’ learning processes in vocational schools and workplaces are related to six main themes: students’ expertise development, students’ learning styles, students’ integration of knowledge acquired in school and workplace, processes of knowledge development, students’ motivations for learning and students’ professional identity development. Our results show that students are novices who use specific and different learning styles and learning activities in vocational schools and workplaces. It is concluded that the enhancement of students’ learning processes needs to be adaptive and differentiated in nature. Recommendations for further research are elaborated and suggestions for the enhancement of students’ learning processes are discussed using insights from hybrid learning environments and boundary crossing via boundary objects.  相似文献   

In vocational education, students learn in different school-based and workplace-based learning environments and engage with different types of knowledge in these environments. Students are expected to integrate these experiences and make meaning of them in relation to their own professional knowledge base. This study focuses both on what types of knowledge students learn in these environments and how they integrate these different types of knowledge. Individual and group interviews were conducted with students, teachers and workplace supervisors in a vocational programme in the Netherlands. Results show that students recognise the importance of vocational knowledge learned in school-based learning environments while they are in the workplace and vice versa, and continuously contextualise knowledge to make it applicable for new circumstances. Also, students learn differently at school due to their experiences in the workplace.  相似文献   

随着高校的扩招,毕业生迅速增加,高职学生就业面临着机遇和挑战.高等职业教育的人才培养素质和职业岗位要求的特殊性、规定性,导致高职学生必须结合自身的实际特点来制定符合高职学生特色的职业生涯规划,必须充分认识高职学生职业生涯规划设计的意义和必要性,同时在职业生涯设计时应注意职业定位、发挥主观能动性、明确阶段目标、构建合理的知识结构、培养职业能力、积极开展职业训练等方面问题.将有助于高职学生的就业、择业、事业的成功.  相似文献   

This work describes how teacher education programs can inform teachers' knowledge and practice of leadership. We introduce a leadership typology to illustrate how teachers can lead organizational reform for pedagogical excellence and socially just practices. The model provides teacher educators ways to identify and resolve conflicts generated by imparting innovative pedagogies to teachers who in turn use them in antiquated and inequitable school environments. The model can also be used to develop teachers' professional knowledge of the contexts that mitigate or marginalize their leadership potential. Several examples from current teaching practices in teacher education are used to illustrate how teachers develop leadership knowledge.  相似文献   

欧洲社会对知识教育高度重视,持续对人才培养进行投资,以推动社会创新进步和可持续发展。作为人才培养基地,研究型大学不仅为欧洲社会输送了大量人才,更在全球知识交流体系中发挥了重要作用。一些博士后研究人员可能继续在大学里从事学术工作,也有很多研究人员离开学术界去公共、私营部门等其他领域寻求发展。尽管学术界以外的劳动力市场就业良好,但博士后研究人员仍期待更具吸引力的职业前景。欧洲研究型大学联盟由此提出,建议大学、研究机构等最高教育层完善政策措施,提高博士后研究人员的职业吸引力,以促进学术创新和知识交流;充分肯定博士后研究人员作为不断增长且日益重要的独特研究群体的重要作用;在招聘、晋升等职业发展中满足博士后研究人员多样性的需求;公共、私营部门可与大学、研究机构展开合作,促进博士后研究人员的技能迁移,并消除职业流动的障碍;采取研究资助计划和就业支持政策,帮助博士后研究人员获取研究能力之外的职业技能,促进博士后研究人员在学术界与公共、私营部门之间的流动性。  相似文献   

Many professional educational programs combine learning at an educational institute with learning in the workplace. The differences between these contexts, and the resulting challenges for learning, have been well-documented. However, there are few studies that explore the same students’ learning in both contexts, and even fewer that compare that learning to the learning that results from an integration of learning in both contexts. In this study we investigate, in detail, the similarities and differences of students’ learning activities both within and between the formal educational and workplace contexts of a professional educational program in the Netherlands. To that end, we analysed 1866 learning experiences of 148 students in a dual teacher education program. Analyses revealed that although the different contexts appear to be more conducive to certain kinds of learning activities, thereby confirming prior research, all learning activities did occur in all contexts. Our findings also confirm the value of learning that combines the educational and the workplace contexts, as this learning results in integrations of theory and practice and reflections on professional identity. Implications for dual education programs include focussing on increasing the diversity of learning activities within a single context and supporting students in learning how to learn, next to what to learn, irrespective of the context in which this learning takes place.  相似文献   

This review article examines new teachers’ transition from education to work on the basis of recent studies on transition, workplace learning and induction to work. The following challenges of transition are addressed: (1) threat of unemployment, (2) inadequate knowledge and skills, (3) decreased self-efficacy and increased stress, (4) early attrition, (5) newcomers’ role and position in a work community, and (6) importance of learning at work. Workplace learning research is dealt with from the following viewpoints: (1) how do people learn at work? (2) the role of work communities and organization in learning (3) the trends of formalization and informalization of learning and (4) the methods used to promote the professional development of young teachers, emphasis being on peer group mentoring. Our general conclusion is that learning and professional development of teachers should be seen as a continuing process combining formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the career from initial training to retirement. The best way to support new teachers is informed by a profound study of the practice architectures of the educational system as a whole.  相似文献   

In OECD countries, ‘real world’ upper-secondary vocational education and training (VET) programs are used to engage less academically oriented youth in learning, while helping to prepare them for post-school work and/or further education. In general terms, VET programs with high employer involvement, such as apprenticeship schemes, are considered to be superior to classroom-based VET programs that are typically found in many English-speaking countries. In this study, we examine outcomes from a potential ‘third way’: classroom-based VET with a short-term structured workplace learning component. Using propensity score matching and PISA data linked to information from the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth, we find this model is associated with higher school completion rates and better employment transitions.  相似文献   


Learning environment designs at the boundary of school and work can be characterised as integrative because they integrate features from the contexts of school and work. Many different manifestations of such integrative learning environments are found in current vocational education, both in senior secondary education and higher professional education. However, limited research has focused on how to design these learning environments and not much is known about their designable elements (i.e. the epistemic, spatial, instrumental, temporal and social elements that constitute the learning environments). The purpose of this study was to examine manifestations of two categories of integrative learning environment designs: designs based on incorporation; and designs based on hybridisation. Cross-case analysis of six cases in senior secondary vocational education and higher professional education in the Netherlands led to insights into the designable elements of both categories of designs. We report findings about the epistemic, spatial, instrumental, temporal and social elements of the studied cases. Specific characteristics of designs based on incorporation and designs based on hybridisation were identified and links between the designable elements became apparent, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the design of learning environments that aim to connect the contexts of school and work.



As on-line discussion becomes an increasingly important and significant aspect of teachers' professional education, most particularly as part of distance learning environments, there is a need to understand and develop effective analytic techniques that provide insights into the processes at work within these systems. The computer conferencing environment at the centre of this study is a complex, unstructured discussion forum, of a type increasingly found as a component of continuing professional development courses. In these situations the evidence of knowledge building processes is a key concern. This study concentrates on a close examination of some existing analytic tools and considers their contribution to identifying the processes at work within these on-line environments, as teachers discuss aspects of education.  相似文献   

Research on professional socialisation in higher education has been conducted in nursing, pharmacy, teaching and law, but there is a lack of studies on professional socialisation in tourism and hospitality education. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge by revising the professional socialisation framework ‘Conceptualising Graduate and Professional Student Socialisation’ through the findings of a broader study on the professional socialisation of Chinese international students enrolled in tourism and hospitality degrees at a particular Australian university. The study examined diverse stakeholders’ perceptions of attributes needed by Chinese graduates with Australian university qualifications in tourism and hospitality management entering the Chinese hotel industry. The revised framework, ‘Higher Education Students’ Professional Socialisation Framework’, suggests different processes for enhancing the socialisation and career development of Chinese international students with an Australian tourism and hospitality management degree through work-integrated learning; language learning and communication; teamwork and mentoring; and interactions among different stakeholders. Furthermore, workplace socialisation emphasises mentoring and recognises different approaches to career development. Finally, the revised framework explains how the different stakeholders impact on the professional socialisation of students and graduates. The revised framework, which has a cross-cultural dimension, is generic and can be applied to other fields of study and to both international and domestic students in higher education.  相似文献   

能力本位(CBE即Competence-Based Education)的高职教育观,是指在高职教育中,强调以能力培养而不是以学术知识体系学习作为课程教学的基础、培养目标和评价标准。针对目前高职高专学生的英语现状以及公共英语教学改革现状,探索能力本位的应用人才培养的教学模式,以职业性作为高职公共英语课程发展的方向,实践性作为高职公共英语课程的实现方式,树立工学结合的概念,从而解决高职高专学生的英语课堂教学问题,提高高职高专非英语专业学生应用英语的能力和水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the transfer of learning of professional competences from vocational colleges to the workplace context in vocational education. Concretely, the study examined the relations between the professional competences learned at school and the use and further development of those competences at the workplace during the practice module in vocational education programmes in Spain. The study analysed individual, educational design and work environment factors that facilitate or hinder transfer of learning. The study took a multidimensional approach to professional competences by observing four dimensions: hard-specific, hard-generic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. The data collection drew from a questionnaire administered to students of vocational education programmes (N = 379) after they had completed the practice module scheme. A moderation analysis was applied to observe the effect of individual, educational design and workplace factors on the relation between the competences learned at school and those used at the workplace. The findings showed that compulsory placement, school-work alignment, work-based supervisor, access to resources and task complexity are significant moderators between the competences learned at school and those used at the workplace. The study highlights the coherence between the school and workplaces and work environment characteristics as factors conducive to transfer of learning.  相似文献   

职业生涯学习作为高职院校青年教师进行主观自我与职业世界互相适应的主动选择,是适应经济社会发展、技术不断革新、服务学校发展、实现职业价值的有效方式。青年教师职业生涯学习的基本逻辑是明确职业生涯学习目标,进行职业生涯学习,检验职业学习效果,青年教师在学习实践中表现出个体凸显、阶段演进、教研相长、组织支持等特征。为更好地促进高职院校青年教师的职业生涯学习,需要青年教师树立终身学习理念,认同教师职业价值,需要通过参加培训、提升学历、参与项目建设、服务行业企业拓展职业生涯学习,需要高职院校提供有力的组织保障。  相似文献   

The interest in research focusing on learning taking place at work, through work and for work has considerably increased over the past two decades. The purpose of the paper is to review and structure this wide and diverse research field. A tentative holistic model—the 3-P model of workplace learning—is presented, in relation to which the following six lines of research are identified: (1) studies describing the nature of workplace learning, (2) research on work identities and agency in workplace learning, (3) studies on the development of professional expertise, (4) analyses of competence development in education–work contexts in vocational education and training as well as in higher education, (5) research on communities of practice, and (6) research on organisational learning. The research lines and the holistic 3-P model should be seen as analytic tools for understanding the diversity in workplace learning research. They may also serve as a kind of map for individual researchers, helping them to locate their main areas of interest in this broad field of research and to outline research designs for future studies.  相似文献   

关于合作教育的现实作用和积极影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
合作教育是把课堂教学与工作实践相结合的一种新的教育模式。它充分地利用学校和社会现场两种环境、两种资源,对大学生的知识、能力和素质培养起着重要的作用。合作教育对于当前我国高等教育发展面临的问题,如高等工程教育质量问题、就业问题以及贫困学生就学问题,起着积极的作用和影响。  相似文献   

Policies of inclusive education are emerging from many ministries and departments of education in countries around the world. McLesky and Waldron (2002) have argued that when teachers and administrators in schools begin to have discussions about inclusion the discussions often lead to two conclusions about how schools must change: (a) the change must address the needs of all students, not just those with disabilities, and (b) “school improvement” replaces references to inclusion. That is, teachers and administrators begin to rethink and restructure their programs in special and general education to improve the education of all students. In having to reform their practices general education teachers, in particular, must develop new understandings related to inclusion and reconceptualise how students with disabilities and learning difficulties might best be taught. As a consequence these teachers are recognising that they must change their practices in curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. However, in order to make the changes and to develop new classroom practices general education teachers often reveal a need for inservice training. Thus there is a call from general education teachers for professional development in various areas. Several authors have described a range of initiatives in professional development in the context of school improvement. For example, there are alliances between teachers and researchers through teacher-researcher professional development groups (e.g., Vaughn, Hughes, Schumm, & Klinger, 1998) and collaborative communities (e.g., Englert & Zhao, 2001); professional development schools (PDS) where special educators are viewed as “catalysts” who further the knowledge of both inservice and preservice teachers (Voltz, 2001); “critical friend(s) groups” which are teacher support groups (Bambino, 2002); “Friday Forums” where teachers within a school use internal school expertise to inservice each other (Hudson, 2002); and professional learning communities or networks of various types, sometimes developed by professional organisations and itinerant specialists who are assigned to school districts to work on school reform with schools and teachers.  相似文献   

随班就读是融合教育背景下有特殊教育需要儿童的主要安置方式之一,即在普通学校普通班中进行学习。随班就读的师资培养存在诸多争议和问题,从职前培养方面主要是缺乏专业化的培养计划和课程设置以及政策支持和理论关注;职后培训方面教师参与热情和效率不高,培训后续工作和教研结合未能有效开展,这些问题影响了随班就读工作的质量。相应对策主要是:设立随班就读专业.培养专业化的师资力量;加强普通教育中的特殊教育内容;强化培训机制,鼓励教师积极参与;开展各方合作,实行教研结合。巩固培训效果。  相似文献   

美国学校心理学家职业特点分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学校心理学家是受过专门培训的职业工作者,他们运用心理学和教育学专业知识和技能,与教育者、家长及其他心理健康专业人员协调行动,为学生创设安全、健康和支持性的学习环境。本文从学校心理学家的界定,工作角色与职责,服务机构、对象与内容以及学校心理学家的培养等方面对美国学校心理学家的职业特点进行分析。了解和研究美国学校心理学家的职业特点对构建我国学校心理健康教育体系具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

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