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The pre-service teacher (PST) learning process has been claimed to include multiple and complex forms of learning because various areas of knowledge growth occur at the same time. In the Sport Education (SE) literature, there has been a noticeable dearth of research regarding how PSTs learn, interpret and deliver the model. While several studies report PSTs having experienced SE prior to the formal study being carried out, to our knowledge, only one study has followed PSTs through a series of learning experiences. In this study, we used the three-level model of learning as a framework to investigate a PST’s continuing process of learning to teach SE as part of a PETE program and while teaching during the school placement component of the PETE program. The study was guided by the question, ‘How does a PST’s knowledge of teaching and learning SE develop?’ This study reports on one physical education PST learning to teach SE. The learning experience was composed of four PETE courses (two content courses and two school placements) divided into five phases. Data collection employed five semi-structured interviews, coursework and a focus group. Data were analyzed using a hybrid approach of inductive and deductive theme development. Results revealed that the PST progressively developed conscious awareness and understanding about teaching and learning SE. The comprehensive learning experience made the PST develop understanding of teaching and learning SE that reflected knowledge on an abstract level. Studying the relationships between SE concepts, while connecting them with knowledge from various PETE courses, the theoretical foundation of SE became accessible. We encourage physical education teacher educators to allow for a continuing growth of understanding where PSTs develop knowledge through various SE learning and teaching experiences tailored around their needs and concerns.  相似文献   


There has been much criticism of how teachers are prepared to teach and physical education has not been immune from this criticism. Despite numerous efforts to improve the content and focus of teacher education programmes there is still a paucity of programme evaluation research on the efficacy of these teacher education programmes (Metzler & Tjeerdsma, 1998). This paper reports on part of a yearlong investigation on the efficacy of a graduate physical education teacher education programme to prepare teachers. The focus of this aspect of the study was to identify what attracted graduate students to pursue a teaching career and what beliefs they held about physical education teachers and teaching. This was a qualitative case study and multiple data sources were gathered to address the research questions. The data sources included interviews, analyses of the students' autobiographical statements, and observations of their teaching, critical incidents from their teaching and peer responses to critical incidents. Findings indicate that this cohort of graduate students, many embarking on a major career change, was more committed to teaching and their love for teaching children than coaching. While their own success and love of sport was a factor in their career choice, their experiences in helping young people engage in and enjoy physical activity was more significant than their desire to gain a teaching credential. They believed their role as a physical education teacher was to be a physically active role model and help students appreciate the importance of physical activity, to contribute to the development of student self-esteem, especially those sometimes marginalized in physical education classes, and to plan and teach lessons that would motivate all students to participate in class. This work is grounded in the occupational socialization literature and the findings are discussed in terms of what we know about how to maximize the impact of teacher education programmes especially when students' beliefs may not be aligned with those of the programme.  相似文献   

运用文献法、逻辑分析法和比较研究法对俄罗斯《生命安全基础》课程的设置和体育教学大纲中教育实习的比重进行分析,探讨俄罗斯体育教育师资培养所取得的成功经验。并提出:一要在我国基础教育阶段开设《安全教育》课程,鉴于《安全教育》与《体育与健康》课程具有较强的相似性,可将《安全教育》作为《体育与健康》课程的一部分,在高校加强体育教师《安全教育》的职前培养,以保证青少年的健康成长。二是通过借鉴俄罗斯体育旅游大学与北京体育大学在田径大纲上的教学实践课时对比及对北体大教师、学生的问卷调查表明我国体育教学实践时间太少,提出要调整教学实习的时间,提高师资培养水平。旨在为我国高校体育本科教育发展提供可参考的依据。  相似文献   


Background: Pedagogical models have become an established component of physical education over the past several decades. One such model, the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model, has gained momentum in practice and research, though little is known regarding its use in preservice teacher training. The model follows a flexible format focused on teaching life skills (e.g. leadership) that can be applied in all lived ecologies. Occupational socialization theory provides insight into the pretraining and teacher education experiences of preservice teachers that shape their understanding and practice of physical education and associated pedagogical models.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of a sequence of methods courses and early field experiences on U.S. preservice teachers’ understanding and implementation of the teaching personal and social responsibility model with youth from a community affected by poverty.

Method: This study took on a phenomenological and social constructivist approach. Ten preservice teachers (9 males, 1 female) took part in the study. The participants were an average age of 22.10 years old (SD?=?4.38) and seven identified as White and three as Black. Each participant was enrolled in methods and early field experience coursework that provided scaffolded training in primary education in a community affected by poverty. Preservice teachers team-taught groups of 10–15 children twice a week along with one day committed to on-campus reflection. Data collection included autobiographical essays, critical incident reports, reflective journals, non-participatory observations and field notes, and semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed deductively through the lens of occupational socialization theory, and inductively as theory divergent trends were sought. Open and axial coding was completed with member checking throughout, resulting in a final set of themes and subthemes.

Findings: The preservice teachers initially struggled to connect with their students due to conflicting backgrounds, but the teaching personal and social responsibility model guided the relationship-building process. As the model was continuously utilized, more empathy and care were shown towards the children. Preservice teachers felt there was a lack of progression in positive behaviors but were able to empower youth and felt that the model was culturally relevant. Overtime, the students began to appreciate the affective domain despite the challenge of working in a community affected by poverty through frustration towards the larger system limiting any potential progress was present.

Conclusions: Subjective theories transitioned to include relationship building and life skills learning, likely because of the extended field experience and faculty support. The preservice teachers desire to connect with and teach the students well displays the connection between models-based practice and positive relationships. Preservice teachers’ knowledge of their students was limited as it was based on secondhand knowledge of youth, teacher educators, and school staff. Evidence indicates some cultural responsiveness development though there were also elements of a deficit model due to white privilege and class differences. Further work explicitly integrating a culturally relevant approach and social justice in teacher education programming should occur.  相似文献   

孙玉林 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):129-129,131
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对健康的身体特别向往。在核心素养的背景下如何上好高中体育课,是每一位体育教师关心的首要问题。首先让学生对终身体育锻炼的观念要理解,其次教师通过学校体育课的教学,设计科学的体育教学内容,让学生养成终身体育锻炼的良好习惯。高中体育教师应改变自身传统的教学理念,通过现代化教学手段给学生上课,指引学生树立正确的体育观念,并引领学生将这种体育观念应用到社会生活中。  相似文献   

本研究就体育院校传统的专选理论教学模式存在的不足,而设计并实践的在教师指导下由学生主讲与课堂讨论相结合的教学模式。通过在成都体院体育系1993级、1994级、1996级、1997级田径专选理论课的实践研究,证明了新教学模式的可行性与实效性,它能充分调动学生的学习积极性,启发学生的思维,培养学生的语言表达能力,能有效地改变体育院系学生普遍存在的重视专项技术学习,而忽视专选理论学习的状况,使学生学习知识,巩固知识、运用知识的能力得到同步提高。  相似文献   

Relationships have been found between teacher efficacy and many teaching and learning variables, but few researchers have examined teaching efficacy in physical education. The instrument reported here, the Physical Education Teaching Efficacy Scale, was developed based on the teaching efficacy literature, existing scales, and National Association for Sport and Physical Education's Teacher Education Standards. Students attending 11 institutions who are majoring in regular and alternate physical education teacher education and who are at different stages of preparation (N?=?592) completed the initial survey. Exploratory, followed by confirmatory, factor analysis resulted in a 35-item, 7-factor scale. Factors were Content Knowledge, which were activities one might teach; Applying Scientific Knowledge in Teaching, which reflected academic content; Accommodating Skill Differences; Teaching Students with Special Needs; Instruction, which included management, motivation, and instruction; Using Technology; and Assessment. Results support that the Physical Education Teaching Efficacy Scale addresses many aspects of teaching physical education and meets research criteria for validity and reliability.  相似文献   

论新体育课程中运动技能教什么和如何教的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据新的教育思想和课程理念,探讨基础教育体育课程中运动技能的教学问题。认为:应根据学生身心发展特征,学生生活经验和实际,学校现实条件等因素选择教学生何种运动技能;应遵循面向全体学生,服务学生健康,促进学生全面发展的新理念,教授学生运动技能;同时应处理好运动兴趣培养、游戏教学、体能练习、情景教学等与运动技能教学之关系。  相似文献   

Urban students often have difficulty engaging in the learning process and affiliating with others. A three-phase research design was used to examine the effectiveness of a high school physical education curriculum reform initiative entitled "Sport for Peace" to enhance student engagement and willingness to interact positively with others. Ten physical educators in six urban schools taught a traditional soccer unit (Phase I) followed by instruction and mentoring in the Sport for Peace curriculum (Phase II). In the third phase of the research, teachers developed and taught a Sport for Peace unit to their students. Data were collected using observation and interview methods and analyzed with constant comparison. Results suggested that the Sport for Peace curricular structures fostered shared responsibility for learning, trust, respect, and a sense of family. Both high- and low-skilled girls and boys felt successful and responded positively, creating a class community more conducive to engagement and participation.  相似文献   

李登峰 《当代体育科技》2021,(8):153-155,160
该文采用文献资料法、实地考察法、专家咨询法和逻辑分析法等,从培养理念、课程设置、本科生实习、师资队伍、教师资格证考核等方面,对美国北德克萨斯大学的体育教育专业进行分析。结果:北德克萨斯大学体育教育专业培养理念注重学生兴趣培养;本科生实习贯穿大学课程始终;师资队伍精简,学术和教学水平齐高,研究生授课;教师资格证的考核具有较强的困难性。教育启示:以学生兴趣为出发点的教育是突破口;增设通识课,且为学生提供其他专业的学习机会;注重培养学生的教学教法,强调学生的团队合作;合适地聘用本校的在读研究生进行专业课教学;提高获取教师资格证的门槛。  相似文献   

施丽艳 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):236-236,238
新的体育课程标准指出,"坚持健康第一的指导思想,促进学生健康成长"。为了适应当前课程改革的要求,每个体育教师都面临新的挑战,需要探索出一条适合学生发展的创新之路。在新课程改革和教育模式创新的大背景下,教育教学不仅关注学生文化知识的学习,对学生的身体素质的培养与提高也要有更高的标准和严格的要求。因此,体育教师必须要重新树立全新的教学理念,不断创新,实行全新的教学方式,以便更好地为学生体育学习服务。  相似文献   

在初中体育课程当中,实际运用的教学方法有很多种,因为多数学生对体育课程还是比较喜爱的,老师可以根据不同的教学内容以不同的教学形式、手段来为学生上课,这样有利于提升体育教学质量。教育新改革为普通教学课程带来了新课改,同样也为体育教学带来了新的契机。本文就新形势下的教育改革对中学体育中分组教学的推进展开研究,为初中体育教学方式改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

关于运动参与概念的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运动参与作为新一轮基础教育改革的体育学习领域,越来越受到广大体育工作者的重视,但原有运动参与概念只是对运动参与领域目标的总体描述,而不是其真正定义,不利于理解运动参与的内涵。通过查阅大量文献资料界定运动参与的概念、提出运动参与的特征,指出运动参与是指学生在体育课堂或课外体育活动中身体、心理等方面的投入。运动参与的特征为参加活动过程中身体和心理两部分的不同表现及其相互关系。  相似文献   

This study explored the footsteps of specialist physical education teachers in Singapore’s primary schools. In particular, this paper uncovered the physical education teacher training in Singapore during post-colonial days, ground situations leading to the rise of the specialist physical education teachers and government policies influencing the increase of them in primary schools. Document analysis was employed to trace the development of teachers teaching physical education in Singapore’s primary schools since the 1950s. The focus was on how this development influences the position of specialist physical education teachers in primary schools. The key role of the primary school physical education teacher has changed from a teacher whose focus was on physical fitness to a teacher who looks to develop pupils holistically through pupil-centric sports and outdoor activities. A generalist teacher that did not specialize in physical education is no longer suitable to teach physical education. Government policies and initiatives such as the robust recruitment of physical education teachers and the continuation of the Diploma in Physical Education programme have had a direct impact on the increasing number of primary school specialist physical education teachers. However, this increase is still insufficient. A concerted effort must be made by the school management to prioritize the quality of physical education lessons and sports programmes.  相似文献   

研究与新课程标准相适应的教学模式,教学手段和更新教学方法,做到学术性与师范性相结合,重视学生能力的培养,优化教学内容,优选教学组织形式,强调运动体验,体现运动技能的领域目标,让大部分学生掌握职业训练"双重目标"的各项技能动作,学会科学锻炼身体的方法,是本文的研究方向,并进行了一年的实验教学。  相似文献   

A growing anxiety around intergenerational touch in educational settings has both emerged and increased in recent years. Previous research reveals that Physical Education (PE) teachers have become more cautious in their approaches to students and they avoid physical contact or other behavior that could be regarded as suspicious [Fletcher, 2013. Touching practice and physical education: Deconstruction of a contemporary moral panic. Sport, Education and Society, 18(5), 694–709. doi:10.1080/13573322.2013.774272; Öhman, 2016. Losing touch—teachers’ self-regulation in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 1–14. doi:10.1177/1356336X15622159; Piper, Garratt, & Taylor, 2013. Child abuse, child protection and defensive ‘touch’ in PE teaching and sports coaching. Sport, Education and Society, 18(5), 583–598. doi:10.1080/13573322.2012.735653]. Some also feel anxious about how physical contact might be perceived by the students. The purpose of this article is to investigate physical contact between teachers and students in PE from a student perspective. This is understood through the didactic contract. For this purpose, focus group interviews using photo elicitation have been conducted with upper secondary school students in Sweden. One of the major findings is that intergenerational touch is purpose bound, that is, physical contact is considered relevant if the teacher has a good intention with using physical contact. The main agreements regarding physical contact as purpose bound are the practical learning and emotional aspects, such as learning new techniques, preventing injury, closeness and encouragement. The didactic contract is in these aspects stable and obvious. The main disagreements are when teachers interfere when the students want to feel capable or when teachers interfere when physical contact is not required in the activity. In these aspects the didactic contract is easily breached. It is also evident that personal preference has an impact on how physical contact is perceived. In conclusion, we can say that physical contact in PE is not a question of appropriate or inappropriate touch in general, but rather an agreement between the people involved about what is expected. Consequently, we should not ban intergenerational touch, but rather focus on teachers’ abilities to deal professionally with the didactic contract regarding physical contact.  相似文献   

王洋 《冰雪运动》2010,32(6):60-63
高校体育教育既是高校教育的重要内容,也是发展学生个性的重要手段。运用文献资料法从冰上课分层教学研究入手,阐述分层教学的内涵和实施分层教学的理论依据,指出实施冰上课分层教学具有利于因材施教,充分调动学生的学习积极性;满足不同层次学生的兴趣和个性发展;突破传统体育教学模式的束缚等意义。实施个性化教育的有效途径是学生分层、目标分层和教学分层,以及充分发挥学生的主体作用、搭建学生个性发展的平台、注重因材施教、建立科学的冰上课学习评价体系、要注重教师的个性影响、注意良好师生关系的培养、处理好全面性培养和个性全面发展的关系等冰上课分层教学对个性化教育的指导作用,为北方高校实现个性化教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

体育教师赋权增能是推进课程改革、促进体育教育教学质量提升的关键要素与有效策略。首先,从传统惯习与现代场域场景变化中体育教师身份认同、能力胜任、情感关注和文化积淀等方面的不适或冲突,窥探了课程改革语境下体育教师赋权增能行动困境的多重表现。然后,本着课程整体推进"赋权"行动路线与局部"增能"问题发现路线,从"超量"赋权、"错位"赋权、"表面"增能与"低效"增能等方面探讨了行动困境形成的原因。最后,坚持自上而下的课程改革本体调适与由下向上体育教师专业发展双向思路去寻求解决途径,提出从课程走向课堂—关注教学实践—教师专业学习共同体的递进式调适落实思路和优化措施方法,促进体育教师对课程改革的认同和实践,才能为有序推进课程改革提供实质性的帮助。  相似文献   

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