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La situation des femmes en éducation initiale a beaucoup évolué depuis 40 ans. Mais qu’en est-il de leur situation en éducation et formation des adultes? Cet article, comparant le Canada et la France, montre que si les femmes ont un taux de participation plus élevé que les hommes, ce qui est un fait connu, leur présence plus forte en formation à vocation professionnelle constitue, toutefois, un phénomène nouveau. L’analyse met en relief certaines particularités, telles qu’un recours plus important à la formation continue au Canada, ou encore une probabilité plus élevée, en France, de la participation des employés à temps complet. Dans les deux pays, la participation des femmes demeure modulée par divers facteurs sociaux.  相似文献   

Despite a number of relevant longitudinal studies carried out in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the United States of America, there is a relative paucity of research into the long-term outcomes of adult return to learning. This paper uses data from the first survey in Scotland into the longterm outcomes of adult learning (in this case, formal education/training) in order to explore the potential of adult learning for enhancing social citizenship,by facilitating labour market insertion and progress. The paper focuses particularly on an analysis of gender patterns. The issues addressed are: the extent to which respondents expected participation in adult education to benefit them in the labour market; whether labour-market-orientated participation in adult education brought positive occupational outcomes; the extent to which unintended labour market outcomes arose from participation in adult education; how women who undertook adult education did in labour market terms compared to men; to what extent personal perception of labour market progress was related to income; the kind of adult education which appeared to bring the most beneficial labour market outcomes; and any differences between men and women in this respect.  相似文献   

The prevailing discourse informing most Canadian training and labour market policy assumes a positive link between individuals’ training and their labour market returns in the new knowledge economy. The primary objective of the study is to test the current rhetoric by developing a statistical model of women’s job‐related training. Training participation is a complex and multi‐dimensional social phenomenon. Within the arsenal of existing statistical methods, structural equation modeling is one of the few methods with a capacity to represent complex phenomenon by simultaneously testing cause‐and‐effect hypotheses. The study uses structural equation modelling to develop, test, and evaluate a model of the determinants and rewards of women’s job related training. Empirical studies of job‐related training in Canada are few. Until the recent launch of a linked, employer–employee survey, there had been a paucity of data sources that facilitate a national level analysis of job‐related training. By using this new data source, the study makes a significant contribution filling the existing gap in our understanding of the determinants of, and returns to women’s training in Canada. The study confirms that women are deriving significant economic benefits from their training participation. The conclusion drawn from the national‐level patterns in Canada is that training is a crucial element in the reward structure of the labour market for women, as it plays a dual role of being both a reward in itself and a predictor of other labour market rewards.  相似文献   

On September 7, 1983, the U.S. Department of Education announced a nationwide adult literacy initiative designed “... to promote functional literacy for the entire adult populations.” The department is committed to conducting several activities to attack and solve the problem of adult literacy. Two of the activities pertain specifically to postsecondary education. They are:
  • ? working with postsecondary education institutions to develop demonstration programs utilizing college work-study students in adult literacy programs;
  • ? promoting college student involvement through literacy tutoring experiences in college courses and through student volunteerism.
  • The authors believe that there should be much greater participation in the initiative by postsecondary education institutions, and they propose that more extensive participation can be attained through the institutions' performance of their usual functions of teaching, service, and research.  相似文献   

    Widening participation to higher education (HE) is central to the educational policies of countries throughout the world, and takes the form of a range of types of intervention, which can be classified within a three-fold typology. Access as in-reach refers to those programmes that prioritize recruiting potential students into the institution—examples include adult Access courses and certain summer school provisions for school-leavers. Access as out-reach is typified by efforts to widen participation and involve partnerships with one or more of employers, schools and the wider community. Alongside in-reach and out-reach exist a number of initiatives that can neither be categorized primarily as either of these, but focus on transformations and adjustments to the structure, administration and delivery of HE programmes. The third category of Access as flexibility refers to systematic as against discrete provision and includes such structural arrangements such as the use of accreditation of prior learning (APL), open and distance learning and the use of information and communications technology (ICT). In this paper—based on research commissioned by the Scottish Executive—policies and practices from Australia, Canada, England, Finland and France are compared and analysed with particular focus being given to flexibility. The implications of these policies and practices and their potential transferability to Scotland are considered.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this article is to investigate major determinants of participation in adult education. Specifically, a direct measure of literacy skills available in the International Adult Literacy Survey is included. Interpreted as a measure of human capital, it is expected that literacy skills are at least as important a predictor of participation in adult education and training as educational attainment. The findings however do not support this expectation. Instead educational attainment remains the most important factor predicting participation in adult education and training. The models in this article are based on the idea that readiness to learn is formed early in life and further developed through educational and work experiences. Factors that are hypothesised to influence participation in adult education and training are separated into factors associated with the long arm of the family and the long arm of the job. The findings indicate the long arm of the family plays an important role, which supports early intervention, especially during the formal schooling years. The results also highlight the strong link between the use of literacy skills at work and participation in adult education and training.  相似文献   

    上海成人教育需求与应对策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    调查显示,上海成人接受教育的意识强烈,动机及期望的教育方式明确,但仍存在一些问题,如成人对国家政策法规和单位培训计划缺少了解,成人教育方式、内容与期望存在较大差距,成人参与教育的时间、精力有限,要求得不到满足。建议加强成人教育立法及政府宏观调控,建立成人教育质量保障体系,鼓励职业组织建立系统的成人教育培训体系,增强成人自我教育的主动性,引导成人掌握自我教育的方法。  相似文献   

    This article proposes a reflection on the issue of the terminology of inclusive education that has been dominating the national and international debates. Reviewing some of the relevant literature and drawing from observations in the education system, the author poses the question if the terms of inclusion and inclusive education represent the most operational terminology when it comes to education of children with disabilities and the different contexts in which their education and schooling occurs. Using examples from four different research studies in France, Germany and Canada, the author demonstrates that inclusion, under the lens of social participation, needs to be reconsidered by listening to people with disabilities, and also by accommodating the need for designated spaces that are offering a reprieve and safety from an ableist society.  相似文献   

    《Curriculum Journal》2013,24(2):209-229

    The role of education and training historically was to prepare men and women for different roles beyond schooling. Despite equality legislation in 1975, designed to secure wider opportunities for women in society and in the workplace, progress towards achieving equality in employment–with the exception of entry into the lower levels of some professions–has been slow and traditional patterns of occu‐ pational segregation remain. Traditional attitudes and expectations have proved diffi‐ cult to change. This is reflected in the participation rates of men and women in vocational education and training programmes currently on offer to young people.

    The compulsory education system has seen the removal of structural barriers to equality and access to all subjects has provided girls with the opportunity to achieve well and outperform boys even in non‐traditional subjects such as maths, science and technology. Disappointingly, however, academic gains have not been marked by wider vocational choice within and beyond schooling where stereotyping in option, subject, training and employment decisions is still overt.

    In this article, we use the examples of Part 1 GNVQs, further education, Modern Apprenticeships and National Traineeships to illustrate the current extent of stereo‐ typing and segregation in vocational education and training. We argue that it is of par‐ ticular concern that these recent policy initiatives reinforce rather than challenge stereotyping and that 25 years after the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA), vocational education and training provide young people with narrow and segregated routeways while delivering to industry limited and gender‐based pools of talent. We recognize that young people, women particularly, are disadvantaged as a result, and their poten‐ tial for career development and economic independence is reduced.

    We argue that gender stereotyping is a barrier to equality which should be addressed in all new education and training policy development, such as the review of the National Curriculum, and should be included in government policy direction to vocational education and training providers. We use the example of TVEI to show how good practice can be promoted in education and training in schools and we identify and recommend the use of good practice strategies in vocational education and training, particularly the positive action provisions of the SDA.  相似文献   


    Contributing to more sustainable diets is a major challenge for contemporary environmental education. It implies an increase in the share of plant-based foods and of home-cooked meals. Awareness of this is widespread but taking concrete action is not easy. What competences does it call for? To identify them, we proposed an 8-month training course to groups of young adults in France. Their consumption of vegetables and the competences they mobilized were collected at the end of the training and 8?months later. The competences used by the participants with the lowest consumption of vegetables included controlling their food budget, collecting information about processed foods and planning what they would like to eat. The competences used by the participants with the highest consumption included planning meal preparation, being flexible, choosing quality products and mastering the preparation of fresh vegetables. These results are of interest for designing education programmes for sustainable diets.  相似文献   

    Globally, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in higher education. In sub-Saharan Africa, where opportunities for higher education are especially limited, women are unlikely to continue their education. This research investigates women in Tanzanian higher education with the double marginalisation of being a woman and having disabilities. The women were interviewed on what factors enabled access and participation for their educational success. A thematic analysis of qualitative data was applied. All of the women interviewed were motivated to complete their degrees. Key enabling factors were encouragement from their families and previous teachers, full participation in student life and sufficient financial support. Student life integration, especially peer study groups, and university staff training were emphasised along with structural modifications needed for campus facility access. They understood the importance of education, especially as women with disabilities, and the impact educated women with disabilities have as role models for young women, those with disabilities and without.  相似文献   


    The initial and inservice education and training of adult tutors has been described as “the biggest challenge facing the field of adult education” (UNESCO 1985). Studies and reports from many countries suggest that although the importance of, and the necessity for such preservice education is clearly recognised, few substantive efforts to meet this challenge have been made.

    This paper attempts to unravel the factors contributing to inadequacies in the preparation and training of professionals in the field of adult education. In Ireland, as in other countries, a host of organisations and agencies make provision for the education of adults. However, adult education is virtually “invisible” in contrast to other sectors of education. The situation is due, mainly, to the lack of status ascribed to, or achieved by adult education. The structural location, the content and the process of adult education have been identified as the major contributory factors responsible for this low‐status. Inadequate provision for the preparation, training and retraining of adult educators is one of the causes of the low status of adult education and also the effect of such status.

    The “patternless mosaic” of agencies providing courses and their attempts to offer professional training to their personnel are examined and some remedies to up‐grade both the status of the adult educator and the totality of adult education are suggested.  相似文献   

    According to the increasing rates of unemployment and poverty a significant share of the European population can be considered at-risk-of-social exclusion. In order to combat social exclusion adult education seemed to be a possible tool, which can increase social inclusion among adult learners. This study explores factors relating to training programs considered as adult and continuing education which enhance social inclusion for vulnerable adults and their life environment. The results indicate that after following the training programs as part of continuing learning, the participants show a significant increase in activation and internalisation as well as participation and connection (as processes of social inclusion). Moreover, non-parametric correlation analysis and logistical regression analysis shows that the training design feature transfer possibilities is significantly related to the increase of almost all social inclusion variables. Besides this direct surroundings and learning contents and activities only significantly relates to the increase of social inclusion variables of activation and internalisation and care to the social inclusion variables of participation and connection.  相似文献   


    The purpose of this study was to develop a predictive model of satisfaction of adult learners in a Web‐based distance education course and their intent to participate in future Web‐based distance education courses. The factors examined were computer self‐efficacy, academic self‐concept, age, gender, academic status, years of computer use, frequency of computer use, computer training, Internet experience in a class, and participation in a workshop for a Web‐based course. Computer self‐efficacy was the only predictor variable that was statistically significant. There was a positive relationship between learners' satisfaction with their Web‐based distance education courses and their intent to participate in future Web‐based courses.  相似文献   

    Why should engineering students be trained in the effective use of information sources? How can this education and training be integrated into the curriculum within technical universities? What role can information specialists and librarians play for training future engineers in this field of information mastery?

    This paper introduces a debate which is largely developed in some countries, specially in France, within the French Grandes Ecoles  相似文献   

    This article reviews literature on educational gerontology, adult education, and training and identifies factors that may encourage or discourage older workers from participation in training. Previous research has emphasized models based on either motivation or deterrent factors. This article offers a unique exploratory model combining five motivational and two deterrent factors that hold the potential for predicting older worker's participation in training. Research based on the proposed model can help explain older learner's participation in work-related training and, thereby, provide practitioners with clues to enhance training programs for older workers.  相似文献   

    哈佛大学、世界教育杂志、教育发展中心和波利维亚的研究人员完成了一项在玻利维亚的历时3年多的大规模的纵深研究.我们已发现女童的教育与其发展二者相关,本研究则旨在阐明成人基础教育和妇女的社会与经济水平之间是否有相类似的关系存在. 该研究随机抽样了2200名成年妇女,包括1600名该项目的参与者和600名非参与者.研究人员综合衡量了妇女社会地位与经济水平及其发展结构,他们使用的指数包括1)识字/教育水平;2)挣钱活动的参与度;3)家庭决定权;4)子女教育;5)公民事务参与度与公民意识;6)法律权利参与度与法律意识;7)保健参与度及保健意识.此项研究的一个关键研究成果是综合基础成人教育项目对玻利维亚妇女的生活有重要作用(或影响),甚至在考虑了妇女的个人特点、所受正规教育水平、社会地位、经济地位、家庭所在地以及三年中的种种未知因素后依然如此.该项目参与者在社会与经济水平上比未参与者净增11个百分点.本文解释了所应用的研究框架、方法和得出的重要发现.  相似文献   

    Judging by their literacy proficiency scores, Nordic countries stand out from others. Their consistently high scores are intriguing and make their populations interesting benchmarks for other countries that participated in the International Adult Literacy Survey. This article addresses the question of whether there are any specific ‘Nordic’ ways of planning and implementing adult education policies. Are there any features that define a common approach to adult education, one that sets the Nordic countries apart from other advanced regions in Europe and North America?Beyond the general pattern, specific sub-groups of the population are explored, and especially the groups ‘at-risk’, i.e. those that score low on literacy proficiency scales, have the least education, are old or unemployed. All Nordic countries are included in the analysis: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden participated in the original IALS survey, whereas Iceland collected comparable data on adult education participation in a separate survey.That Nordic countries have a comparatively high level of participation in adult education is a fact that leaves no room for discussion. However, if not only the rate of participation but also volume is considered then the Nordic countries appear more similar to others. What sets the Nordic countries apart is the level of public support for adult education for the low-skilled population. More generally, it would seem that public support for disadvantaged groups is the main defining characteristic of Nordic countries.  相似文献   


    This article examines the attempt of one college (Orpington College in Kent) to increase the participation in further education of adult students who would not normally have benefited from post-school education and/or training; effectively non-traditional learners. The college targeted a specific and defined community, the residents of which had, prior to this initiative, limited access to continuing education. This example is by no means a unique one, but it is unusual and reflects what is best termed a community-based approach to widening participation, harnessing the support of a wide range of community, statutory and voluntary groups to ensure its success.  相似文献   

    This paper uses the results of a large‐scale study of patterns of participation in post‐compulsory education and training over the past 50 years to identify some of the social determinants of adult participation in formal learning experiences. The patterns of participation are presented in the form of predictable lifelong ‘trajectories’, and the predictability of these patterns of participation is as important a finding as their determinants. The key predictors themselves can be discerned quite early in an individuals life since they comprise the period in which the person was born, their place of birth and subsequent migration patterns, their gender, their family background, their experience of initial schooling, and the interactions between them. The patterns of participation and their changes over time are used to reinforce doubts about the wisdom of seeing a Learning Society as simply a worthwhile future goal, towards the implementation of which current policy is directed, and towards which the UK is travelling in linear fashion by apparently increasing opportunities for, while removing barriers to, lifelong participation.


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