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少数民族小学生师生关系状况调查分析——以云南为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用师生关系量表对云南省少数民族小学生1000名,汉族小学生1000名进行测查,结果发现:少数民族小学生师生关系状况不容乐观,与老师处于高冲突、高回避、低依恋、低亲密的学生比例分别为9.54%、3.75%、35.02%、44.97%;少数民族小学生的师生关系差于汉族小学生;少数民族小学生男生的师生关系状况差于女生;贫困地区小学生的师生关系状况差于非贫困地区。因此,提高边疆少数民族小学生的师生关系质量刻不容缓。  相似文献   

师生关系与中专新生学校适应性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨师生关系与中专新生学校适应性的关系。方法:以306名中专新生作为调查对象,采用师生关系问卷和学校适应性行为量表进行测试,收回有效问卷290份。结果:除冲突性与人际技能、学业技能、社会能力总分,依恋性与人际技能、敌意—易怒、苛求—破坏以及回避性与苛求—破坏相关不显著外,师生关系与学校适应性行为各因子的相关显著。师生关系各因子对学校适应性行为各因子有显著的预测作用。结论:师生关系与中专新生学校适应性有密切联系。  相似文献   

基于广西高校大学生学习适应性的操作维度,编制问卷并经调研发现:大学生学习适应性整体水平位于中等偏下,且学习适应性水平较高的学生占比较少;少数民族大学生学习适应性水平明显差于汉族大学生;大学生在学习动机、社交关系等维度中的内部差异较大,呈较明显的分化状况等。我们需从学生、家庭及社会三方面进行改进:学生需检查心态,提升主动学习和自我认知能力;高校要开展个性化服务,做好分类指导和团体心理咨询;社会要构建"三结合"网络做好帮扶,利用"三结合"的力量共同助力于改善大学生学习适应性水平。  相似文献   

小学生学习适应性状况的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究对广州市626名小学生进行了学习适应性的问卷调查,结果表明:(1)小学生学习适应性的总体状况比较好,学习适应性良好的人数占绝大多数;(2)小学生学习适应性存在显著的性别差异,女生好于男生;(3)小学生学习适应性存在年级差异,四年级学生的学习适应性高于三年级;(4)小学生学习适应性存在校际差异,一类学校好于二类和三类学校。  相似文献   

笔者最近对少数民族地区农村小学生的作文心理状态作了一番调查,主观想法是,在研究“教”法,改进信息输出的基础上,研究一下信息接受的状况,以形成作文教学的“正反馈系统”。现将调查情况、结果及分析陈述于后。调查的内容和方法桑植县是革命老根据地,又是少数民族聚居的边远山区的贫困地区,全县38万多人,其中土家族、白族、苗族等少数民族约占80%;全县小学生共57937人,少数民族学生有52096人,占89.9%。这次调查的对象是本县洪家关白族乡、瑞塔铺白族乡以及打古泉、五道水、上洞街、官地坪、  相似文献   

选取贵州省五所高校的464名大学生为调查对象,采用卢谢峰的“大学生适应性量表”,考察了贵州大学生学校适应性的性别、科别、民族、独生子女与非独生子女及年级差异。结果表明:贵州大学生在职业选择上男生均值显著高于女生;在角色适应性和生活自理上文科均值显著高于理科;在学习适应性和人际关系上汉族均值显著高于少数民族,而在环境总体认同上少数民族均值显著高于汉族;在学习适应上独生子女均值显著高于非独生子女,在生活自理上非独生子女均值显著高于独生子女;在学习适应性、人际适应性等七个维度上均存在显著的年级差异。  相似文献   

云南贫困地区小学校长心理健康状况调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究采用sd-90临床症状自评量表,对云南贫困地区1名小学校长进行测试。结果发现:1、云南贫困地区小学校长的心理健康水平低于全国正常成人的心理健康水平,其中躯体化、强迫、焦虑、恐怖、偏执、精神病性6个因子和阳性项目数与全国正常成人常模相比有显著差异;2、小学校长的心理健康水平随年龄增加逐渐提高;3、汉族校长与少数民族校长的心理健康状况无显著差异。  相似文献   

维西县不同民族初中生的心理健康状况比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用scl-90临床症状自评量表,对维西县166名初中生进行调查。结果发现:l_维西县初中学生的心理健康水平低于全国青年的心理健康水平;2.维西县汉族初中生的心理健康状况与其他少数民族初中生的心理健康状况差异不明显;3.维西县初中女生的心理健康状况稍差于男生,在强迫、抑郁、焦虑、偏执项目上女生明显差于男生。  相似文献   

采用SCL-90症状自评量表对丽水学院的贫困大学生进行问卷调查。结果显示:地方性高校的贫困生心理健康状况总体上要差于非贫困生;2010级贫困生心理健康状况不如2009级贫困生;男贫困生心理健康状况好于女贫困生心理健康状况;贫困少数民族学生心理健康状况总体上差于贫困汉族学生。  相似文献   

为了解农村寄宿小学生学习习惯与应试技能状况,探寻有效对策,本文采用郑日昌等编制的“学习习惯与应试技能自我检测表”对5所农村小学的497名学生进行问卷调查.结果显示:农村寄宿小学生的学习习惯与应试技能显著低于非寄宿小学生;农村寄宿小学生的学习习惯与应试技能在年级、性别、是否留守因子上存在显著差异.在学习习惯的养成教育中,可通过改善学校办学条件,提高学校办学水平;活跃家庭学习氛围,提升家庭育人品位;重视差异,有的放矢;尊重规律,讲究方法等途径加以改进.  相似文献   

This article describes the school careers of Dutch pupils of ethnic minority background in the first 5 years following the transition to secondary education. The database used is VOCL89 of the Dutch Central Statistics Office (CBS). In line with previous findings,in the case of equal achievements pupils of ethnic minority background are advised to select higher types of secondary education than Dutch pupils. Furthermore, pupils of ethnic minority background more often select a school higher than advised than Dutch pupils. With control for social background, pupils of ethnic minority background are also found to display a more favourable career after the 1st year of secondary education. Path model construction results in consistently positive effects of ethnic minority origin at every transition. Further analysis demonstrates that even the most vulnerable subgroups of pupils of ethnic minority background, the Turkish and Moroccan pupils born in their motherland, show both absolutely and compared with the advice a career on a higher level than Dutch pupils with a similar social background. A point of discussion concerns the extent to which social background, defined as the parental educational level, refers to the same concept for Dutch people and people belonging to ethnic minority groups.  相似文献   

The study explores ways in which Swazi junior secondary school pupils who have been taught a contextualized science course deal with everyday science-based situations. In particular, this paper documents pupils' written explanations of everyday actions in terms of an awareness of the social and economic implications of science; their skills in designing an experiment to solve an everyday dilemma; and their abilities to draw on relevant science concepts to solve everyday problems. For all responses, pupils are asked to indicate the source of the knowledge they draw on. The findings show that considerably less than half of the sample display any of these abilities. A large majority of those displaying experimental design skills claim to have gained these from school science but only a minority of those showing social and economic awareness and problem solving skills relate these to school science education. Suggestions are made to increase the effectiveness of contextualized teaching in dealing with everyday situations.  相似文献   

Parental involvement is seen as an important strategy for the advancement of the quality of education. The ultimate objective of this is to expand the social and cognitive capacities of pupils. In addition, special attention is paid to the children of low‐educated and ethnic minority parents. Various forms of both parental and school‐initiated involvement are examined. On the one hand, the connections between a number of characteristics of parents and schools such as the social and ethnic background of the parents and the composition of the school population will be examined. On the other hand, the connections between a number of outcome measures such as the language and mathematics skills of the pupils will be examined. Data will be drawn from the large‐scale Dutch PRIMA (primary education) cohort study, which contains information on more than 500 schools and 12,000 pupils in the last year of primary school and their parents. An important finding is that predominantly schools with numerous minority pupils appear to provide a considerable amount of extra effort with respect to parental involvement, but that a direct effect of such involvement cannot be demonstrated.  相似文献   

长顺县是国家级少数民族贫困县之一,属典型的传统农业县。该县的石漠化面积约占全县总面积的80%,已成为制约和束缚该县现代农业发展的最大障碍。针对喀斯特山区的特点,提出了促进喀斯特山区现代农业发展的途径。  相似文献   

如何适应大学生活是每个大学新生必须面对的重要课题,尤其是少数民族大学新生.贫困、文化适应和人际适应等会导致他们遇到更多的适应问题.因此,关注少数民族大学新生的学校适应及影响因素,对他们进行有效的学校适应性教育很有必要.  相似文献   

贫困地区职业教育发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育是经济社会发展的决定性因素之一。加快职业教育的改革与发展,是推进人力资源向人才资本转变的一项重大举措。贫困地区最大的实际是教育科技文化水平的相对滞后,特别是劳动力素质的低下严重束缚着社会生产力水平的提高,影响着经济社会又好又快地发展。针对当前职业教育迅速发展、技能人才需求增加、劳务输出压力变大的实际,如何适应市场和形势的需求,进一步加强职业教育,提高办学质量,促进贫困地区经济和社会可持续发展,已成为一项十分紧迫的课题。本文以国家第二轮扶贫攻坚重点县——湟中县为例,围绕贫困地区职业教育发展现状、存在问题及应对措施,初步探讨了贫困地区发展职业教育的有效途径,提出了一些有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

This article explores how some minority pupils’ self-definition as “foreigners” leads to their inability to also consider themselves diligent and talented pupils in the Norwegian school. The minority pupils’ self-definition as “foreigners” creates binary understandings of being a diligent and conscientious pupil, a definition that is often interpreted as being “Norwegian.” Through observations and conversations with young minority pupils in upper secondary school about their everyday lives, this article shows how the bodies and behavior of some minority pupils are excluded in a firm and often instinctive understanding of equality conceived as sameness. It is argued that even if the concepts of diversity and tolerance are important foundations in the Norwegian education policy, this principle creates a specific notion of a “normal pupil.” This tacit normality has different consequences for different minority pupils, creating complex intersected identities along the categories of gender, social class, and ethnicity. While the notion of a normal pupil creates social exclusion for some pupils with a minority background, this article argues that the entanglement of other categories provides opportunities for success for other minority pupils in the same educational system.  相似文献   

对256名小学生生活适应性和学业成就的研究发现:小学生在生活的目标分量表、行为成熟度分量表和量表的总体得分方面存在显著的性别差异;小学生的学业成就与亲和力、社交技巧、社会适应、行为成熟度、情绪稳定性、适应感和总体得分有显著的相关性,其中社会适应和适应感能够解释18%左右的学业成就变异,学业成就变异能够分别解释适应感11.6%的变异和生活适应9.6%的变异。  相似文献   

谈少数民族贫困地区教育扶贫与教师队伍建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
少数民族贫困地区教师队伍建设中存在管理体制不健全、对教师素质培养不够重视、教师生活条件差等问题,这已经成为这些地区教育事业发展的瓶颈。今后在继续搞好教育的硬件建设的同时,要把教育扶贫工作的重心放在教师队伍建设上来,建议加强对少数民族地区教师队伍建设工作的领导,制定政策,建立机制,动员全社会关心关注少数民族贫困地区的教师。  相似文献   

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