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协商民主作为一种民主范式在中国的政治建设和社会治理中起了重要作用。近些年来,协商民主在新农村基层民主建设中的实践,创新了我国的基层民主制度。随着农村村民民主参政意识和维权意识的提高,协商民主适应了我国新农村基层民主建设中政府与村民互动机制的要求,同时它也是解决农村治理中民主困境的途径。协商民主在新农村建设中的运用有利于保证乡村事务决策的公正性,有利于控制权力滥用、防止腐败,也有利于建立和谐的干群关系,促进农村经济社会的发展。  相似文献   

Assumptions based on deliberative democratic theory have dominated scholarship of democratic citizenship within political science and educational research. However, both fields have produced scholarship that raises questions regarding the efficacy of the deliberative model of democratic education. This article presents a critical synthesis that highlights the major trends of deliberative democratic theory from the field of political science, while making connections to education specific literature. The shift, away from idealistic notions toward a model of deliberative democracy that considers identity, group interests, and power differences within society, supports similar efforts to revisit democratic theory within civic education. The article concludes with recommendations for a revised, more realistic, conceptualization of civic education.  相似文献   

Since the early-2000s, deliberative democratic theory has influenced the debate on teaching. Proponents of deliberation in education have argued that deliberative communication as a teaching model enhances both subject knowledge and democratic virtues among students. However, empirical support for this assumption is weak. The aim of this article is to empirically test the assumptions made by the proponents of deliberative teaching. This study uses a field experimental research design. The study was carried out in a civics course in Swedish upper-secondary schools in both vocational programs and programs preparing students for ensuing studies. To some extent, the results support the hypothesis derived from deliberative theory. Deliberative teaching seems to enhance democratic virtues among students in vocational programs.  相似文献   

协商民主理论是民主理论发展的最新成果,它不是对现有民主理论的否定,而是应对社会发展变化而作出的补充和发展。本文试图在协商民主的视野下,分析我国政治制度内在的协商民主基因及当前社会发展对协商民主的外在需求,指出按照协商价值对我国民主政治制度及运行机制进行调整和完善。  相似文献   

国外协商民主理论近30年的研究大致可分为三个研究时代,形成了分别以罗尔斯、哈贝马斯的思想为基础的“英—美”和“欧洲大陆”主义两种研究路线.在研究视角上,主要涉及作为政府体制、公民参与、政治合法性、治理以及民主决策理论的协商民主.在研究议题上,大大拓展了毕塞特最初的研究范围,扩展至协商与民主理论的发展、协商民主与公民参与、协商民主与政策分析范式的发展、协商民主与国际问题治理、协商民主本身的制度化等方面的研究.  相似文献   

卢梭的民主思想具有整体主义、极权主义倾向,但是其“公意”、“人民主权”、“直接民主”等理念代表了人类对民主的期待。卢梭追求政治合法性使其民主思想在理论和实践上具有强大的张力。阿伦特和哈贝马斯在卢梭民主思想的平台发展出了一套新的民主模式——商议性民主。  相似文献   

近年来,国内学术界非常关注"协商民主"的理论并对其持较为普遍的乐观态度。但是,我们在确认某一理论对现实是否有益之前,首先要思考它是否合理。为此,对墨菲的竞争性多元主义的民主模式的介绍应该能引起国内学术界对协商民主理论所面临的挑战及其存在的问题的关注。墨菲以施米特的政治理论为基础,对罗尔斯等人倡导的协商民主理论作了辩驳。与协商民主理论不同,墨菲论证了民主政治的冲突性内涵以及激情对公民的民主政治精神培养的重要作用。  相似文献   

协商民主具有破解村民自治"四大民主要素"发展失衡,纠正村民自治中民主决策和民主管理主体错位,防止村民自治中村民享有的权利被悬置,克服实践中村民自治制度被异化,破解级差政治信任的结构性风险等重要价值。但协商民主嵌入村民自治也面临缺乏法律依据,乡村干部积极性不高,自治主体协商能力薄弱和政治冷漠,自治的制度环境变迁等挑战。解决这些难题需要加强党的领导,推动协商民主,国家要为村民自治提供法规保障,建立推进协商民主嵌入村民自治的组织工作制度,培育和提高村民的协商能力与热情,适应制度环境变迁,探索推进协商民主嵌入村民自治的适度单元。  相似文献   

协商民主是一种由协商主体通过自由平等的公共协商参与决策的民主形式。目前,中国的民主政治发展已经进入了协商民主的主流话语阶段。相较于竞争性的选举民主,中国的执政者在价值偏好上更容易接受非竞争性的协商民主。当前中国的公共协商模式主要是公共权威主导的动员协商,虽然它契合了协商民主的精神和价值,但是离规范化的的协商民主还有一定距离。因此中国公共协商的前景就是要从公共权威主导的动员式协商走向公民主导的对话式协商。  相似文献   

A civics and citizenship education curriculum is currently being developed for all levels of Australian schools in an attempt to prepare young people for effective participation in the complex, evolving society of Australia in the 21st century. Clearly children should be encouraged to explore issues to do with power and politics and it is important to include factual information about the structures and processes of government in any curriculum materials. However, this paper argues that children's lived experience as members of families, schools and the wider society provide understandings that must be taken into account if we wish them to really appreciate the principles and purposes that underpin democratic practices. This qualitative study investigates the perceptions of 27 children, between 5 and 12 years of age, in relation to their constructions of power and politics. It uses a developmental framework to understand the children's talk and to chart the increasing complexity of their concepts.  相似文献   

网络协商是协商民主在新时期的重要实现形式,公民可以通过网络政治参与"近似地"实践协商民主的理想。鉴于网络协商民主中参与主体身份的开放、地位的平等、话语权的开放及网络本身的即时性等特征,公民参政的途径得以扩大,参政的热情和能力得以提高,这些都有助于我国的公民参政逐步走向成熟,并最终促进我国民主政治的发展。但是,作为一个新生事物,网络协商民主在实践中也暴露出了一些问题,需要我们正视这些缺陷,并通过进一步加大互联网硬件设施建设、制定完善的法律法规、促使政府自觉发挥在网络协商民主中的功能等举措,使网络协商民主最终成为当前实现民主治理应该选择的方式之一。  相似文献   

Hannah Arendt's essays about the 1957 crisis over efforts of a group of youth, the “Little Rock Nine,” to desegregate a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, reveal a tension in her vision of the “public.” In this article Aaron Schutz and Marie Sandy look closely at the experiences of the youth desegregating the school, especially those of Elizabeth Eckford, drawing upon them to trace a continuum of forms of public engagement in Arendt's work. This ranges from arenas of “deliberative friendship,” where unique individuals collaborate on common efforts, to a more conflictual “public stage,” where groups act in solidarity to change aspects of the public world. While Arendt famously asserted in her essay “The Crisis in Education” that political capacities should not be taught in schools, it makes more sense to see this argument as focused on what she sometimes called the conflictual “public stage,” reflecting the experience of the Little Rock Nine. In contrast, Schutz and Sandy argue that Arendt's own work implies that “deliberative friendship,” as described in her essay “Philosophy and Politics” and elsewhere, should be part of everyday practices in classrooms and schools.  相似文献   

没有社会主义民主,就不可能有真正的社会主义和谐社会,民主是构建社会主义和谐社会的基石之一。平等和自由是民主的本质,没有平等也就不可能有真正的民主。平等意识作为现实平等的反映,对于民主社会建设具有前提性意义。文章试图从发生学角度分析历史和现实不平等意识的形成,并基于此提出了培育平等意识的见解.  相似文献   

Neo-pragmatism focuses on communication as a democratic form of life. It therefore creates new visions for the relationship between democracy and education. Models for deliberative democracy inspired by neo-pragmatism are explicitly based on the need for education of citizens in deliberative capabilities and attitudes. The idea of deliberative democracy as an educational process is one where individuals bring different perspectives to on-going communication, which is here presented as an important way to interpret John Dewey, specifically his Democracy and Education. This approach to reading his work is compared initially with other and earlier ways of reading his work, i.e., the educational philosophies and movements of progressivism and reconstructionism.  相似文献   

政党协商是我国协商民主的重要形式之一,是中国共产党与各民主党派等进行直接协商的政治形式。政党协商始终坚持政治、制度、价值等基本原则,在制度建设、实践探索、程序设计和观念文化等方面取得了显著的成效。但在实现国家治理现代化、深入推进社会主义民主政治建设的条件下,政党协商依然面临着一系列的挑战。在民主和法治的轨道上,既注重挖掘既有的存量资源,又注重体制机制改革创新,是积极推动政党协商的基本路径。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,在中国共产党领导方式和执政方式变化的新形势下,我国政党制度中政治协商发生了变化,有必要及时总结民主党派在政治协商中的实践经验,以利于从政治协商向协商民主的发展。民主党派的政治协商在向协商民主发展,并且更加制度化和程序化,这都得益于坚持以我国政党制度作为民主协商的制度保障和民主党派的政党建设保证民主协商的发展。  相似文献   

毛泽东的新民主主义社会论具有重要的理论意义,它是对马克思主义的继承与重要发展,它充实完善了新民主主义革命论,为中国革命指明了前进的方向。毛泽东新民主主义社会论取得重要理论意义的原因在于坚持了实事求是,将马克思列宁主义与中国的实际相结合,在各方面做出合乎中国需要的理论性创造。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的深入,经济又好又快的发展,社会主义民主政治建设积极稳步地推进,政治协商、党内协商、民主恳谈会、听证会、社区议事会、网上政务论坛等协商民主实现形式,保证并扩大了公民有序政治参与的同时,更要依据现实政治环境发展和完善当代中国协商民主实现形式。  相似文献   

In times of global influence, compulsory education in the Nordic countries has promoted democracy as choice since the 1990s, as enhancing an individual good. Supporting education for democracy is a matter that concerns the world and society on the topic of ‘what shall he do? Shall he act for this or that end?’. This indicates that democratic education is not only a matter of individual good, but a public, regarding who I want to be, how I would like to respond towards both the world and society. As for public good, who I want to be involves having the freedom to act in the world that lies between us. The article explores Nordic tradition of people’s high school, which is known to enhance the enlightenment of the people and to support democracy as a public good. Focus group interviews with folk high school students in Norway were carried out. To theoretically interpret the findings, theories on freedom and action were used. Arendt’s theories contribute to the results by offering ways to theoretically comprehend students’ experiences of being seen and heard during their school years. The study asks to what extent, if any, people’s high schools in Norway contribute to and/or challenge education and democracy in today’s society.  相似文献   

本文认为纪实才是小说叙事的本质属性之一。文章吸取了新历史主义理论的精华,一方面解构了所谓的历史真实,传统的历史叙事都是文章所说的一切叙事皆是纪实的纪实范畴,把司马迁的史记与西方的历史都划入了纪实;一方面文章恢复了小说真实的本义,将普遍定论的小说就是虚构的伪命题,进行了重新阐释与建构,恢复了小说叙事的纪实的本质属性。换句话说,文章提出纪实是小说的本质属性的论点,就是对现代小说理论界存在的"扬虚构贬真实的隐行偏爱"之理念进行纠正。  相似文献   

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