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看惯了NBA的朋友一定知道,尽管球员脚下球鞋的品牌有大有小,但即使你只是个龙套球员,脚下的鞋子一定都有自己的特征,简单的是绣个号码、弄个队标什么的,复杂的可能还有球员标志性动作剪影或者球员的座右铭之类。现在,在CBA赛场上,也将有越来越多的中国球员有自己的签名战靴了。相信斯科拉和弗朗西斯的安踏战靴大家都已经很熟悉了,阿根廷人的狂放和老大的街头也使很多人喜欢,以他们的经典战靴为原型,安踏为旗下球员唐正东、孟达、李晓旭、龚松林和王中光设计了本赛季他们征战CBA将穿着的PE版战靴,再加上为深受大家欢迎的吕晓明推出的特别版战靴。今年的CBA战场上,队员们的脚下将个性十足。个人特点与球队特点的完美结合铸就了每一双球鞋,比如王中光脚下大红的战靴上鲜艳的"中光"二字,比如吕晓明战靴标志的一黄一蓝配色,比如龚松林左1右3组合而成的号码……下面,我们就一起来看鞋识人。  相似文献   

Individuals experiencing a highly caring, task-involving, and low ego-involving exercise climate have reported greater ownership in exercise class and empowerment to exercise in general. Purpose: This study examined the relationship between ownership and empowerment in exercise, with 2 context-specific outcomes, satisfaction with physical education (PE) and physical activity, respectively. Given the mission of PE to foster individuals’ lifelong physical activity habit, the perceptions of high school students were collected for this study. Ownership in exercise was hypothesized to be significantly, positively correlated with students reporting satisfaction in PE more than their satisfaction in physical activity, whereas empowerment in exercise was hypothesized to be more strongly, positively correlated with students’ physical activity satisfaction. A second purpose of this study was to test the measurement quality of the updated Empowerment in Exercise Scale (EES; now 13 items). Method: High school students (N = 502, 43% female) in a Midwestern U.S. school district completed a survey. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis supported the internal measurement structure of the EES (λ = .62–.91; McDonald’s omega = .89) across student gender (strong invariance). Additionally, the structural equation modeling analysis revealed only 1 parameter moderated by the students’ gender (latent mean of ownership). The hypotheses were supported, such that ownership in exercise was more strongly correlated with PE satisfaction (r = .87) and empowerment in exercise had a stronger correlation with physical activity satisfaction (r = .92). Conclusion: These results support the beneficial effect a satisfying experience in PE can have on students’ satisfaction with physical activity outside of school.  相似文献   

What is PE?     
Physical education is a socially constructed activity that forms one component of a wider physical culture that includes sport and health/physical activity . The terms sport and physical education are often used interchangeably in school contexts, where sport and health continue to shape what is understood by the term physical education. This study explores discourses shaping pre-service primary teachers' understandings of the nature and purposes of physical education within an Irish context and the relationship between these understandings. A 10-minute writing task prompted by the question ‘what is physical education?’ was completed by a sample of pre-service teachers (n=544, age range 18–46, 8.8% male) from two colleges of education, prior to the physical education component of their teacher education programme. Content analysis involved an initial text frequency search to create categories which were collapsed into three broad areas of students' understandings of physical education—sport, health and physical education. The research design allowed access to pre-service teachers' understandings of physical education. Participants' understandings reflected their own school experiences and were framed within health and sport ideologies of physical education. Although acknowledged as an important part of school life physical education was perceived as a break from academic subjects where the purpose of learning was to learn sports and activities to stay fit and healthy. While the overwhelmingly positive nature of participants' experiences and the changing discourses around competition and team games are encouraging the dominant discourses of physical education continue to reflect the dominant aspects of wider physical culture in Ireland. The capacity of physical education to move beyond reproducing dominant sport and health ideologies provides a significant challenge to teacher education contexts, to challenge dominant discourses and recreate understandings of physical education for future action.  相似文献   

This text introduces recently completed research on ‘no touch’ sports coaching, by placing it in a broader social context which problematises the way child abuse and child protection (or safeguarding) are conceived and discussed in terms of policy and practice. It also provides a brief indicative summary of the research findings and offers a discussion of moral panic, risk society and worst case thinking, before drawing on Foucault's work on governmentality to offer an explanation of how the current situation arose. The authors suggest that the approach to discussing child abuse, and the guidelines and training stemming from the dominant discourse, for the most part initiated by the NSPCC's Child Protection in Sport Unit, together create an environment in which many coaches and PE teachers are confused and fearful, and consequently unsure of how to be around the children and young people they teach and coach.  相似文献   

邵进成 《垂钓》2009,(2):72-72
你在抛投拟饵时是否有过PE线打结的情况?出现这种情况后是不是很头疼?来,且让我告诉你几个解决麻烦的小窍门。  相似文献   

Our knowledge of sports-related injuries in para-sport is limited and there are no data on how Paralympic athletes themselves perceive an injury. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore Paralympic athletes’ perceptions of their experiences of sports-related injuries, risk factors and preventive possibilities. Eighteen Swedish Paralympic athletes with vision impairment, intellectual impairment, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, myelomeningocele, dysplasia and neuromuscular disorder, representing 10 different para-sports, were interviewed. The qualitative phenomenographic method was used to interpret the data. The analysis revealed nine categories of perceptions of experiences. The athletes perceived that their impairments were involved in the cause and consequential chains associated with a sports-related injury. Other categories that denoted and described these injuries were: sport overuse, risk behaviour, functional limitations, psychological stressors, the normalised pain, health hazards, individual possibilities to prevent sports-related injuries and unequal prerequisites. This qualitative study revealed that Paralympic athletes’ perceptions of their experiences of sports-related injuries are complex and multifactorial, and in several ways differ from able-bodied athletes. This needs to be considered in the sports health and safety work within the Paralympic Movement as well as in the design of future injury surveillance systems and preventive programmes.  相似文献   

This study explores the complex of attendees’ experiences in the context of homecoming events that overlap sport activities, event, and tourism elements during a weekend. Focusing on alumni attendees who travel to the college town for the event, the present research argues that these attendees have multiple identities such as event attendees, university alumni, and destination tourists. Derived from this notion, this study proposes and examines two dimensions of attendees’ whole event experiences: event program-related experiences and destination tourism experiences. In addition, relationships between the whole event experiences, place attachment, and satisfaction are empirically tested. The results indicate that place attachment and satisfaction are significantly enhanced by attendees’ experiences of Event Programs & Information, Destination Products, and Natural Environment. Alumni attendees tend to evaluate their experiences more positively when they have a unique perception of the college town and a strong emotional bonding with their Alma Mater. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

The analysis of sport performance in competitive contexts has become synonymous with the use of a range of software applications and hardware e.g. heart rate monitors and gps systems. With the prevalence of technology in mind, a small but growing corpus of literature has begun to consider this phenomenon and its influence upon the coaching process. This study adds to this literature by detailing the autoethnographic experiences of a case study coach; Derek. A contextualised and richly described narrative account of Derek’s experience of using coaching applications is provided. Analysis of Derek’s narrative suggests that technology can be a useful means by which individuals make sense of their experience. Specifically, (1) technology can be a ‘ready-to-hand’ instrument that enhances the coaching process. Unfortunately, (2) technology may become the only and ‘calculative’ means by which individuals come to understand their performance. In such instances, it is important to note that (3) the videos we use to understand our performance are transformed and incomplete representations of lived athletic experiences. Thus, Derek’s story illustrates how technology can be both an enabler and barrier to athletes who wish to holistically understand their own lived experiences and engage in coach-athlete relationships. The accompanying analysis draws upon concepts from Heideggerian philosophy to add insight into the use of technology within the coaching process. In so doing, the study prompts coaches to critically view their coach-athlete relationships as situated in a wider world which contains, and can be mediated by, technology. In addition, Derek’s story (re)directs researchers and coaching practitioners interested in technology to a useful literature (philosophy of technology) which may further inform their understanding of coach-athlete relationships.  相似文献   

This interpretive study sought to critically examine lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) parents’ experiences of community organized youth sport. Using a constant comparative method of data analysis, the authors examined perspectives of participants from Australia, Canada, and the United States. Three emergent themes best reflected the parents’ experiences: (a) anticipating sexual stigma and finding accepting communities; (b) confronting assumptions of heterosexuality; and (c) educating but not flag waving. Emphasis is placed on the parents intersecting social identities and notions of privilege (e.g., socio-economic resources and the ability to live in socially progressive areas), and how it altered their experiences within the community youth sport context. The findings call attention to the responsibility of youth sport organisations to create a climate of social change through inclusive language, behaviours, and program design.  相似文献   

2012年是WE.LOL战队的收获年,各大赛事收获26个冠军的他们无疑是国内的LOL第一战队,在IPL5夺冠后,他们甚至在一段时间内获得了世界最佳战队的称号。然而,在WE的光芒之下,另一支战队——WE.I-ROCKS(WE二队)也在不断成长,并且在2013年初与母队WE分离,更名为PE战队。PE,意为Positive Energy:正能量。2013年,这支充满正能量的战队也已经蓄势待发,为梦想而奋斗。2012年的WEM杭州决赛中,我们第一次看到了WE.I-ROCKS.LOL战队的身影。作为"WE二队"出现在比赛中的他们显然非常紧张,不但比赛中接连出现失误,第一场比赛就负于了LGD跌入败者组。不过在败者组中我们也  相似文献   

PE (Portable Executable)文件是Windows操作系统的可执行文件标准,格式比较复杂,特别是一些重要的数据结构难以理解,通过Winhex读取PE文件的原始数据流,根据相关偏移量值分析输入表、输入地址表等,可以形象地展示出PE文件的运行机制,能激发学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

Recently parental involvement in youth sport has intensified, challenging the understanding of youth sports as an arena where adolescents can develop their identity and autonomy. On this background, our study explores how adolescents understand and negotiate their parents’ involvement in sport and how they define ideal and undesirable forms of parental involvement. Our empirical setting is Norway, and we draw on data from 16 focus group interviews among 13–14-year-olds (n?=?92) recruited from two lower secondary schools. The analysis shows that young people distinguish between different aspects of the sport activity when defining ideal and undesirable forms of parental involvement. When discussing sport as a healthy activity necessary for physical and social development, the young people interviewed approve of parents’ role in regulating and encouraging participation. When considering the athletic aspects and peer sociability, however, they see parental involvement as mostly undesirable. The analysis also shows that the adolescents generally describe their parents as attentive to the boundaries their children draw for them about levels and types of involvement. Therefore, young people should be seen not only as subjected to parental involvement but also as active co-constructors of valid parental roles in and beyond the sporting arena.  相似文献   

PE电子竞技俱乐部前身为WE.i-Rocks.LOL,i-Rocks为战队冠名赞助商。于2012年12月22日正式脱离WE电子竞技俱乐部,更名为PE电子竞技俱乐部,目前仅有英雄联盟一支分队。PE为Positive Energy的缩写,希望在电子竞技圈有更多的正能量!PE在2013年LPL春季赛取得亚军后,被CHINA网游公会收购,更名为ChinaPE,在职业联赛2013夏季赛中WE、IG、OMG、战队不分伯仲,积分一直位居前四。并在最后的决赛中战胜OMG战队获得职业联赛2013夏季赛冠军。  相似文献   

As an attempt to reach physically inactive young people, especially girls, organized spontaneous sport (OSP) was implemented as a part of the state programme ‘The Sports Lift’ (2010). Projects, however, tended to primarily attract physically active boys rather than the actual target group. This problem calls for a qualitative approach to gain further knowledge about the interplay within the activities. Accordingly, this study aims to examine young people’s experiences of OSP activities with focus on participation, leadership and determining processes. To fulfil this purpose, a case study design was implemented. Data were collected through observations (pilot study) and semi-structured interviews with participants. The theoretical point of departure is developmental ecology, emphasizing the individual’s interaction with the multilevel environment. Results show that OSP is experienced as different from conventional organized sport. Further, the domination of boys is made possible through upholding the masculine sports norm, which is actualized within determining processes.  相似文献   

Purpose: Even though physical education (PE) is an evidence-based strategy for providing and promoting physical activity, alternative programs such as the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) are commonly substituted for PE in many states. The purpose of this study was to compare student physical activity and lesson contexts during high school PE and JROTC sessions. Method: The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time was used to assess PE and JROTC sessions (N = 38 each) in 4 high schools that provided both programs. Data were analyzed using t tests, negative binomial regression, and logistic regression. Results: Students engaged in significantly more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during PE than during JROTC sessions and they were significantly less sedentary. Significant differences between the 2 program types were also found among lesson contexts. Conclusions: PE and JROTC provide substantially different content and contexts, and students in these programs engage in substantially different amounts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Students in JROTC, and perhaps other alternative programs, are less likely to accrue health-supporting physical activity and engage in fewer opportunities to be physically fit and motorically skilled. Policies and practices for providing substitutions for PE should be carefully examined.  相似文献   

Little is known about beginning teachers’ political positioning experiences of the staffroom. This paper employs Bourdieu's conceptual tools of field, habitus and capital to explore beginning health and physical education teachers’ positioning experiences and learning in staffrooms, the place in which teachers spend the majority of their non-teaching school time. From an Australian context, we present beginning (or emerging) teachers’ stories from one rural general staffroom and one urban departmental staffroom. Using the narratives we reflect upon how their positioning in the politics of the staffroom as beginning teachers presented significant challenges including negotiating the professional micropolitics, negotiating capital and negotiating opportunities and risks for reflection and change in contrasting social spaces.  相似文献   

Through an examination of the experiences of young people in one disadvantaged area, this paper adds to an emerging body of knowledge focused on what place physical activity occupies in the lives of young people in areas of disadvantage. A total of 40 young people (21 males, 19 females) participated in focus group interviews. The research question explored the forces which enable and constrain the participation of youths in physical activity and the interplay between such forces and how they experience and exercise agency. All focus group interviews were transcribed, coded and thematically analysed. The findings remind us that young people can be seen as positioned within multiple social relations conferred by specific social identities (such as child, friend, brother or sister) and each of these identities influences the ability of youth to exercise agency in choosing whether, where and when to participate in physical activity. Institutional structures also influenced the physical activity habits of young people in this study. It was interesting to note that staying out of trouble was one of the most discussed benefits of physical activity. Young people also recorded feelings of disempowerment through the belief that no significance was attributed to their words and shared thoughts. This sense of constrained agency presents a particular difficulty when we consider that it is only through accessing the voices of young people that those attempting to promote physical activity can ensure that the range of opportunities being created are matched to the preferences of youth.  相似文献   

Background: School is one of the primary settings where non-gender conformer children and adolescents emerge as vulnerable groups at high risk of suffering violence and harassment. Within schooling contexts, embodied experiences in physical education (PE) may become particularly problematic for trans students. However, there is little research focusing on trans persons’s experiences in PE. The purpose of this paper is to gather memories and impressions of a group of adult trans persons on their experiences in secondary PE.

Theoretical framework: The concept of heteronormativity is used as a theoretical framework to provide insights and understanding to trans persons’s experiences in PE. It is used to characterize inequalities and hierarchies derived from the intersection of the dualistic logic of gender binarism with other social categories and ideologies. Heteronormative discourses also act regulating the way of looking at and over trans persons’ bodies, categorizing some of them as queer or abject.

Participants and methodology: Study is based on semi-structured interviews to nine participants (five trans women and four trans men) from 23 to 62 years of age. A thematic analysis was carried out in order to flexibly and directly identify interpretative patterns of meaning within data, as well as to open them to interpretative frameworks. The categories were grouped into four themes best gathering the experiences of participants in PE.

Results and discussion: (1) Hindering desired gender: In daily practices, participants felt in ‘the middle’ of activities, spaces and gender groups, experiencing aloofness, isolation and loneliness. Participants complained about the fact that they could not perform gender segregated activities with their desired gender group. PE teachers played an important role in supporting heteronormative system. (2) Preferences, aversions and opportunities: All participants experienced hegemonic forms of gender and sexuality linked to PE programme activities in different ways. For most trans boys, sport-based PE was their favourite subject, while trans girls found it particularly negative and demotivating. Exceptionally, some aesthetic and dance activities were recalled as nearly non-heterosexual practices. (3) Confronting transgression. Situations of stigmatization and bullying in PE were frequent as a result from situations in which gender norms were eventually transgressed. Teachers impeded any attempt of trans persons to overcome heteronormativity in PE lessons. (4) Intimacy struggles: Body intimacy was crucial for participants. Different strategies were used for the search of intimacy. Changing rooms were the most problematic spaces for trans students in educative contexts. The worse trans participants felt about their bodies, the more uneasy they felt in these facilities.

Conclusions and final comments: Heteronormative contexts strongly determined trans persons’ experiences in PE. Trans participants, especially those not performing gender conforming practices, were abjectified in PE lessons. This situation generated multiple forms of exclusion and rejection, as well as episodes of harassment. However, some practices counteracted the dominance of the heteronormative system, showing their potential to destabilize this ideology in PE.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes Māori Feminism from an Indigenous, intersectionality perspective in order to give four Māori women sport leaders an opportunity to voice their experiences, especially with regards to ethnocultural and gendered identities. In particular, this paper explores pathways for these Māori women into and within sport leadership. It identifies barriers they experienced and strategies used to negotiate them; it analyses the affect of various identities during their experiences of sport leadership; and it critically analyses the impact that socio-cultural and structural factors have had on the well-being of these Māori women, and their effectiveness within the sport organizations they worked. The findings suggest the participants had a strong passion for sport, experienced mana (status and prestige) due to their sporting experiences and were motivated to take on leadership roles in order to give back (mahi aroha) to sport and/or their Māori communities. Barriers they faced included being whakaiti (modest and humble) in a male-dominated, highly competitive setting, institutional racism, sexism, marginalization due to their ethnocultural and gendered identities, as well as limited resources and lack of support from governing bodies. These barriers were negotiated by having suitable mentors, utilising their sporting and community networks, by brokering relationships with members of the governing body, adopting a partnership approach, and challenging ethnocultural and gendered expectations. All of the participants incorporated aspects of Māori culture and values such as whanaungatanga (kinship), manaakitanga (support) and aroha (compassion) into their leadership style and organizational culture with mainly positive outcomes. Catering to the quadruple bottom line (economic, environmental, social and cultural measures of business success) and adhering to culturally preferred ways of communicating and consulting did, however, place additional strain on these women. The participants reflected a hybrid style of leadership that integrated values and behaviours associated with their sporting, gendered and ethnocultural identities. Further studies on indigenous women in sport leadership need to take place in order to bring to the fore socio-cultural and structural issues that arise due to the intersecting of Indigeneity and gender. In addition, the combined impact that diversity management and gender equity policies have on Indigenous women needs investigating in order to progress the ‘managing diversity’ discussion in sport.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that understanding pupils’ emotional affiliations with content in physical education (PE) is important. Findings point out the importance of the teacher signaling that the pupil is seen beyond the skill and knowledge aspects in class. However, the research literature does not offer very many detailed elaborations on the pupil’s own experiences of being seen. Contrasting interview data material from 26 pupils (age 17–18) in upper secondary school has been analysed to categorize the concept of ‘being seen’ by the PE teacher in class. In the analysis we found two main themes from the interviews that highlight a wide range of emotions the pupils might have. The first theme illuminates the positive experience of being seen, and such related aspects as learning-promoting feedback, respect and trust. The second theme demonstrates extremes when it comes to being seen: Not being seen at all or seen too much. Either way, PE classes will be experienced as demanding and in part difficult, albeit in different ways. We found that the feeling of being seen—or, for some pupils, ignored—appears to be a relatively stable feeling once it has taken root, eventually becoming an understanding. Moreover, being ignored means there will be low expectations of being seen in the future, unless the teaching practice is changed, and this emotion gives a poor foundation for well-being and learning. The analysis also shows that even if the sense of being seen is the pupil’s property and indisputable, teachers (and researchers) must have a critical attitude to the pupils’ narratives of being seen, as this feeling may be based on a skewed pre-understanding of the teacher.  相似文献   

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