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Studying the rate of return for rural residents in minority areas can give a good explanation for the problems of children enrolling in school and dropping out. On the whole, the education rate of return for rural residents in northwest minority areas is low, the Mincer function estimate is 2%, and the Heckman model estimate is 2.49%. The rate of return for minorities is greater than that for the Han. Between the sexes, the rate of return for Han men is lower than that for Han women. For various minorities, the education rates of return for men are greater than for women. At different stages of education, the rate of return for minorities is generally greater than that for the Han. The rates of return for the Han rise along with elementary school, middle school, and high school level of education. For those with a middle school, rates of return are negative, and exhibit a “U” model structure.  相似文献   

美国的师范教育经历了师范学校、师范学院及综合大学教育院(系)的三个阶段,这种演变蕴藏着一些规律。我国师范教育历史悠久,自创建以来,为不同层次的学校提供所需师资,培育了大批人才。然而我国师范教育却也存在很多问题,面临重大挑战。美国师范教育的发展历史对我国师范教育的改革有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

This study quantifies one part of the return to U.S. public investment in college education, namely, the fiscal benefits associated with greater college attainment. College graduates pay much more taxes than those not going to college. Government expenditures are also much less for college graduates than for those without a college education. Indeed, over an average lifetime, total government spending per college degree is negative. That is, direct savings in post-college government expenditures (conservatively, about 85,000 per four-year-equivalent degree over an average lifetime) are greater than government expenditures on higher education (generously, about85,000 per four-year-equivalent degree over an average lifetime) are greater than government expenditures on higher education (generously, about 74,500 per degree). Plus, the direct extra tax revenues from college graduates alone (roughly $471,000 per degree over a lifetime) are more than six times the gross government cost per college degree. The average real fiscal internal rate of return on government investment in college students is conservatively estimated to be 10.3%.  相似文献   

美国高中特色发展是美国联邦政府基于创新时代背景及美国的多元文化价值观对高中如何创新发展做出的一种高中发展战略与高中改进策略。创新时代以来的美国高中特色发展战略主要体现于联邦政府制定的"新美国高中"计划、为美国未来做准备的"高中倡议计划"和"重新设计美国高中"计划的三大发展战略上。美国高中特色发展的学校改进策略主要体现于以下几方面:重塑高中办学理念,"培养创新人才+为升学或就业做准备";提升高中办学效能,创建并沿用高效的办学模式,重新设计教学组织;优化高中的课程内容与教学方法,提高教学质量;强化教育机构的合作与衔接,推进普职教育的合理、有效融合;增强优质师资建设,关注高中教师的专业性发展。  相似文献   

廖娟 《北京大学教育评论》2010,8(3):150-164,192
本文以中国居民收入分配课题组2002年城镇住户调查的数据为基础,利用明瑟收入方程和probit回归方法对高等教育收入风险与个人选择上大学之间的关系进行了实证研究.结果发现:高等教育投资的风险和收益并没有对普通高中生的教育选择产生决定性的影响,高考制度仍是决定学生能否上大学的关键性因素,这限制了学生选择大学教育的主动权;个体的风险态度对选择高等教育有显著效应,风险厌恶程度越高的个体越愿意投资高等教育,这与我国劳动力市场体制内外的收入和风险存在较大差异有关.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that high school science teachers base their teaching on what professors of college freshman science expect, and that, in some instances, advanced high school courses are needlessly similar to college freshman courses. In order to gain insight of college science professors' expectations and perceptions on selected goals and outcomes of science education, a survey instrument was developed and mailed to 123 heads/coordinators of freshman chemistry in U.S. state and land grant colleges and universities that offer a graduate degree program in chemistry. The results demonstrated that although the coordinators were positive about many science education goals and outcomes they did not value aspects related to societal issues, and no differences among them existed when the results were analyzed according to demographic subgroups such as age and teaching experience. They perceived high school graduates as possessing inadequate skills and perceived measures to improve precollege science education requiring collaboration of precollege and college faculty positively. The implications for science education were that college chemistry professors place values different from those of science educators on some pertinent goals and outcomes of science teaching, a situation that is not helpful to reforming precollege science education.  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel, this paper examines Italian university entry and dropout rates in the context of specific parental and family characteristics. We are interested in the effects of the household’s cultural and financial conditions on shaping investment in tertiary education and its failure, at the national level. Our estimates confirm the persistence of intergenerational correlations related to education. Cultural constraints affect outcomes—enrolment in and withdrawal from tertiary education; low income negatively affects the transition from high school to college. Our results suggest that a comprehensive policy intervention is needed to ensure optimal human capital investment.  相似文献   

Although universities have expanded in size, it is unclear whether the poor have benefited. If there are high returns to college education, then increasing access of the poor to college has important welfare implications. The objective of this paper is to document the rates of enrollment into college of the poor and to identify the hurdles to doing so. Relying on several sets of data, including a survey of college students from universities in three poor provinces in China, we have found that the college matriculation rate of the poor is substantially lower than students from non-poor families; the same is true for rural women and minorities. Clearly, there are barriers that are keeping the rural poor out. The paper also demonstrates that the real hurdles are not during the years of secondary schooling or at the time of admissions to college. The real impediments keeping the rural poor from pursuing a college education arise long before high school—as early as preschool and elementary school years—and are present throughout the entire schooling system.  相似文献   

The proportion of U.S. high school students working during the school year ranges from 23% in the freshman year to 75% in the senior year. This study estimates how cumulative work histories during the high school years affect probability of dropout, high school academic performance, and the probability of attending college. Variations in individual date of birth and in state truancy laws along with the strength of local demand for low-skill labor are used as instruments for endogenous work hours during the high school career. Working more hours during the academic year does not affect high school academic performance. However, increased high school work intensity raises the likelihood of completing high school but lowers the probability of going to college. These results are similar for boys and girls, and so working during high school does not explain the widening gap in college entry between men and women.  相似文献   

This study utilizes public data mining to explore participation divides of all available K-12 institutional Twitter accounts in the U.S. (n?=?8275 accounts, n?=?9,216,853 tweets). Results indicated that U.S. schools used Twitter to broadcast information on a variety of topics in a unidirectional manner and that hashtags included a variety of intended purposes, including affinity spaces, education topics, emotive language, and events. Those schools in wealthier, more populated areas were more likely to use Twitter, with wealthy, suburban schools being the most likely to use it and poor, rural schools being the least likely. Furthermore, factors such as charter school status and urbanity influenced the content of school tweets on key issues, with schools in more populated areas tweeting more about coding and college than schools in less populated areas and charter schools tweeting more about college and the politicized educational issue of common core than non-charters. These results reveal participation differences between schools based upon demographics and provides a basis for conducting future large-scale work on publicly available artifacts, such as school tweets, that may be meaningfully used as education research data.  相似文献   

张敏 《教育科学》2007,23(4):78-82
谨慎投资者规则是指导受托人投资基金的行为指引,在美国大学捐赠基金的保值和增值过程中起到了积极作用.从谨慎人规则演变到谨慎投资者规则顺应了市场需求,体现了捐赠基金投资多样化和回报最大化的客观要求.美国大学捐赠基金的谨慎投资者规则启示我们应规范我国大学捐赠基金在资本市场的投资活动,须启动相关立法工作,完善相关法律.  相似文献   

The National Center for Educational Statistics, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Education, compiles statistical data for U.S. schools. As charts indicate, in 2001, it reported that nationwide, 76% of high-income graduates immediately enroll in colleges or trade schools. However, only 49% of Hispanic and 59% of African Americans enroll immediately after graduating from high school. Research demonstrates that high academic achievers from low-income families are only one-fifth as likely to enroll in college as high achievers from high-income families (U.S. Department of Education, Center for Educational Statistics, 2001). This article is an examination of the components of a college prep program, GEAR-UP, which is a federally funded comprehensive intervention program to determine if African American participants improved predictors of achievement (PSAT, SAT, and GPA scores).  相似文献   

The Study sampled the views of 120 teachers across 30 schools in a rural school district and analysed documentary data across the school, district and national levels to investigate the socio-economic impact of the rural-urban inequality in pre-tertiary education in Ghana. The Study identified a 50 % loss in human capital or productivity annually in Ghana due to the rural-urban gap in pre-tertiary education. The Study estimates that an additional 2% of GDP investment into rural education improvement annually for 12 years will eliminate the rural-urban socio-economic gap in Ghana. However, the real GDP must grow above 8.5 %, and the additional investment must hinge on rural, equity and context-based strategies. The Study concludes that closing the gap will double Ghana's GDP within a decade, aside from the spillover benefits of improved social and health wellbeing of the people.  相似文献   

Developed in response to concerns that too few students were enrolling and succeeding in postsecondary education, early college high schools are small schools that blur the line between high school and college. This article presents results from a longitudinal experimental study comparing outcomes for students accepted to an early college through a lottery process with outcomes for students who were not accepted through the lottery and enrolled in high school elsewhere. Results show that treatment students attained significantly more college credits while in high school, and graduated from high school, enrolled in postsecondary education, and received postsecondary credentials at higher rates. Results for subgroups are included.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国农村高中教育处于困境之中,师资力量薄弱,生源流失严重,高等教育升学率低。农村高中教育陷入困境主要是由于政府的经费投入太少、农村家庭缺乏投资动力、学生升学信心不足。这将对我国未来整体的人力资源开发产生不利影响,会进一步扩大城乡差距,导致“读书无用论”的重新抬头。因此,未来我国应改变城乡二元的惯性思维,重视改善农村教育环境,提升农村高中的教育质量,为农村青年接受高等教育创造更多的机会。  相似文献   

浅析民办二级学院办学中资本寻利性与教育公益性的矛盾   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育的产业属性在资本的运作上追求利润的最大化 ,这与教育的公益属性形成一对矛盾。它在公办高校中表现不明显 ,但在民办二级学院的办学中 ,由于其投资主体与办学主体的不一致而被凸现了出来。本文分析了教育产业属性在高投入、高消费、高收益和高回报等方面的具体表现 ,并从“营利”与“盈利”在词义上的不同含义 ,对我国现行法律法规中规定的“不以营利为目的”的条文提出新的认识。本文认为民办二级学院在办学投资上的盈利或结余是必要的 ,但为解决好资本寻利性与教育公益性的矛盾 ,对于民办二级学院自身来说 ,更应该在办学的投资体制、领导体制、运行机制等方面认真加以规范 ,以制约“以营利为目的”的办学。  相似文献   

本文采用北京师范大学收入分配研究院提供的两轮收入调查数据,采用微观计量实证研究方法,基于教育选择的反事实选择框架,揭示了高校扩招政策与城镇劳动力大学教育溢价间的因果关系。结果发现:通过基准回归估算出整体教育回报率由2007年的7.1%上升到2013年的9.1%,分教育层级回归揭示了大学教育收益率在扩招政策前后均高于高中教育阶段,但在利用工具变量法纠正了内生性偏估后,城镇劳动力的整体教育回报率由14.1%下降到了9.1%,而纠正了自选择偏差后,整体教育回报率则由2007年的5%上升到了2013年的10.7%;利用倾向得分匹配法实现数据平衡后,通过平均处理效应估算出大学教育的年收益率由2007年的9.5%~9.75%上升到了2013年的11.425%~11.925%,验证了扩招政策并未降低城镇劳动力的大学教育溢价。基于此,本文提出,通过人力资本梯度升级至研究生教育层级,逐渐收敛由市场因素与人力资本因素引致的城镇收入不平等。  相似文献   

The completion agenda demands higher community college graduation rates among adult learners, and prior learning assessment (PLA) is a promising solution. PLA permits students to earn credit for college-level learning acquired outside of higher education and is associated with improved student outcomes. However, little is known regarding community college graduation rates among adult learners by prior learning assessment status and method. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to examine adult learner graduation rates by PLA status and method at four U.S. community colleges. Results from this foundational study confirmed a remarkable difference in graduation rates between adult PLA learners and adult non-PLA learners, uncovered striking differences in the graduation rates of adult PLA learners by PLA method, and identified a relationship between PLA method and graduation. Findings provide community college stakeholders with new insight into adult PLA learners in the community college and a basis for future research leading to higher graduation rates among adult learners.  相似文献   

美国高等教育本土化发展对我国高等教育改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国作为当今世界高等教育最发达的国家,其高等教育其实也是在不断的借鉴和创新中逐渐发展起来的。在历史与现实的全球化背景下,对美国高等教育本土化的发展历程、本土化的理念和本土化的政策进行研究发现,美国高等教育本土化的成功经验对我国当前情况下高等教育改革提出了新的启示。  相似文献   

教育财政投入是教育事业发展的物质基础,为持续办好“更加公平更高质量”的基础教育事业提供了经费支持。伴随着我国“要办重点中学”和“择校费”等普通高中办学政策的实施,县域与城区普通高中在师资、办学条件与经费投入等方面的异质性特征进一步加剧。基于2009—2020年江苏省内12个市本级与41个县域的面板数据,选取普通高中生均公用经费作为代理指标,采用断点回归模型,围绕普通高中阶段实施的“择校费”政策改革对市县间普通高中教育财政投入差异的影响展开实证分析。实证结果表明,取消“择校费”能够显著缩小市县间普通高中教育财政投入差异,在县中振兴行动计划的推进过程中,可以围绕供需两侧进一步深化有效市场和有为政府相结合理念在教育投入中的应用。  相似文献   

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