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As audience reception scholars commute from audiences to literacies, both of which share the concept of interpretation, this article sets out to draw together themes around the changing nature of interpretive work, from 6 texts that have reflected recently, in different ways, on interpretation in new media environments. In reviewing a multithreaded conversation across 4 books from literacy studies, media and communications, and user studies, I select 2 essays, written at a crucial moment for reception studies, to provide her a narrative. Speaking from diverse fields, these works suggest a widespread agreement that there is a need to rethink terminologies and concepts from mass-mediated communication in the age of interactive media, not because they no longer prove useful, but because they provide constructive intellectual challenges in thinking through the changing natures of texts and readers, genres and interpretation, literacies, and legibilities, as we await new modes every day, for all of these, but also perhaps, new modes of interpretative engagement.  相似文献   

The first part of the report, for October 13, describes a formal panel with presentations on Modern Greek library and bibliographic matters. It also describes the meeting of the Association's Library Committee. The second part of the report, for October 14–15, summarizes presentations at four scholarly panels in the fields of linguistics, history, emigration studies, and economics.  相似文献   

The current research explored two new social movement networks in the United States in order to demonstrate the impact of narrative capacity on the “shape” of an activist network. In particular, we found that activists in a network that demonstrated efficient narrative capacity described the hub organization in positive terms, while activists in a network that demonstrated poor narrative capacity held mixed perceptions about the hub. Some activists in the second network held positive perceptions about the organization, while others held negative perceptions. The observations from these two research sites led us to conceptualize activists' differing perceptions about their respective hub organizations as “distance” that they experienced from that hub. Therefore, two different star shapes emerged from our research: a symmetrical star and elongated star. Such findings demonstrate the importance for narrative capacity in the construction and maintenance of effective activist networks.  相似文献   

This article looks at the ways of finding novelty in communication and audience research and questions the necessity to seek constant innovation in conquering new territories in audience research. Based on both personal experiences and those from the PhD students across Europe, the article maps five Basic elements where novelty in audience research is sought—new technologies, new countries, new audiences, interdisciplinarity and cross-media. The article argues that despite the constant pressure to innovate, there are important elements of value in traditional audience research that need to be kept, including methodological diversity and often repeated feel for the triangulation of audiences, producers and text. In this combination of keeping the old and seeking the new in audience research, the discipline can be seen growing richer and more diverse with every added contribution.  相似文献   


It has been widely recognised that MLS courses and on-the-job training need to be supplemented by continuing professional development (CPD), if catalogers are to fulfil their potential and remain in the field. The results of a questionnaire survey show that catalogers and other metadata specialists are undertaking a broad range of CPD activities, and would welcome more opportunities. They are especially keen on short courses, but also interested in more formal and longer-term programs, and are looking to upgrade their skills and knowledge in both traditional and emerging areas. While most think that their CPD efforts can advance their careers, many catalogers consider levels of support from employers and the profession to be less than adequate.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to determine how supervisor support relates to a new librarian's job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Factors examined include whether librarians in positions of power are reluctant to foster growth in beginning librarians and, if so, whether this reluctance is due to feelings of insecurity or fear of being outshone. This paper also examines the effect a supervisor's reluctance to offer advice and mentoring on the psychological state of new librarians. Suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This experimental research examines how different presentation modalities in presidential debates and post-debate spin influence the ability to form evaluations about candidates' character, shape perceptions of their incivility, and alter judgments of political trust and news credibility. Results indicate that these experimental factors work together to encourage character judgments, diminish perceptions of candidate civility, and reduce levels of trust in government. In addition, political talk conditioned experimental effects on perceptions of news credibility, with the adverse effects of split screen presentations concentrated among those who talked about the debate. Thus, the negative effects of “in your face” politics conveyed by the “split-screen” modality appear to be most pronounced among those primed to think about performance and those attuned to politics through interpersonal talk.  相似文献   

In 2001, the New Zealand government launched an ambitious health care information management and technology strategy that seeks to integrate the health sector, facilitate electronic health records and information portability and give patients greater information access. This article looks at the prospects for the strategy, against a background of extensive public health system restructuring in the 1990s. It notes that through this period, health purchasers and providers developed information systems in isolation from one another and with minimal central oversight. The result is a highly complex and firmly established architecture and an array of problems that need rectifying. Combined with present decentralised health structures, government capacity to influence activities is limited. The article concludes by reviewing current developments noting that advancement on the government's goals is likely to be incremental, across a range of areas, sometimes driven by providers and sometimes by central agencies.  相似文献   


Online full-text research services such as Questia and Ebrary are targeting faculty and undergraduates directly, offering them library-like services for a fee. This has caused a great deal of negative response in the library community, because these companies seem to be trying to compete with and undercut freely available library services. However, rejecting them outright is probably not the best answer—if only because their marketing budgets dwarf our own. This presentation will explore the impacts these services could have on libraries, as well as the ways we might use them to extend our online collections and services. If we engage these companies in conversation, we could end up with cooperation and even partnerships. They may have an inevitable impact on libraries, but it is up to us to shape that impact by taking the initiative.  相似文献   

The development of digital technologies for the production, processing, dissemination and use of information is leading to the emergence of a new society based on a far reaching transformation in the relationship between people and institutions and on a radical change in many professional, economic, educational or cultural practices. The crucial question facing us today is whether our traditional societies are ready for such a shift in ways of thinking, communicating and acting. Are people sufficiently aware and adequately equipped to become citizens of this new information society? Are they prepared to be active, efficient and responsible participants in the new communities living on information exchange? Are we really ready to be part of a new culture based on a swifter and broader flow of information, ideas and knowledge? The development of that special culture, or infoculture, depends first and foremost on education, both general and vocational, and on initial and continuing training as well as on raising awareness among the public at large. Achieving a real infoculture calls for full-scale mobilization of all those who in their various ways are involved in the information society. Partnerships must be encouraged; national, regional or world projects must be given support; there is more than ever a need for a new form of solidarity to develop the infoculture.  相似文献   

The convergence of Internet technology and federal information policy are encouraging federal information producers and users to adopt a new direct model of information dissemination of federal information from producing agency to end user. On the surface, this trend would appear to remove the traditional middlemen—the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and depository libraries—from the dissemination model. To assess the impact of the Internet model on the future viability of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the traditional GPO/depository library model of information dissemination is examined in four areas, keeping in mind the underlying intent of the FDLP to assure access to federal information in all congressional districts.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):123-137
This paper explores the results of the introduction of the Pop-Up Newsroom, a virtual, temporary citizen journalism-style mobile news operation, to university student journalists. The results revealed two categories of response: those who embraced change and began to develop networked journalism identities; and those who advocated for the traditional brick-and-mortar newsroom and accompanying practices as preserving professional journalism identities.  相似文献   

In recent years book publishers have begun a gradual trend towards providing academic libraries with USB flash drives as content bearers of their products and services. This article reviews the current uses of the USB flash drive in academic libraries as well as the updates and changes to the USB flash drive. These updates and changes to the USB flash drive make it more appealing as the conveyor of the digital book; therefore giving librarians' flashbacks of old issues associated with a new trend.  相似文献   

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